Section 122.92

Subsection 122.92(1)

Eligible Individual

Administrative Policy

10 October 2024 APFF Financial Strategies and Instruments Roundtable Q. 9, 2024-1015481C6 F - Crédit d'impôt pour la rénovation d'habitations multigénérationnelles et exemption pour résidence principale

A taxpayer claimed the credit for renovations to the individual’s home that met all the criteria, including that of a separate unit for the...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 122.92 - Subsection 122.92(1) - Qualifying Relation qualifying relation does not extend to the spouse of a nephew or niece 72
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 252 - Subsection 252(2) - Paragraph 252(2)(g) s. 252(2)(g) does not extend to the spouse or common-law partner of a niece or nephew 32
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Principal Residence renovation to create a secondary unit for s. 122.92 credit purposes generally means that the whole building no longer can be designated as the taxpayer’s principal residence 150

Qualifying Relation

Administrative Policy

10 October 2024 APFF Financial Strategies and Instruments Roundtable Q. 9, 2024-1015481C6 F - Crédit d'impôt pour la rénovation d'habitations multigénérationnelles et exemption pour résidence principale

CRA indicated that the expression “qualifying relation” in s. 122.92(1) refers only to the nephew or niece of the qualifying individual and...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 252 - Subsection 252(2) - Paragraph 252(2)(g) s. 252(2)(g) does not extend to the spouse or common-law partner of a niece or nephew 32
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Principal Residence renovation to create a secondary unit for s. 122.92 credit purposes generally means that the whole building no longer can be designated as the taxpayer’s principal residence 150
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 122.92 - Subsection 122.92(1) - Eligible Individual credit is not lost if secondary unit is then sold to its qualifying occupants 159

Qualifying Renovation

Administrative Policy

13 March 2023 External T.I. 2023-0961401E5 - Multigenerational home renovation tax credit

An individual is constructing a family home with a semi-attached garden suite in which the individual’s parents will live. Is the...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.