Date: 20070427
Docket: T-156-05
Citation: 2007 FC
Ottawa, Ontario, April 27, 2007
PRESENT: The Honourable Justice Johanne Gauthier
Eli Lilly Canada Inc. (Lilly) seeks an order
prohibiting the Minister of Health from issuing a Notice of Compliance under
the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, SOR/93-133
(the Regulations), that would allow Apotex to make and sell 2.5 mg, 5
mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg tablets of olanzapine.
The applications in the two above-mentioned
files are identical except that file T-787-05 only pertains to the 10 mg
tablets of olanzapine. The circumstances mandating the issuance of two almost
identical proceedings will be discussed in a distinct order dealing with costs.
The drug olanzapine is the subject of Canadian
Patent 2,041,113 (the ‘113 Patent) which is made and marketed in this country
by Eli Lilly Canada Inc. under the brand name Zyprexa®.
The character of the Regulations and so
called “NOC proceedings” has been described in two recent decisions of the
Supreme Court of Canada: Bristol‑Myers Squibb Co. v. Canada
(Attorney General), 2005 SCC 26, [2005] 1
S.C.R. 533 (the “Biolyse decision”); AstraZeneca
Canada Inc. v. Canada (Minister of Health), 2006 SCC 49, [2006] 2
S.C.R. 560. It is here sufficient to state that NOC
proceedings serve a limited purpose. They are intended to be an expeditious way
of determining issues relating to the validity and infringement of patents
listed on a register established pursuant to the Regulations. They are
not the equivalent of a civil action for patent infringement or for a
declaration of invalidity nor are decisions made as a result of NOC
applications binding in any subsequent action between the parties with respect
to the validity of the patent under review.
However, it is worth mentioning that since the
adoption of the Regulations, it appears that NOC proceedings have become
more and more complex. Today, they can hardly be described as summary. In this
instance, the applicant filed 10 affidavits in chief plus nine affidavits in
reply, whereas Apotex filed 12 affidavits in chief and 11 more affidavits in sur-reply.
The body of some of these affidavits contain more than 80 pages. A list of the
many experts who supplied evidence along with their stated qualifications is
attached as Appendix A.
The hearing of the present applications lasted a
full seven days and did not go longer only because the parties agreed to limit
their representations to pointing the way to the most pertinent evidence that
the Court should consider and to outlining the legal and procedural issues to
be determined. There was little time to go through the voluminous books of
authorities submitted by the parties even though they agree that some of the
legal issues relating to “selection patents” are quite new and important.
Indeed, Apotex implies that such patents are to figure in many future NOC
proceedings and that, in the same manner that these patents are sometimes
described as “second generation patents”, one could describe the procedure for
addressing them as “second generation NOC”. Hopefully, we will find a more
efficient way of dealing with these so-called “summary proceedings” given that,
in this case, the need to limit the hearing to seven days meant that the Court
had to review more than 100 cases as well as a very substantial amount of
evidence after the hearing.
As will become apparent later, a good portion of this
evidence relates to issues which are simply not that relevant to the ultimate
decision to be made. Each side raised numerous objections to the evidence
presented by the other, including objections on the basis of hearsay and
failure to put in evidence facts underlying the experts’ opinions. The
objections also include attacks on the admissibility of certain evidence while
both parties challenge the weight to be attributed to various experts’ opinion.
This comment by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v.
D.D. (2000 SCC 43, [2000] S.C.J. No. 56 (QL)) is most appropriate and
illustrates the need for reform or, at least, better management of expert
evidence in NOC proceedings:
Finally, expert evidence is time-consuming and expensive. Modern
litigation has introduced a proliferation of expert opinions of questionable
value. The significance of the costs to the parties and the resulting strain
upon judicial resources cannot be overstated. When the door to the admission of
expert evidence is opened too widely, a trial has the tendency to degenerate
into “a contest of experts with the trier of fact acting as referee in deciding
which expert to accept.”
Given the nature of the proceedings and the fact that the hearing took
place barely two months before the end of the 24-month period set out in the Regulations,
my reasons on certain issues will not be as precise or detailed as the very
comprehensive nature of the parties’ submissions and evidence might warrant. An
index for the discussion and reasons set out herein is as follows:
1) Overview of
the drug & chemistry para.
2) NOA para.
3) Preliminary
(a) Motion
to strike para.
(b) The failure to allege invalid selection in the NOA para.
(c) Dr.
Pullar’s affidavit para.
(d) Dr.
Forman’s affidavit in T-156-05 para.
(e) The MPI
Study para.
(f) Impact
on Lilly’s experts para.
(g) Experts’
qualifications and Issues
the weight of their opinions para. 201
4) Burden of
(a) The
presumption s. 43 of the Patent Act para.
(b) Heavy
burden of proof para.
5) Anticipation
(a) General
principles para.
Person skilled in the art para.
The ‘687 Patent para.
The “Schauzu article” para.
6) Obviousness
(a) General
principles para.
Application para.
Secondary indicia para.
7) Double
Patenting para.
8) Section 53 para.
Overview of the drug chemistry and background
Olanzapine is an antipsychotic medicine used to
treat patients who suffer various forms of mental illness, particularly
There are two types of antipsychotic: typical (a
classical or first generation antipsychotic) and atypical (a second generation
antipsychotic). An atypical antipsychotic does not result in serious
extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). As described in the affidavit of Dr. Richard
Williams, EPS can result in involuntary twitching of the face and tongue, and
painful body distortions.
In general, antipsychotic compounds work by
blocking various receptor sites (including sub-types of those for dopamine and
serotonin) in the brain or by binding and releasing to receptor sites at
different rates.
The first commercially available antipsychotic
medicine, chlorpromazine, was introduced in 1953. Though the drug was capable
of treating schizophrenia, its use was limited because it induced serious EPS
in certain patients as well as other serious side effects. Dr. Williams
describes the drug haloperidol, introduced in the 1960’s, as “the next
substantial improvement”; however, he states that it produced EPS at the same
rate as chlorpromazine.
The first atypical antipsychotic, called
clozapine, was introduced in 1968. It was withdrawn from the market after it
was observed that some patients suffered serious haematological side effects
which included a dramatic reduction of white blood cells. Since then, clozapine
has returned to the market
but those who are prescribed it must undergo biweekly monitoring of their white
blood cell count.
Beginning in the early 1970’s, Lilly scientists
conducted research into drugs having useful activity on the central nervous
system (CNS). Dr. Chakrabarti a researcher at Lilly and one of the inventors of
the ‘113 Patent, was also one of the two inventors listed on Canadian Patent
number 1,075,687 (‘687 Patent) filed in 1975 and which issued on April 15,
1980. The ‘687 Patent covers a very broad genus or class of chemical compounds having useful CNS
activity. This genus encompasses olanzapine.
Olanzapine is not disclosed specifically in any
of the one hundred examples listed in the ‘687 patent. While listing specific
examples, the patent also describes criteria that designate certain “preferred
compounds” within the broad genus it encompasses. It also identifies a more
specific set of these criteria to designate a presumably smaller set of
compounds as “most preferred”.
While the parties agree that olanzapine meets
the criteria for a “preferred compound”, they disagree as to whether it also
qualifies as a “most preferred” compound. Lilly expert Dr. Nichols, in his
affidavit, asserts that olanzapine cannot be a “most preferred” compound
because it does not possess all of the criteria of that category. However, Dr.
Nichols’ comments on cross-examination seem to contradict his initial position.
Specifically, he recognizes that ethylflumezapine is expressly listed as a
“most preferred compound”, yet he also concedes that it does not possess one of
the requisite criteria listed in the patent. This contradiction lends further
support to the position held by Apotex’ experts, particularly Drs. McClelland
and Castagnoli, that it is not possible for a single compound to possess every
one of the “most preferred” criteria. The Court agrees with them. However, the
Court also observes that both of the sub-classes (i.e. “preferred” and “most
preferred”) of the ‘687 Patent nonetheless still comprise a very large number
of compounds.
