New CRA Website (
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- CRA Website (new)
- general
- 2017 Report on Public Service Renewal Results
- 2018 Report on Public Service Renewal Results
- Aboriginal peoples
- About the Canada Revenue Agency
- Access online services safely
- Accessibility consultation report
- Advanced Search
- Are you meeting your non-resident tax obligations?
- Are you self-employed? Here’s what the Canada Pension Plan enhancement will mean for you
- Back on Track with Trust Accounts Examination
- Benefits and credits for newcomers to Canada
- Benefits being reviewed? Here’s what you need to know.
- Beware of tax schemes that promise to reduce your taxes
- Canada Revenue Agency's 2018 Serving You Better consultations with small and medium businesses
- Canada Revenue Agency’s Accessibility Plan 2023-2025
- Carbon pollution pricing – what you need to know
- Careers at the CRA
- Changes to taxes and benefits: CRA and COVID-19
- Consulting with Canadians on the Voluntary Disclosures Program
- Contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- COVID-19 benefits from the CRA
- COVID-19 Ministerial Orders
- COVID-19: Information for Canada Revenue Agency employees
- COVID-19: Information for employees and suppliers
- CRA BizApp – Mobile web app for small business owners and sole proprietors
- CRA Multimedia library
- CRA Newsroom
- CRA Service Consultations 2024
- CRA workshop to review the experience of executors
- Digital services
- Electronic signatures – CRA and COVID-19
- EN
- Engaging in meaningful dialogue with the charitable sector
- Every dollar counts - Benefits, credits and programs
- File my Return automated phone service
- Filing an income tax and benefit return on paper
- For discussion purposes only - Draft GST/HST Memorandum 16.5 – Voluntary Disclosures Program
- Forms and publications - CRA
- Free tax clinics
- Free tax help for small business owners and self-employed individuals
- Get ready to do your taxes
- Have you claimed the climate action incentive payment yet?
- Having a child: benefits and credits
- Help for income tax service providers
- Help for the CRA website and electronic services
- Homeowner's toolkit
- IC00-1R6 - Voluntary Disclosures Program
- Improving your tax literacy
- Income tax review? You’ve got this!
- Is your charity’s T3010 filing deadline approaching? Don’t wait: File online! It’s fast, easy, and secure!
- It can pay to report international tax cheating
- Learn about gifting, receipting, and keeping records
- Mind your business by staying up to date with your taxes!
- My benefits and credits
- Need help finding your way?
- New services for charities on My Business Account
- Nurse practitioners can now certify the Disability Tax Credit Certificate
- Offering and expanding automatic tax filing services
- One-time GST payment to support Canadians
- Open call for membership applications! Apply now to become a member of the Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector
- Operating a cannabis business? Get to know the excise duty framework
- Organizations: Outreach activities just for you!
- Overview of child and family benefits
- Page not found / Page non trouvée
- Payment on Filing
- Payments - CRA
- Payments the CRA sends you
- Payments to the Canada Revenue Agency
- Payments to the CRA
- Payroll Deductions Online Calculator
- Privacy Statement
- Putting people first at the Canada Revenue Agency
- Questions for payroll webinar series
- Remittance vouchers
- Report on the Canada Revenue Agency's 2018 Serving You Better consultations with small and medium businesses
- Report on the Canada Revenue Agency's consultations with northern residents
- Report your real estate income
- Scams and fraud - CRA
- Scams and fraud - Government of Canada
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Search Canada Revenue Agency
- Security and privacy of your information with the CRA
- Security of Taxpayer Information
- Send feedback about CRA service
- Serving Canadians Better at the Canada Revenue Agency
- Share your thoughts on the Canada Revenue Agency’s progress in delivering upon its Accessibility Plan
- Share your thoughts: Accessibility and the Canada Revenue Agency
- SimpleFile by Phone automated phone service
- SimpleFile services
- Stay connected and stay informed
- Strategic Framework Summary for the Canada Revenue Agency’s Indigenous Portfolio
- Support for Members of Parliament and their constituency offices
- Support from the CRA during difficult situations
- Supporting Canadian journalism
- Supporting research and development in Canada
- T3010 extended filing deadline: Don’t wait! File online, file early
- Tax and benefit implications as normal postal operations resume
- Tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance know no borders
- Tax evasion. There are consequences.
- Tax information was removed
- Taxes and benefits for Indigenous peoples
- The Canada child benefit
- Track and report your tips and gratuities
- Uncashed cheques from the CRA - Payments the CRA sends you
- Update your information with the CRA
- Volunteer to do taxes for people in your community
- Wage and rent subsidies
- What's new
- Your CRA guide to taxes and housing benefits
- You’re moving? Tell the CRA