Income Tax Severed Letters - 2002-03-15


2001 2001-0115311 - butterfly

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Principal Issues: Amendments to a split-up butterfly reorganization where "reorganization shares" will be used instead of trying to transfer the "correct" number of shares.

Position: Does not change the rulings given.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law.



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REG 6801(d)

Principal Issues: Will the creation of a deferred share unit plan result in an SDA?

Position: No.

Reasons: Requirements of Regulation 6801(d) are met.


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248(1) 56(1) 60(j.1)

Principales Questions:
1. L'allocation de retraite peut-elle être payée en versements inégaux sur une période maximale de 10 ans?
2. Un employé peut-il renoncer à l'indemnité de départ et l'employeur peut-il verser un montant équivalent dans une convention de retraite?

2002 Ruling 2001-0097463 - Divisive Reorganization

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55(2) 55(3)(a) 56(4) 85(1.1)

Principal Issues: Do contracts in progress constitute eligible property for purposes of subsection 85(1.1) of the Act?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: We have previously ruled that rights under construction contracts and the construction contract would be eligible property for purposes of the Act.

2002 Ruling 2001-0116073 - Certain Tax Consequences of buy/bump/sell

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88(1)(c) 88(1)(d) 20(1)(c) 69(11)
non-application where s. 88(1)(d) bump

Principal Issues: 88(1)(d) bump, 69(11) on buy/bump/sell transaction, and interest deductibility on amount payable to acquire shares of Target.

Position: standard bump ruling, 69(11) does not apply in this situation, interest is deductible provided there is a legal obligation to pay interest, the interest is reasonable and the Target shares or substituted property continues to be used by Holdco for the purpose of gaining or producing income from a business or property.

Reasons: The law.

2002 Ruling 2002-0118963 - PHANTOM STOCK PLAN

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REG 6801(d)

Principal Issues: Will the payment of Director fees in the form of deferred share units result in an SDA?

Position: No

Reasons: 6801(d) is satisfied

2002 Ruling 2002-0122833 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT - USA

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.

Principal Issues

2001 Ruling 2001-0095623 - Butterfly

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Principal Issues: Butterfly reorganization

Position: Routine

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law

Ministerial Correspondence

13 March 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0125574 F - EXEMPTION D'IMPOT

Principales Questions: Demande afin d'être exempté de l'impôt

Position Adoptée: Non

Technical Interpretation - External

10 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128865 - SH BONUS - DEDUCTION FROM CAPITAL GAIN

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67 40(1)(a)(i)

Principal Issues: Whether a corporation can pay a bonus to an active shareholder to offset the taxable portion of a capital gain. Also, if a corporation has both active business income and a capital gain, whether it has the choice of allocating the bonus against either the active business income or the taxable portion of the capital gain.

Position: No.

Reasons: Pursuant to subparagraph 40(1)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act, outlays or expenses may only be deducted in computing a taxable gain if "they were made or incurred by the taxpayer for the purpose of making the disposition." Based on jurisprudence, this provision requires that expenses must be incurred or made directly for the purposes of making the disposition.

8 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128875 - SHAREHOLDER MANAGER REMUNERATION

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9(1) 67

Principal Issues: Numerous questions related to the CCRA policy on shareholder-manager remuneration, now published in Income Tax Technical News No 22. The main trust of the inquiry concerned the terms "active business income" and "non-active business income" as used in the document.

Position: These terms are not defined in the Act. The response given was general in nature and is meant to encompass all business income, active or otherwise. In general terms, it could include income incidental to an active business and income of a "specified investment business" as defined in subsection 125(7) of the Income Tax Act.

Reasons: See below.

5 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127075 - Trusts & loans to person related to spouse

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70(6) 73(1)

Principal Issues: Where the terms of a trust permit the property of a trust to be loaned to a person other than the income beneficiary described in 73(1.01)(c) or 70(6), would such a loan taint the trust such that 73(1) or 70(6) did not apply to the property transferred to the trust?