The ‘687 Patent does not specifically refer to
the side effects of these compounds, but it states that their properties
(described as “potent centrally acting compounds with neuroleptic, sedative or
relaxant or anti-emetic
properties”) coupled with their high therapeutic index, render them useful in
the treatment of mild anxiety and certain kinds of psychotic conditions such as
schizophrenia and acute mania. The range of dosage referred to in the ‘687
Patent is very wide and depends on “the compound as well as the condition and
size of the mammal”
to be treated. For humans, proposed dosage ranges from 0.1 to 20 mg per kg (for
an average person of 70 kilos, this means 7 mg to 1400 mg per day).
Some of Apotex’ experts opined that the
reference to the high therapeutic index of those compounds would imply that
they had a good side effect profile and maybe even a low EPS profile. It
appears from the evidence that the term “therapeutic index” is used in
different ways depending on the context. The Court is satisfied that it would not
have been understood in the context of the ‘687 Patent as promising minimal
As stated above, in addition to the broad genus,
the claims of the ‘687 Patent list certain specific compounds and a process for
synthesizing the members of the genus. Among the specifically disclosed
compounds are three that will be discussed in further detail below. They can be
referred to as flumezapine, ethyl flumezapine and the ‘222 compound (the first
two compounds are in fact specifically covered in claims 19 and 21 of the ‘687
A brief glossary supplied by Lilly is attached
as Appendix B.
It is helpful to depict the general structure of
the genus as it is represented in the’687 Patent (labels and dotted lines are
my additions):
The compounds that will be discussed in this
opinion can be depicted as follows (distinguishing features of each compound
have been circled):


As these illustrations show, all these compounds
are closely related. But a review of the case law dealing with chemical
selection patents indicates that this is not unusual.
In the 1980s, it appears Lilly scientists,
particularly Dr. Chakrabarti, continued experimenting on compounds encompassed
within the genus covered by the ‘687 Patent with the goal of finding an
effective atypical antipsychotic. It is in the course of such research that Dr.
Chakrabarti and his colleagues published several articles reporting on their
findings after they had synthesized and tested several such compounds. None of
these articles specifically disclose olanzapine.
It is worth noting that Lilly was not the only
company working on compounds of this sort. It appears from the “Hunziker
(Apotex document no. 15) published in 1981 that a Sandoz research unit in Berne
was synthesizing and testing the activities of a closely related class of
compounds, called thienobenzazepines.
In Apotex document no. 16 (“Chakrabarti 1980”), the Lilly team reports
on the results of various in vitro and in vivo tests on rats to
assess toxicity and potency of a number of compounds covered by the ‘687
Patent. In the experiments, they employed the following tests to measure
response to the compounds:
LD50, CAR, CAT and mouse hypothermia (ED).
As noted by Apotex in its memorandum of fact and
law, the CAR test suggests what compound are potentially useful as
antipsychotics whereas the CAT test is used as a crude predictor of the
occurrence of EPS.
It is worth noting immediately that, using the
CAR and CAT tests as crude predictors, it appears that many of the compounds
covered by the ‘687 Patent for which test results were published in 1980 did
not have sufficient activity to be useful as potential antipsychotics. This is
consistent with the broad nature of the description made in the ‘687 Patent in
respect of the utility of the genus. Also, it is clear from the various test
results reported in 1980 and 1982 that many of those compounds that had
sufficient antipsychotic activity had the potential to produce typical drugs (i.e.
giving rise to EPS) as opposed to atypical drugs.
In searching for an appropriate drug, Lilly’s
team investigated several compounds. For example, ethyl flumezapine was tested
in a dog study and was found to produce a high incidence of blood disorder and
its progression to human clinical testing was terminated.
Another candidate was flumezapine. After a
successful dog study, Lilly proceeded with its first clinical human test. The
‘113 Patent reports that a total of seventeen patients received treatment with
flumezapine “before the clinical trial was terminated after consultation with
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, because of an unacceptably high
incidence of raised enzyme levels in the treated patients. The enzyme,
creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), and the liver enzymes, serum glutamate
oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) and the serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
(SGPT) … were in substantial excess of normal values, indicating the
possibility of toxicity”. This tendency, according to the disclosure, is “similar
to chlorpromazine, an antipsychotic which has long been in use but whose safety
has been called into question”. Also, in such clinical trials, two patients
treated with flumezapine showed possible signs of EPS as measured on the AIMS
As discussed above, Lilly researchers continued
during the 1980s to perform research on compounds covered by the ‘687 Patent.
It was published in documents that will be referred to as “Chakrabarti 1980”
(cited above, note 9), “Chakrabarti 1980 #2” (Apotex document No. 17), “Chakrabarti 1982”
(Apotex document No. 18)
and “Chakrabarti 1989” (Apotex document No. 25).
Partial results of a comparative dog study
involving the ‘222 compound and olanzapine are described in the ‘113 Patent and
are the focus of many arguments raised in the NOA and the applications.
In the ‘113 Patent, the inventors state:
In dog toxicity
studies with a closely analogous compound,
2-ethyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-4H-thieno [2,3-b] – [1,5] benzodiazepine,
at a dosage of 8 mg/kg, it was observed that four out of eight dogs showed a
significant rise in cholesterol levels, whereas the compound of the invention
did not show any rise in cholesterol levels.
There is no evidence that the ‘222 compound was
ever tested in humans. However, olanzapine did go through full clinical human
testing. It was introduced as a drug in Canada in 1997.
The ‘113 Patent also refers to other perceived
advantages of olanzapine over other prior known antipsychotic agents not
included in the genus covered by the ‘687 Patent. These include lower elevation
of prolactin levels which suggest fewer disturbances of the menstrual cycle and
less gynecomastia and galactorrhea and no alteration of white blood cell count.
The ‘113 Patent also states that olanzapine is
an effective antipsychotic for treatment of schizophrenia, exhibiting high
activity “at surprising low dosage levels”. It later specifies that the
preferred treatment for adult humans is from 0.1 to 20 mg per day. The patent
goes on (at page 6) to present the following conclusion:
Overall, therefore, in clinical situations, the compound of the invention
shows marked superiority, and a better side effects profile than prior known
antipsychotic agents, and has a highly advantageous activity level. [My
None of the claims of the ‘113 Patent expressly
describe the advantages referred to above. The patent claims the compound
olanzapine, its use for the treatment of schizophrenia and other less acute
mental illnesses. It claims also pharmaceutical compositions.
At the hearing, the parties were agreed that
there is no issue with respect to the construction of the ‘113 Patent and that
Apotex’s proposal to manufacture and sell tablets of olanzapine would infringe
at least the following claims:
3. 2-Methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-4H-thieno-[2,3-b][1,5]
benzodiazepine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salt thereof.
6. The use of a compound according to claim 2 or 3 for the
manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of schizophrenia.
13. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the compound of
claim 3 together with a pharmaceutically acceptable diluent or carrier
2) The Notice
of Allegation (NOA)
Apotex sent its first notice of allegation on December 16, 2004 and the
second one on March 21, 2005. For the purposes of this section, the two NOA’s
may be treated as identical; the later NOA (concerning 10 mg tablets of
olanzapine) incorporates by reference all of the factual and legal arguments
concerning olanzapine as they are set out in the initial NOA. As stated above,
the circumstances giving rise to an identical and redundant set of proceedings
will be treated in a distinct order on costs.
Lilly has argued that Apotex raised several new issues in its evidence,
including an allegation that the ‘113 Patent could not be a “valid selection
patent”. It is thus necessary to review, in some detail, the structure and
content of the NOA. The body of the NOA is 105 pages. It is followed by various
schedules dealing with the law in respect of the legal issues raised in the
body; the last schedule lists the 63 documents (prior and post art) referred to
in the NOA.
Under the title “Background”, Apotex reviews various prior art documents
from the late 1960’s and onwards, as well as post art, which refer to various
disclosures of compounds related to olanzapine as well as to olanzapine itself,
many of which are also discussed later in the NOA under the specific headings
of anticipation and obviousness. In this section, Apotex also makes many
allegations that are relevant to the question of “selection” which was at the
heart of much of the debate before me. It is important to note that such issues
related to selection are raised under this “Background” heading, and not (aside
for the very few that are all noted in this summary) under the headings set out
elsewhere in the NOA that specifically describe grounds of invalidity, ie
“anticipation”; “obviousness”; double-patenting”.
