Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-10-29


11 August 1999 Income Tax Severed Letter 9913616 - ONTARIO MATRIMONIAL LAWS - HBP - "OWN A HOME"

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Principal Issues:

Whether matrimonial laws in Ontario confer property rights to a divorced taxpayer wishing to participate in the HBP?


No, unless the taxpayer effectively accept title or joint title to the house.


Administrative Letter

24 June 1998 Administrative Letter 963962A - INDIAN BAND - TRUST

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81(1)(a) 149(1)(c) 104(6)(b)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx						963962
J. D. Brooks

June 24, 1998

Dear Sirs:


21 September 1999 Ruling 9918673 - EMPLOYMENT INCOME - TAXABLE BENEFITS

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Position: Amounts are taxable to employees.


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55(3)(b) 112 84(3) 186 191

Principal Issues:
Single-wing butterfly involving a farm corporation

favourable rulings given

No unusual features


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Please rote that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx 3-990261

Attention: xxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxx, 1999

Dear Sirs:

Re: xxxxxXxxxx
Advance Income Tax Ruling

1999 Ruling 9904343 - EXCESS CONTRIBUTIONS H & W TRUST

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Principal Issues: The Union has a multi-employer health and welfare fund whereby numerous employers contribute for members covered under collective agreements with the Union. The Employers contribute to the Fund based on an hourly rate. The Trustees set the rate in conjunction with advice from the Fund Consultants, XXXXXXXXXX. The rate is set so as to approximate the average cost per hour of funding the benefits for the average member during the term of the Collective Agreement. A number of the members covered by the Fund have substantial accounts that are not likely to be used up during periods of unemployment. These members tend to have steady employment and often work extensive overtime hours. The Trustees of the Fund propose to amend the Plan and the Trust to provide a return of contributions made for an active member during a taxation year where the balance of a particular member's account at the end of the particular taxation year exceeds the amount which may reasonably be considered necessary to fund his or her benefits. The return of contributions made by the employer to the members will be paid or payable once a year and the member would receive a T4A for such amounts. The return of contributions will be taxable as income in the hands of the member in the year in which the funds are paid or payable to him or her.

Position: It is our view that the proposed transactions would not affect the status of a health an welfare trust.

Reasons: Since the amount of employer contributions are based on an hourly rate, which is negotiated between the union and management, there must be some mechanism to reduce excessive contributions on a timely basis. If excessive amounts are paid to the employees for over contributions made by the employers during a taxation year, we are of the view that these amounts can be considered not to have belonged to the trust, but rather belonged to the employees all along. Thus, paragraph 6 of IT-85R2 would not apply.


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20(1)(c) 66.7

Principal Issues: Utilization of deduction and interest deductibility. Whether requirements of 66.7(1O)(h) are met to permit the designation of income for purposes of 66.7(2)b),

Position: okay

Reasons: Requirements of 66.7(1O((h) are met as are the requirements of 20(1)(c).


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97(1) 103(1) 103(1.1)
retention of legal ownership on drop-down of beneficial ownership to new partnerships

Principal Issues: Allocation of partnership income and losses

Position: See issue sheet

Reasons: See issue sheet


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Principal Issues: Application of Paragraph 55(3)(b) - Double Wing Butterfly

Position: Reorganization is Tax-Deferred

Reasons: All Butterfly Requirements Satisfied


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248(1) 67

Principal Issues:
Would an amount be considered reasonable retiring allowance?

Yes, the amount not exceeding an amount eligible for rollover under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act to an RRSP would generally be accepted as reasonable,

In accordance with guideline provided in Question 10 at the 1992 Prairie Tax Conference Round Table and prior rulings given.

1999 Ruling 9912543 - REORGANIZATION

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Principal Issues: classification of shares in co-op

Position: can be either investment or business in this situation since transfer is XXxXXXXxXX % of the property so there is no classification problem



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Principal Issues:

Will the rebate to a RRIF (by a securities dealer) of certain commissions paid on the acquisition of mutual funds by the RRIF affect the taxation of the RRIF or its annuitant?




