Income Tax Severed Letters - 2008-11-28


2008 Ruling 2008-0272141R3 - Conversion of Delaware corporation into LLC

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conversion into Delaware LLC of U.S. corp. holding taxable Canadian property
disposition of tcp through U.S. holdco

Principal Issues: Whether there is a disposition of the assets of a Delaware corporation on its conversion into an LLC. Whether, after conversion, the LLC is considered the same entity as the corporation. Whether, after conversion, the LLC will be considered a corporation for purposes of the Act. Eligibility of particular transaction for Treaty exemption under Article XIII(4).

Position: No. Yes. Yes.

Reasons: The governing Delaware legislation provides for conversion and treats the LLC as a continuation of the converting corporation. CRA can apply the Delaware legislation for purposes of administering the Act. CRA's administrative position is that a Delaware LLC is a corporation for purposes of the Act. Transaction in question meets requirements for Article XIII(4) Treaty exemption.

XXXXXXXXXX 2008-027214

2008 Ruling 2007-0262881R3 - Flow through shares - farm-out agreement

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66.1(6) 66(12.71)

Principal Issues: Whether proposed Canadian exploration expenses to be incurred by a holding corporation carrying out business in Canada pursuant to a "farm-out agreement" can be renounced to flow-through shareholders.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The "farm-out agreement" satisfies the administrative position in Interpretation Bulletin IT-125R4. By virtue thereof, the holding corporation will carry out business XXXXXXXXXX . Therefore, subsection 66(12.71) will not preclude the holding corporation from renouncing such CEE to flow-through shareholders. In this situation, the Property is "Canadian resource property" and the flow-through shareholders will be residents of Canada. The flow-through shares will be listed on the XXXXXXXXXX .

2008 Ruling 2008-0279671R3 - Partnership Wind-up

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98(3) 20(24)
s. 20(24) payment-in-kind could be made as part of a s. 98(3) wind-up/immediate amalgamation of former partners

Principal Issues: To facilitate a subsection 98(3) wind-up, the partnership enters into a distribution agreement under which it will distribute to its partners an undivided interest in each of the assets previously held by the partnership. The agreement will also state that the partnership will transfer particular assets to the partners as consideration for their assumption of the partnership's "Deferred Revenue" liabilities. The fair market value of the particular assets will be equal in amount to the Deferred Revenue liabilities and they will elect under 20(24) in respect of this transfer.
Although paragraph 98(3)(f) will apply to deem the partnership to have disposed of the particular assets for proceeds equal to their cost amount to the partnership, can we rule that the amount of the fair market value of the particular assets that are transferred by the partnership, pursuant to the distribution agreement, can be used in determining the amount of the payment made by the partnership to the partners for the purposes of the application of paragraph 20(24)(a) of the Act?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Our reading of the legislation.

Technical Interpretation - External

25 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0297631E5 F - Déductibilité des intérêts dans une compagnie

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interest-free loan made by Opco to fund acquisition of its shares did not satisfy any indirect use test

Principales Questions: Est-ce que l'intérêt payé sur un emprunt effectué par une société opérante est déductible dans des circonstances où l'emprunt a servi à faire un prêt sans intérêt à une autre société pour que cette dernière acquière les actions de la société opérante ?

Position Adoptée: Non

Raisons: Selon les faits soumis, l'argent emprunté n'est pas utilisé directement ou indirectement pour gagner un revenu.

24 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0284171E5 - Charitable Donation Receipts - Split-receipting

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248(30) 248(31) 248(32)

Principal Issues: Guidance requested with respect to the issuance of charitable donation receipts in a situation where a member donor is entitled to pay less for a cemetery plot than a non-member.

Position: The eligible amount of the gift will be reduced by the value of the advantage provided to the donor members which would include the right to purchase a cemetery plot at a discount.

XXXXXXXXXX 2008-028417
Sylvie Danis
Attention: (613) 957-3496

November 24, 2008

21 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0284881E5 - Over-the-counter drugs

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118.2(2)(n); 118.2(2)(k)

Principal Issues: Whether non-prescription drugs qualify for the medical expense tax credit.

Position: Insulin, oxygen, and liver extract injectible or vitamin B12 for pernicious anaemia qualify under paragraph 118.2(2)(k), notwithstanding that they can lawfully be acquired without a prescription. Pursuant to 118.2(2)(n) and proposed section 5701 of the Income Tax Regulations, a drug that may only be acquired through the intervention of a medical practitioner (a pharmacist, for example) may qualify for the METC even though it does not lawfully require a prescription to be acquired. Otherwise, drugs obtainable without a prescription do not generally qualify for the METC.