At page 41 of the NOA, as part of a section titled “Documents
subsequent to 1980”, Apotex notes that the ‘113 Patent claims that flumezapine and the ‘222 compound, which are both covered by the
‘687 Patent, are unsuitable drugs. Apotex goes on to note, however, that since
the filing of the patent, and more particularly with the 2004 filing in the
U.S. of the IVAX patent application,
it has been established that the ‘222 compound is a useful antipsychotic.
Apotex then goes on to say that the dog study reported
in the ‘113 Patent was flawed, inappropriate and invalid as well as not
scientifically significant for various reasons described at page 41, 42 and 43.
After denying that the ‘222 compound causes cholesterol
in female dogs, Apotex’ NOA goes on to allege that, in any event, the dog is
not an appropriate animal model for predicting cholesterol increases in humans.
Apotex further argues that a test on dogs is inadequate if such a test takes
place without also testing other species. Apotex concludes, “Accordingly, dog
toxicity studies without studies on other species do not demonstrate that, at
the time the [‘113 Patent] Application was filed, neither [‘222 compound] nor
olanzapine had any special distinguishing features over the compounds claimed
in the ‘687 Patent.”
After concluding that the various documents
described in the NOA (from page 49 to 61) show that the comparison between
olanzapine and the ‘222 compound (as related at pages 5-6 of the ‘113 Patent)
is inappropriate, Apotex says: “In fact, the following has been determined in
respect of olanzapine.” Then from pages 61 to 66, Apotex reviews documents
(mostly post art) which deal with the properties of olanzapine as they are now
understood, particularly its more recent association with weight gain and an
increase in trigyceride levels. For example, Apotex cites its document No. 56
which concludes at page 742: “Olanzapine treatment was associated with weight
gain and elevated levels of insulin, leptin, and blood lipids as well as
insulin resistance, with 3 patients diagnosed to have diabetes mellitus”. [my emphasis]
At page 63 of the NOA, Apotex quotes another
abstract that discusses side-effects of antipsychotic medicines. The quoted
text includes: “the issue of diabetes is some [sic] more controversial
and recently second generation antipsychotics are implicated in the development
of type 2 diabetes”.
It is worth mentioning that the NOA does not
contain allegations or any specific reference to the question of prolactin
levels, white blood cell count or other specific disadvantages referred to in
the ‘113 Patent with respect to prior known antipsychotic agents. Nor does it
contain any allegation challenging the results or the validity of the tests
involving flumezapine.
At the bottom of page 66, Apotex alleges that
differences between the ‘113 Patent and the UK patent application on the basis
of which it claims priority (GB9009229.7) clearly show that the invention
claimed in the ‘113 Patent is “artificially continued.” By this, Apotex would
seem to imply that new language (such as “surprising”) inserted in the Canadian
patent was further evidence of Lilly’s alleged efforts to improperly
“evergreen” an existing invention. Apotex goes on to argue that the ‘113 Patent
should not be able to claim a priority date from its UK counterpart on the
grounds that it contains new language, new material and additional claims. As
such, says Apotex, the appropriate priority date for the ‘113 Patent should be
its Canadian filing date of April 24, 1991, rather than the UK one which was
one year earlier. It became apparent during the hearing, however, that the
difference of opinion as to the proper claims date is immaterial in respect of
determining the various grounds of invalidity set out in the NOA. In that
regard, none of the important prior art relied upon by Apotex, particularly at
the hearing, would be excluded on the basis of the earlier claim date.
The so-called “Background” portion of the NOA seems to conclude at page
69 with a statement which Apotex says shows that it intended to rely on all
issues raised in the background to support the legal grounds distinctly raised
thereafter. That statement is as follows:
Apotex asserts that each of the
Claims in Issue is invalid, void and of no effect. Apotex relies on all of the
material discussed in the NOA as supporting its allegations that each of the
Claims in Issue is invalid, void and of no effect.
The Court here notes that, substantive issues aside, the drafting and
structure of the NOA is poorly organized to say the least. This lack of
structure and coherence in such a voluminous document could easily produce
confusion or misunderstanding. It was clearly a source of frustration for the
In the following section entitled “Anticipation” (pages 69-75, NOA),
Apotex refers to only four documents, two of which have been already referred
to above: the ‘687 “genus” Patent and the scientific journal article
“Chakrabarti 1980” (cited above, note 9). The third allegedly anticipatory
reference cited by Apotex in its NOA can be referred to as “the Schauzu
This document, described in further detail below, is a scientific article from
a German journal that presents a chart of 12 compounds. Apotex alleges that
olanzapine is disclosed by number 11 on that list and that the article teaches
that the compound has antipsychotic activity. Finally, the NOA briefly refers
to a teratology study
which allegedly published a compound identical to olanzapine; however, Apotex
has since withdrawn its assertion that the study is a disclosing prior art
reference. Also, the article was not discussed at the hearing. It will
therefore be referred to no further.
At the conclusion of the NOA’s section on anticipation, Apotex asserts
that all four publications give “so clear a direction that a skilled person in
the art reading and following it in every case and without possibility of error
would be led to the claimed invention in the Claims in Issue.”
In the section of the NOA entitled Obviousness (pages 75-85), Apotex
states in a brief introduction that it “relies on the state of the art and
common knowledge of a person skilled in the art set out in this NOA” and adds
that “persons skilled in the art would be led directly and without difficulty
to the subject matter” in the claims. As will be discussed further on, Apotex
has offered little evidence to support its assertions in the NOA as to what was
common general knowledge in the field at the relevant time (April 1990 – April
1991). Apotex made more precise submissions after the hearing, informing the
Court that its position was that expert evidence established that such
knowledge would include all the prior art documents listed in its NOA, and
particularly those referred to in the affidavits of Drs. Klibanov, Dordick and
Dr. McClelland.
In any event, Apotex alleges specifically that elements of common
knowledge and the following combination of prior art render olanzapine obvious:
the ‘687 Patent and Apotex document Nos. 14
and 17.
Next, it argues olanzapine is obvious on the basis of compounds disclosed in
“Chakrabarti 1980” (Apotex document No. 16).
Finally, Apotex asserts obviousness in light of the “Schauzu article”.
Apotex concludes the obviousness section of the NOA by asserting that
olanzapine was in the “wings” at the time flumezapine was discovered to be
unsuitable. It adds that qualities related to side effects do not save the ‘113
Patent from being obvious; Apotex notes at page 84 that none of the patent’s
claims refers to side effects and that the reference to the ‘222 compound in the
‘113 Patent does not assist Lilly with respect to the inventiveness of
olanzapine “for reasons as discussed previously”.
The NOA goes on to allege invalidity on the basis of double patenting,
more particularly “having regard to the claims of the [‘687 Patent] and the
common knowledge of a person skilled in the art” as well as obviousness double
Finally, Apotex alleges that the ‘113 Patent is void pursuant to
paragraph 53(1) of the Patent Act.
More particularly, it alleges that Lilly failed to mention various limitations
which applied to the dog toxicity study referred to in the disclosure of the
‘113 Patent. Such omissions were, says Apotex, made willfully for the purpose
of misleading the Commissioner of Patents. Also, the respondent says that the
applicant failed to disclose the ‘687 Patent (the Canadian patent that
corresponds to UK Patent 1,533,235 specifically referred to in the disclosure).
This omission, suggests Apotex, was also made in order to mislead the
Commissioner and to avoid the issue of double patenting. Lilly allegedly
also deliberately failed to disclose various pieces of prior art such as the
Schauzu article
and Chakrabarti (1980 and 1982).
This section of the NOA concludes with the following passage:
When the earlier
selections (Flumezapine and other compounds selected by Eli Lily) had been not
proceeded with for whatever reasons, olanzapine was waiting in the “wings”
ready to be used.
the ‘113 Patent is void for breach of Section 53. (See Schedule “D” for a
further discussion of Section 53.)
3) Preliminary matters
(a) Motion to strike
In July 2005, Lilly
filed a motion to strike the evidence filed by Apotex in respect of issues and
documents which according to Lilly were not set out in the NOA. The motion was
heard by Prothonotary Roger Lafrenière who adjourned the part of the motion
related to the striking of the evidence to the hearing on the merits.
