How to use AFR


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How to use Auto-fill my return

Before you start

To use Auto-fill my return (AFR), volunteers must first submit the authorization request using the current year’s version of UFile CVITP software, then follow the step-by-step instructions to download the individual’s information.

Remember the following:

  • Close all web browsers that you have running before attempting to download an individual’s information through AFR
  • Have your CRA user ID and password or sign-in partner information available. This is the same information you would use to access other CRA login services, such as Represent a Client, My Account, and My Business Account. You will need these later in the process
  • Set the time and time zone correctly on your computer
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  • Screen-by-screen instructions - Submitting the authorization request


    This training uses screenshots taken from prior versions of the UFile CVITP software. Consequently, the images may differ slightly from the current version of UFile CVITP. The content is accurate, and generally, the only difference will be the tax year being referenced. Should the current year’s software contain any significant changes, a new screenshot will be published as soon as possible.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    Identification, Current address, CRA questions topics are highlighted

    Family Head Identification page

    Marital status on December 31, 2019 section is highlighted


    • Proceed through the Interview tab by completing the following sections:
      • Identification
      • Current Address
      • Spouse interview type (this option will only display if you select a married or common-law marital status for the individual)
      • CRA questions

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Add spouse sub-tab is highlighted

    Type of information you wish to provide about your spouse page

    Spousal information

    Note: If providing spousal information, you must do so before submitting an Authorization request for the Family Head.

    • Click add spouse
    • Complete the Identification and CRA questions sections for the spouse
    • Return to the Family Head’s profile in the navigation bar and proceed with the AFR process

    If you are also using AFR to file the spouse’s return, you must also submit an Authorization request for the spouse. This can be done at any time once the Identification and CRA questions have been completed for the spouse.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    EFILE topic is highlighted

    Electronic filing – EFILE page

    Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer?

    Yes is highlighted

    Electronic filing - Questions

    • Under the Interview tab, in the left side menu, select EFILE
    • Select Yes to the question Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer?

    When you answer Yes to this question, a new question will show up asking, Have you already filed an authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today?

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    EFILE topic

    Electronic filing – EFILE page

    Have you already filed an Authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today? – No is highlighted

    If UFile is open in the current tax year section is highlighted

    Electronic filing - Questions

    Reminder: Before completing a prior year's return using AFR, you must first submit an Authorization request using current year UFile CVITP software.

    Current year instructions:

    • Answer No to the question Have you already filed an Authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today?
    • Once you’ve answered No, instructions will be displayed. Read the instructions
    • Click the Tax Return tab

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Tax Return tab is highlighted

    Julius Test sub-tab

    CRA Authorization request topic is highlighted

    Authorization request – signature page

    Taxpayer information section, Representative information section, Authorization information section are highlighted

    Print button is highlighted

    Authorization request – signature page

    • On the Tax Return tab, select CRA Authorization request from the left side menu to populate the Authorization request – signature page from the left side menu
    • Print the Authorization request – signature page
    • Read the script to the individual
    • Ask the individual to sign the page

    Note: Only the individual keeps a copy of this page. Volunteers do not retain paper copies.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under EFILE tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Federal Authorization submission topic is highlighted

    Filing status for: Julius Test page

    Ready for filing button is highlighted

    Federal Authorization - filing status

    • Once the Authorization request – signature page is signed by the individual, click the EFILE tab
    • Click Federal Authorization submission in the left side menu or Click Ready for filing (clicking one or the other will bring you to the same result page)

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under EFILE tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Federal Authorization submission topic

    Federal Authorization e-submission for: Julius Test page

    I agree with the Authorization Terms and Conditions for CVITP check box is highlighted

    File the Authorization now! button is highlighted

    Federal Authorization e-submission

    • If you agree, check the box I agree with the Authorization Terms and Conditions for CVITP
    • Click File the Authorization now!

    Note: If you do not agree with the Authorization Terms and Conditions for CVITP, you cannot proceed with using AFR.

    Text version

    Federal EFILE Report for Julius Test screen

    Close button is highlighted

    Authorization request - Process confirmation

    • CRA EFILE service returns an acknowledgement and a confirmation number
    • Click Close

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under EFILE tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Federal Authorization submission topic is highlighted

    Federal Authorization e-submission for: Julius Test page

    Click here to proceed with CRA Auto-fill my return is highlighted

    Federal Authorization - E-submission

    • You are now back to UFile at the EFILE tab

    Note: The Authorization request is now submitted. If you are preparing multiple years, always start with the earliest return.