Position: lending or investment of trust property to a non-spouse on "commercial" terms does not taint a spousal trust (or any other trust described in 104(4)(a)) but if the terms of the trust permit the lending of trust property to a person other than the spouse on terms more favourable than that which would otherwise be available to that person commercially, the trust would not be a spousal trust.

Reasons: Whether trust property is invested in a financial institution, used in a business, or loaned to a third party, someone other than the spouse "uses" the property, but for a fee. Such use does not result in encroachment of the trust's income or capital nor does the user obtain a benefit - thus, it is our view, as supported by the case of Peardon v MNR, 86 DTC 1045, that use of trust property acquired thru a commercially-based transaction (with regard to terms and conditions under which property was lent, invested or rented) does not taint a spousal trust.

5 April 2002 External T.I. 1999-001243A - Trust Units Held on Income Account

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Principal Issues:
Whether distributions of the non-taxable portion of capital gains realized by a mutual fund trust can be received tax-free by a taxpayer which holds its units in the trust on income account.

Yes, technically.

Where a taxpayer obtains a benefit from a trust, 105(1) requires the value of the benefit to be included in the taxpayer's income unless the amount was already so included or was deducted in calculating the taxpayer's ACB of his interest in the trust or would have been so deducted if 53(2)(h) applied and 53(2)(h)(i.1)(B) did not exist. I.e. the benefit will be subject to tax in the year or will result in a deferred recognition by way of a decrease to the ACB of the trust interest, except to the extent the distribution from the trust is the non-taxable portion of the trust's net taxable capital gains or is a capital dividend. For example, if there were only 1 beneficiary of a trust and the trust realized a capital gain and paid it out to the unitholder, the trust would take a deduction under 104(6) with respect to the taxable capital gain and the taxable portion would be included in the beneficiary's income pursuant to 104(13). Under 104(21) the taxable portion of the capital gain paid out of the trust's net taxable capital gains may be designated as a taxable capital gain of the beneficiary. The untaxed portion of the trust's capital gain would be distributed to the beneficiary without being subject to tax due to 105(1)(b)(ii). 105(1) does not take into consideration whether the interest in the trust is held on capital or income account.

5 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0099145 - FILM TAX CREDIT

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125.4(1) 1106(1) 1106(2) 89(1)

Principal Issues: Does the expression "société canadienne imposable" used in subparagraph b)ii) of the definition of "dépense de main-d'œuvre" (Labour Expenditure) in subsection 125.4(1) of the French version of the Act refers to the expression defined in subsection 89(1) of the Act or to the one defined in subsection 1106(2) of the proposed Income Tax Regulations?

Position: The expression "société canadienne imposable" has the meaning assigned by subsection 89(1).

Reasons: In the French version of the Act, the definition of "société canadienne imposable" in subsection 1106(2) of the proposed Income Tax Regulations is applicable only for the purposes of the definition of "société admissible" (qualified corporation) in subsection 125.4(1) of the Act and for section 1106 of the proposed Regulations. Therefore, for the purposes of the definition of "dépense de main-d'oeuvre", the expression "société canadienne imposable" can only refer to the expression defined in subsection 248(1) which refers to subsection 89(1) of the Act.

4 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0123065 F - DOMMAGES-INTERETS

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compensation received by Jews for property seized 60 years previously was a windfall rather than proceeds of disposition
annuities or capital sums paid to victims of anti-Semitic persecution were not income

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les montants de rente viagère ou d'indemnité au capital versés par le gouvernement français à des résidents canadiens en leur qualité d'orphelins de victimes de persécutions antisémites sont imposables au Canada?

Est-ce que les indemnités reçues du gouvernement français par ces mêmes orphelins ou leurs parents, s'ils sont toujours vivants, à titre de compensation pour la spoliation de leurs biens sont imposables au Canada?

Position Adoptée: Non dans les deux cas.

4 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0115785 - INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE

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181.2(4) 181.3(4)

Principal Issues:

Whether various securities will qualify for an investment allowance under Part I.3

Position: None

Reasons: Question of fact.