In its motion, Lilly
also sought the right to file reply evidence. This part of the motion was
granted by Prothonotary Lafrenière on the basis that he was satisfied that Lilly
could not have anticipated Apotex’s evidence as adduced or the allegation of
anticipation as advanced and that it would be seriously prejudiced if denied an
opportunity to adduce reply evidence. Apotex did not appeal the decision of
Prothonotary Lafrenière and Lilly says that this finding in respect to Lilly’s
right to file reply evidence is res judicata. This was not challenged by
Initially, the
list of new issues and of new documents dealing with old and new issues proposed
by Lilly (see Daybook volume 7, tab 3 and 4) was quite long and it related to
many experts’ affidavits and cross-examinations in which these issues were
At the hearing, Lilly
advised that to shorten the debate, it was no longer seeking to strike the
evidence relating to the allegation of off-label prescription, and the Zyprexa
product monographs (Canadian and American versions). Also, Apotex indicated
that it was no longer relying on the IVAX Patent Applications (Apotex document No.
28 and 29) and that the Court should also disregard the evidence relating to
it. So this issue was also withdrawn by Lilly from its list.
During a
teleconference held on March 30, 2007, Apotex further advised the Court that it
would not be relying on the other contested documents listed in Tab 4 of the
Day Book in Volume 7. Thus, it was agreed that the Court does not have to deal
with the request to strike this evidence as well as the paragraphs of the
various experts’ affidavits referring to it.
This means that
only two of the original issues are left: diabetes and the use of Apotex document
No. 21, an article entitled: “In Vitro Thiomethylation” (Sullivan, H.R.
et al. (1985), Vol. 13, No. 3, Drug Metabolism and Disposition p. 276-278).
This document, listed in the NOA under the heading “Documents Subsequent to
1980”, was only described by Apotex as disclosing the formula of flumezapine. Later,
however, it was used by two Apotex experts to support the view that the prior
art teaches away from the use of halogen substituents on the benzene ring. Lilly
objects to this use of the document for a “new” purpose.
Finally, Lilly objected
to Apotex contesting the basis on which the selection was made because the
latter never raised this as a ground of invalidity in its NOA.
This important
question will be dealt with separately later on in these reasons. It is for now
sufficient to say that the Court does not accept Apotex proposition that
selection is simply a defence to anticipation and it therefore had no
obligation to raise these various issues in its NOA.
A related issue
concerns Apotex’ contestation that the disclosure contained in the ‘113 Patent
was not accurate or sufficient insofar as it did not reveal olanzapine’s
potential association with diabetes and other maladies. On this matter, the
Court has carefully reviewed the NOA and noted particularly the passages cited
at paragraphs 46 and 47 of these reasons. It is now satisfied that Apotex did,
as a matter of fact, allege that olanzapine has a controversial association
with diabetes. As will be discussed later on, this finding will have little
impact on the merits, especially given that this issue is not very relevant to
those grounds of invalidity that were properly put before the Court.
Turning now to Lilly’s
objection regarding Apotex’ use of document No. 21 for a “new” purpose, there
appears to be no case law that directly addresses this point. Unlike the
circumstances described in cases such as A.B. Hassle et al v. Minister of
National Health and Welfare, (2000) 7 C.P.R. (4th) 272 (FCA),
[2000] F.C.J. No. 855 (QL) and Mayne Pharma (Canada)Inc. v. Aventis Pharma
Inc., 2005 FCA 50, [2005] F.C.J. No. 215 (QL), Apotex has in fact
included the contested document in its NOA.
Although the NOA
does not present a full discussion of the significance of Apotex’s document No.
21, the relevance of the article is hardly cryptic. It is clear that this
document was not presented as disclosing olanzapine itself. It is thus
difficult to imagine that its inclusion in the NOA would have been perceived by
Lilly to relate to anything but obviousness.
A close review of A.B.
Hassle and Mayne, above, suggests that the rationale for barring the
introduction of new prior art is that doing so would prejudice the patentee or
the first person of the opportunity to decide whether or not to launch the NOC
proceeding. To use undisclosed prior art after Lilly decided to file its
application would be unfair and would amount to an ambush.
In the present
instance, it is quite understandable that Lilly would have desired a better
structured NOA. But the Court cannot agree that the fairness concern expressed
in A.B. Hassle and Mayne, above, applies here. The true remedy in
cases like this one is to seek the right to reply and Lilly did just that. The
Prothonotary was right when he gave the applicant the right to file a reply. As
such, I am satisfied that there is no reason to strike the document notwithstanding
the fact that it does not appear to be essential to Apotex’ position (indeed,
they did not rely on it at all during the hearing). Nevertheless, the Court has
specifically dealt with the issue in these reasons.
(b) The failure to rely on invalid selection in the NOA
As mentioned, Lilly submits that Apotex failed to state in its NOA that
the ‘113 Patent was not “a valid selection patent”. In this particular context,
this means that Apotex had an obligation to explicitly raise in the NOA its
various allegations as to why the ‘113 Patent did not meet the criteria of a
selection patent. Apotex should have stated, among other things, that the
advantages listed in the patent were not substantial, that the assertions made
were vague and unsupportive and, in any event, insufficient to constitute the
‘113 Patent as a valid selection.
Apotex should have made it clear in its legal allegations how, in its view, the
fact that it has allegedly now become known that olanzapine does not actually
have all of the advantages listed in the patent (and that it has other side
effects such as weight gain, association with hyperglycemia and diabetes etc.)
affects the validity of the patent.
In reply to this, Apotex says:
(i) The
issue of selection was put forth by Lilly as a defence to the allegation of
double patenting in the Notice of Application. It was an issue raised by Lilly
and, as such, Apotex was entitled to respond with evidence and arguments as it
saw fit. This position is consistent with the principle that a second person is
not expected to anticipate the defence to its allegations that a first person
will put forth in its Notice of Application, and that a second person is
entitled to reply to the evidence produced by the first person.
(ii) Lilly should
have included in its application its allegation that such arguments were new
and filed an affidavit supporting such allegation. It did not do so and it is evident
that Lilly understood the case it had to meet. It specifically raised as an
issue the superiority of olanzapine over other ‘687 compounds and filed evidence
to establish that the inventive step in the ‘113 Patent was an improved side
effect profile.
Lilly replies to Apotex by arguing that the latter’s argument that
selection is a defence to anticipation (or to obviousness or to double
patenting) amounts to an attempt by Apotex to place on Lilly the burden of
establishing the validity of its own patent rather than establishing that the
particular grounds of invalidity alleged in the NOA are unjustified. This also
disguises the fact that Apotex is now relying on grounds of invalidity that it
has not raised in its NOA.
For Lilly the ‘113 Patent, on its face, is a selection patent and must
be dealt with as such by Apotex in its NOA. It claims that allowing Apotex to
challenge the validity of the ‘113 Patent on grounds other than those set out
in the NOA (i.e. anticipation, obviousness, double patenting and
misrepresentation pursuant to section 53) would constitute procedural
Furthermore, Lilly submits that it could not and did not file an
affidavit because it did not realize, until well after the filing of its
evidence, the true extent of the new arguments put forth by Apotex. Allegedly,
some were in fact only raised or properly explained at the hearing. Lilly says
that its evidence in chief dealing with the advantages of olanzapine, in
particular, was relevant to obviousness and obviousness double patenting. It
was essentially opinion evidence based on the advantages set out in the patent
itself. Its evidence in respect of the dog study, its validity and the disclosed
advantage of olanzapine over the ‘222 compound was an answer to the “fraud” (ie
s. 53(1)) allegations made against it in the NOA but which, in fact, were
barely touched upon during the hearing by Apotex.
The position put forth by Apotex does indeed seem to have a number of
important implications that go beyond the question of what it had to
specifically allege in its NOA. The Court will need to consider, among other
things, its impact on: what Lilly must prove in order to meet its burden of showing
that the allegations set out in the NOA are unjustified; the evidential burden
on Apotex. But, before considering Apotex’s “selection as a defense” argument,
it is useful to review Apotex’s position in some more detail.
Apotex contests that the ‘113 Patent is on its face a selection patent
because none of the claims include a reference to the invention’s special
advantages as they are described in the disclosure. Also, it says that the
invention is presented as an improvement over existing antipsychotic agents and
not simply over the members of the genus covered by the ‘687 Patent.
