Principal Issues: In a given situation, two corporate shareholders (Bco and Cco) own a third corporation (Aco). Aco's element "A" of the 2006 GRIP Addition per subsection 89(7) is $1,000,000. In 2002, Aco paid a taxable dividend of $800,000 to Bco, and a taxable dividend of $700,000 to Cco. How should Aco's element "A" of $1,000,000 be allocated between Bco and Cco in computing the amount that would be included in paragraph (c) of element "A" for Bco and Cco.
Position: Bco: $533,333, and Cco: $466,667.
Reasons: The amount of element "A" of $1,000,000 of Aco should be apportioned between Bco and Cco based on the amount of the dividends received by Bco and Cco from Aco during taxation years ending after 2000 and before 2006.