Income Tax Severed Letters - 2007-09-14


2007 Ruling 2007-0226931R3 - Corporate Reorganization - Affiliated Group

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87(1) 20(1)(c)

Principal Issues: The deductibility of interest within an affiliated group. Borrowing to return capital.

Position: Granted.

Reasons: The law.

2007 Ruling 2007-0224201R3 - Unit trust - Capital gain allocation

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104 107(4.1)
gains realized in the year allocated to units redeemed at any time in the year up to amount of outside accrued gain thereon
allocation of capital gains realized on units redemption exclusively to such units

Principal Issues: Unit trusts propose to modify their trust indenture to maximize the distribution of the trusts net capital gains to redeeming unitholders (capital gains will first be allocated to redeeming unitholders and then to the remaining unitholders). The rulings requested are:
A) The trust may deduct the taxable portion of the capital gains payable to a redeeming unitholder (104(6)(b)).
B) The taxable portion of the capital gain paid to a redeeming unitholder will be included in his income (104(13)).
C) The taxable portion of the capital gain paid to a redeeming unitholder will be deemed to be a taxable capital gain of the unitholder (104(21)).
D) The proceeds of disposition of the redeemed units will be equal to the excess of the net asset value of the units over the capital gains distribution in respect of those units.
E) 107(4.1) will not apply.
F) 245(2) will not apply.

Position: The Rulings are granted.

Reasons: Consistent with rulings previously issued. The amended trust indenture indicates the amounts of net capital gains to be allocated to the redeeming unitholders and the trustee cannot exercise any discretion in making that determination.

2007 Ruling 2007-0236821R3 F - Impôt de la partie VI.1

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191.1 248(1)

Principales Questions: Est-ce que l'impôt de la Partie VI.1 s'applique à un dividende payé par une société publique sur ses actions dans le cadre d'un "Spin-off"?

Position Adoptée: Non.

Raisons: Les actions ne sont ni des "actions privilégiées imposables" ni des "actions privilégiées à court terme".

XXXXXXXXXX 2007-023682

2007 Ruling 2007-0237351R3 - Stock-link Notes

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12(1)(c) 12(4) Regulation 7000(2)(d)

Principal Issues: Whether a Note is a "prescribed debt obligation" in accordance with Regulation 7000(1)(d) and for purposes of subsection 12(9) and thus subsection 12(4), or is only subject to paragraph 12(1)(c) when paid at maturity.

Position: A prescribed debt obligation but it cannot be calculated until maturity thus it is only subject to paragraph 12(1)(c)

Reasons: Prior Position - everything is determined on the maturity date.

2007 Ruling 2007-0222661R3 - Refinancing - Pension Corporation

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Principal Issues: Will the refinancing of money borrowed for the purpose of earning real income from real property satisfy the conditions of clause 149(1)(o.2)(ii)(C) of the Act?

Position: Yes

Reasons: Provided that the original borrowed money satisfied the conditions of clause 149(1)(o.2)(ii)(C), we will consider that the refinancing of the borrowed money will not, in and of itself, cause the pension corporation to fail to comply with clause 149(1)(o.2)(ii)(C) of the Act.

2007 Ruling 2007-0223531R3 - Deferred Stock Unit Plan

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248 reg 6801(d)

Principal Issues: Is the proposed plan a prescribed 6801(d) plan?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Complies with the regulations.

2007 Ruling 2007-0223921R3 - XXXXXXXXXX - Sequential S-Off Butterfly

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Principal Issues: Sequential Spin-Off Butterfly

Position: Favourable rulings given.

Reasons: The law.

2006 Ruling 2005-0154911R3 - Stock bonus plan

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248(1) 6(1)(g)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether a Corporation's stock bonus plan (the "Plan)", which is funded through a trust (the "Trust"), is an SDA? 2. Whether the Plan is an RCA? 3. Whether the Plan is an EBP? XXXXXXXXXX

Position: 1. No. 2. No. 3. Yes. XXXXXXXXXX

Reasons: 1. Payments are made from the plan within three years of the calendar year in which the services for which the bonus is paid are rendered. 2. It is our established position that plans that are set up to provide bonuses to be paid out in the timeframe specified in paragraph (k) of the definition of SDAs are not RCAs. 3. The Plan otherwise meets the definition of an EBP and is not an excluded plan. XXXXXXXXXX

XXXXXXXXXX 2005-015491

Technical Interpretation - External

12 September 2007 External T.I. 2007-0222521E5 - Deduction from Employment Income - Passport Fees

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8(1) 8(2) 118(10)

Principal Issues: Whether a deduction from employment income is available with respect to the costs to renew a passport, which is an expense incurred to travel in the course of employment as an international flight attendant.

Position: No.

Reasons: This expense is not listed as expenditures eligible for deduction under section 8 of the Act.

B. Comm, CGA, CPA(vt)
September 12, 2007 (613) 957-8954

7 September 2007 External T.I. 2006-0216781E5 - Interest deductibility

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Principal Issues: Will interest on money borrowed and loaned to a sister corporation (to fund its expansion) be deductible under: Scenario 1 - loan to sister bears no interest; or Scenario 2 - loan to sister bears nominal interest?

Position: Scenario 1: Based on the facts. Scenario 2: Generally, yes but must consider draft section 3.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Reasons: Scenario 1: In exceptional circumstances, indirect use must show income earning purpose as noted in paragraphs 22 - 26 of IT 533.
Scenario 2: Income earned need not be in excess of interest paid as noted in paragraph 10 of IT 533, but must consider draft section 3.1 of the Income Tax Act.