    For 2021 instructions

    • Click on Click here to proceed with CRA Auto-fill my return
    • Continue from CRA Auto-fill my return of Screen-by-Screen instructions – Using AFR for 2018 – 2021

    2018 to 2020 instructions:

    2017 instructions:

  • Screen-by-screen instructions – Using AFR for 2018 – 2021


    This training uses screenshots taken from prior versions of the UFile CVITP software. Consequently, the images may differ slightly from the current version of UFile CVITP. The content is accurate, and generally, the only difference will be the tax year being referenced. Should the current year’s software contain any significant changes, a new screenshot will be published as soon as possible.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    Identification, Current address, CRA questions topics are highlighted

    Family Head Identification page

    Marital status on December 31, 2019 section is highlighted


    • Proceed through the Interview tab by completing the following sections:
      • Identification
      • Current Address
      • Spouse interview type (this option will only display if you select a married or common-law marital status for the individual)
      • CRA questions

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    EFILE topic is highlighted

    Electronic filing – EFILE page

    Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer?

    Yes is highlighted

    Electronic filing - Questions

    • Under the Interview tab, in the left side menu, select EFILE
    • Select Yes to the question Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer?

    When you answer Yes to this question, a new question will show up asking, Have you already filed an authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today?

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    EFILE topic

    Electronic filing – EFILE page

    Have you already filed an Authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today?

    Yes is highlighted

    Click here to proceed with CRA Auto-fill my return. is highlighted

    Electronic filing - Questions

    Reminder: Before completing a prior year's return using AFR, you must first submit an Authorization request using current year UFile CVITP software.

    Current year instructions:

    • Answer Yes to the question Have you already filed an Authorization request successfully for this taxpayer today?
    • Once you answer Yes, the following message will appear:
      • Click here to proceed with CRA Autofill my return.
    • Select Click here to proceed to the CRA Auto-fill my return page

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    CRA Auto-fill my return topic is highlighted

    CRA Auto-fill my return page

    Yes, Use Auto-fill my return in this file is checked and highlighted

    CRA Auto-fill my return

    • Check the box Yes, Use Auto-fill my return in this file
    • Click Next

    Note: This will take you to the Download my information page.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    Download my information topic is highlighted

    Download my information page

    I have read the terms and conditions above and agree to retrieve my tax information is checked and highlighted

    Download button is highlighted

    Auto-fill my return (AFR) Terms and conditions of use

    • Read the AFR Terms and conditions of use
    • If you agree, check the box indicating I have read the terms and conditions above and agree to retrieve my tax information
    • Click the Download button. You may need to scroll down the page to see it.

    Note: You must close all web browsers that you have running before attempting to download the data.

    Text version

    Tax information web service screen

    Sign-In Partner Login/Register button is highlighted

    CRA login button is highlighted

    Accessing CRA web services (AFR)

    Your web browser will open the CRA's Tax information web service page.

    Use one of the two methods below to access the AFR application:

    1. If you are using the CRA login method, enter your CRA user ID and password

    2. If you are using the Sign-In Partner Login method, login using your online banking information

    Note: This is the same information you would use to access other CRA login services, such as Represent a Client, My Account, and My Business Account. If you run into issues with Multi-factor authentication, see Multi-factor authentication – Auto-fill my return (AFR) and CVITP volunteers.

    Text version

    Tax information web service – request confirmation screen on the left with the SIN field: 000000000 and the next button highlighted

    Tax information web service – please wait screen on the right

    AFR - Verify the SIN

    Once you have logged in, you will be taken to the Tax information web service-request confirmation screen and asked to verify the SIN you are using AFR.

    Note: With the UFile CVITP software, you can only enter one SIN at a time.

    • Once you confirm that the SIN is correct, click Next.
    • You will need to wait a few minutes for the system to process your request.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    Accept my information page

    T4 statement is checked

    AFR - Review the information

    Auto-fill my return brings forward all income tax slips that the CRA has received from third parties into UFile.

    Note: You will be prompted to verify that the amounts are accurate and confirm that the income should be reported.

    • Always confirm with the taxpayer that the system is showing all of their information slips

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    Accept button is highlighted

    AFR - Accept the information

    • Once you have verified that all of the income information is correct, click Accept

    Note: Some slips may require additional information. Be sure to follow the instructions provided through the software.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Under Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    Accept my information page

    Data merging

    • The AFR service process is completed
    • You are brought back to the Accept my information screen under the Interview tab
    • All slips and other information that were downloaded are listed in the left side menu, and the individual’s data is now merged into the return

    This is the end of the AFR process. For more information on completing a tax return, please refer to Preparing income tax returns: before, during and after.

    Note: AFR can only download information that the CRA has available at the time of filing. For more information, see Before you begin.