Because of this, Apotex asserts that it can meet its evidential burden
(as defined below), in regards to its allegation of anticipation, by simply
adducing the originating patent (the ‘687 Patent) which claims a class of
compounds that encompasses olanzapine, particularly because olanzapine meets
the criteria of a “most preferred compound”. This would constitute sufficient evidence
to overcome the presumption of validity described in paragraph 43(2) of the Patent
Therefore, says Apotex, if Lilly wishes to argue that the ‘113 Patent
was not anticipated by the ‘687 Patent (or that the ‘113 Patent was not made
obvious by it or that it did not constitute double patenting),
it had to prove that its patent meets each and every one of the criteria set
out for a selection patent. To do so, Apotex adds in an important point, Lilly
cannot simply rely on what the patent says. It has to actually establish those
facts in its evidence in chief, particularly that olanzapine actually delivers
the advantages disclosed in the ‘113 Patent.
In fact, Apotex goes further and asks the Court to infer from Lilly’s
failure to produce admissible evidence in respect of tests and studies and from
the failure to produce all the documents requested by Apotex during the
cross-examination of its experts (including all lab books and data relating to
its research) that the result of such studies would not support the advantages
disclosed in the patent.
In respect of the need to prove what the patent says, Apotex relied on two
decisions: Pfizer Canada Inc. v. Apotex, 2007 FC 26, [2007] F.C.J. No.
36; Aventis Pharma v. Apotex, 2005 FC 1283, [2005] F.C.J. No. 1559.
Apotex interprets those decisions to mean that, if Lilly has failed to produce
admissible evidence to prove the validity and accuracy of the statements made
in the disclosure (for example about cholesterol, blood cell count, liver
enzymes, etc.), the Court should conclude that the patent is not a valid
selection patent.
Apotex’ foregoing arguments conclude by stating that the ‘113 Patent has
failed to qualify as a valid selection patent. Hence, the Court should conclude
that Apotex’s allegations that the ‘113 Patent is invalid based on anticipation
and double patenting are clearly justified.
At section 2 of the Patent Act, an invention is defined as
means any new and useful art, process, machine, manufacture or composition of
matter, or any new and useful improvement in any art, process, machine,
manufacture or composition of matter;
In respect of chemical patents, the Federal Court of Appeal in Pfizer
Canada Inc. v. Minister of Health, 2006 FCA 214, [2006] F.C.J. No. 894
(QL), recently noted at paragraph 3 that there are two general classes of
chemical patents. The first is the originating patent where there is an
originating invention involving the discovery of a new reaction or new compound
(or genus). The second is a selection patent, which is based on a selection from
related compounds derived from the original compound (or genus) and which have
been described in general terms and claimed in the originating patent.
The nature of selection patents was elucidated in 1930 by Maugham J. in
what came be an oft-cited case: In the Matter of I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G.'s
Patents, (1930) 47 R.P.C. (Type 3,4,5). Later, the House of Lords in
E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Application, [1982] F.S.R. 303 (HL),
generally accepted the special requirements set out in Farbenindustrie and
gave useful precision on how courts should approach the issue of anticipation
by a prior class or genus patent (such as the ‘687). This is further discussed
when the Court reviews the specific grounds of invalidity alleged in the NOA. In
our own jurisprudence, the principles of Farbenindustrie as explained
and adopted by the House of Lords have been confirmed very recently by the
Federal Court of Appeal in Pfizer (2006 FCA, above) and Apotex Inc.
v. Sanofi-Synthelabo, 2006 FCA 421, [2006] F.C.J. No. 1945.
Despite the fact that there is little case law on the subject, the
concept of selection patents is not new in Canada. It was described in 1969 in Canadian
Law and Practice (4th edition), p. 89-90, by Dr. Fox as
Invention may also be present as a result of a new and useful selection among
members of a class of substances from which selection the inventor is able to
produce a new and useful result or an old result in a cheaper or better manner.
Invention may be
exercised by selecting one out of a number of substances for a particular
purpose even though others of that class have been used before for the same
purpose, provided there is a special advantage to be derived from the use of
the selected substance and its selection constitutes a definite advance upon
existing knowledge. While one who merely picks out a number of items from an
already disclosed group or series has not invented anything, yet it may be
otherwise if his researches have led him to the discovery that certain items in
the group or series possess qualities or characteristics peculiar to themselves
and hitherto unknown. Selection patents are more usually met with in the
chemical, that in the other arts.
From the case law applied by the Federal Court of Appeal, it appears
that the nature of selection which presupposes the existence of a class that
encompasses the selected member(s) mandates a particular approach to determine
whether the prior patent covering the class left the field open for someone to
claim the selected compound(s) as new
(see Du Pont, above, at p. 310-311). If the field is indeed open, the
originating patent will not anticipate (see paragraphs 264-267 below) but the
selected member(s) may still be anticipated by other publications and, in this
respect, the usual principles apply. It is also clear that the inventive step
in the selection lies in the discovery that the selected compound(s) of a known
class of compounds (for example, the ‘687 Patent) possess(es) some special
advantage that could not be predicted before the discovery was made. All
selected compounds must have a “substantial” advantage (this includes avoiding
a disadvantage possessed by other members of the known class) and the said
advantage must not be one that those skilled in the art expect to find in a
large number of the previously disclosed genus or class.
Another special requirement of this class of patent is that its said
advantage(s) must be specifically described in the disclosure of the patent.
This requirement becomes particularly pertinent when the Court needs to
determine if the patent is invalid on the basis of insufficiency.
Although selection patents possess certain distinguishing features, the
analysis regarding their validity is largely the same as that which is carried out
with respect to any other patent.
Like any other patent, they benefit from the presumption that the invention
(the selection) is novel, inventive and useful. Likewise, it is presumed that
the disclosure is sufficient to enable a person skilled in the art to take full
advantage of the benefit of the invention. There is no good reason to treat
these patents differently when it comes to determining what a party must set in
its NOA for the purposes of NOC proceedings.
That said, the respondent cannot avoid the obligation to put all its
factual and legal allegations in its NOA by simply asserting that it did not
believe the patent at issue was a selection patent and that it was not obliged
to address issues related to selection until the patentee had done so first.
The obligation to disclose its factual and legal allegations in respect of
selection would seem to apply particularly in the present case given that
Apotex conceded during the hearing that its main argument against selection is
a novel one that has yet to be accepted by a court.
The novel argument Apotex puts forth holds that a selection patent, to
be valid, must set out the special advantages of the compound(s) it covers. As
such, Apotex would make selection patents akin to “new use” patents insofar as
the latter require the special advantages they possess to be set out in a
Having reviewed all the authorities cited by Apotex and despite the
excellent explanations provided by Apotex’s counsel at the hearing, the Court
is satisfied that, contrary to the situation involving patents for new use of a
known compound, an inventor can claim a selected compound without referring to
its special advantages in the claim.
The basis of this allowance for selection patents is sound upon
considering the strong public policy rationale that underlies them. Namely,
these patents have an important role in encouraging further research and
development on promising new medicinal compounds whose properties have yet to
be fully understood. Furthermore, there does not appear to be any compelling
rationale for requiring a selection patent to set out its advantages within its
The analogy put forth by Apotex which equates selection patents with
“new use” patents is not convincing. In this regard, Apotex suggests that
policy dictates that selection patents state their advantages in a claim lest
they otherwise serve to reclaim knowledge from the public domain and confine it
within a patent monopoly. While this policy consideration does indeed apply to
new use patents, the Court cannot agree with Apotex’ submission that an
analogous rationale should apply to selection patents. As will be explained
later on under “anticipation”, in the case of new use, the compound itself is
old, having been either specifically disclosed or used.
In the case of such patents, the sole novelty of the invention lies in the use
itself, thereby requiring that such use be claimed. Conversely, in selection
patents where the selected compound is only generally described or encompassed
within a known genus or class of compounds, it is the selected compound
itself that is new.
This view appears to have been generally accepted in practice in this
country. In Patent Law of Canada,
Wiliam L. Hayhurst, Q.C., in a section entitled “The Art of Claiming and
Reading a Claim”, says:
Where the invention consists of
the selection of one or more members of a previously known group, based upon
the discovery that the selected members have a previously unknown advantage
over the others, the advantage must be disclosed in the specification in
order to make a full disclosure of the invention. As in other cases, however,
what is claimed is not the advantage but the selected members. The advantage
may not be recited in the claim. The advantage is inherent in the things
that are claimed. [My emphasis.]