5 September 2007 External T.I. 2004-0109171E5 - Article XIII of the Canada - U.S. Tax Convention

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Principal Issues: Does Article XIII apply to a U.S. resident's share of a gain realized through a partnership

Position: Article XIII applies

Reasons: Article XIII applies to gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State

4 September 2007 External T.I. 2007-0234521E5 - Principal Residence - Subsection 74.5(3) Election

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74.5(3) 73(1) 74.2(1) 40(4)

Principal Issues: Husband (H) and Wife (W) jointly own a house and a vacation cottage. As part of their divorce settlement H will transfer his 50% interest in the house to W, and W will transfer her 50% interest in the cottage to H. First, will these transfers be carried out on a tax-deferred basis under subsection 73(1)? Second, provided the ex-spouses jointly elect under 74.5(3)(b), will future gains or losses on the properties accrue to the recipients as opposed to the transferors? Finally, upon eventual sale of the properties, will H and W be entitled to the full principal residence exemption?

Position: 1) Yes; 2) Yes; 3) Yes with respect to the house, no regarding the cottage.

Reasons: 1) Unless H&W elect not to have subsection 73(1) apply, the provision would apply automatically, permitting a tax-deferred transfer of the properties described above. 2) Paragraph 74.5(3)(b) would apply, such that any future gains or losses on the properties will not be attributed to the transferor. 3) With respect to the house, the principal residence exemption should be available for all years pre-separation and for years post-separation subject to the property being designated by W. Regarding the cottage, the principal residence exemption would only be available for those years post-separation.

24 July 2007 External T.I. 2007-0227261E5 F - Remise de certificats cadeaux à des employés

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6(1)a) 5(1)
gift certificates given out to employees on a draw are cash equivalent taxable gifts

Principales Questions: Est-ce que la valeur des certificats cadeaux qui sont remis à des employés dans le cadre d'un tirage doit être incluse dans le revenu des employés provenant d'une charge ou d'un emploi?

Position Adoptée: En l'espèce, oui.

Raisons: Seuls les employés étaient éligibles au tirage.


8 June 2007 Roundtable, 2007-0233771C6 - GRIP Calculation

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89(1) 55(2)

Principal Issues: Whether a taxable dividend paid by a CCPC reduces its GRIP where the taxable dividend received by the recipient CCPC is subject to 55(2).

Position: Yes. The tax treatment of the dividend to the recipient CCPC has no bearing on the computation of the GRIP of the payer CCPC.

Reasons: Reading of relevant legislation.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

4 September 2007 Internal T.I. 2007-0237791I7 F - Gain et perte sur taux de change

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39 40(2)g)
USD loan to parent no longer represented money on deposit, so that funds movement generated FX gain or loss
s. 40(2)(g)(ii) extended to FX losses on non-interest-bearing loan to parent

Principales Questions: 1. Est-ce que la position indiquée au paragraphe 13 du Bulletin d'interprétation IT-95R à l'effet que les fonds étrangers en dépôt peuvent être transférés d'une forme de dépôt à une autre aussi longtemps que ces fonds peuvent continuer d'être considérés en dépôt sans que nous considérions qu'il y a disposition s'appliquent dans la présente situation?
2. Un placement de nature capitale a été fait sous forme de créance. Lors du remboursement des créances, il y a disposition du placement. À quel taux de change, le produit de disposition et le prix de base rajusté doivent-ils être convertis?
3. Est-ce que la perte subie à l'égard d'un placement sous forme de créance ou de prêt fait à une société-mère et ne portant pas intérêt est réputée nulle?

Position Adoptée: 1. Nous sommes d'avis que la position à l'égard des sommes en dépôt ne s'applique pas à la présente situation et que les fonds ont été utilisés pour acquérir d'autres biens.
2. Le produit de disposition sera converti au taux de change au moment du remboursement et le prix de base rajusté sera converti au taux de change à la date de la transaction.
3. Oui

Raisons: 1. Le contribuable a utilisé ses fonds pour acquérir des placements sous forme de créances ou de prêts d'entités liées à lui et qui ne sont pas des institutions financières.
2. Principe énoncé par la Cour d'appel fédérale dans l'affaire Hope R. Gaynor.
3. Sous-alinéa 40(2)g)(ii) de la Loi. L'investissement dans la société-mère n'a pas été fait en vue de tirer un revenu d'entreprise ou de bien.

29 August 2007 Internal T.I. 2007-0219931I7 F - Perte sur taux de change - société de personnes

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39(2) 53(2) 96(1)
s. 39(2) gain to partnership when USD advance owing by it is converted to units
no basis increase where partner converts its USD advance with accrued FX gain into additional units

Principal Issues: Est-ce que le remboursement d'une dette en argent américain due par une société de personnes à ses associés donne lieu à un calcul du gain ou de la perte en capital?

Position: Selon la position exprimée au Bulletin d'interprétation IT-95R, le remboursement d'une dette est une transaction pouvant donner lieu à un gain ou perte en capital et ce, même s'il n'y a pas eu utilisation d'argent canadien pour faire le remboursement. Le montant du remboursement exprimé en monnaie canadienne au taux de change en vigueur au moment du remboursement sera comparé au montant de l'avance exprimé en monnaie canadienne au taux de change en vigueur au moment où l'avance a été consentie. Nous n'avons pas changé notre position suite à l'obiter dictum de la Cour Suprême dans l'affaire Imperial Oil.

Reasons: Paragraphe 13 du Bulletin d'interprétation IT-95R et positions antérieures.