Locality code statistics by taxes paid 2009 tax year Yukon


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Locality code statistics by taxes paid 2009 tax year Yukon

Locality code statistics by taxes paid
Record type Locality code Total number of returns - taxable returns Total income - taxable returns federal tax paid - taxable returns Provincial tax paid - taxable returns Total tax - taxable returns Total number of returns - all returns Total income - all returns Federal tax paid - all returns Provincial tax paid - all returns Total tax - all returns
1 6001003000 610 29459 2604 1212 3816 1010 34619 2604 1212 3816
1 6001004000 190 10071 984 459 1443 290 11353 984 459 1443
1 6001006000 220 11404 994 465 1459 360 13092 994 465 1459
1 6001009990 14060 872173 90270 42150 132421 19310 939871 90270 42150 132421
1 6001012000 220 10355 908 416 1325 350 11713 908 416 1325
1 6001018000 440 24028 2126 988 3114 660 26740 2126 988 3114
1 6001022000 260 13524 1305 605 1909 380 15042 1305 605 1909
1 6001029000 960 48052 4222 1975 6197 1370 53118 4222 1975 6197
1 6001036000 120 5535 421 198 619 190 6472 421 198 619
1 6001037000 130 6082 522 240 762 250 7674 522 240 762
1 6001039000 40 1677 136 63 199 70 1993 136 63 199
1 6001041000 140 6352 548 248 796 250 7891 548 248 796
1 6001042000 50 2835 295 136 431 60 2873 295 136 431
1 6001043000 110 5692 547 248 795 180 6390 547 248 795
1 6001045000 220 12714 1167 534 1702 300 13655 1167 534 1702
1 6001048000 180 7888 642 301 944 290 9382 642 301 944
1 6001049000 30 1290 116 55 171 40 1482 116 55 171
2 6001000000 17960 1069129 107808 50293 158102 25360 1163357 107808 50293 158102
3 6000000000 17960 1069129 107808 50293 158102 25360 1163357 107808 50293 158102
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