Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-11-12



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Principal Issues: (1) Can payments under an employee incentive plan related to past performance be considered a retiring allowance? (2) Are payments made to an RCA trust taxed currently?

Position: (1) No; (2) No.

Reasons: (1) The amount is not in respect of the loss of office or in recognition of long service - Albino 94 DTC 6071 is not applicable; (2) No - the SDA provisions do not apply in this case. The RCA provisions will apply. Not inconsistent with ¶ 8 of IT-337R3 and Crighton 91 DTC

1999 Ruling 9912903 - LOSS OF OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT

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248(1) 6O(j.1)

Principal Issues:
Are "Termination Allowances and "Quarterly Installments" as those terms are defined in the ruling letter retiring allowances?

Termination Allowances are, Quarterly Installments are not.

The first type of payment is paid as a result of the loss of employment with the employer. The second payment is conditional on acceptance of an employment.


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Principal Issues: Does the use of derivatives by one mutual fund trust to mimic the return of another mutual fund trust that holds foreign property qualify to be a registered investment and if so, would such a transaction be subject to GAAR?

Position: Yes and GAAR is not applicable.

Reasons: The cost amount of the forward contract will be based on legal fees, brokerage fees and any similar fees related to the entering into of the forward contract (expected to be nominal). The forward contracts themselves are not foreign property based on the facts given. Thus, provided that the mutual fund trust limits its investments in foreign property to 20%, the mutual fund trust will qualify as a registered investment.


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212(1)(b) Australia treaty

Principal Issues: Is interest paid by a Canadian corporation to a related Australian corporation (that does not carry on business in Canada) and that is borne by a permanent establishment the Canadian corporation has in Australia, exempt from tax in Canada?

Position: Yes

Reasons: See detailed issue sheet


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Principal Issues:

1999 Ruling 9901463 - GUARANTEE AGREEMENT, 112(2.2)

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55(3)(b) 112(2.2)

Principal Issues: 112(2.2) issue (Supplemental Ruling to Ruling 982586-3)

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with the Supplemental Ruling)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with the Supplemental Ruling)

1999 Ruling 9902483 - BUTTERFLY RULING

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Principal Issues: Butterfly Ruling which contains several

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues)


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18.1 108(2)(a)(i) 18.1(15)(a)

Principal Issues:
1. Will the matchable expenditure rules in section 18.1 apply to the swap payments made by the Trust to the Bank?
2. Can the Trust report its income under the Swap upon realization versus using a mark-to-market method?
3. Can XXXXXXXXXX deduct the sales commissions it pays as a current expense?
4 Where a mutual fund trust is exempted by Securities Commissions from section 11.5 of National Policy #39 and given approval for quarterly retractions, will the requirements of 108(2)(a)(i) be considered to be met?

1. Not as long as the Trust's investment in the Swap is not a tax shelter.
2. Yes, if it so chooses, but once it chooses this method it must continue to report using this method for all future years.
3. No position taken on this matter.
4 Yes.

1. The application of paragraph 18.1(15) (a) would preclude the application of section 18.1, so long as statements and representations are not made or proposed to be made which would result in the Trust's investment in the Swap being a tax shelter. We were satisfied that no such statements and representations were included in the revised preliminary prospectus provided to us.
2. Similar position as provided in Technical News No. 14 for "Reporting of Derivative Income by Mutual Funds".
3. In order to expedite the issuance of the ruling, the representatives withdrew this request. We expressed some concerns that section 18.1 may apply but did not reach a final conclusion.
4. The Securities Commissions of the various provinces are primarily responsible for policing the issue of mutual fund units. Accordingly, the Department will not, in general, view a particular unit that is issued under and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Securities Commission responsible for the particular unit as failing to meet the requirements of subsection 108(2). The "conditions" referred to in subparagraph 108(2)(a)(i) generally acceptable to the Department will be those conditions that conform to the requirements of the appropriate Securities Commission. Additionally, it is reasonable under the circumstances to consider that some unit holders may seek retraction of their units. Consideration was also given to E9332223.

1998 Ruling 9825863 - 107(2),107(4.1) AND 55(2)

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107(4.1) 55(2)

Principal Issues: 55(2), 107(2) and 107(4.1) issues

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

1998 Ruling 9826013 - MUTUAL FUND TRUST

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132(6) 108(2) section 4801 of the ITR

Principal Issues:
1. Will the units of the common trust fund satisfy the redeemable at demand requirement in paragraph 108(2)(a)(i) of the Act?