1998 Ruling 9820153 - xxxxxxxxxx AUTHORITY - PUBLIC BODY

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Principal Issues:

Whether a corporation to be incorporated to provide xxxxxxxxxx will be considered a public body performing a function of government in Canada and therefore qualify for exemption under paragraph 149(1) (c)

Position: Yes



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Principal Issues:

Will the rebate to a RRSP (by a securities dealer) of certain commissions paid on the acquisition of mutual funds by the RRSP affect. the taxation of the RRSP or its annuitant?





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12(1)(x) 53(2.1) 12(2.1)

Principal Issues:

Will the rebate to an individual (by a securities dealer) of certain commissions paid on the acquisition of Mutual funds by the individual be considered an inducement for the purposes of paragraph 12(1)(x) and also allow the individual to make an election under subsection 53(2.1)? Is subsection 12(2.1) applicable?


Yes it is an inducement, no subsection 12(2.1) does not apply.


Ministerial Correspondence

1999 Ministerial Correspondence 991354A - STOCK OPTION EXCHANGE, TAKEOVER

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Principal Issues: Will the receipt of "in the money stock options" by employee/shareholders, as part of a series of transactions :involving the sale of the company, be considered stock options for the purposes of section 7 of the Act or proceeds of disposition?

Position: Stock options subject to section 7 of the Act.

Reasons: Based on the facts in this particular situation, we concluded that the ”in the money stock options" represented incentives provided by the Purchaser to retain the key employees and not proceeds of disposition. This is supported by the fact that the non-employee shareholders only receive cash for their shares.

Technical Interpretation - External


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Principal Issues:

An innovative instrument is a debt instrument that constitutes Tier 1 capital to a bank or federally regulated trust and loan company. Would a requirement for a mandatory conversion provision or other loss absorption feature threaten the interest deductibility of such an instrument?


Yes. The presence of a mandatory conversion provision, or other loss absorption feature, would likely result in the debt constituting something other than "borrowed money" for the purposes of paragraph 20(1)(c).


5 October 1999 External T.I. 9916245 - INDIAN ACT EXEMP. RESP - EDUCATION

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Principal Issues:
Are refunds of accumulated income payments out of RESP taxable and subject to the 20% penalty tax, when received by status Indian subscribers?


Contributions to RESP's are not linked to "earned income". As a result the earnings of an RESP should be taxed consistently with the taxation of other investment earnings. The investment income is the property in question and if it was not generated on reserve it is considered to be earned in the economic mainstream and is not tax exempt.

5 October 1999 External T.I. 9922525 - INDIAN ACT EXP. - EMPLOYMENT INCOME

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Principal Issues: Whether status Indian employees of the XXXXXXXXXX, located off-reserve, are exempt from income tax.

Position: No.

Reasons:..None of the employment income guidelines have been met and there are not sufficient connecting factors to situate the income to a reserve..

4 October 1999 External T.I. 9917595 - CAPITAL GAINS DISTRIBUTION - US MUTUAL FUND

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131(1) 12(1)(k) 104(13)(c)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu’exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

C. Tremblay

October 4, 1999

Dear Sir\Madam:

4 October 1999 External T.I. 9922475 - FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PROGRAMS

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6(1)(a) 5(1)

Principal Issues: With respect to a flexible employee benefit program (the "Program") where the plan year commences on January 1, 2000, the employee's cost of the selected benefits are to be paid out of a bonus which the employee expects to receive in February of the year 2000. The employee selects the benefits in November of 1999 when there is a high degree of certainty that the bonus will be paid. We have been asked about the tax consequences of the selection of benefits in November of 1999 in relation to the funding of the benefits out of the bonus.

Position: We have provided some general comments and suggested that the submission of an advance income tax ruling be considered.

Reasons: It appears necessary to review the relevant facts and documentation before a final determination could be made.

29 September 1999 External T.I. 9916965 - CONNECTED SHAREHOLDER, RRSP

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Principal Issues: General comments regarding the term connected shareholder" within the meaning assigned by subsection 4901(2) of the Regulations and the expression "arm's length" used within that definition of that term?

Position: Comments provided.

Reasons: Before an RRSP can acquire shares of a small business corporation, the annuitant under the RRSP has to satisfy certain tests in respect of the particular shares.

