Income Tax Severed Letters - 2008-11-07

Technical Interpretation - External

3 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0289701E5 F - Paiement fait à la succession d'un employé

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lump sum paid by employer to estate of employee, compensating for insurance proceeds that the estate could have claimed, was non-taxable under surrogatum principle

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal d'une somme versée par l'employeur à la succession d'un ancien employé décédé accidentellement reçoit en guise de compensation pour le produit d'assurance que la succession aurait été en droit de recevoir?

Position Adoptée: Non imposable.

Raisons: Le principe de la substitution. La somme versée par l'employeur ne vise pas à remplacer une somme qui aurait été incluse dans le revenu de l'employé ou de la succession en vertu de l'alinéa 6(1)f) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

3 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0284191E5 - Special Work Site - Outside Canada

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Principal Issues:
1. Does the "special work site" exemption apply to locations outside Canada?
2. Should a board and lodging allowance paid in respect of a "special work site" be reported on an employee's T4 slip?
3. Is an employee required to retain receipts for board and lodging and provide them to his employer?
4. Are there any CRA guidelines with respect to reasonable "per diem" rates for various countries?

1. Yes.
2. Question of fact. An allowance for board and lodging at a "special work site" will be taxable and should therefore be reported on an employee's T4 slip where it does not meet the conditions of subsection 6(6) of the Act (including the amount being in excess of a reasonable amount).
3. No.
4. No.

1. Subsection 6(6) of the Act does not preclude a "special work site" from being a location outside Canada.
2. An allowance for an employee's board and lodging at a "special work site" will be non-taxable and will not need to be reported on an employee's T4 slip, provided the taxpayer meets the requirements in subsection 6(6) of the Act.
3. A board and lodging allowance is non-taxable if it is reasonable regardless of the amount actually spent by the employee.
4. An allowance which is based on a reasonable estimate of the costs of such board and lodging in the surrounding area would be considered acceptable for this purpose.

XXXXXXXXXX Renee Sigouin
(613) 957-2128
November 3, 2008

30 October 2008 External T.I. 2006-0198381E5 F - Disposition d'un BUP - application de l'article 42

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40(2)g) 42
payment of claim re latent defect in principal residence generated a s. 42 capital loss – that was denied by s. 40(2)(g)(iii)

Principales Questions: L'article 42 permet-il de constater une perte en capital dans le cas où un particulier doit payer un dédommagement pour vices cachés découlant de la disposition de sa résidence principale l'année précédente?

Raisons: L'article 42 s'applique dans la mesure où toutes les conditions s'y rattachant sont respectées, notamment celle de l'existence d'une obligation légale d'honorer la garantie. Toutefois, puisqu'il s'agit de la résidence principale du contribuable, soit un bien à usage personnel aux termes de l'article 54 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, la somme payée par le contribuable en guise de compensation pour vices cachés ne donnera pas lieu à une perte en capital

30 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0295221E5 - Employment exercised by non-residents

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2(3); 250; 115

Principal Issues: Will salary paid by a non-resident employer to a non-resident employee be subject to Canadian tax if the employment is exercised in a foreign country?

Position: No, as long as the employee is not resident in Canada, and the employee is not deemed to have been employed in Canada.

Reasons: Not taxable under subsection 2(3). The fact that the employee is not resident in the foreign country under the income tax convention with Canada is not relevant.

30 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0286141E5 F - Prestations de retraite reçues par un Indien

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exempt portion of pension payments determined based on exempt portions of employment as entitlements thereto accrued

Principales Questions: Comment déterminer le pourcentage des prestations qui est exonéré d'impôt lorsque ces prestations découlent de cotisations attribuables en partie à du revenu d'emploi imposable et en partie à du revenu d'emploi exonéré.

Position Adoptée: Question de fait.

Raisons: Dans le cas où une période de service est prise en compte aux fins de la détermination des prestations payables, le pourcentage exonéré des revenus d'emploi gagnés au cours de la période de service pertinente doit être pris en compte afin de déterminer le pourcentage exonéré des prestations de retraite. Dans le cas où aucune période de service n'est prise en compte aux fins de la détermination des prestations payables, il est raisonnable de se référer au traitement fiscal du revenu d'emploi de l'Indien inscrit immédiatement avant le début du versement de la prestation.

