Income Tax Severed Letters - 2017-07-12

Technical Interpretation - External

16 June 2017 External T.I. 2016-0674541E5 - Mineral Certification

Unedited CRA Tags
Definition of mineral resource under subparagraph (d)(i) of ss. 248(1)
placer jade deposit did not qualify as a non-bedded deposit of industrial mineral or as a base or precious metal deposit

Principal Issues: Whether the nephrite jade deposits at issue meet the definition of mineral resource as per subparagraph (d)(i) of the definition of this term in ss. 248(1)

Position: No new certification is provided for in-situ deposits on the Property that are covered under a previous mineral resource certification. Other in-situ deposits on the Property qualify as mineral resource. Placer nephrite deposits on the Property do not qualify as mineral resource. Nephrite deposits located in claim areas where in-situ and placer deposits geographically overlap do not qualify as mineral resource.

Reasons: Opinion of NRCan

6 June 2017 External T.I. 2015-0617331E5 F - TFSA - Exempt Contribution

Unedited CRA Tags
207.01(1)(b), 248(23.1)(a), 248(8)(a)
payment of family-law debt out of TFSA to surviving spouse would occur as a consequence of the deceased’s death
payment of family-law obligation of deceased to surviving spouse out of deceased's TFSA could qualify
legacy of residue (which included the residence) could be satisfied with TFSA of deceased

Principales Questions: An amount is paid out of an arrangement that ceased to be a TFSA upon the death of its last holder to the deceased holder's succession. The succession liquidator distributes the amount to the deceased's surviving spouse in satisfaction of a debt or a bequest. Whether the distribution qualifies as a survivor payment pursuant to paragraph (b) of the “exempt contribution" definition if the distribution is:
1. To pay a debt pursuant to the partition of the family patrimony, the dissolution of a matrimonial regime, a gift made by marriage contract, a post-mortem obligation to provide support or a compensatory allowance.
2. To settle a bequest of a residence or a sum of money to the legatee by particular?

Position Adoptée: 1.Yes if it is made during the rollover period.
2. Possible if in accordance with the terms of the deceased's will, the distribution of the amount out of the TSFA can be made to the legatee in settlement of the bequest and it is made during the rollover period.

Raisons: 1. We will generally consider that the amount distributed in those circumstances is distributed as a consequence of the death of the deceased holder’s pursuant to paragraph 248(23.1)(a).
2. When such an amount is distributed in accordance with the terms of the deceased holder's will, we will generally consider that such amount is distributed as a consequence of the death of the deceased holder, consistent with paragraph 248(8)(a).

6 April 2017 External T.I. 2016-0658841E5 F - Purpose tests and Allocation of safe income

Unedited CRA Tags
55(2); 55(2.1)
s. 55(2) would not apply to dividends paid only to purify of cash for QSBC-status purposes
safe income was allocated between 2 classes of participating shares pro rata to their dividend entitlements

Principales Questions: 1. Whether the purpose tests of paragraph 55(2.1)(b) are met when a dividend is paid to purify a corporation for capital gain exemption purpose.
2. Each Class AA and Class X share of the capital stock of a corporation entitles the owner of the particular share of one of this class to participate each year in the annual profits of the corporation in proportion of the number of shares of the Class AA and Class X shares issued at the end of the year. A dividend is paid on the Class X shares equal to the amount of the profit to which it is entitled. No dividend is paid on the Class AA shares. The dividend paid on the Class X shares decreases the value of the Class X share but do not decrease the value of the Class AA shares. How would the safe income be allocated between the two classes of shares?
3. If, in a year, the increase in the value of Class AA shares is higher than the increase in the value of Class X shares because of an unrealised increase of the value of one of the assets, how would the safe income be allocated between the two classes of shares?
4. Whether it is possible to isolate the safe income in one class of shares considering all the assumptions in the example.

Position Adoptée: 1. No position taken.
2. We would apply the position issued in 1981 (part of the "Robertson Rules") stating the income will be attributable to a particular class of shares in the same ratio in which each class would be entitled if all earnings of the corporation, but not share capital, were to be distributed. Furthermore, the safe income is allocated to each class with respect to the holding period of the shares by the shareholder. In the particular situation, the dividend paid with respect to Class X shares would not reduce the safe income on hand in respect of the Class AA shares considering that the value of the Class AA shares is not reduced by such dividend.
3. In the particular situation, same position as the position taken in question 2.
4. In the particular situation, no.

Raisons: 1. The CRA would review all the pertinent facts with respect to a particular situation. The purpose of purification would be one relevant factor.
2. In the particular situation, the previous position taken in 1981 would satisfy the test that the safe income contributes to the capital gain that could be realized on a disposition at fair market value, immediately before the dividend, of the share on which the dividend is received.
3. In the particular situation, as the increase in the value of the assets of the corporation is unrealized and do not form part of the safe income, the safe income would not contribute in that year in that part of the hypothetical capital gain of the Class AA shares.
4. In the particular situation, we should take the same position as mentioned with respect to question 2.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

21 November 2016 Internal T.I. 2016-0675761I7 F - Obligation de produire un T4A

Unedited CRA Tags
6(1)a), 153(1), Rég. 200(1)
artists’ union must issue T4A slips to incorporated artists respecting benefits received from the union

Principales Questions: Pour informer la DGRV d'une modification à notre interprétation 2013-050717. / To inform CVB of a modification to our interpretation 2013-050717.

Position Adoptée: L'artiste ne reçoit pas un avantage du producteur pour les contributions versées à l’UDA. / The artist does not receive a benefit from the producer for the contributions paid to the UDA.

Raisons: L'employé reçoit un avantage de l'UDA conformément à l'alinéa 6(1)a). / The employee receives a benefit from the UDA pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(a).