28 September 1999 External T.I. 9917105 - CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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60(b) 56(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Pursuant to a pre-May 1997 written agreement, the taxpayer is required to pay the recipient, who is the natural parent of his child, $XXXXXXXXXX per month. The taxpayer and the recipient were never spouses of each other. The taxpayer paid $XXXXXXXXXX per week to the recipient. What is the tax treatment of child support amounts paid?

Position: Former paragraph 60(c) of the Act provided for a deduction in respect of an amount paid by a taxpayer in the year as an allowance payable on a periodic basis for the maintenance of the recipient, children of the recipient, or both, if the payer was living separate and apart from the recipient at the time the payment was made and throughout the remainder of the year, the taxpayer is the natural parent of the child, and the amount is received under an order made by a competent tribunal under the laws of a province. As a written agreement does not constitute an order made by a competent tribunal under the laws of a province, the child support payments are not deductible. For 1997 and subsequent years, the deduction formerly made in paragraph 60(c) of the Act is now made under paragraph 60(b) of the Act. However, for purposes of paragraph 60(b) of the Act, paragraph (b) of the definition of "support amount" in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act still requires that "the payer is a natural parent of the recipient and the amount is receivable under an order made by a competent tribunal in accordance with the laws of a province".

Reasons: See E7M14855, 9516445, E74598

28 September 1999 External T.I. 9916235 - SPOUSAL QUAL. -SEPARATE & APART

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx					991623
C. Tremblay
Attention:  xxxxxxxxxx

September 28, 1999


Re: Spousal Qualification

27 September 1999 External T.I. 9921535 - TUITION-PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENT

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

xxxxxxxxxx 992153
C. Tremblay

September 27, 1999


Re: XXXXXXXXXX and the Tuition Tax Credit

23 September 1999 External T.I. 9913825 - PARTIAL FUNDING OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS

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s48(1) “RCA”

Principal Issues:
Is an arrangement that is partially funded an RCA in total?

This would generally be the case but there may be exceptions where an RCA is part of another plan. In this case, subsection 56(10) of the Act would have application to deem the RCA to be a separate arrangement and to specify the order of payments out of the plan.

Wording of the RCA definition.

22 September 1999 External T.I. 9912495 - MORTGAGE INTEREST SUBSIDIES

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6(23) 80.4(1.1) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Effect of new legislation on taxation of mortgage interest subsidy payments; effect of Siwik and Hoefele decisions on such payments; taxation of payments to employees to compensate for higher housing costs.

Position: New legislation applies to tax payments under 80.4 if loan received after February 23, 1998, and relocation occurred after September, 1998. If relocation occurred before October, 1998, it is effective in 2001. Loans received prior to February 24, 1998 may be governed by Siwik and Hoefele decisions. Payments made directly to employees with no mortgage are taxable.

Reasons: Prior opinions, and case law

22 September 1999 External T.I. 9912865 - CALC. OF GROSS FARMING REVENUE

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9(1) 28(1)

Principal Issues:
The price paid to producers by CWB for grain is adjusted to account for freight costs. Should gross farming revenue include the freight cost?

Gross revenue should be based on the gross price shown on cash purchase tickets. Producer can claim the freight as a deduction.


21 September 1999 External T.I. 9915915 F - CONTRAT DE RENTE ET RPA

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


20 September 1999 External T.I. 9912115 - EDUCATION TAX CREDIT

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Principal Issues: 1) Is a Literacy Basic Skills program designed to upgrade English skills as part of a continuing education program of a school board qualify the student for the education credit pursuant to 118.6(2)?

Position: 1) NO

Reasons: 1) Educational Institution is not certified by the Minister of Human Resources Development to be an educational institution providing courses to furnish a person with skills for, or improve a person's skill in an occupation.

16 September 1999 External T.I. 9916845 - POST-AMBLE TO 212(1)(B)

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Principal Issues: Does the post-amble to subsection 212(1)(b) of the Act apply to non-cumulative fixed interest payments that are generally payable on a periodic basis, but not payable in respect of periods in which the borrowing company fails to pay a dividend?

Position: It depends upon the particulars of the debt. Generally the post-amble would not apply, unless the facts indicate that the payments are disguised profits.

Reasons: The payments do not appear to have the character of participating debt.

