Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-09-03


1999 Ruling 9901783 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:

1999 Ruling 9906973 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:


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Principal Issues: Whether property acquired on wind-up is ineligible property.

Position: No

Reasons: 88(1)(c.3)(iv) states for purposes of 88(1)(c)(vi)(B) property acquired in substitution for a property distributed to the parent does not include property that was not owned by the person at any time after the acquisition of control referred to in 88(1)(c)(vi)(B).

1999 Ruling 9909773 - DISCOUNT ON BONDS

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212(1) (b) (vii)

Principal Issues:

1. Is excess of principal amount of debenture over initial offering price where there is no stated interest rate, treated as interest for 212(1)(B)(vii)
2. Do change of control provisions qualify under 212(1) (b) (vii) (C)
3. Is fluctuation in exchange rate between Canadian and US dollar relevant for the 5/25 test in 212(1)(b)(vii)


1. Yes.
2. Yes
3. No.


1999 Ruling 9903933 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:


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248(1)SDA X1.3 56(1)(A)

Principal Issues:
Whether an unfunded supplemental pension arrangement results in current taxation.


The plan provides for maintaining notional accounts. Funds will not be held in trust for the benefit of participants and participants will not have any right to any assets held in respect of the plan. Such assets are available to the employerts general creditors.

1999 Ruling 9904563 - 164(6) - POST MORTEM PLAN

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84.1 164(6)

Principal Issues: Application of 84.1,40(3.6) and GAAR to transactions designed to facilitate 164(6) loss carry-back.

Position: Not applicable.

Reasons: Transactions meet technical requirements of provisions. No misuse or abuse.


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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu’exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx 983014

Attention: xxxxxxxxxx


Dear Sirs:

Re XXXXXXXXXX Advance Income Tax Ruling

1999 Ruling 9911123 - SINGLE WING BUTTERFLY

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Principal Issues: Application of Paragraph 55(3)(b)

Position: Reorganization is Tax-Deferred

Reasons: 55(3)(b) requirements satisfied


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104(7.1) 245(2)

Principal Issues:
The addition of a redesignation feature to the existing units of a group of mutual fund trusts and the redesignation of the existing units to provide for multiple Classes of Units for different investor segments so that the manager of the Fund has the flexibility to charge differing management fees to the various investors depending on the size of the investment. The proposals also allow the management fees to be paid by the Fund or by the investor directly. The proposed transactions can result in investors (unitholders) having a greater percentage interest in the income of the Fund than such investor's percentage interest in the capital of the Fund.

Rulings requested are: 1) whether the proposed transactions result in a disposition of units: 2) will subsections 104(7.1) and 245(2) apply to the proposed transactions.

1) Unitholders are not considered to have disposedof their units because of the redesignation of the units from one class to another class. Also, the addition of a redesignation feature to the existing units will not result in a disposition of those units.

2) Subsections 104(7.1) and 245(2) will not apply to the proposed transactions.

1) Similar positions taken in 9820753, 9726113 and 9525413.
2) Similar positions taken in 9820753 and 9603753

1999 Ruling 9831333 - PUBLIC BUTTERFLY

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Principal Issues: Public butterfly. Routine

Position: n/a

Reasons: n/a


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Principal Issues: Butterfly reorganization

Position: routine


1999 Ruling 9905563 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:

1998 Ruling 9810903 - SUPPLEMENTAL RULING

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department

Prenez note que ce docupient, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx 981090

Attention: xxxxxxxxxx


Dear Sirs:

Amendments to Advance Income Tax Ruling 3-980799

1998 Ruling 9817073 - DISCOUNT BONDS

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212(1)(b)(vii) 214(8) 212(1)(B)(VII)

Principal Issues: whether discount is interest for purposes of 212(1)(b)(vii) when paid

Position: discount is interest for 212(1)(b)(vii)

Reasons: previous position - see 971966 and 942905

1998 Ruling 9829073 - TIME EXTENSION

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Principal Issues:

1) Extension of time
2) Amendments to Ruling


1) Extension of time given for 6 months as due to nature of capital markets they have not been able to issue the Units
2) The amendments requested did not impact or change the rulings given. The amendments were OK


1998 Ruling 9800383 - XXXXXXXXXX DPS

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55(3)(a) 245(2) 129(6)

Principal Issues: Whether Gaar should apply to a series of transactions, one of the purposes of which is to avoid the application of subsection 129(6)

Position: In this instance, no

Reasons: As the corporations were not otherwise associated and the specific anti-avoidance rules in section 256 do not apply, it was decided that Gaar should not apply.


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125.5 18.1(15)

Principal Issues:

1. This file originally came in as a supplemental ruling request to our file #980551, dated XXXXXXXXXX, 1998, but is now being issued as a new ruling. We have been asked whether the changes to the facts outlined in file #980551 will change any of the rulings previously given.
2. The main issue is whether section 8.1 will apply to restrict the deductibility of the production expenses incurred by the Production Partnership?


1. We provided rulings similar to those given in file #980551.
2. Not if before the end of the taxation year in which the production expenditures are made, income in respect of the Film exceeding XXXXXXXXXX% of such production expenses is included in computing the Production Partnership's income for that year.


1998 Ruling 9807993 - SPLIT-UP BUTTERFLY

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

	xxxxxxxxxx	Tim Kuss
	xxxxxxxxxx	980799

Attention: xxxxxxxxxx


Dear Sirs:

Advance Income Tax Ruling

Technical Interpretation - External

30 August 1999 External T.I. 9916975 F - TRANSFERT D'ALLOCATION DE RETRAITE

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Principales Questions: Est-ce que le nombre d'années pour les fins du calcul du transfert de l'allocation de retraite comprend les années pendant lesquelles une personne était en période de congé parentale?

