Locality code statistics all returns filed 2009 tax year Northwest Territories


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Locality code statistics all returns filed - 2009 tax year - Northwest Territories

Locality code statistics all returns filed
Record type Locality code Taxable returns Total income for taxable returns Average income for taxable returns Total tax Total number of returns Total income for all returns Income under 1000 Income 1000-4999 Income 5000-9999 Income 10000-14999 Income 15000-19999 Income 20000-24999 Income 25000-29999 Income 30000-39999 Income 40000-49999 Income over 50000 Average income for all returns filed
1 6106001000 1210 79509 12368 1820 85359 90 150 120 140 120 100 60 160 140 740
1 6106003000 40 2191 327 70 2483 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 20 0 20
1 6106006000 30 1283 131 60 1603 0 0 10 0 20 0 20 0 0 10
1 6106009000 210 10401 1478 410 12374 30 50 30 50 50 40 20 30 30 80
1 6106014000 280 15582 2252 610 18762 40 80 70 70 70 40 20 50 40 120
1 6106016000 2040 152692 28146 3010 162288 170 210 190 200 210 150 150 240 210 1290
1 6106018000 160 9079 1376 350 10924 20 50 40 40 40 20 20 20 30 80
1 6106020000 90 4813 701 200 5897 0 20 20 20 30 20 10 10 10 30
1 6106023995 10810 831512 149167 14280 869509 430 780 780 730 800 700 520 1070 1070 7400
1 6106031000 600 37824 6078 1270 43241 100 210 130 120 100 60 50 90 60 350
1 6106034000 150 7925 1169 330 9662 10 50 50 40 30 20 20 30 20 60
1 6106038000 610 39718 6181 1010 43579 40 100 80 80 90 70 40 80 60 360
1 6106044000 40 1699 200 70 2092 0 20 0 10 20 0 0 10 0 20
1 6106049000 100 5121 763 180 6061 10 20 10 30 20 20 10 20 10 40
2 6106000000 16360 1199350 210339 23670 1273831 950 1750 1550 1550 1570 1270 930 1820 1700 10600
1 6107003000 190 9862 1459 370 11668 10 50 40 50 40 30 20 30 20 90
1 6107005000 140 8122 1269 310 9551 20 40 50 40 30 20 10 20 20 70
1 6107007000 370 34521 7679 450 35460 0 30 20 20 10 10 20 30 30 270
1 6107009000 180 9119 1304 370 10910 20 70 30 40 50 20 20 30 20 80
1 6107010000 40 1909 254 90 2519 0 10 10 20 20 0 10 0 0 20
1 6107012000 30 1692 272 70 2191 0 20 0 20 0 10 0 10 0 10
1 6107014000 70 3672 543 200 4577 20 40 20 20 20 20 0 20 0 30
1 6107015000 260 14444 2163 550 17570 30 60 60 60 70 50 30 40 40 120
1 6107017000 1640 116511 20158 2460 124079 130 180 190 180 170 120 110 210 150 1020
1 6107025000 170 9802 1408 440 12426 40 70 50 50 60 30 20 30 20 90
1 6107036000 250 14282 2255 570 17110 50 80 60 80 50 30 30 50 30 110
1 6107041000 40 2544 444 60 2739 0 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 20
1 6107095000 90 5145 831 250 6662 20 40 40 40 30 10 10 20 0 50
2 6107000000 3440 231625 40039 6180 257463 350 680 590 610 530 360 290 480 340 1960
3 6100000000 19800 1430975 72275 250377 29860 1531294 1300 2420 2140 2150 2100 1630 1220 2300 2030 12560 51289
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