2. Will the class of units of the common trust fund be qualified for distribution to the public for the purpose of paragraph 4801(a) of the ITR once an offering memorandum has been filed with the Director of the Securities Commission in XXXXXXXXXX and one or more units of the class have been issued?

3. Will the proposed amendments result in a disposition of any property of the fund or any member's units for the purpose of the definition disposition in section 54 of the Act?

Position: 1. Yes 2. Yes. 3. No.

1. The proposed amendments are in accordance with NP #39. (They give unitholders more flexibility and more certainty w.r.t. units redemptions. The fact that the fund does not have to comply with the NP #39 does not alter this conclusion.
2. An offering memorandum is a similar document in 4803(2) of the ITR.
3. No disposition generally when the rights and obligations attached to the units remain unchanged before and after the proposed transactions.

1998 Ruling 973303 - XXXXXXXXXX

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149(1)(c) 149(1)(d.5) 149(10)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx							973303



Dear Sirs:

Re: Advanced Income Tax Ruling

Ministerial Correspondence

20 August 1999 Ministerial Correspondence 9923240 F - FIN ANNEE D

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Principales Questions: Pour les fins de la Loi, à quel moment doit-on considérer qu'une fiducie a pris fin?

Technical Interpretation - External

15 October 1999 External T.I. 9908175 F - PERTE EN CAPITAL VS PTPE

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111(4)d) 39(1)c)

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce qu'on peut considérer que la perte en capital réputée en vertu de l'alinéa 111(4)d) de la Loi à l'égard d'actions et de créances est une perte en capital résultant d'une disposition en faveur d'une personne avec laquelle le contribuable n'avait aucun lien de dépendance pour les fins de l'application du sous-alinéa 39(1)c)(ii) de la Loi ?

15 October 1999 External T.I. 9921325 - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS

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18(1)(h) 8

Principal Issues: Tax treatment of salary received to provide support in home for a person with mental disabilities.

Position: Not taxable if conditions in paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act are met and no expenses are deductible. Otherwise included in computing employment income and expenses deductible as permitted by section 8 of the Act.

Reasons: Paragraph 8(1)(h) and Section 8 of the Act.

15 October 1999 External T.I. 9922425 - AFFILIATED PERSON

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Principal Issues: none



14 October 1999 External T.I. 9913035 - FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLANS

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Principal Issues: Paragraph 9 of IT-529 indicates that if an employee forgoes an amount to which the employee is entitled, the amount of remuneration forgone gives rise to an income inclusion. In the alternative, this paragraph indicates that when a contract of employment is renegotiated upon the expiry of a former employment contract to incorporate a decrease in the level of salary or wages to be paid to an employee over the term of the new contract, the decrease in salary will not give rise to an income inclusion. In relation to these comments, we have been asked about three approaches with respect to establishing a flexible employee benefit plan.
(A) In the first approach, the employer would start the flex program at the beginning of the employer's business year for nonunion employees when compensation levels and other conditions of employment would normally be renegotiated.
(B) In the second scenario, the employer would terminate all employment contracts for its non-union employees and offer new contracts, which would establish flex credit formulas and wages at the appropriate levels.
(C) In the third approach, the employer would start the program for union employees as part of the collective bargaining process upon the expiry of the current collective agreement.

With respect to each approach, the issue is whether any salary has been forgone or whether contracts of employment has been renegotiated at the expiry of the former contracts.

Position: (A) The first approach should not give rise to any adverse tax consequences to the employees.,
(B) As in the case of A, this should not give rise to any adverse tax consequences to the employees. However, we have also indicated that it is a question of fact whether the old contracts have been terminated.
(C) It is our general position that once a collective agreement has expired and a new one negotiated to establish the level of wages and benefits in a flex program, there would likely be no adverse consequences to the employee.,

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9921165 - H&W TRUST - PRE-FUNDING LIFE INS.

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Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer can deduct a lump-sum payment to a health and welfare trust which is made on behalf of a retiree upon his or her retirement to cover all future life insurance premiums.

Position: Depends on the situation.