27 August 1999 External T.I. 9921455 - BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT BOARD - MUNICIPALITY

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149.1(1) 118.1(1)

Principal Issues:
Whether a business improvement board established by a municipality is a Canadian municipality and therefore falls within the definition of a "qualified donee" in subsection

No, based on the facts provided.

Since there is no definition of "municipality" in the Act, we should refer to the ordinary dictionary meaning of the term. Given the strictly limited powers of the business improvement board in this case, it is our view that the board is not a municipality for the purposes of the Act.

27 August 1999 External T.I. 9830385 F - INTERACTION OF SECTION OF THE ACTS 11O.6(19)

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


27 August 1999 External T.I. 9917925 F - OSBL -FILIALE ET C I I

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149(1)L) 127(9)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


1. Est-ce qu'une société exonérée d'impôt en vertu de 149(l) peut détenir la totalité des actions du capital-actions d'une société imposable?

2. Est-ce qu'une filiale imposable détenue par une OSBL peut réclamer le crédit d'impôt à l'investissement?

24 August 1999 External T.I. 9701345 - FOREIGN AFFILIATES - DEEMED ACTIVE INCOME

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employees prorated based on how they spend their time

Principal Issues: Whether property income of a foreign affiliate was directly related to active business activities of another non-resident corporation to which the taxpayer and the foreign affiliate were related

Position: Question of fact. This determination generally requires full knowledge of all the facts and circumstances of an actual case.


23 August 1999 External T.I. 9922205 F - REGIME D'ACCESSION A LA PROPRIETE

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


Est-ce qu'un particulier qui possède un terrain sur lequel est érigé une habitation temporaire peut participer au RAP s'il fait contruire sur ce terrain une nouvelle habitation qui sera sa résidence principale?

Position ADOPTEE:

Question de fait.

20 August 1999 External T.I. 9916895 - DUPLEX-PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE

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81(1) (H)

Principal Issues: Whether a duplex qualifies as a principal residence for purposes of the exemption under paragraph 81(1)(h).

Position: Only one unit of the duplex qualifies.

Reasons: A taxpayer's "place of residence" may be defined as the place where the taxpayer regularly, normally or customarily lives. The term "principal" means chief or main, and thus is only relevant in the phrase "principal place of residence" where an individual has more than one place of residence. Under these definitions, only one unit in a duplex would ordinarily qualify as a taxpayer's "principal place of residence". The fact that the duplex units are closely linked does not changes this.

20 August 1999 External T.I. 9917895 - PAID UP LIFE INSURANCE BENEFIT

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6(4) R. 2703

Principal Issues: (1) What is the amount of employee benefit for a paid-up premium for a retired employee which is paid over three year, beginning on the employee's retirement. (2) What happens if the employee dies and the unpaid premium becomes fully due?

Position: (1) Presuming that the employer bears the full cost and the insurance policy is a group-term life insurance policy, the amount of the benefit is equal to the sum of each lump-sum premium paid in the year on the life of the taxpayer. (2) Where a taxpayer dies in a calendar year, the taxpayer's prepaid insurance benefit for the year is that portion on any lump-sum premiums paid after Feb. 1994 that have not been included in the taxpayer's prepaid insurance benefit for previous years.

Reasons: Based on subsection 6(4) of the Act and section 2703 of the Regulations.

20 August 1999 External T.I. 9921185 - AMOUNTS PAID TO FAMILY FOR ATTENDANT CARE

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9(1) 5(1)

Principal Issues:

The tax treatment of amounts paid under the Supplementary Accident Benefits Schedule in Ontario. The particular amounts are paid to a mother and other family members in respect of attendant care provided to two children in the family, who sustained “catastrophic” injuries in an automobile accident.


The benefit received by the children for attendant care be non-taxable special damages. However, the payments themselves, which are received by the mother and other family members, would be taxable.


11 August 1999 External T.I. 9920655 - VACATION CASHOUT DONATED TO COWORKER

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5(1) 56(2)

Principal Issues: Tax consequences of employees foregoing vacation leave so that cash equivalent may be given to ill coworker

Position: Taxable to employees who convert vacation: not taxable to ill employee

Reasons: Payments in respect of vacation constitute employment income, even when benefit is directed to another person as per 1T335R; Not taxable to recipient of gift per Savage and Phaneuf cases.

3 August 1999 External T.I. 9904915 - ACTORS BACKEND PARTICIPATION

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125.4(4) reg. 11O6(1)(a)(ii)(A)

Principal Issues:

Will a foreign actor's backend participation in net profits from a Canadian production result in the application of 125.4(4) to disallow the producer's claim for the Canadian film or video production tax credit?


Not in an arrangement where the backend participation is given strictly for commercial reasons (e.g., reasonable additional potential remuneration to compensate for a lower than normal salary received by the lead actor). This involves a question fact, based on documents and agreements.


4 January 1999 External T.I. 980625A - PAYMENTS TO PARENT RE RPP

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Principal Issues: Can payments by a subsidiary to a parent for pension benefits provided to the sub's employees under an RPP be deductible where the RPP is in a surplus position?

Position: Not pursuant to paragraph 20(1) (q)

Reasons: The Act is clear that RPP payments must satisfy section 147.2 in order to be deductible. A participating employer can still contribute to an RPP where another participating employer is in a surplus position - see subparagraph 147.2(2) (a) (vi).

Ministerial Letter

24 August 1999 Ministerial Letter 9919448 - WITHDRAWAL FROM RRIF

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Principal Issues: RRIF funds withdrawn in error still taxable

Position: Yes

Reasons: Regardless of error by broker - broker withdrew funds to purchase non-qualified investment instead of following annuitant's instructions to purchase non-qualified investment inside RRIF - consequences are that annuitant is taxable on RRIF withdrawal.