4 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0104065 F - PROVISION D'ENTREPRISE DANS UNE PROVINCE

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34.2(5) REG. 2600
Quebec partner who retired and became an Ontario employee allocated the reserve inclusion under s. 34.2(5) wholly to Ontario

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le montant de provision à inclure dans le revenu en vertu du paragraphe 34.2(5) de la Loi l'année suivante où un particulier a cessé d'être associé dans une société de personnes doit être considéré dans le revenu de la province où il réside le dernier jour de l'année d'imposition de l'inclusion?

Position Adoptée: S'il n'y a aucun revenu gagné dans un établissement stable à l'extérieur de la province de résidence du particulier, la provision serait ajoutée au revenu dans sa province de résidence actuelle.

3 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0117935 - Expenses of Trustee

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Principal Issues: Whether amounts paid to a beneficiary for performing certain trustee duties are deductible by the trust under 104(6)?

Position: No.

Reasons: Amounts paid for performing duties constitute an expense to the trust, not an allocation of its income. As to whether payment for various types of service provided are deductible, refer to published documents.

2 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127085 - No dble taxation of income attributed

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Principal Issues: Is there a potential for double tax when 75(2) applies?

Position: No.

Reasons: Paragraph 10 of IT-369R.

28 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0120545 - MEDICAL EXPENSE - HOT TUB

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Principal Issues: Could paragraph 118.2(2)(l.2) include the cost of a hot tub or just alteration costs to a dwelling to install the hot tub?

Position: Paragraph 118.2(2)(l.2) could include the alteration costs to a dwelling to install the hot tub but not the cost of the hot tub itself

Reasons: It is our long-standing position that since a hot tub is not a prescribed medical device or equipment pursuant to Income Tax Regulation 5700, the cost a hot tub is not considered a medical expense for the purposes of the medical expense credit in subsection 118.2(1) of the Act. It is our opinion that the "costs of the alterations" should not be extended to include the cost of the hot tub for the purpose of paragraph 118.2(2)(l.2) of the Act.

28 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0122965 - SHARES FOREIGN PROPERTY

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Principal Issues: Are shares of a particular corporation that migrated from Canada foreign property? If yes is the cost amount of the shares determined at the time the shares were acquired or at the time they become foreign property?

Position: It is a question of fact whether a share of a corporation is a foreign property, but in the particular case, the website of the corporation states its shares are foreign property. The cost amount of a share held as a capital property is based on the ACB of the share, which is, in turn, based on the cost of the share when it was acquired.

Reasons: Review of available facts. There are no provisions to adjust the cost amount when a share becomes a foreign property

27 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127405 - PAY EQUITY SALARY ADJUSTMENTS

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Principal Issues: Follow-up inquiry to 2001-010064, 2001-010174, 2001-008535 and 2001-010749 regarding the interpretation of the definition of "qualifying amount" in subsection 110.2(1) of the Act. Specifically, whether the process in this case is arbitration.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: XXXXXXXXXX the determination of whether a process is arbitration, and hence the award is an "arbitration award", must be made based on the ordinary meaning of the words in section 110.2, since they are not defined in the Act - XXXXXXXXXX , this is how the courts would make the legal determination. The court would rely upon the dictionary definition of the word "arbitration" and may consult, among others, Blacks Law Dictionary or the Canadian Law Dictionary.

21 March 2002 External T.I. 2001-0115305 - Debt Forgiveness and Cal. of Safe Income

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55(2) 55(5)

Principal Issues: Computation of safe income and safe income on hand where section 80 applies.

Position: See response.

Reasons: The law.

19 March 2002 External T.I. 2001-0112945 - Distribution from a Trust

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104(19) 120.4 186

Principal Issues: Whether it is possible for a fully discretionary trust to pay income from one source to one beneficiary and to pay income from another source to another beneficiary.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Where a trust is fully discretionary, the trustee can choose the amount, type and source of income that it wishes to distribute to the beneficiaries. Where the taxable dividends received from a corporation are distributed by the trust to a beneficiary, subsection 104(19) enables the trustee to designate that the distributed taxable dividends are deemed to have been received by the beneficiary from the corporation.