Reasons: Where a company makes a lump-sum contribution to a health and welfare trust to provide for coverage beyond the current year, it is our view that subsection 18(9) of the Income Tax Act applies to deny the employer a deduction for any portion of the contributions which relate to benefits in respect of a period after the year, unless the exception in subparagraph 18(9)(a)(iii) of the Act applies. In general terms, this exception applies where an employer has incurred an expense or made an outlay as consideration for group term life insurance in respect of a period that ends more than 13 months after the consideration is made. Where an employer has paid an employee's life insurance premiums, the employee will be considered to have received a benefit, as determined under Part XXVII of the Income
Tax Regulations, which must be included in income by virtue of subsection 6(4) of the Act.

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9916605 - PART XIII, 7(1) BENEFIT REIMBURSEMENT

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Principal Issues: Will an amount that is not deductible under paragraph 7(3)(b) of the Act paid by a Canadian employer to its U.S. parent corporation in respect of the economic benefit provided to the Canadian employer's employees under the U.S. Parent's stock option plan be treated as a payment that is subject to Part XIII taxes under the Act?

Position: No.

Reasons: The amount will not be considered a payment that will be subjected to Part XIII because it does not represent one of the types of payments described in Part XIII (in particular paragraph 214(3) (a)) of the Act.

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9904375 F - INDIEN-REVENU DE PLACEMENTS

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Principales Questions:

13 October 1999 External T.I. 9919535 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE, FACT SITUATION

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Principal Issues: Will an amount qualify as a retiring allowance?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Provided our general position. Also clarified the position expressed in paragraph 4(c) of IT-337R3 regarding the timing of a payment.

xxxxxxxxxx 991953
M. P. Sarazin
Attention: xxxxxxxxxx

13 October 1999 External T.I. 9832385 - ATTRIBUTION TO CONTRIBUTOR TO A TRUST

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75(2) 74.4(2) 74.4(4)

Principal Issues: Where an Individual settles a trust and the trust uses the settled funds to purchase treasury shares from a corporation owned by the trustee/beneficiary, would 75(2) apply?

Position: Under the described circumstances, no.

Reasons: The "person" referred to in 75(2) is the person from whom the property was directly or indirectly received. This would include the Individual in the hypothetical scenario on the presumption that the settled funds were not indirectly received from someone else. Thus, if the funds or property substituted therefor will not revert to the Individual and if the Individual has no involvement in the trust, subsection 75(2) would not apply to the Individual.

12 October 1999 External T.I. 9910925 - CHILD SUPPORT & AMT PAID TO CHILD FROM TRUST

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Principal Issues: whether payments out of a trust to a custodial parent can be considered income of the child on whose behalf property was contributed by the non-custodial parent

Position: no

Reasons: attribution would apply to any amount that is otherwise considered to be income of the child but only those amounts paid by the trust to the custodial parent that relate to a specific expenditure on behalf of the child can be considered income of child which is attributed to the non-custodial parent

7 October 1999 External T.I. 9909655 - FEES PAID TO FINANCIAL ADVISOR

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Principal Issues: Deductibility of Fees paid to Financial Advisor

Position: Question of Fact

Reasons: 20(1)(bb)


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Principal Issues: Can a personally designed call option that does not trade on a prescribed stock exchange be a qualified investment for purposes of an RRSP?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: To be a qualified investment a call option has to give the RRSP the right to acquire property that is a qualified investment. The requirement that the option trade on a prescribed stock exchange has been removed. However, such purchases by an RRSP will be scrutinized to ensure 1) they do not occur at more than fair market value or 2) that the exercise of the option by the RRSP is never intended to occur or 3) that the option is not exercised in circumstances where in an arm's length situation the option would have been exercised. In these circumstances, an over-payment, the whole purchase price and/or the foregone benefit in the RRSP may be considered a premium or gift subject to Part X.1 tax.

4 October 1999 External T.I. 9916285 - LSVCC, 206(2) BUMP

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Principal Issues: Whether and how could LSVCC shares increase the foreign property limit of a trust governed by an RRIF.

Position: Based on the current wording of the Act and Regulations, it is our opinion that, generally, an otherwise eligible corporation that is described in both sections 6700 and 6701 of the Regulations (for example a RLSVCC) qualifies as an eligible corporation for the purpose of the small business amount definition in subsection 206(1), even if it is a trader or dealer or a money-lender.

Reasons: Section 5100 of the Regulations defines an "eligible corporation". This definition includes an LSVCC provided it is prescribed under Regulation 6700, but in paragraph (c) excludes a corporation that is a taxpayer described in subsection 39(5). The Department of Finance, in its July 1997 Technical Notes for amendments made to subsection 39(5), has expressed its intention to make a parallel change to paragraph (c) to exclude mutual fund corporations from the application of that paragraph. Based on the Department of Finance's expressed intention as to how this legislation is designed to function, we have chosen to interpret the existing wording of paragraph (c) as referring to subsection
39(5) as a whole, including its preamble, so that the paragraph (c) exception is not applied to deny mutual fund corporations treatment as eligible corporations.

