Managers: A strong leader means strong performance


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Managers: A strong leader means strong performance

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The CRA's managers are responsible for managing people, work, and budgets. The CRA needs strong leaders who can:

  • create a vision and make it meaningful for their team
  • drive and champion business transformation and other change in the workplace
  • build a work environment where people bring out the best in themselves and take pride in what they do. 

Recognizing the essential role that managers play, the CRA created a unique occupational group called the Management/Gestion (MG) group. Here are some of the many benefits of belonging to the CRA's MG group:

  • leadership expectations: clearly described for all managers in the Manager's Charter
  • operational objectives: clearly established for individual managers each year through the performance management program, which includes the opportunity to earn performance awards (pay or leave) for effective people management
  • coaching and mentoring initiatives
  • leadership development and special assignments
  • online support that includes:
    • LeadershipPlus-Foundations: an online portal to help new managers effectively perform their management responsibilities and become strong leaders
    • Manager's Corner: an interactive resource centre for management and leadership best practices
  • other development options, including job shadowing, acting assignments, special projects, networking opportunities, and communities (such as the Young Professionals Network).

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