Income Tax Severed Letters - 2003-11-21


2003 Ruling 2003-0035913 - Disposition - Amend Trust Deed

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Principal Issues:
Whether the proposed modification of the trust deed will result in a resettlement of the mutual fund trust, and thereby result in a disposition by the trust of its property and/or a disposition by the unitholders of their trust units.


The modification is very minor and is in accordance with the terms of the Amended Trust Deed. The ownership interests of the unitholders are unchanged.

XXXXXXXXXX 2003-003591

2003 Ruling 2002-0155853 - 55(3)(b)

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Principal Issues:
In a sequential spin-off butterfly and a split-up butterfly, whether the new reorganization shares received by a taxpayer in exchange ("share exchange") for his or her subsection 7(1.1) shares in the spin-off butterfly would retain subsection 7(1.1) treatment.


The share exchange in the present case will meet all the conditions stipulated in subsection 7(1.5).

2003 Ruling 2003-0014473 - INNOVATIVE INSTRUMENT

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20(1)(c) 104(7.1)

Principal Issues:
1. Whether the XXXXXXXXXX note constitutes borrowed money to X Co. for the purpose of paragraph 20(1)(c).
2. Whether subsection 104(7.1) will apply to deny a deduction to Y Co. under paragraph 104(6)(b) of amounts payable to its unit-holders.


1. Yes.
2. No.


2003 Ruling 2003-0015553 - XXXXXXXXXX - Butterfly

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Principal Issues: Distribution of property pursuant to paragraph 55(3)(b).

Position: Favourable ruling provided.

Reasons: The law.

2003 Ruling 2003-0017923 F - cii attribuables a un commandite

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les crédits d'impôt à l'investissement d'une société en commandite relatifs à l'acquisition de biens admissibles et de dépenses admissibles qui ne sont pas attribués aux commanditaires, peuvent être attribués en totalité au commandité en vertu du paragraphe 127(8.3) de la Loi dans la situation donnée ?

Position Adoptée:
Oui, dans la présente situation.

Technical Interpretation - External

21 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0037525 - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH GENERAL

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248(1) 37(1)

Principal Issues: Whether a Canadian corporation ("Canco") will be considered to have incurred SR&ED expenditures by providing services described in paragraph (d) of the SR&ED definition in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

Position: Those services described in paragraph (d) of the SR&ED definition in subsection 248(1) of the Act performed by Canco would be considered as SR&ED only to the extent that they directly support activities described in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of the SR&ED definition in subsection 248(1) of the Act undertaken in Canada by or on behalf of Canco.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

21 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0043505 - CEE - Exploration for Uranium

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66.1(6) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether expenses in respect of exploring for uranium could qualify for renunciation for flow-through share purposes.

Position: Potentially.

Reasons: Review of the facts of the situation in light of the relevant legislative provisions. Uranium is a metal that is considered to be a base metal. A uranium deposit would constitute a "mineral resource" for purposes of the legislation under consideration.

20 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0029355 - GHOST CARS & MUNCIPAL AUTOS

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6(1)(e) 6(1)(k) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether ghost car would be "clearly-marked emergency vehicle"; 2. Whether extended-cab pick-up truck would be automobile where its rear seat was removed; 3. Whether standby charge and operating cost benefit would arise from ghost car made available to officer while on call; 4. Whether standby charge and operating cost benefit would arise from availability and use of vehicle modified to carry police dogs by officer in charge of caring for a dog that resides with the officer.

Position: 1. Ghost car would not be clearly-marked vehicle; 2. Would not be considered automobile if it was used, in the year of acquisition, all or substantially all for transporting goods, equipment, or passengers for employment-related purposes; 3. Standby charge and operating benefit could arise from ghost car being made available to officer while on call; 4. No benefit likely with respect to availability and use of Dog vehicle since there is no personal use.

Reasons: 1. Clearly-marked emergency vehicle refers to a vehicle that is readily identified by the general public as a police or fire vehicle due to symbols or lettering on the vehicle. Since ghost cars are designed to be non-descript vehicles they would not be clearly-marked; 2. Extended-cab pick-up trucks have a seating capacity for more than the driver and two passengers notwithstanding the removal of the rear seat. Therefore, they must meet the "all or substantially all" test to be excluded from the "automobile" definition. 3. Use of ghost car to travel between home and work would be personal, as would trips undertaken while on call that were made primarily for personal reasons. Accordingly, standby charge and operating benefit may be applicable. 4. Consistent with Hoedel case, where an officer is fully responsible for care and training of police dog that stays in the officer's home, travel with the dog between home and work would be considered employment-related.

