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Before you begin


Using Auto-fill my return is optional. Volunteers can still electronically file returns without using this service. However, the CRA encourages the use of AFR as it helps to ensure fewer errors and more accurate returns. It also improves service to individuals who present themselves at CVITP clinics without all of their income slips and are unable to pass confidentiality requirements over the CVITP dedicated helpline for volunteers due to language barriers or other factors.

The following are a few examples of information that is available through AFR:

  • tax information slips
  • RRSP contribution limit
  • Home Buyers’ Plan repayment amount
  • tuition, education, and textbook carry forward amounts (federal and provincial)

For a complete list, see Auto-fill my return on


CVITP volunteers do not have access to the Client Data Enquiry page through the Auto-fill my return service.

To use AFR, an Authorization request must be filed in the current year UFile CVITP software for each individual served. See Screen by screen instructions - Submitting Authorization request.

Note: AFR can only download information that the CRA has available at the time of filing. Other income slips that have not yet been received by the CRA and additional tax information, such as medical expenses and child care, will still need to be entered.

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  • Authorization Terms and Conditions for CVITP


    To use AFR, volunteers must agree to the Authorization Terms and Conditions for CVITP. If you disagree, you cannot use the AFR service.

    Authorization terms and conditions for CVITP:

    To maintain the confidentiality of taxpayer information as required by section 241 of the Income Tax Act, I agree to the three following conditions. I also acknowledge that if I do not meet these conditions, my privileges to electronically submit an authorization request could be suspended. I hereby agree that:

    1. the electronic submission capabilities of this software package will only be used for activities related to preparing and completing tax return(s) for the taxpayer identified on the Authorization request - signature page;
    2. I will submit the information on behalf of the taxpayer on the date the signature page was signed; and
    3. I will provide each taxpayer with the Authorization request - signature page in its original or other acceptable formats.

  • Requirements for using AFR

    To use AFR, when completing returns for individuals under the CVITP, volunteers must:

    • register in Represent a Client and obtain a RepID
    • register as a CVITP volunteer
    • provide their RepID during registration or, if their registration is already completed, they can provide it directly to their CRA coordinator
    • apply for an EFILE number or renew their EFILE account
    • provide their organization with a valid police records check (PRC)
    • use the UFile CVITP software

    For more information on registrations, see Register to volunteer.

  • Police records check (PRC)

    With increased access to individual's information comes a certain amount of risk. As a result of this increased risk, and to protect individuals' personal information, all volunteers who wish to use the Auto-fill my return service are being asked to obtain valid police records check (PRC).

    Volunteers are responsible for obtaining their PRC. A PRC can be issued through any police service, including municipal and regional police forces, or through a private company that provides personal background checks. Typically, there is a cost associated with obtaining a PRC. However, your organization may be able to provide you with a letter that will allow PRC fees to be waived or reduced.

    Once a PRC is obtained, you must provide it to your community organization.

    PRC Validity

    For the CVITP, a PRC is considered valid if it was issued within the past three years. If your PRC was issued more than three years ago, you would require a new one. PRC results should be consistent with the program terms agreed to by all volunteers during registration.

  • CRA Authorization request

    Authorization request – signature page – CVITP version

    Text version

    Authorization request - signature page

    Taxpayer information section is highlighted

    Representative information section is highlighted

    Authorization information section is highlighted

    Customized fields The following information is hard-coded in the CVITP version of this page: CVITP GroupID, Group name, and Level 1 access.*
    Automatic expiry date

    When this page is submitted through UFile CVITP software, an automatic expiry date is applied. The authorization is only valid until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the same day it is transmitted to the CRA .

    An error message will be generated when the authorization expires before Auto-fill my return has been triggered. If this occurs, volunteers can submit a second Authorization request and continue with the process.


    If your organization or clinic location does not have printing capabilities, your CRA coordinator can provide you with printed copies of the customized Authorization request – signature page, pre-populated with the CVITP GroupID and name, and level of authorization. You may also access it on the Resources page. You will be responsible for filling in the expiry date. The expiry date and the date the Authorization request is signed must always be the same.

    *Level 1 access

    Authorized volunteers have Level 1 access, which only allows them to view an individual's information online. Volunteers, authorized under the CVITP Group, cannot request or make any changes to an individual's account.

    As of January 2021, when a volunteer, who is authorized on an individual’s account, calls the CRA on behalf of the taxpayer, they will be asked for their RepID.

    • The call centre agent will confirm the CVITP GroupID is authorized on the individual's account and verify that the volunteer’s RepID is associated with the CVITP GroupID
    • Once this is confirmed, the volunteer will be granted access to the individual's confidential information over the telephone

    Reminder for CVITP Virtual clinics

    Temporary measures are available to help you with this process. Please refer to the Important note: CVITP Virtual clinics – Guidelines and resources for volunteers.

    Filing the Authorization request

    • Before asking the individual to sign the Authorization request – signature page, you must read them a script that fully discloses what they are consenting to. Be sure to have a copy of the script on hand, as this needs to be read verbatim.
    • A child can sign the Authorization request – signature page at age 16
      • For CRA purposes, a child can act on their behalf and appoint a representative of their choice at the age of 16, unless the child is mentally disabled or not competent
      • The parent or legal guardian of a minor would be able to authorize a third party to act as an authorized representative for tax matters of that child, but only until that child reaches the legal age of consent (adulthood/age of majority) in their province:
        • 18 years old in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan
        • 19 years old in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and Yukon
    • The signed authorization must be given to the individual for their records
    • Once the form is accepted by the CRA, the CVITP GroupID is listed as the authorized representative on the individual’s account. This authorization allows the volunteer, as a member of the Group, to use AFR on the individual’s behalf and to view their tax information online through the Represent a Client portal

    Reminder: A TIS60 must still be completed for each individual you are completing a tax return, whether or not you are using AFR.

    Multi-factor authentication - Auto-fill my return (AFR) and CVITP volunteers

    Last year, the CRA introduced a new multi-factor authentication (MFA) security feature to enhance the security of its sign-in services. This extra layer of security has been put in place to ensure the safety and protection of taxpayer information.

    Please be advised that enrollment in MFA is now mandatory for all taxpayers using CRA’s sign-in services – including CVITP volunteers using the Auto-fill my return or Represent a client services.

    Cancelling mandatory enrollment status is no longer permitted under any circumstances. If you do not want to enroll in MFA, you will not be able to access any CRA online services.

    For more information on using the multi-factor authentication security feature for CRA sign-in services, see Multi-factor authentication to access CRA login services.

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