Regulation 5905 - Special Rules

Subsection 5905(1)


Penny Woolford, Francis Favre, "The Latest Foreign Affiliate Proposals: Selected Aspects", 2010 Canadian Tax Journal, No. 4, at f.n. 84:

Proposed regulation 5905(1) applies any time there is an acquisition or a disposition of shares of a foreign affiliate and a change in the...

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Subsection 5905(5.2)


Kevin Yip, "Recent Legislation Affecting Partnerships and Foreign Affiliates – Subsection 88(1) and Section 100", Canadian Tax Journal, (2013) 61:1, 229-256, at 237

Proposed regulation 5905(5.2) is conceptually similar to paragraph 111(4)(c), which reduces the ACB of certain capital property of a Canadian...

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Geoffrey Turner, "The Acquisition of Control Surplus/ACB Trade-Off in the August 27, 2010 Foreign Affiliate Proposals", CCH International Tax, Nos. 54-55, December, 2010, p. 1.

Subsection 5905(5.4)

Administrative Policy

17 May 2023 IFA Roundtable Q. 8, 2023-0964561C6 - Tax-free Surplus Balance and Paragraph 88(1)(d)

CRA described 2011-0404521C6 in the following terms:

A foreign corporation (Forco) incorporated a Canadian corporation (Holdco) to acquire the...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 88 - Subsection 88(1) - Paragraph 88(1)(d) - Subparagraph 88(1)(d)(ii) - Variable C surplus computation not required in typical bump and run transaction 175

2017 Ruling 2016-0643931R3 - PUC reinstatement on emigration

Initial Target structure

Target, a public corporation incorporated under a Business Corporations Act (the “BCA”), did not carry on business...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 219.1 - Subsection 219.1(4) post-acquisition sandwich structure exited through using the s. 88(1)(d) bump in combination with a continuance outside Canada 372
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 87 - Subsection 87(1) bottom corporation in a vertical amalgamation was specified to be the survivor in order to avoid a disposition under the local tax laws re its subsidiary 126


Subsection 5905(7)


Kevin Yip, "Recent Legislation Affecting Partnerships and Foreign Affiliates – Subsection 88(1) and Section 100", Canadian Tax Journal, (2013) 61:1, 229-256, at 241-242

After noting that where property being bumped is an interest in a partnership holding foreign affiliate shares, proposed Reg. 5908(7) applies...

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Subsection 5905(7.1)


Penny Woolford, Francis Favre, "The Latest Foreign Affiliate Proposals: Selected Aspects", 2010 Canadian Tax Journal, No. 4, at f.n. 32:

Important points to note regarding this application rule are as follows:

  • The provision applies only to exempt deficits. Thus, transactions that...

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Subsection 5905(7.2)

Administrative Policy

28 May 2015 IFA Roundtable Q. 7, 2015-0581611C6 - IFA 2015 Q7: Foreign affiliates-surplus adjustments

Canco owns 100% of the shares of a foreign affiliate (FA1"), FA1 owns 100% of the shares of a second foreign affiliate ("FA2"), and FA2 owns 100%...

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Eric Lockwood, Maria Lopes, "Subsection 88(3): Deferring Gains on Liquidation and Dissolution", Canadian Tax Journal (2013) 61:1, 209-28, p. 209

They use the facts in various scenarios to illustrate that a taxpayer (Canco) will realize a capital gain on the disposition of its shares of the...

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Subsection 5905(7.6)


Geoffrey S. Turner, "New Foreign Affiliate Capital Distribution Elections: QROCs and Reg. 5901(2)(b) Dividends", CCH International Tax, No. 67, 2012, p. 1, at p. 4

Taxpayers may also consider the surplus and basis adjustments under the proposed "fill-the-hole" rules in Regulations 5905(7.1) to (7.7)...

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