The current edition of the Manual of Patent Office Practice
(issued to Canadian patent examiners) says the following at subsection 11.12 of
its chapter on claims, dealing with selection patents:
A selection from members of a
previously known class of substances may be patentable if the substance
selected is unobvious and affords a new and useful result. There must be a
special advantage arising from the selected substance and any advantage, novel
property or use must be fully characterized in the description. The
substance should be defined in an explicit manner within the claim. [My
It also appears that the European Patent Office has generally adopted
similar views.
It is further worth noting that the claims before the House of Lords in Du
Pont (above) covered the selected compounds themselves with no reference to
their special properties. This was also the case in Pfizer and Sanofi-Synthelabo,
Finally, in the United States, as noted earlier, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit has just recently confirmed the validity of
U.S. Patent No. 5,229,382
which (like the ‘113 Patent) claimed olanzapine without reference to its
special properties.
[100] It
would thus take a very good reason for this Court to depart from this
prevailing view. The alternate approach (and its attending rationale) proposed
by Apotex is simply not convincing. Also, at this stage, the Court feels bound
by the recent Federal Court of Appeal decisions cited above.
[101] A
further submission by Apotex asserts that, on its face, the ‘113 Patent is not
a selection patent because it refers to various advantages of the claimed
compound over all known antipsychotics, not just those encompassed by the ‘687
Patent. With all due respect, this argument is simply specious.
[102] Apotex
did not point to any principle of law that could support this theory. There is
no reason why an inventor is limited to discussing the advantages of his
selection over the genus alone. She or he must disclose the special advantages
of the selection over the general class but there is nothing that precludes
further additions. This is particularly so given that it may be relevant to
know how the overall profile of the selected compound compares with other known
drugs so as to better assess, for example, the significance of the advantages
of the selected compound over members of its genus.
[103] On
a fair reading of the ‘113 Patent, it is evident that it purports to be a
selection patent. The inventor expressly refers to the U.K. counterpart (GB
1533235) of the ‘687 genus patent at page 2 of the ‘113 Patent. Moreover, a
simple review of the NOA shows that Apotex indeed understood that the ‘113
Patent was presented to the examiner as an application for a selection patent
by Lilly.
[104] In
that respect, the allegations relating to section 53 are particularly
revealing. For Apotex to succeed in showing that a violation of section 53 had
occurred, any omission or misrepresentation it alleged would have to concern
information related to the obtaining of the patent. While normally there is no
need to describe the advantages of an invention in the disclosure (see Consolboard
Inc. v. MacMillan Bloedel (Saskatchewan) Ltd. [1981] 1 S.C.R. 504 at
524-27), Lilly would be required to properly describe the advantages of the
selected compound if it was indeed seeking a selection patent (see paragraph
above and Patent Manual Section 11.12).
In other words, it is possible to infer from Apotex’s allegation of
misrepresentation that it was aware of the basis on which the patent was
granted (i.e. selection). Apotex must therefore have known the ‘113 Patent was
granted as a selection patent.
[105] Moreover,
on several occasions in its NOA, Apotex employs language that indicates it was
aware that the ‘113 Patent was a selection patent (albeit an invalid one in its
mind). This can be discerned from such passages as: “neither [the ‘222
compound] nor olanzapine had any special distinguishing features over the
compounds claimed in the ‘687 Patent”; “[the ‘222 compound] does not assist
Lilly with respect to the inventiveness of olanzapine”; “when the earlier
selections … had been not proceeded with for whatever reasons, olanzapine was
waiting in the ‘wings’ waiting to be used”.
[106] To
allow Apotex to say at this stage that the patent was not a valid selection
patent because the selected compound does not provide the benefits promised or
the better side effect profile described in the disclosure would, in fact,
amount to allowing the respondent to add a new ground of invalidity to those
listed in its NOA. Namely, it would allow Apotex to in fact plead invalidity on
the grounds of insufficient disclosure.
[107] In
effect, the English Court of Appeal in Pharmacia Corp. v. American Co. Inc.
[2002] R.P.S. 41, specifically noted at para. 56:
….Thus if the invention is a selection
of certain compounds, in order to secure an advantage or avoid some
disadvantage, not only must the specification contain sufficient information on
how to make the compounds, it must also describe the advantage or how to avoid
the disadvantage. Further, the compounds monopolized by the claim must all have
that advantage or avoid the disadvantage. The same principle applies where the
claim is to a class of compounds. To be sufficient, the specification must
identify the characteristics of the class and a method of manufacture.
Further, all the claimed compounds must in substance have the characteristics
of the class. [my emphasis]
[108] This
would also mean that the respondent has split its case.
[109] It
is obviously important for a first person to know exactly on what basis the
validity of a patent is challenged for this will have a major impact on the
type of evidence it will be required to put forward. The analysis and
evidential concerns that arise in response to allegations of invalidity based
on anticipation or obviousness are very different from those that would arise
in response to a challenge of validity based on insufficiency or lack of
[110] To
determine whether an invention was obvious, the Court must examine what is
described in the patent properly construed, in light of the state of the art
and the common general knowledge available to the ordinary person skilled in
the art at the claims date. In that respect, the Court does not go beyond or
behind what is disclosed in the patent properly construed. It does not have to
assess whether or not what is described is true or accurate.
[111] On
the other hand, when the validity of the patent is challenged on the basis of
insufficiency (or lack of utility), the Court will consider evidence that goes
beyond the facts set out in the disclosure. The patent challenger in such cases
is entitled to contest the information set out in the patent to argue that, for
example, the calculations or directions set out in the patent do not work. In
the case of a selection patent, a person challenging on the grounds of
insufficiency might argue that an ordinary person skilled in the art could not
in fact obtain the full benefit of the profile described in the disclosure when
he or she makes the selected compound.
[112] In
the case at hand, Lilly would, upon reviewing the NOA, have found no reason to
produce evidence establishing the truth or accuracy of the information set out
in the patent, particularly in respect of the properties of olanzapine and of
the other compounds referred to therein. The only need to do so would have been
in order to respond specifically to the allegation of willful misrepresentation
made pursuant to section 53 of the Patent Act.
[113] The
discrepancy between what appears in the NOA and what is ultimately argued can
be sufficiently important as to affect a first person’s decision of whether or
not to proceed with a notice of application. If the discrepancy is large, there
is a risk that the first person will be ambushed. There is little case law on
this specific issue but on three occasions the courts have addressed issues
that are roughly analogous.
[114] In
Pfizer 2006 (above), the Federal Court of Appeal set aside a decision because,
among other things, the trial judge expressed concern that the requirements to
be met for the creation of a valid selection patent could be manipulated. He
commented that there was no evidence offered by the first person to justify
the advantages referred to in its patent. In response, the Federal Court of
Appeal said:
32. However, he failed to recognize that there was little evidence on the
issue of thresholds because Ratiopharm never objected to them in its NOA.
Threshold issues had to be raised in the NOA so that Pfizer could know the case
it had to meet (see Pfizer v. Novapharm (supra at paragraph 13).
Deciding a case on a theory not raised by parties may give rise to an argument
for procedural unfairness.
[115] More
recently, again in the context of an NOC proceeding involving a selection
patent, this Court in Pfizer Canada v. Minister of Health 2006 FC 1471,
[2006] F.C.J. No. 1848 (QL) said at paragraph 56, “This entire case stands or
falls on the issue of selection patent and specifically the ten-fold increase
in activity of one of the enantiomers over the race mate.” As is the situation
here, the NOA in that case did not challenge the basis of the selection, the
sufficiency of the disclosure or the utility of the selection.
[116] In
the case above, the Court found that on its face, the patent was a selection
patent that could only stand if it met the selection patent criteria. Special
advantage was obviously a key criterion. In that context, the judge responded
to the challenger’s failure to allude to special advantage in its NOA by
stating: “It thus begs belief to suggest Novopharm did not know that the data
evidencing the ten-fold advantage would be an issue.”
[117] The
Court also rejected Novopharm’s assertion that its challenge of the selection
was implicit in its NOA and that, in any event, Pfizer has incurred no
prejudice because it had been granted leave to lead evidence on all of the new
data raised in Novopharm’s evidence in chief.
