Need help finding your way?


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Need help finding your way?

Has it been awhile since you've done your taxes?
Are you behind by months or even years?
Have you never filed a return?

Don’t worry! No matter how far behind you are, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can help you get your taxes back on track.

The CRA offers:

  • convenient online filing
  • free help to complete and file your tax return
  • guidance on how to apply for benefits and credits
  • manageable payment arrangements
  • relief from penalties

For more information

File your tax return
Follow this simple step-by-step guide to do your taxes.

Get free tax help
You could get your taxes completed for free if you have modest income and a simple tax situation.

Get the Canada child benefit
Your family could receive up to $6,400 every year per child.

Get the GST/HST credit
You could receive up to $560 per year.

Pay your balance owed over time
You can request to make smaller payments over time to pay down your tax debt.

Get relief from penalties and avoid prosecution
Change a tax return you previously filed or file a return that you should have filed.

Report a problem or mistake on this page

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