Have you claimed the climate action incentive payment yet?


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Have you claimed the climate action incentive payment yet?

Pollution has a cost – it impacts the air we breathe, our children's health and our economy. That's why the Government of Canada has put a price on carbon pollution.

The Government of Canada has introduced the new climate action incentive (CAI) payment. If you are a resident of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario or Alberta, you can claim it when you file your 2019 income tax and benefit return.

Claim the climate action incentive payment

How much you may receive depends on your province of residence and your personal situation.

For example for 2020, a family of four could receive $888 in Alberta, $809 in Saskatchewan, $486 in Manitoba, and $448 in Ontario.

Change your income tax and benefit return to claim the CAI payment even after you filed

If you are eligible for the climate action incentive payment and didn't claim it when you filed your income tax and benefit return, it's not too late! All you have to do is change your income tax and benefit return.

Get free help filing your income tax and benefit return

If you have a modest income and a simple tax situation, you may be eligible to get free help to file your income tax and benefit return.

File your income tax and benefit return

Find everything you need to file your income tax and benefit return: links to certified software (some of which are free) and other useful tools.

Putting a price on carbon pollution: how it will work

Find out how carbon pollution pricing will work in the province or territory where you live:

Related Information

  • Download the climate action incentive payment poster

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