  • Screen-by-screen instructions – Using AFR for 2017


    This training uses screenshots taken from prior versions of the UFile CVITP software. Consequently, the images may differ slightly from the current version of UFile CVITP. The content is accurate, and generally, the only difference will be the tax year being referenced. Should the current year’s software contain any significant changes, a new screenshot will be published as soon as possible.

    Any references made to T1013 in the current screenshots have now been replaced by Authorization request – signature page.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    Identification topic, Current address topic, CRA questions topic, Interview setup topic are highlighted

    Family Head Identification page

    Marital status on December 31, 2017, is highlighted


    • Proceed through the Interview tab by completing the following sections:
      • Identification
      • Current address
      • CRA questions
      • Spouse interview type (this option will only display if you select married or common-law as marital status for the taxpayer)
      • Interview Setup section

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    EFILE topic is highlighted

    Electronic filing – EFILE page

    Will you be filing Form T1013, Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative to use the CRA Auto-fill my return service? is highlighted

    Yes is highlighted

    Electronic filing - EFILE

    Note: Although the authorization request is transmitted through the current year UFile software, you must still answer Yes to this question in 2017 UFile.

    • In the left side menu, select EFILE
    • Select Yes to the question that asks you if you will be filing an authorization request to use the CRA Auto-fill my return service
    • Click Next

    This will bring you to the T4 and employment income page.

    Note: Form T1013 was replaced by the Authorization request – signature page beginning in the 2019 tax filing season. Any reference to Form T1013, Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative in the 2017 software is the same as a reference to the Authorization request – signature page in 2019 and subsequent versions of the software.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    CRA Auto-fill my return topic is highlighted

    T4 and employment income page

    T4 and employment income

    • Select CRA Auto-fill my return from the left side menu
    • Do not click the Next button on this page

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    CRA Auto-fill my return topic

    CRA Auto-fill my return page

    Yes, Use Auto-fill my return in this file is checked and highlighted

    CRA Auto-fill my return

    • In this section, check the box Yes, Use Auto-fill my return in this file
    • Click Next
    • This will take you to the Download my information screen

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Family Head sub-tab

    EFILE topic is highlighted

    Download my information page

    I have read the terms and conditions above and agree to retrieve my tax information is checked and highlighted

    Download button is highlighted

    AFR terms and conditions of use

    • Read the text under AFR terms and conditions of use
    • If you agree, check the box indicating I have read the terms and conditions above and agree to retrieve my tax information
    • Click the Download button. You may need to scroll down the page to see it.

    Note: You must close all web browsers that you have running before attempting to download the data.

    Text version

    Tax information web service screen

    Sign-In Partner Login/Register button is highlighted

    CRA login button is highlighted

    Accessing CRA web services (AFR)

    Your web browser will open the CRA's Tax information web service page.

    Use one of the two methods below to access the AFR application:

    1. If you are using the CRA login method, enter your CRA user ID and password

    2. If you are using the Sign-In Partner Login method, login using your online banking information

    Note: This is the same information you would use to access other CRA login services, such as Represent a Client, My Account, and My Business Account. If you run into issues with Multi-factor authentication, see Multi-factor authentication – Auto-fill my return (AFR) and CVITP volunteer.

    Text version

    Tax information web service – request confirmation screen on the left with the SIN field: 000000000 and the next button are highlighted

    Tax information web service – please wait screen on the right

    AFR – Verify the SIN

    Once you have logged in, you will be taken to the Tax information web service-request confirmation screen and asked to verify the SIN you are using AFR.

    Note: With the UFile CVITP software, you can only enter one SIN at a time.

    • Once you confirm that the SIN is correct, click Next
    • You will need to wait a few minutes for the system to process your request.

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    Accept my information page

    T4 Statement is checked

    AFR - Review the information

    Auto-fill my return brings forward all income tax slips that the CRA has received from third parties into UFile.

    Note: You will be prompted to verify that the amounts are accurate and confirm that the income should be reported.

    • Always confirm with the taxpayer that the system is showing all of their information slips

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    T5 Statement page

    Accept button is highlighted

    AFR – Accept the information

    • Once you have verified that all of the income information is correct, click Accept

    Note: Some slips may require additional information. Be sure to follow instructions provided through the software

    Text version

    UFile screen

    Interview tab

    Julius Test sub-tab

    Accept my information topic is highlighted

    Accept my information page

    Congratulations, your data has been successfully merged into your file is highlighted

    Data merging

    • The AFR service process is completed
    • You are brought back to the Accept my information screen under the Interview tab
    • All slips and other information that were downloaded are listed in the left side menu, and the individual’s data is now merged into the return

    This is the end of the AFR process. For more information on completing a tax return, please refer to Preparing income tax returns: before, during and after.

    Note: AFR can only download information that the CRA has available at the time of filing. For more information, see Before you begin.

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