Locality code statistics by source of income all returns 2009 tax year Yukon


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Locality code statistics by source of income all returns - 2009 tax year Yukon

Locality code statistics by source of income all returns
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Employment income # Employment income $ Pension income # Pension income $ Investment income # Investment income $ Self employ. income # Self employ. income $ Other income # Other income $ Tax-exempt income # Tax-exempt income $ Total income $
1 1 6001003000 1010 740 24847 230 3202 200 963 130 1002 380 2331 220 2275 34619
1 1 6001004000 290 220 8736 80 1262 70 176 40 87 130 795 40 297 11353
1 1 6001006000 360 320 9891 80 1057 70 237 50 262 150 1117 80 528 13092
1 1 6001009990 19310 15800 713426 3450 68912 5810 51576 3430 43747 7330 44248 2200 17932 939871
1 1 6001012000 350 310 9356 60 592 30 110 30 316 140 835 70 495 11713
1 1 6001018000 660 530 19547 170 2904 190 701 120 731 330 2207 120 650 26740
1 1 6001022000 380 310 10958 80 1303 80 301 60 781 190 1320 80 380 15042
1 1 6001029000 1370 1130 38619 220 3421 350 1917 300 3644 670 4477 160 1039 53118
1 1 6001036000 190 110 2898 90 1780 80 525 50 477 70 606 20 186 6472
1 1 6001037000 250 210 5813 30 360 20 19 10 180 80 528 100 774 7674
1 1 6001039000 70 60 1498 20 228 0 0 0 0 20 150 10 61 1993
1 1 6001041000 250 250 6333 40 457 10 77 10 186 100 456 90 382 7891
1 1 6001042000 60 60 2527 10 184 10 5 0 0 30 148 0 0 2873
1 1 6001043000 180 170 5333 30 313 20 21 10 96 80 422 40 206 6390
1 1 6001045000 300 210 9003 70 1551 110 1227 70 929 120 726 30 215 13655
1 1 6001048000 290 220 6536 70 819 60 305 40 279 140 913 70 531 9382
1 1 6001049000 40 30 1106 10 257 10 3 0 0 20 88 0 0 1482
1 2 6001000000 25360 20670 876426 4760 88601 7100 58165 4370 52745 9970 61369 3360 26010 1163357
1 3 6000000000 25360 20670 876426 4760 88601 7100 58165 4370 52745 9970 61369 3360 26010 1163357
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