Principal Issues: 1. Is it acceptable to convert a particular currency into another currency by dividing the amount by a Bank of Canada exchange rate?
2. How will interest on late instalment payments be computed where a taxpayer chooses an instalment payment option in paragraph 157(1)(a) that is not the method that gives rise to the least amount of instalments of tax for the year as stated in subsection 161(4.1)?
Position: 1. Yes
2. The Minister is bound to respect the choice of option that a corporation makes in calculating the payment of taxes to be remitted in monthly instalments. Should the corporation be deficient in making such remittances, interest may be assessed. However, the calculation of interest should be limited to the monthly amount required based on whichever allowable method in the circumstances gives rise to the least total amount of such parts or instalments of tax for the year.
Reasons: 1. It is our opinion that in most cases, dividing the Bank of Canada rate would be acceptable.
2. Per legislation and supported by jurisprudence (I.G. Rockies Corp. v The Queen).