Principal Issues:
The addition of a redesignation feature to the existing units of a group of mutual fund trusts and the redesignation of the existing units to provide for multiple Classes of Units for different investor segments so that the manager of the Fund has the flexibility to charge differing management fees to the various investors depending on the size of the investment. The proposals also allow the management fees to be paid by the Fund or by the investor directly. The proposed transactions can result in investors (unitholders) having a greater percentage interest in the income of the Fund than such investor's percentage interest in the capital of the Fund.
Rulings requested are: 1) whether the proposed transactions result in a disposition of units: 2) will subsections 104(7.1) and 245(2) apply to the proposed transactions.
1) Unitholders are not considered to have disposedof their units because of the redesignation of the units from one class to another class. Also, the addition of a redesignation feature to the existing units will not result in a disposition of those units.
2) Subsections 104(7.1) and 245(2) will not apply to the proposed transactions.
1) Similar positions taken in 9820753, 9726113 and 9525413.
2) Similar positions taken in 9820753 and 9603753