Section 217 - Definitions

Canadian Activity

Administrative Policy

Imported Taxable Supply

See Also

Reluxicorp Inc. v. The Queen, [2011] GSTC 138, 2011 TCC 336

The registrant was a hotel company that paid franchise fees to a hotel franchise ("Marriott") in the United States. Marriott's fees were based on...

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Administrative Policy

CBAO National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section – 2013 GST/HST Questions for Revenue Canada, Q. 34

As s. 186(1) only applies for ITC purposes, it does not affect the determination of whether there is an imported taxable supply. However, where a...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 186 - Subsection 186(1) failure to self-assess under s. 218 where satisfy s. 186(1) 63
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 281.1 - Subsection 281.1(1) failure to self-assess under s. 218 where satisfy s. 186(1) 63

Paragraph (a)

See Also

SLFI Group - Invesco Canada Ltd. v. The Queen, 2017 TCC 78, rev'd in part 2019 FCA 217

A non-resident bank ("Citibank") agreed to fund the payment of the upfront brokerage commissions that were payable on the issuance of units in the...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 123 - Subsection 123(1) - Financial Service - Paragraph (q) SPV funding MFT brokerage commissions was providing a GST-taxable management service 381
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 123 - Subsection 123(1) - Supply dominant element of service provided by financing SPV was financing 180

Administrative Policy

7 April 2022 CBA Roundtable, Q.15

Where a non-resident makes a taxable supply of, say, a service to a Canadian registrant and mistakenly fails to charge GST/HST due, for instance,...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 296 - Subsection 296(1) - Paragraph 296(1)(b) a recipient which has self-assessed itself for s. 218 tax due to the non-resident’s mistaken belief the supply was made outside Canada may ask CRA to assess the return 200

Paragraph (b)

Administrative Policy

GST/HST Memorandum 3.3.1 "Drop Shipments" June 2008

Requirement to self-assess if consignee did not accquire exclusively in commercial activity

31. Deeming the consignee to be a recipient of an...

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Paragraph (c)

See Also

Royal Bank of Canada v Commissioners for His Majesty's Revenue and Customs, [2025] UKSC 2

Before affirming the judgment of Falk LJ of the Court of Appeal, Lady Rose noted (at para. 48) in passing that:

It is convenient to mention at...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Treaties - Income Tax Conventions - Article 6 an oil and gas royalty was too remote from a land interest in the oil field to be immovable property under the Canada-U.K. Treaty 575
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Separate Existence tax code rests on separate existence of each corporation 210
Tax Topics - Treaties - Income Tax Conventions - Article 12 restrictions on concept of royalty payment 318

Subparagraph (c)(ii)


Para. (c) of the “imported taxable supply” definition includes a taxable supply (other than a zero-rated supply) made outside Canada to a...

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Subparagraph (c)(iii)


Para. (c) of the “imported taxable supply” definition includes a taxable supply (other than a zero-rated supply) made outside Canada to a...

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Administrative Policy

GST/HST Notice 287 "CRA Administrative Positions on the Application of the Import Rules for Financial Institutions to Reinsurance Contracts" January 2015.

Loading restricted to the administrative component [and not amounts that are fundamentally financial]

Subject to the position concerning service...

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Qualifying Consideration


Michael Firth, Eric Reolon, "A Seven-Year (Retroactive) Plague on Cross-Border Reinsurance", Canadian GST Monitor, No. 283, April 2012, p.1: "Early experience has been that CRA will examine reinsurance [between a non-resident re-insurer and its Canadian affiliate] on a contract-by-contract basis, and identify loading content as anywhere between a third of the premium and its entire value."

Element A

Paragraph A(b)

Administrative Policy

Bulletin B-095 June 2011 "The Self-assessment Provisions of Section 218.01 and Subsection 218.1(1.2) for Financial Institutions (Import Rules)"

Generally, the effect of Part A of the formula is that any expense or outlay made outside Canada that would be allowed as a deduction under the...

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Specified Derivative Supply

Administrative Policy

CBAO National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section – 2014 GST/HST Questions for Revenue Canada, Q. 17

S. 217(b)(i) of the definition of "specified derivative supply" states that the "all or substantially all of the value of the consideration is...

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Specified Arm's Length Supply

Administrative Policy

Specified Non-Arm's Length Supply

Administrative Policy

GST/HST Notice 287 "CRA Administrative Positions on the Application of the Import Rules for Financial Institutions to Reinsurance Contracts" January 2015.

Intent of the qualifying consideration rules is to impose tax on administrative-services component of related-party supplies and not on financial...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 217 - Loading 612