29 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0286611E5 - thin capitalization

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18(4)(a)(ii)(B) and (C)

Principal Issues: Assume a corporation's second taxation year commences on June 16, 2007. For the purposes of computing the corporation's contributed surplus and paid up capital under clauses 18(4)(a)(ii)(B) and (C) of the Act, is "the beginning of the calendar month" the earliest moment of the day on June 16, 2007?

Position: No

Reasons: In computing equity for the second taxation year commencing on June 16, 2007, we can include any amount for paid up capital or contributed surplus at the beginning of the calendar month of June, 2007 even if that time is in a previous taxation year.

29 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0287661E5 - Employee - Deductibility of Assistant Expenses

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8(1)(i)(ii) 8(1)(f) 8(10)

Principal Issues:
1) Can an employee earning salary (with no commission income) deduct amounts paid to a self-employed assistant (i.e., assistant is not an employee)?
2) Can a commissioned employee deduct amounts paid to a self-employed assistant?
3) With respect to Form T2200, Question 9 asks: "Did you require this employee under a contract of employment to pay for a substitute of assistant?" In situations 1) and 2) above, is the question required to be answered "Yes" in order for the employee to deduct expenses relating to the assistant?

1) No.
2) Yes.
3) N/A for situation 1) and 2) above.

1) Subparagraph 8(1)(i)(ii) of the Act allows a taxpayer to deduct amounts paid in the year to an assistant or substitute. Where the assistant is a bona fide self-employed individual, the employee would not have paid the assistant "salary" for purposes of subparagraph 8(1)(i)(ii), as he was not the assistant's "employer".
2) If the employee were remunerated in whole or in part by commission, he would be permitted to deduct amounts paid to a self-employed assistant provided each of the conditions of paragraph 8(1)(f) were met.
3) Where an employee is non-commissioned, Q. 9 of the T2200 should ordinarily be answered in the affirmative in order to receive a deduction under subparagraph 8(1)(i)(ii). Here, no deduction is available. Where an employee is commissioned, this question should not be completed (the form specifically states: "Do not complete for employees earning commission income").

28 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0274281E5 F - Société gestion de pension, moyen de financement

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149(1)o.1); 8502 g)

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'une société de gestion qui ne fait que gérer des baux et de la comptabilité serait acceptée comme moyen de financement dans le cadre de l'agrément d'un régime de pension?

Position Adoptée: Non

Raisons: La société ne détient pas des biens tel que requis par l'alinéa 8502 g) du Règlement

27 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0292061E5 - Application of subsection 75(2)

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Principal Issues: Will subsection 75(2) apply to property held pursuant to a trust indenture containing certain clauses?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: General comments provided.

27 October 2008 External T.I. 2007-0261591E5 - sift rules& ltd partnership owned by SIFT trust

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Principal Issues: Will a subsidiary entity of an income trust also be a SIFT entity?

Position: Provided the subsidiary entity is an excluded subsidiary entity, it will not be a SIFT entity. Otherwise, it is a question of fact.

24 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0274441E5 - Group Term Life Insurance - Taxable Benefit

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Principal Issues: Whether the taxpayer is required to include a taxable benefit from the payment of a premium by his ex-employer for a group term life insurance policy.

Position: None

Reasons: Question of fact. Provided general comments on the application of subsection 6(4) of the Act.

24 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0278791E5 - Investment Tax Credit on Farm Equipment

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Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer in similar circumstances as the manufacturer referred to in documents 2002-0122357 and 2002-0149987 would be entitled to claim the investment tax credit with respect to the farm equipment.

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Missing information.