Reasons: Only those medical expenses described by paragraph 118.2(2)(a) of the Act are eligible for the METC.

21 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0279231E5 F - Revenu de commission

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CRA exempting of non-substantial commissions received by brokers for sales to themselves of life insurance or critical illness policies does not extend to other financial products

Principales Questions: (1) Quel est le traitement fiscal d'une commission qui sera reçue par un travailleur autonome, qui est un conseiller en sécurité financière, suite à la vente de divers produits financiers?
(2) Si la commission est non imposable, quels sont les délais pour modifier une déclaration d'impôt?

Position Adoptée: (1) Question de fait mais généralement, une commission reçue pour la vente d'une assurance-vie ou une assurance maladie grave n'est pas imposable. Par contre, les commissions reçues sur la vente des autres produits financiers sont imposables.
(2) Le ministre peut accorder un allègement pour toute année d'imposition qui se termine 10 ans avant l'année civile au cours de laquelle la déclaration de revenus du contribuable est produite.

Raisons: La position générale est conforme à la position administrative de l'ARC dans des dossiers précédents.

21 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0289311E5 - Special Work Site

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Principal Issues: An employee contributes to expenses of his parents' principal residence. Can this be regarded as meeting the requirement in subparagraph 6(6)(a)(i) that the employee maintained a self-contained domestic establishment at another location.

Position: No.

Reasons: For the purposes of subsection 6(6) the employee does not have any legal obligation to maintain his/her parent's home during the particular work period. Moreover, the employee does not appear to have any right or entitlement to occupy the particular property throughout the particular work period.

21 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0280251E5 - Deductible Business Expenses

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18(1)(h) 18(12)

Principal Issues: Whether the cost of an apartment would be deductible in computing the taxpayer's income from a business.

Position: Question of fact but in this case no.

Reasons: The law.

17 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0295321E5 - Employee Professional Development

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5 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: What are the tax implications to an employee receiving a one-time payment for professional development?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: If the amount is in respect of the cost of professional development that is primarily for the benefit of the employer then the amount should not be taxable. If the amount is paid as an allowance with no requirement that any professional development be undertaken then the amount would be taxable.

17 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0287721E5 - Northern Residents Deduction/Remote Work Location

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110.7 6(6)

Principal Issues: The taxpayer wants to know if he qualified for the Northern Residents Deduction for the 2007 taxation year.

Position: No.

Reasons: While we had very few facts, it appears that the taxpayer did not live in a prescribed northern zone for any qualifying period. However, the particular work location may qualify as a Remote Work Location.

17 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0288491E5 - Employer Provided Parking

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Principal Issues: Taxability of employer-provided parking.

Position: Question of fact but in this case it appears that there may be no benefit.

Reasons: The parking was required to perform the duties of employment on a regular basis.

XXXXXXXXXX 2008-028849
Michael Cooke
November 17, 2008

17 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0293781E5 - Taxable Benefits - Prizes received by employees

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Principal Issues:
1. Whether a gift received by an employee through a draw is included in income pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act where:
a) the prize is provided by the employer;
b) the prize is paid for and provided by a work committee that is not funded or controlled by the employer;
c) the prize is provided by a work committee, that is not funded or controlled by the employer, from donations from third parties that are unrelated to the employer (e.g., a gift certificate from a local store).
2. Would the answer to question 1 a), b) or c) change if the winner of the draw had to answer a skill testing question?

1. a) Yes, taxable to the employee under paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act;
1. b) & c) Non-taxable to the employee;
2. No.

This is in line with the CRA Guidelines regarding the income tax implications for employees in receipt of gifts and awards given through prize draws and social committees on our website at

2008 - 029378
XXXXXXXXXX Renee Sigouin
(613) 957-2128
November 17, 2008

17 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0281841E5 - Ownership of property

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Principal Issues: Whether there is a change in ownership when individual transfers property to daughter - individual purchased property and title registered in individual's name to protect property from daughter's ex-spouse. Daughter has resided in property and paid substantially all expenses since the purchase.

Position: general answer

Reasons: While it is clear that the individual intended that his daughter would be the beneficial owner of the property, a final determination can only be made by reviewing all the documents and circumstances applicable to the situation.

(613) 952-1506
November 17, 2008

14 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0295871E5 - disposition of property

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15(1); 69(4)

Principal Issues: where shareholders transfer a property to their corporation but they personally continue to pay the related expenses, can the corporation transfer the property back to the shareholders on a tax-free basis so that the accrued gain on the property will be reported when the property is eventually sold by the shareholders?