4 October 1999 External T.I. 9916675 - WORKERS COMPENSATION OR PENSION

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Principal Issues:

Are payments under the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (formerly Workers' Compensation Act) considered to be a pension for purposes of the Act?

Position: No.


4 October 1999 External T.I. 9919315 - TUITION-UNIVERSITY OUTSIDE CANADA

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118.5(1) 118.6

Principal Issues:
1) Whether an individual taking courses on a part-time basis would be entitled to the tuition tax credit for tuition fees paid to a university outside Canada, in respect of a graduate degree program of the university. The taxpayer lives in XXXXXXXXXX and takes courses at XXXXXXXXXX , which is an 8-hour drive from where she resides. The taxpayer took an airplane to XXXXXXXXXX three times during the period in which she studied part-time at xxxxxxxxxx

23 September 1999 External T.I. 9922715 - FOREIGN PENSION DISABILITY

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56(1)(a)(i) 248(1) 6(1)(g) 81(1)

Principal Issues: Characterization of payments received by Canadian resident from U.K. Firemen's Pension Scheme Order, 1973.

Position: Likely pension income taxable under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act.

Reasons: See E56303, 60227A, 9824385, 9819877, 9824890, EC08808

16 September 1999 External T.I. 9830565 - PERIODICALS

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Principal Issues: does a publication that is published once a year qualify as a periodical for purposes of section 19?

Position: no

Reasons: Canadian heritage news release June 4, 1999 re:
Canada-US agreement on Periodicals sated that a periodical is defined as at least twice a year.

8 September 1999 External T.I. 9901145 - M&P

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Principal Issues: Can the electronic creation of a "template" for an advertising business be considered M&P?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: However, T\P must have complete control over content, design, and physical qualities of the medium produced.

27 August 1999 External T.I. 9833435 - AVAILABLE FOR USE & REG 11OO(1)(ZG)

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13(26) Reg 11OO(1)(zg)

Principal Issues: Are the proposed accelerated cca rules for class 10 computers and class 12 software subject to the available for use rules?

Position: yes

Reasons: 13(26)


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Principal Issues:
Are trust returns required for in-trust accounts where subsection
75(2) is not applicable?

Generally, yes.

Where there is a trust, returns are required pursuant to paragraph 150(1)(c) of the Act and subsection 204(1) of the Regulations, subject to the administrative position set out in the T3 Guide.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

15 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9925457 - SALE OF PUT OPTIONS

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9 49

Principal Issues: What is the tax treatment with respect to the writing of put options.

Position: The tax treatment depends on whether the taxpayer treats the transactions on account of income or capital

Reasons: See IT-479R.

8 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9901420 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTY

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Principal Issues: Can fishing business be considered the same a that of providing guide services.

Position: no.

Reasons: Similar only if they fall within the same category ie fishing

Ministerial Letter

1 September 1999 Ministerial Letter 9918478 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTY - EXPANSIONS

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Principal Issues: Whether our position in IT-259R3 that section 44 of the Act is not intended to encompass business expansions is correct.

Position: The example of a "business expansion" in IT-259R3 is that of a taxpayer opening and closing stores. In our view, this type of situation does not qualify for replacement property treatment under the Act. Nonetheless, it is recognized that there are other situations, which some might consider business expansions, that will qualify under the replacement property rules. Since it is a question of fact, a determination can only be made following a review of all of the facts and circumstances.

Reasons: This position is based on the test in the law that it must be reasonable to conclude that a particular property was acquired by a taxpayer to replace a former property.

10 August 1999 Ministerial Letter 9914078 - FARM VEHICLES

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Principal Issues: can a multi cab truck not be subject to $26,000 limit

Position: no only certain exceptions

Reasons: law

6 July 1999 Ministerial Letter 9910518 - ELECTION TO REPORT A GAIN IN 1994

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Principal Issues: Whether capital losses incurred after February 27, 1994, have to be netted against deemed capital gains for purposes of the capital gains exemption in 1994.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Based on the provisions in the Income Tax Act.

16 June 1999 Ministerial Letter 9912418 - min mail -SETTING UP A TRUST

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.