Summary of the Corporate Business Plan 2007-2008 to 2009-2010
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Strategic Planning and Reporting Framework
To administer tax, benefits, and related programs and to ensure compliance on behalf of governments across Canada, thereby contributing to the ongoing economic and social well-being of Canadians
Examining our Strategic Context
Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected
Eligible families and individuals receive timely and correct benefit payments
Measuring our Performance in Tax Services and Benefit Programs
- Filing Compliance
- Registration Compliance
- Remittance Compliance
- Reporting Compliance
- Reliance on CRA as a key Service Provider
- Payment Timeliness
- Benefit Payment Correctness
Meeting our Expected Results, thereby achieving our Strategic Outcomes
Taxpayer and Business Assistance
Taxpayers receive timely, accurate, and accessible information
Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing
Assessment and payment processing are timely and accurate
Non-compliance is detected and addressed
Accounts Receivable and Returns Compliance
Tax debt is resolved on a timely basis and is within targeted levels
Non-compliance is detected and addressed
Non-compliance is detected and addressed
Taxpayers receive an impartial and timely review of contested decisions
Benefit recipients receive timely, accurate, and accessible information
Eligibility determination and payment processing are timely and accurate
- Date modified:
- 2007-03-29