GST/HST for businesses
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Scraped Page Content
- CRA Website (new)
- GST/HST for businesses
- Input tax credits
- general
- After you file – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- Calculate input tax credits - ITC eligibility percentage
- Calculate input tax credits - Methods to calculate the ITCs
- Calculate input tax credits - Overview
- Calculate input tax credits - Percentage of use in commercial activities
- Calculate input tax credits - Types of purchases and expenses
- Calculate the net tax – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- Calculate your instalment payments
- Charge the GST/HST
- Close a GST/HST account
- Complete and file a return – When to file
- Complete and file a return: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- Confirming a simplified GST/HST account number
- Contact us: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- Correct a GST/HST return
- Definitions for the digital economy
- Federal, provincial, and territorial government rebate (Form GST490)
- File the return – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- Find out how GST/HST apply to Indigenous peoples – Interactive Tax Tool (ITT)
- Find out if you need to pay GST/HST by instalments
- Find out if you need to register for the GST/HST: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- First Nations Goods and Services Tax
- First Nations Goods and Services Tax
- First Nations tax
- First Nations tax
- Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program
- Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 10
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 11
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 12
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 13
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 16
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 1A
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 1C
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 20
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 23
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 24
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 25
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 26
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 4
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 5
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 7
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 8
- Form GST189: Rebate under reason code 9
- Form GST495: Rebate of the provincial part of the HST
- General GST/HST rebate application
- General GST/HST rebate application
- Get ready to register for the GST/HST: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- GST/HST and e-commerce
- GST/HST and information for governments and diplomats
- GST/HST and motor vehicles
- GST/HST and place of supply rules
- GST/HST and QST - Financial institutions, including selected listed financial institutions
- GST/HST and QST forms and publications for selected listed financial institutions
- GST/HST and QST forms and publications for selected listed financial institutions
- GST/HST and QST information for financial institutions, including selected listed financial institutions
- GST/HST and QST rebate for sponsors of foreign conventions, organizers of foreign conventions, and non-resident exhibitors
- GST/HST and QST rebate for sponsors of foreign conventions, organizers of foreign conventions, and non-resident exhibitors
- GST/HST calculator (and rates)
- GST/HST Charity Outreach Visits
- GST/HST in specific situations
- GST/HST information for freight carriers
- GST/HST information for governments and diplomats
- GST/HST information for suppliers of publications
- GST/HST information for taxi operators and commercial ride-sharing drivers
- GST/HST Information for the Travel and Convention Industry
- GST/HST new housing rebate
- GST/HST new housing rebate
- GST/HST new housing rebate
- GST/HST new residential rental property rebate
- GST/HST new residential rental property rebate
- GST/HST new residential rental property rebate
- GST/HST Outreach Seminar for Non Profit Organizations , Charities and Similar Organizations
- GST/HST public service bodies' rebate
- GST/HST public service bodies' rebates
- GST/HST rebate for employees and partners
- GST/HST rebate for employees and partners
- GST/HST rebate for foreign representatives, diplomatic missions, consular posts, international organizations, or visiting forces units
- GST/HST rebate for foreign representatives, diplomatic missions, consular posts, international organizations, or visiting forces units
- GST/HST rebate for purpose-built rental housing (PBRH)
- GST/HST rebate for tour packages
- GST/HST rebate for tour packages
- GST/HST registrants that pay or credit a rebate amount under the Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program
- GST/HST registrants that pay or credit the rebate under the FCTIP
- GST/HST – Imports and exports
- How to charge and collect the tax: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- How to pay
- Make changes to a GST/HST account
- Notification and information reporting: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- Pay (remit) the tax you collected: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- Program history - from VRP to FCTIP
- Program history – from Visitor Rebate Program to Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program
- Rebate for the provincial part of the HST
- Register for the GST/HST: GST/HST for digital economy businesses
- Remit (pay) the GST/HST (including instalment payments)
- Report instalment payments on your GST/HST return
- Special rules for selected listed financial institutions
- Terms and Conditions of use
- What records to keep – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- What to do if you have a complaint – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- What to include in your return – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- When to file – Complete and file a GST/HST return
- When to pay