Position: General comments

Reasons: see response

14 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0274211E5 - Taxability of Reimbursement of Blind Trust Fees

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Principal Issues: Whether reimbursement of certain costs incurred to establish, maintain and/or dismantle a blind trust agreement of a public office holder gives rise to a taxable benefit.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: A public office holder will be in receipt of a taxable benefit whenever the reimbursement of costs is not matched with the costs incurred.

14 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0294491E5 - Property - acquisition and disposition

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2(3); 126; 233.3

Principal Issues: Whether a taxable capital gain realized on the disposition of real property situated outside Canada by a Canadian resident individual is subject to tax in Canada

Position: Yes

Reasons: A Canadian resident individual is subject to income tax in Canada on his or her worldwide income

Technical Interpretation - Internal

17 November 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0293121I7 F - Crédit d'impôt pour déficience mentale ou physique

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118.2(2)b); 118.2(2)d); 118.2(2)e); 118.3
nursing home exclusion could extend to credit claimed under s. 118.2(2)(e) if the individual does not receive highly specialized care

Principales Questions: Un contribuable qui réclame le crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux en vertu de l'alinéa 118.2(2)e) peut-il également réclamer le crédit d'impôt pour déficience mentale ou physique?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. En l'espèce, oui.

Raisons: Personne ne peut demander le crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées ni le transfert du crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées si le coût du séjour dans une maison de santé ou de repos ou la rémunération d'un préposé à l'égard de la personne handicapée est inclus, à titre de frais médicaux admissibles en vertu de l'article 118.2, dans le calcul du crédit pour frais médicaux de la personne handicapée ou d'une autre personne.

17 November 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0299621I7 F - Allocation de retraite

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248(1); 56(1)a)(ii)
amounts received for lost wages, and pain and suffering, under ss. 53(2)(c) and (e), respectively, of the Canadian Human Rights Act were taxable, and non-taxable

Principales Questions: (1) Est-ce que la somme reçue par le contribuable de son ancien employeur à titre d'indemnisation pour la perte de salaires au sens de l'alinéa 53(2)c) de la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne est une allocation de retraite imposable au sens du sous-alinéa 56(1)a)(ii) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu?
(2) Quel est le traitement fiscal d'une somme reçue par le contribuable de son ancien employeur à titre d'indemnité pour préjudice morale au sens de l'alinéa 53(2)e) de la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne?

Position Adoptée: (1) Oui.
(2) Cette somme n'est pas imposable.

Raisons: (1) Les sommes versées au sens de l'alinéa 53(2)c) de la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne sont définies comme étant des sommes versées pour compenser les pertes de salaires. À la lumière des conditions énoncées dans le bulletin d'interprétation IT-337R4 et en conformité avec le paragraphe 248(1), il s'agit bien d'une allocation de retraite.
(2) Selon la position de l'Agence du revenu du Canada, les indemnités pour préjudice morale ne sont pas imposables.

18 July 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0250111I7 - Attributed Surplus of a Non-resident Insurer

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Principal Issues:
1) What line on the OSFI reports represents the "margin of assets in Canada over liabilities in Canada required to be maintained by the insurer" referred to in the definition of "attributed surplus"?
2) Is the calculation of an insurer's "attributed surplus" in a particular year impacted by changes made by OSFI on the regulatory reports in subsequent years?

1) For 2004, the amount described as the "Required Margin" on Line #035 of the OSFI TAAM Schedule and on Line #120 of the OSFI TAAC Schedule.
2) No.

Words of the legislation.

18 March 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0253591I7 - Determination of CCPC status

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125(7) 251(5)(b) 256(5.1)

Principal Issues: Status of a corporation as a CCPC where: (i) the powers of the board of directors are limited by the terms of a unanimous shareholders agreement (ii) various rights are conferred to its shareholders (iii) a disqualifying shareholder holds a significant ownership interest that may give rise to de facto control

Position: For the taxation year under dispute, a public corporation controlled the board of directors of the corporation ("Board"), which retained the powers required to effectively control that corporation's affairs and fortunes. Being legally controlled by a disqualifying shareholder, the corporation did not qualify as a CCPC for that year. Although a selective application of the rights described in paragraph 251(5)(b) can be relied upon in specific circumstances, it was unnecessary to do so given that it had already been established that a disqualifying corporation had de jure control over that corporation. In order to support a de facto control determination, we would have needed to be provided with more information regarding the relationship existing between the disqualifying shareholder and the other Board members, and the influence of such a disqualifying shareholder that, if exercised, would have resulted in operational control of that corporation.

Reasons: The statutory law as interpreted by the jurisprudence and CRA's administrative positions