[118] Relying
on the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal in Procter and Gamble v.
Canada 2002 FCA 290, [2002] F.C.J. No. 1018 (QL), the Court found that arguments
related to flawed data formed part of “Novopharm’s cause of action” and therefore
should have been alleged in the NOA.
[119] Apotex
seeks to distinguish those two cases by saying that its argument that selection
is simply a defence to an allegation of anticipation was never properly put before
the courts. This position, Apotex says, is very different than arguing (as was
done previously) that it was implicit in the NOA that the respondent was
challenging the validity of the selection. Also, it says that in the latest Pfizer
decision, the challenger had made admissions that helped determine the Court’s
conclusion. As mentioned, the Court here does not accept Apotex’ position as
law. The special attributes required for a valid selection are part and parcel
of the basic analysis of the validity of the ‘113 Patent. These requirements
have an impact on each of the elements applicable to the invention claimed in
the patent (novelty, inventiveness, utility and sufficiency). If Apotex or any
second person wishes to contest them, it cannot fail to raise them in the NOA;
it must clearly set out all the particular grounds of invalidity upon which it
[120] Finally,
the Court further notes that in Bayer Inc. v. Novopharm and the Minister of
Health 2006 FC 379, [2006] F.C.J. No. 483 (QL) this Court once again was
forced to address an NOC application involving a selection patent where the
respondent was challenging the validity of the selection on the basis of
allegations not included in its NOA. At paragraph 78, Justice Michael Phelan
the issue, as if it is a defence works an injustice to the patentee by
depriving it of the opportunity to address the issue in its evidence and
memorandum. It may also deprive the court of the necessary evidentiary base and
the legal submissions to properly address this matter.
[121] Lastly,
the Court notes that one must be very careful when assessing legal arguments
raised in NOC proceedings which have the potential to affect the law of patents
as it is applied in other types of litigation.
[122] In
view of the foregoing, the Court concludes that if Apotex wanted to challenge
the basis of the selection and the validity, sufficiency or accuracy of the
facts set out in the disclosure, it had to include all those legal allegations
and all related factual allegations in its NOA.
[123] Having
carefully considered the NOA, the Court will not put on Lilly the burden of
actually proving that the disclosure of the ‘113 Patent was sufficient to
enable a person skilled in the art to get the advantages described in it
because Apotex has failed to allege insufficiency as a grounds of invalidity.
[124] That
said, the Court obviously must analyze the evidence and all the allegations
that are included in the NOA to determine whether the ‘113 Patent is a valid
patent (i.e. a valid selection patent). In that respect, the NOA must be read
as a whole with a mind willing to understand. All factual allegations that can
reasonably be found relevant to the grounds of validity (that have been raised)
will be considered.
[125] On
a fair reading of the NOA, the Court is satisfied for example that Apotex has
alleged that the comparison between the ‘222 compound and olanzapine (related
to cholesterol) was not sufficient to support a finding that the selection is
inventive. This is an element that the Court will consider when reviewing the
allegation that the invention was obvious.
(c) Dr. Pullar’s affidavit
Apotex argues that
most of the statements contained in Dr. Pullar’s affidavit are based on hearsay
and thus inadmissible.
The Court has
carefully reviewed the affidavit of Dr. Pullar as well as his
cross-examination. Dr. Pullar joined Lilly in 1975 to head a small neuroscience
team involved in the research of antipsychotic drugs for the treatment of
schizophrenia and depression.
When he arrived,
he was briefed about the project on which Lilly had been working by his then
superior and by Dr. Chakrabarti who was in charge of chemistry. More
particularly, Dr. Pullar was specifically advised by Dr. Chakrabarti (now
deceased) that clozapine was the starting point from which Lilly had undertaken
its search for a suitable compound.
Dr. Pullar was
also in charge of the multidisciplinary team charged with moving ethyl flumezapine
toward clinical testing in schizophrenic patients. In that respect, Dr. Pullar
says that he is fully aware of the results of various testing done under his
direction on that compound. His team requested the dog study that was conducted
by the toxicology experts who then reported back the results to him and his
team. He was personally involved in the decision to stop the development of
ethyl flumezapine after the dog study revealed that it caused severe blood
disorders such as neutropenia as well as other side effects in the dogs. Dr.
Pullar admitted that he is not a toxicological expert and nothing in his
affidavit deals with the quality or the validity of the toxicological studies
referred to in his affidavit. He simply attests to the fact that these studies
were conducted and that the results were reported to him.
Later on, Dr.
Pullar was head of the team in charge of further research on flumezapine.
He asked for comparative testing between flumezapine and ethylflumezapine to be
carried out and was involved in key decisions made in connection with
flumezapine. It is in that context that he saw the letter of the FDA sent to
the medical group in charge of the clinical trials in the U.S., attached as
Exhibit D to his affidavit and which relates directly to the termination of the
said clinical trials.
Finally, Dr.
Pullar was co-author of four articles relied upon by Apotex in its NOA,
referred to earlier as “Chakrabarti 1980”, “Chakrabarti 1980 #2”, “Chakrabarti
1982” and “Chakrabarti 1989”.
The Court has
considered the case law cited by Apotex and Rule 81 of the Federal Courts
Rules, SOR/2004-283, s. 2. It finds that this case law can be
distinguished on its facts.
To assess the
personal knowledge required of an affiant, it is always important to consider
the purpose for which his evidence is presented. Here, as I have said, it was
not to prove the accuracy or validity of the particular studies or clinical
tests conducted at the direction of the team headed by Dr. Pullar but to
generally describe the development process, and the decisions taken by Dr.
Pullar and his team in respect of those compounds.
The Court is satisfied that
Dr. Pullar has personal knowledge of the chronology of events in respect of the
search for an alternate atypical antipsychotic that occurred during the period
of 1975-1982.
The Court also found that he
has the requisite personal knowledge to support the statements made in his
affidavit in respect of ethyl flumezapine and flumezapine, and particularly to
attest to the decisions taken in respect of those compounds during that period
and the basis on which they were taken.
However, although
Dr. Pullar is familiar with the protocol and the cholesterol results attached
to his affidavit, he was not directly involved in the team charged with researching
olanzapine. His last direct involvement appeared to have occurred in
discussions within the team he was heading, and which team considered
the options left to Lilly after the termination of the clinical test for
flumezapine (paragraphs 31, 32 of his affidavit). He has never read the
whole dog study that compared the ‘222 compound and olanzapine. At the time, he
was only told of the results by other senior scientists at Lilly.
Dr. Pullar is
obviously entitled to testify about his personal feelings as to whether
olanzapine was a suitable candidate for further testing. He may also describe
his own “astonishment” and reaction to the dosage found to be effective in
humans. However, as noted in paragraph 33 and 34 of his affidavit, he did not
agree that olanzapine should be the next candidate for progression in the
development for an antipsychotic drug. It may well be why he was not directly
involved in the team that pursued that investigation. Be it as it may, the
Court agrees with Apotex that in respect of paragraphs 35 to 44 of the
affidavit, the statements made by Dr. Pullar are purely based on hearsay and as
such are not admissible.
In respect of
Exhibit E and F, the Court notes that, as confirmed by the parties at the
hearing, these two exhibits are copies of the documents referred to in Apotex’s
NOA and which were filed in the U.S. patent office. These documents are public.
As suggested by Apotex, they will be considered only for identification purpose
and to confirm that indeed the study referred to in the ‘113 Patent was the
same as the one filed in the US patent office. These documents are not accepted
for the purposes of establishing the accuracy or validity of the information
they contain. Exhibit F only establishes that these were the results on which Lilly
relied when writing the paragraph found at pages 5-6 of the ‘113 Patent.
Exhibit E simply shows that this protocol was prepared in respect of such study
and this document was presented by Lilly to the Patent Examiner in the U.S. It
does not in any way establish that this was in fact how the study was actually
In coming to this
conclusion, the Court also notes that Apotex does not challenge in its NOA that
the results filed in the US patent office and referred to in the ‘113 Patent in
respect of the total serum cholesterol in certain female dogs were not those
obtained by Lilly. Rather, it said that these results were not significant and
that the study was inappropriate for the reasons mentioned earlier.