15 September 1999 External T.I. 9922865 - 118.1(5) - PERCENTAGE OF RESIDUAL

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Principal Issues:

1. Whether a gift made under a will which states that specified registered charities are to receive specified percentages of the "residual" of an Estate, constitutes a "gift by will" for the purposes of subsection 118.1(5) of the Act.

2. Whether the use of a particular formula for calculating the "residual" and therefore the amount of the donations, would deny the application of subsection 118.1(5) of the Act.


1. Unable to rule on application of 55.118.1(5)

2. Unable to rule on appropriateness of specific calculation used to determine "residual" and quantum of each donation.

General Comments - where terms of will are clear as to intent to donate to specific percentages of residual to specific registered charities and residual is calculated in a reasonable manner that
is consistent with the terms of the will ss. 118.1(5) of the Act would apply.


13 September 1999 External T.I. 9912955 F - HONORAIRES PAYES PAR UNE FIDUCIE

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104 20(1)(bb)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'un bénéficiaire d'une fiducie peut déduire des honoraires payés pour la garde des titres et l'administration des différents placements?


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reg 4900

Principal Issues:

A mortgage that is secured by real property situated in Canada is a qualified investment for registered plans under Regulation 4900. Will such a mortgage be a qualified investment if it is also secured by other forms of property such as chattels?


A mortgage will be a qualified investment if it is secured by real property situated in Canada. The addition of other ("collateral") security is acceptable if those properties relate directly to the real property.



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Principal Issues:
Whether Plan meets requirements of paragraph 6801(a) of the Regulations.

Position: No

It should be administered or amended to include:

30 July 1999 External T.I. 9906645 - 401(K) EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS

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Principal Issues: Tax implications of Canadian resident employee contributions to 401(k) plans

Position: Provided general information on the topic.

Reasons: General comments on this topic were developed with respect to commuters in document E9832786.

29 May 1999 External T.I. 9909525 - MEDICAL EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Whether the cost of a toilet and a shower ($7,000) qualify with respect to the medical expense credit (paragraph 118.2(2)(l.2) of the Act) where the individual (age of XXXXXXXXXX) has the use of only one arm and a serious balance problem. This medical condition resulted from a vehicle accident many years ago.

Position: Yes, to the extent that the costs are reasonable and do not relate to something other than the individual's medical condition.

Reasons: The facts provided to us indicate that the individual has a severe and prolonged mobility impairment and the costs result in the individual being more functional within the dwelling.

9 April 1999 External T.I. 9901735 F - CREDIT D'IMPOT POUR EMPLOI A L'ETRANGER

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que, dans les faits, la période travaillée correspond à six mois consécutifs pour les fins du crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger?

20 January 1998 External T.I. 9729235 - INTERNAL REORGANIZATION

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Principal Issues: whether proposed 55(3)(a) applies to a particular series of transactions


Reasons: In order for the exemption in proposed subparagraph 55(3)(a) to apply, 5 tests have to be met. In this particular situation, the provisions of subparagraph (ii) are offended. Similar to response given in file 950022

Technical Interpretation - Internal

8 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9924767 - INCORPORATING A TRUCKING BUSINESS

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9(1) 67 245

Principal Issues: Whether a sole proprietorship can incorporate his trucking business.

Position: There is nothing in the Income Tax Act that prevents a sole proprietorship from incorporating.

Reasons: Per IC 88-2, GAAR will not be applied even if sole reason for incorporating is to claim the small business deduction.

24 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9918007 - MOVING EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Various relocation expense issues and Bill C-72.

Position: Described the Department's views regarding the various issues.

Reasons: IT-178R3 & IT-470R, and Technical Notes to
Bill C-72.

17 August 1999 Internal T.I. 9921347 - CHARITY BENEFICIARY OF PENSION

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56(1)(a) 153(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Return of Pension Contributions Upon Death
- Registered Charity is Beneficiary - Should tax have been withheld on T4A?

Position: Yes

Reasons: Wording of ITA 56(1)(a) & 153(1)(b)

Ministerial Letter

21 April 1999 Ministerial Letter 9830498 F - HARMONISATION FISCALE QUEBEC-OTTAWA

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

April 21, 1999


Monsieur le Député,