Section 217.1

Subsection 217.1(1)

Administrative Policy


Alan Kenigsberg, "Changes to Tax Treatment of ILPs under the ETA", Sales Tax, Customs & Trade, Volume XV, No 2, Federated Press, 2018, p.9

Aborted proposal to extend qualifying taxpayer rules to non-resident LPs (p. 12)

When the Department of Finance first announced that it was...

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Paragraph 217.1(1)(b)

Administrative Policy

Bulletin B-095 June 2011 "The Self-assessment Provisions of Section 218.01 and Subsection 218.1(1.2) for Financial Institutions (Import Rules)"

Ss. 132(2) and (3) rules do not apply for purposes of s. 217.1(1)(b)(i)

Qualifying taxpayer

The reference to being resident in Canada in the...

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Subsection 217.1(2)

Paragraph 217.1(2)(a)

Administrative Policy

Bulletin B-095 June 2011 "The Self-assessment Provisions of Section 218.01 and Subsection 218.1(1.2) for Financial Institutions (Import Rules)"

Canco deductions for parent head office expenses are included

Examples - Qualifying consideration - Part A

Example 1

A non-resident FI has its...

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Paragraph 217.1(2)(d)

Administrative Policy

Subsection 217.1(4)

Administrative Policy