22 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0289291E5 - Warmer climate as medical expense

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118.2(2) 118.2(2)(g) 118.2(2)(h)

Principal Issues: Whether the air fare to a warmer climate for a taxpayer and an accompanying individual qualify as medical expenses

Position: No

Reasons: Travel to a warmer climate is not considered to be for medical services under paragraphs 118.2(g) and 118.2(h)

14 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0277991E5 - Replacement Property Rules

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44(1) 110.6(1) 220(3.2)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the replacement property rules can be claimed relevant to farmland that is replaced. 2. Whether a late filed election may be made. 3. Whether the replacement farmland is qualified farm property.

Position: 1. Completed transaction, not enough facts to opine. 2. A late filed election can be made to the extent that 44(1) applies. 3. Insufficient information.

Reasons: 1. Whether or not the tests and conditions are met relevant to the replacement property rules found in subsection 44(1) is a question of fact. This is a completed transaction and the determination is the responsibility of the taxpayer's TSO. 2. Subsection 220(3.2) provides, depending upon the circumstances, that the CRA may accept a late or amended election under subsection 44(1). 3. The determination whether a property is a Qualified Farm Property is relevant at the time of sale and the determination is necessarily made ex post facto. A determination cannot be made based upon the intentions of an individual.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

3 November 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0285781I7 F - Résidence principale

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40(2)b); 45(1)(b)
business use of residence was not “ancillary”

Principales Questions: (1) Est-ce que l'exemption pour résidence principale est applicable dans une situation où une résidence est utilisée en partie en vue d'exploiter XXXXXXXXXX et en partie dans le but d'y résider normalement?
(2) Quels sont les différents critères qui peuvent nous permettre de déterminer à quel moment précis un contribuable a changé l'usage d'un bien?

Position Adoptée: Questions de fait.

Raisons: (1) Dans la situation donnée, nous sommes d'avis que le bien n'est pas principalement utilisé par les contribuables à titre de résidence principale et qu'il ne sert pas de façon accessoire à produire un revenu.
(2) Sans objet.

27 October 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0297671I7 - US based Deferred Income Plan

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Principal Issues: A typing error was made in the first sentence under the 4th bullet of our file 2007-026329.

Position: The sentence that reads:
"An SDA will not exist where one of the main purposes for the creation or existence of the right to receive the amount after the end of the year is to postpone tax payable under the Act by the taxpayer."
should read:
"An SDA will exist where one of the main purposes for the creation or existence of the right to receive the amount after the end of the year is to postpone tax payable under the Act by the taxpayer.

Reasons: To correct the error.

27 October 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0288341I7 - Replacement Property

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Principal Issues: Whether a replacement property has been acquired where a taxpayer purchased as replacement property three quarters of land in 2006 which had been previously rented for XXXXXXXXXX years and sold the former property consisting of one quarter of land in 2007 that was close to an urban area.

Position: General comments

Reasons: Insufficient information

15 October 2008 Internal T.I. 2008-0269721I7 - SR&ED Expenditures and Joint Venture

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37(1), (4), (8) 127(8) (8.1), (11.6)-(11.8); 248(1) 18.1, 96

Principal Issues: 1. Would the joint venture (JV) be considered to be operating a business and would each member of the JV be considered to be in the same business even if they have designated one of the participants, the Operator, to run this business? 2. Is there an implied agency relationship between Corporation A (the Operator) and the other JV members by reason of the fact that the JV agreement states that the JV operations will be run by one JV participant - the Operator - with the other JV members providing financial contributions? 3. If there is no implied agency relationship, has Corporation A performed SR&ED work for itself and on behalf of the other JV members by reason of having performed the SR&ED work and because of the fact that the other JV members provided only financial contributions to the JV such that only Corporation A would be entitled to claim ITC? 4. Can each JV member claim their proportionate share of SR&ED salary or wages for employees of the Operator or must the JV member claim these expenditures under subclause 37(8)(a)(ii)(B)(II) or paragraph 2900(2)(c)? 5. Can an amount of foregone revenue of a JV member be considered that member's contribution and expenditure for SR&ED purposes? 6. Can a JV member who is not actively involved in the JV operation (e.g. Individual 2), and not operating any other business, claim SR&ED ITCs?

Position: 1. Yes. 2. Maybe. 3. Depends 4. Depends. 5. Yes. 6. Maybe.

Reasons: See reasons in the interpretation.