Browse job types


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Browse job types

What does the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have to offer you? A dynamic career that will challenge your knowledge, skills, and abilities in an environment that encourages and supports continuous learning.

The CRA offers careers in the following areas. Select the type of position that interests you, or search our list of all job opportunities.

CRA job types
Job type Description

Are you looking for a career in audit? Do you like working independently or in project teams?

Auditors are one of the CRA's largest groups of professionals. They make sure individuals and corporations follow the many federal and provincial laws the CRA administers, including the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act. If large business files, tax avoidance investigations, international tax, charities, and the underground economy interest you, come work at the CRA!

The CRA also has an Auditor Development Program (AU-DEV) which offers formal training combined with practical, on-the-job experience. You will get experience through developmental work assignments over a period of about three years.

The CRA and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) entered into an agreement in December 2015 that gives CRA employees the chance to have specific CRA work experience pre-qualify for the CPA professional accountant designation.

Executive group

The CRA's executive group is made up mostly of assistant directors, directors, directors general, and assistant commissioners. At the CRA, we want executives who are proven leaders and who can do all of the following:

  • show key leadership competencies
  • attract and retain high-quality employees
  • create a positive work environment that promotes employees' professional development
  • achieve excellent results
  • make decisions for the CRA that help it realize its vision and mission

The CRA's financial professionals help keep the organization running. They support and give advice on business and operating requirements for CRA managers and executives. Opportunities in finance include:

  • budget management
  • procurement
  • internal financial auditor
Human resources

Human resources at the CRA is as diversified as it gets—from staffing to recruitment to labour relations to classification, and the list goes on.

Information technology

Interested in a challenging career in information technology with flexibility that fits your lifestyle? The CRA is one of Canada's largest information technology organizations. Explore the opportunities for programmers/analysts, technology specialists, database administrators, and systems programmer. We are expanding our business intelligence and security teams! Connect to information technology job searches and consider our post secondary recruitment program, the Information Technology Apprenticeship Program.

Management group

The CRA's managers are responsible for managing people, operations, and budgets. Recognizing the essential role that managers play, the CRA created a unique occupational group called the Management/Gestion (MG) group. The CRA needs strong leaders who can do all of the following:

  • create a vision and make work meaningful for their team
  • drive and champion business transformation and other change in the workplace
  • build a work environment where people bring out the best in themselves and take pride in what they do
Services and programs

The CRA's services and programs jobs cover a wide range of opportunities, from administrative assistants to collections agents and more. At the CRA, you can be involved in providing services in areas such as planning, budgeting, human resources, communications, and finance.

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