20 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0048485 - DSLP NOT RETURNING TO WORK

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REG 6801(a)

Principal Issues:
Effect of inability to return to work for period equal to leave of absence under 6801(a) DSLP

When unforeseen circumstances prevent the individual from returning to work and all amounts have been paid out under the plan there will be no adverse tax consequences

Reasons: Previous positions taken

18 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0009195 - CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES

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56(1)(d) 60(a) 248(28)

Principal Issues:
Determining the "amount of the advantage" in respect of an annuity stream to be received by a donor in exchange for a cash gift made to a registered charity.

Valuation must be reasonable. While obtaining quotations from insurance companies is one method of determining the value of the annuity stream to be received by the donor, other approaches may be taken.

The proposed amendments do not prescribe the manner for determining the "amount of advantage".

18 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0014695 - GRANT OF STOCK OPTIONS TO CHARITY

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110.1(1) ITR 3501

Principal Issues:
Is a charity permitted to issue a donation receipt when it is issued a stock option?

Position: No.

A donation receipt may only be issued in respect of a gift. To constitute a gift, there must be a transfer of property. A granting corporation does not transfer property to a charity when it issues a stock option.

18 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0048925 - Affiliated, Related and Associated

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256(1) 256(2)

Principal Issues: Correction to Paragraph 41 of Document 2003-004032 dealing with whether certain corporations are affiliated, related or associated.

Position: Company C is associated with Company E under subsection 256(2).

Reasons: Company C and Company E are deemed to be associated with each other because each company is associated with Company A.

14 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0037505 - Capital Dividend Account

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89(1) 96(1)

Principal Issues: Timing of the inclusion of the non-taxable portion of a capital gain realized by a partnership in a corporate partner's capital dividend account where the particular corporate partner is a private corporation.

Position: A private corporation that is a partner would include its share of any partnership capital gain and taxable capital gain in clause 89(1)(a)(i)(A) and clause 89(1)(a)(i)(B), respectively, in its taxation year that that includes the end of the partnership's fiscal period.

Reasons: The law.

13 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0047105 - WRITE-OFF MORTGAGES HELD IN AN RRSP

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146 204.1

Principal Issues:
1. What are the tax implications of taking a mortgage out of an RRSP? Information on writing off or disposing of a non-performing investment held in an RRSP.
2. How is any subsequent income on the mortgage taxed?

1. Outlined possible tax consequences and noted we do not provide opinions or rule on the valuation or propriety of such transactions.
2. If the mortgage was removed from the RRSP at fair market value any subsequent income would be taxed in the annuitant's hands.

Explained options available to the RRSP and annuitant in these circumstances.

13 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0036515 - method of reporting income

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Principal Issues: Method of reporting income by a utility.

Position: On the earned basis.

Reasons: Provides the "truer picture" of profit.

13 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0019485 - WRITE-OFF OF MORTGAGES HELD IN RRSP

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146 204.1

Principal Issues:
What are the tax implications of taking a mortgage out of an RRSP? Information on writing off or disposing of a non-performing investment held in an RRSP.

Outlined possible tax consequences and noted we do not provide opinions or rule on the valuation or propriety of such transactions.

Explained options available to the RRSP and annuitant in these circumstances.

12 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0020275 F - RECOMPENSES

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$500 gift policy might apply to points awards if redeemable for very limited range of goods/ policy does not apply to sales awards etc.

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que la position administrative permettant à un employé de recevoir, en franchise d'impôt, deux récompenses non monétaires par année en reconnaissance de réalisations exceptionnelles lorsque le coût total des récompenses pour l'employeur est inférieur à 500 $ (ci-après la " politique ") s'applique à la présente situation?

Position Adoptée:
Aucune position définitive.

12 November 2003 External T.I. 2002-0121835 - 85(1) - Holdbacks Payable

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Principal Issues:
Where in a sale by a contractor of its construction contract to a corporate purchaser under subsection 85(1) of the Income Tax Act, whether the assumption by the purchaser of the contractor's holdbacks payable as part of the purchase and sale transaction should form part of the agreed amount, where at the time of such assumption, the contractor's holdbacks payable were conditional on the issuance by an architect or engineer of a certificate of acceptance with respect to the contract?

The fair market value of the contractor's holdbacks payable at the time they were assumed should form part of the agreed amount.

The assumption by the purchaser of the contractor's holdbacks payable would constitute non-share consideration received by the contractor.

(613) 954-4949
November 12, 2003

5 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0042215 - Feasability Studies and CRCE

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1219(1) 1219(2)

Principal Issues: Whether the cost of a pre-feasibility study and a feasibility study related to a proposed wind farm project would constitute CRCE.

Position: Whether or not a particular expenditure will constitute CRCE must be determined from the facts of a particular situation. General comments given respecting aspects of such studies which may constitute CRCE.

Reasons: Nature of the determination.

4 November 2003 External T.I. 2003-0036395 - Proceeds from Sale of Trees

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12(1)(g) 39(1) 13(21)

Principal Issues: Does the sale of trees result in a capital gain or income for tax purposes?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Can only be determined when all of the facts are known.

