Learn about gifting, receipting, and keeping records


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Learn about gifting, receipting, and keeping records

The Canada Revenue Agency’s Charities Directorate is offering in-person charities information sessions.

These sessions are free to all registered charities and other qualified donees across Canada. If you are a board member, a treasurer, a volunteer, or an employee of a charity, a session is a great way to learn about the legal obligations that come with registration.

Topics discussed will include:

  • Receiving gifts and issuing receipts
  • Gifting to qualified donees
  • Keeping books and records
  • New educational products and digital services

Attend a session

In-person sessions are being held in the spring (May and June) and the fall (September and October), while the videoconference sessions will start next year.

Register for a 3-hour session that includes a question and answer period.

Get answers to your questions

This question period gives you the chance to ask questions related to each topic. Also, if time permits, you are welcome to stay after the session to ask questions related to other topics.

Propose a venue

If your organization can provide a venue for us to hold our charities information sessions, let us know.

Other resources

In addition to these sessions, videoconferences will be offered starting next year. In the meantime, you can view our educational videos in the charities video gallery.

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