8 January 2002 External T.I. 2001-0115985 - RETIRING ALLOW.-STATUS INDIANS

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Principal Issues: Taxation of retiring allowances received by status Indians.

Position: General exempt if it relates to employment income that was exempt.

Reasons: Position outlined in the Indian Act Exemption for Employment Income Guidelines.

15 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100035 - DAMAGES-LOST INCOME AND RETIRING

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5(1) 6(1)(a) 56(1)(a) 248(1)

Principal Issues:
Differences between damage settlements
1 those qualifying as retirement allowances and
2 those damage settlements involving a claim before the Canadian Human Rights Commission where an employee/employer relationship never began?

1. Retiring Allowances in respect of a loss of income taxable
2. Damages in respect of loss of opportunity for employment involving Canadian Human Rights not taxable.

1. 248(1) retiring allowances
2. source cannot be linked to employment, office, business or property.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

9 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2001-0112817 F - RESIDENCE PRINCIPALE - VENTE D'UN DUPLEX

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54 40(2)(b)
duplex land allocated between rental and principal residence generally based on the floor areas of the respective building portions

Principales Questions: Le particulier est propriétaire d'un duplex. Il occupe une unité à titre de résidence principale et loue l'autre unité. Lorsque le propriétaire dispose de son duplex, peut-il attribuer à la résidence principale la totalité du fonds de terre sous-jacent et adjacent au duplex et ainsi profiter de l'exemption pour résidence principale sur la totalité du gain généré par la vente du fonds de terre?

Position Adoptée: Non.

8 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0123107 - SUBSECTION 14(1.01)14(1.01)

Principal Issues:
Whether or not a taxpayer may amend, revoke or late file a subsection 14(1.01) election.


Neither subsection 14(1.01) of the Act, nor subsection 220(3.2) and section 600 of the Regulations, provide the means to do so.

4 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2001-0113237 F - REMBOURSEMENT DE FRAIS MEDICAUX

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118.2(3)(b) 118.2(1)
Quebec CIMAD qualifies as reimbursement of specific expenses

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le crédit d'impôt pour le maintien à domicile d'une personne âgée du gouvernement du Québec constitue un remboursement pour les fins de l'alinéa 118.2(3)b) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu dans le calcul du crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux?

Position Adoptée: Oui.

3 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2001-0116267 - RETROACTIVE ORDER - DATE MADE

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Principal Issues: (1) Whether a written agreement was made before May 1997 for purposes of the definition of "support amount" in ss. 56.1(4). (2) Alternatively, whether the retroactive effect given to a court order affects the day it is made for the purposes of the definition of "commencement day" in ss. 56.1(4).

Position: (1) No. (2) No.

Reasons: (1) The documentation submitted does not allow to conclude that a written agreement was made before May 1997. (2) For the purposes of the definition of "commencement day" in ss. 56.1(4), the day an order is made is generally the day it is rendered, which may not be the same day it is given legal effect.

3 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0122357 - WHETHER DEALER IN FARM EQUIP. ENTITLED TO ITC

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Principal Issues: Whether a dealer in farm equipment, which both sells and leases inventory, is entitled to investment tax credits on such farm equipment that is leased. When farm equipment is leased, the lease and the particular farm equipment are assigned to the farm equipment manufacturer for an immediate credit.

Position: Likely not.

Reasons: Since the dealer does not operate a separate leasing division, the farm equipment, including that which is leased, would be considered inventory in its hands. By entering into leases with its customers for new farm equipment and coincidentally assigning them and the farm equipment to the manufacturers for full consideration, the dealer is engaging in the sale of inventory.

8 September 1998 Internal T.I. 9820777 - DISABILITY SETTLEMENT EMPLOYER

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Principal Issues: will amount received from employer as a result of settlement re claim for disability under insurance policy taxable?

Position: No.

Reasons: Amount if received from insurance company would not be taxable.