Locality code statistics 2011 (2009 tax year)
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Locality code statistics tables 2011 Edition (2009 tax year)
Download "by province or territory" tables
The locality code statistics tables are available by province or territory (see below) and also for all of Canada. These tables are available in three formats: PDF, HTML and Comma Separated Values (CSV)
In order to identify the city names that correspond to all valid 2009 locality codes, the Locality Code Directory can be used. The Locality Code Directory is provided in two formats: plain text and HTML.
Plain text format
HTML format
Note: For both plain text and HTML formats, when a city name is longer than 30 characters, the Locality Code Directory shows only the first 30 characters of the city name, coinciding with Canada Post guidelines, as well as a truncated 28 character city name that is used on Agency envelope address labels which can only have 28 characters. For example, the 32 character city names, ST-FRANCOIS-DE-LA-RIVIERE-DU-SUD in English and ST-FRANÇOIS-DE-LA-RIVIÈRE-DU-SUD in French, are shown in the Locality Code Directory as ST-FRANCOIS-DE-LA-RIVIERE-DU-S and ST-FRANCOIS-DE-LA-RIVIERE-DU in English and ST-FRANÇOIS-DE-LA-RIVIÈRE-DU-S and ST-FRANÇOIS-DE-LA-RIVIÈRE-DU in French.
Tax Services Office Codes (plain text or html format) and Province Codes (plain text or html format) can also be useful.
Download tables by province or territory
- Table 1 – Locality code statistics, all returns filed
- Table 2 – Locality code statistics, males, by income range
- Table 3 – Locality code statistics, females, by income range
- Table 4 – Locality code statistics, total, by income range
- Table 5 – Locality code statistics, by source of income, all returns
- Table 6 – Locality code statistics, by source of income, taxable returns
- Table 8 – Locality code statistics, by taxes paid
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
Note: For HTML (with headings), the first column contains the record type where
1 - Locality Code total
2 - Census Division total
3 - Provincial total
4 - Canada total
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
For HTML (with headings), the first column is the sex code where
1 - Male
For HTML (with headings), the second column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
For HTML (with headings), the first column is the sex code where
0 - Female
For HTML (with headings), the second column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
Note: For HTML (with headings), the first column is the sex code where
2 - Total (males and females)
For HTML (with headings), the second column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
For HTML (with headings), the first column contains the income code where
1 - All returns
For HTML (with headings), the second column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
For HTML (with headings), the first column contains the income code where
0 - Taxable returns
For HTML (with headings), the second column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
PDF (with headings) |
CSV (without headings) |
HTML (with headings) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Quebec | Quebec | Quebec |
Ontario | Ontario | Ontario |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Alberta | Alberta | Alberta |
British Columbia | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Yukon | Yukon | Yukon |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut |
For HTML (with headings), the first column contains the record type (same as Table 1).
- Date modified:
- 2012-01-31