29 October 2003 External T.I. 2003-0045825 - Test Wind Turbine CRCE

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Principal Issues: Whether two wind turbines would each qualify as a "test wind turbine" for purposes of CRCE under proposed amendments to section 1219 of the Regulations.

Position: Provided the amendments are enacted as proposed and the taxpayer proceeds with the development of a wind farm as planned, each of the wind turbines would so qualify.

Reasons: Based upon the wording of the proposed amendments, a written opinion received from Natural Resources Canada and the facts of the situation.

19 September 2003 External T.I. 2003-0034095 - Specified bene of trust & change prin res

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.

XXXXXXXXXX 2003-003409


September 19, 2003

Dear Sir:

Re: Principal Residence Designation by a Personal Trust

22 September 1998 External T.I. 98103050 - PENSION COPORATIONS & TAX EXEMPT CORP

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149(1)(o.2)(iv) 4802(1)(g)

Principal Issues: Would a corporation, that is one of a series of vertically wholly-owned subsidiary corporations, fail to be exempt from Part I tax by the only reason that one corporation of the series is not exempt from Part I tax.

Position: No

Reasons: Every corporation is a prescribed person under 4802(1)(g) of Regulations for purposes of 149(1)(o.2)(iv)(D) of the Act

22 September 1998 External T.I. 9810305 - PENSION COPORATIONS & TAX EXEMPT CORP

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149(1)(o.2)(iv) 4802(1)(g)

Principal Issues: Would a corporation, that is one of a series of vertically wholly-owned subsidiary corporations, fail to be exempt from Part I tax by the only reason that one corporation of the series is not exempt from Part I tax.

Position: No

Reasons: Every corporation is a prescribed person under 4802(1)(g) of Regulations for purposes of 149(1)(o.2)(iv)(D) of the Act

Technical Interpretation - Internal

17 November 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0046787 - SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE PLANS

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Principal Issues:
Follow-up inquiry on 2003-003794, specifically whether subsection 20(7) of the Act applies to deny a paragraph 20(1)(m) reserve for a software maintenance.

Position: Yes.

Software and hardware maintenance agreements are considered a form of indemnity provided to purchasers to secure them against certain repair costs or the costs of acquiring updates.

13 November 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0039637 F - perte sur creance et frais

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40(1)a) 50(1)
capital loss under s. 50(1)(a) if deferred proceeds became uncollectible
legal fees to recover deferred proceeds of share disposition do not increase the shares’ ACB

Principales Questions:
1. Le vendeur d'un bien en immobilisation est incapable de récupérer la totalité de son produit de disposition. Que peut-il faire pour récupérer l'impôt qu'il a payé en trop puisqu'il s'est imposé sur un gain en capital plus élevé que ce qu'il a reçu dans les faits? Peut-il ajuster le produit de disposition initial de son bien en immobilisation?
2. Le vendeur a encouru des frais juridiques pour faire valoir son droit à la créance. Peut-il ajouter ces frais au PBR du bien dont il a initialement disposé?

Position Adoptée:
1. Si la créance impayée constitue un bien en immobilisation et qu'elle est irrécouvrable en totalité, il pourra déclarer une perte en capital en raison de l'application du paragraphe 50(1) de la Loi. La Loi ne prévoit pas d'ajustement rétroactif du produit de disposition initial du bien.
2. Non.

12 November 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0047337 - GIFTING ARRANGEMENTS TAX SHELTERS

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118.1 237.1

Principal Issues: A potential donor is seeking confirmation of the tax implications of a particular donation arrangement.

Position: Provided general comments on gifting arrangements.

Reasons: The confidentiality provisions of the Act preclude us from commenting on specific donations arrangements unless the request is received from the promoter of the arrangement.

31 October 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0034757 - Non Arms Length Transfer of Shares

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Principal Issues: Whether the provisions of paragraph 84.1(2)(a.1) apply to a situation where the shares, which were originally acquired in a non-arm's length transaction, were subsequently disposed of and reacquired in arm's length transactions.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Plain reading of the law. This result is also consistent with the policy of the provision.

30 October 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0030597 - ARE SWAP RECEIPTS GROSS REVENUE

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REG 1100(16)

Principal Issues:
Are , the net payments ("Swap Payments") or net receipts ("Swap Receipts"), as the case may be, from the settlement of Interest Rate Swaps considered in the determination of the "gross revenue" of a corporation ("Finco") from a principal business that is leasing as described in subsection 1100(16) of the Regulations?

30 October 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0039437 - PUBLIC BODY PERFORMING FUNCTION GOVT

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Principal Issues:
What are the criteria the CCRA applies to determine if a First Nation is a public body performing a function of government, for purposes of paragraph 149(1)(c)?

Position: Previously accepted factors will continue to be accepted.

Reasons: Reflects prior positions.