Obviously, the requirement
that affidavits be confined to personal knowledge (Rule 81) does not
necessarily exclude hearsay evidence. Prior decisions of the Federal Court of
Appeal indicate that hearsay evidence may still be admitted according to the
“principled approach” (Canadian Tire Corp. v. P.S. Partsource
Inc. 2001 FCA 8, [2001] FCJ No. 181 (QL) para. 11-12). However, Lilly has
not presented any evidence that would indicate why it was necessary to produce hearsay
evidence in respect of the research involving the ’222 compound and olanzapine.
Lilly suggested that the dog study should be treated as a business document of Lilly
within the meaning of the Canada Evidence Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-5). Even
if this were to be the case, Dr. Pullar has not been an employee of the company
since January 2005 and for this reason he would not be an appropriate witness
to produce the documents.
Finally, Apotex asks the
Court to draw a negative inference from the fact that Lilly failed to produce
an appropriate witness to establish how the comparative dog study referred to
in the ‘113 Patent was actually conducted and to produce a full copy of the
said study as requested by Apotex.
Apotex further submits that
the Court should also draw a negative inference from Lilly’s refusal to produce
various documents sought from Dr. Pullar during his cross-examination such as (i)
the minutes of meetings where decisions about flumezapine and ethyl flumezapine
were taken, (ii) laboratory notes and summary sheets generated for the tests
described at page 21 of the ‘687 Patent, (iii) similar documentation in respect
of the testing of flumezapine described in paragraph 15 of his affidavit, (iv)
summary sheets and note books in respect of the testing of ethyl flumezapine.
Dealing first with the impact of Lilly’s
objections to the various requests for documents made by Apotex, the Court
notes that it must take into consideration the general principles applicable to
such cross-examination on affidavits particularly in respect of requests for
production of documents (Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v. Canada (Minister of
Health) (1997) 80 C.P.R. (3d) 550, [1997] F.C.J. No.1847 (QL), affirmed at (1999)
3 CPR 4th 286, [1999] F.C.J. No.1596; Ward v. Samson Cree Nation
2001 FCT 990 at para. 3, [2001] F.C.J.1383; Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v
Canada (Minister of Health and Welfare) (1996) 69 CPR (3d) 49 at para. 17,
[1996] F.C.J. No.1038; Bruno v. Canada (Attorney General) 2003 FC
1281, [2003] F.C.J. No. 1604; Joel Wayne Goodwin v. Attorney General of
Canada T-486-04, Order of Justice Dawson dated October 6, 2004).
In this case, Apotex chose
not to seek an order compelling answers to its request and it is not clear at
all that all such requests would have been considered to be well-founded.
It is trite law that a cross-examination
on an affidavit is not a discovery. It is not the proper method of obtaining
relevant documents in the possession of a party.
Although Rules 91
and 92 which deal with the provision of documents for inspection on
cross-examination on an affidavit clearly applied here, Apotex chose not to
send any direction pursuant to these rules before the examination of Dr.
As noted by Justice Eleanor Dawson
in Joel Goodwin (above), although the Court is to encourage a cooperative
and consensual approach in the scheduling of cross-examinations, it is still
important for a party who wishes to cross-examine on a specific document
presumed to be in the possession, power and control of an affiant to ensure that
such document be requested either by way of an oral or written request prior to
the examination, or more formally by the use of a direction to attend. This is
especially so when the document is sought in order to test the credibility of
the affiant.
Moreover, in this particular
case, there is no evidence that the documents requested from Dr. Pullar were in
his possession, power and control. This witness retired from Lilly in
January 2005 and did not consult any of the requested documentation to prepare
his affidavit or his cross-examination.
If Apotex wanted to test the
credibility of Dr. Pullar on the basis of the documents they requested, they
should have requested that the documents be made available before or at the
Like Justice Dawson in Joel
Goodwin, the Court believes that the summary nature of NOC proceedings would
not be facilitated by adjourning a cross-examination on affidavits so that
documents may be produced, especially when (as with Dr. Pullar) the witness
travelled from outside Canada.
In the circumstances, the
Court is not convinced that Apotex’ requests were well founded and even if they
were, having considered all the circumstances, the Court is not prepared to
draw any negative inference from Lilly’s refusals to produce those documents.
The Court, however, took into
consideration in evaluating the weight to be given to Dr. Pullar’s evidence the
fact that he relied on memory and did not review contemporary documentation
that may have been in the possession of Lilly before completing his affidavit. In
this regard, the various passages listed at Tab 4 of Apotex’s Compendium have
also been taken into account.
As the Court will not
consider Dr. Pullar’s evidence in respect of the comparative dog study referred
to in the ‘133 Patent, there is no need to decide on how Lilly’s failure to produce
a full copy of the dog study impacts on the weight to be given to his evidence.
This leaves the question of
whether or not the Court should draw a negative inference from the fact that Lilly
failed to produce a witness having personal knowledge of how this dog study was
actually conducted and what results were obtained in respect of the other
parameters tested (apart from the general cholesterol levels).
Rule 81(2) allows an adverse
inference to be drawn from the failure of a party to provide evidence from
persons having personal knowledge. It is clear however that this is a discretionary
decision. Such discretion must be exercised in light of all the particular
circumstances of the case. This includes considering whether or not a party had
to produce evidence in respect of a certain issue.
Also, in this particular
case, the context includes the fact that when Lilly was actually required to
prove the validity of its comparative dog studies in the American litigation,
it was able to produce direct evidence that satisfied the U.S. courts that such
study was properly conducted. In that respect, this Court refers to paragraphs
215 to 302 of the American district court’s decision that was produced as Exhibit
C to the affidavit of David Forman in file T-787-05.
It appears from the Notice of
Application that Lilly acted on the belief that Apotex was not challenging the
fact that it had conducted such a comparative dog study, and that the study did
show a rise in the total cholesterol level in the four female dogs given 8 mg
of the ‘222 compound.
As mentioned in section 3(b)
above, the Court has found that, Apotex did not allege in its NOA that the
disclosure of the ‘113 Patent was insufficient to enable a person skilled in
the art to take advantage of the benefits described in the patent.
Thus, Lilly did not have to
prove that olanzapine actually had the advantages set out in the patent over
the ‘222 compound. In respect of obviousness, as mentioned, the analysis to be
carried out is made on the basis of the representations set out in the ‘113
Patent itself, so once again the evidence of a witness with personal knowledge
of the comparative study was not necessary.
This means that the validity
of the protocol used for the dog study and the manner in which such study was
conducted could only be relevant to the allegations made pursuant to section 53
of the Patent Act. In that respect, Apotex cannot expect to be able to
make its case out of the mouth of the applicant’s affiants. (Merck-Frosst
Canada Inc v. Canada (1994) 55 CPR (3d) 302 at p. 320 (FCA), [1994] F.C.J.
No. 662 (QL).
Except for the identification
of Exhibits E and F as the documents produced by Lilly to the Patent Office,
the Court has already concluded that it would not admit the evidence of Dr.
Pullar in respect of the comparative testing done between the ’222 compound and
olanzapine nor the opinion of the experts based on this evidence. There is no
good reason to attach any further consequence in respect of this issue.
On the basis of the foregoing,
the Court concludes that this is not an appropriate case to draw a negative
inference against Lilly.
(d) David Forman’s affidavit in T-156-05
Apotex submits
that the affidavit of American attorney, David Forman, dated April 4, 2005, should
not be admitted or given any weight because most of his statements are
based on hearsay and because he is not qualified to opine on the significance
of the results of another study (referred to as the “MPI study”).
Dr. Forman
is employed with the American law firm retained by Lilly to represent it in the
action instituted against three generic companies that were seeking to come to
market with a generic version of olanzapine in the U.S. He was asked by the
Canadian counsel acting for Lilly in the present proceedings to provide
information about the IVAX U.S. patent application referred to in the NOA as
document No. 29 and which was relied upon by certain Apotex experts to conclude
that the ‘222 compound did not in fact raise cholesterol level in dogs and thus
that Lilly’s own dog study was flawed.
Based on various
documents he obtained in the course of the American proceedings and at the U.S.
Patent Office, Dr. Forman makes various statements or draws various conclusions
about who was the inventor listed on the application, for what purpose the
application was filed, and how the preliminary results reported therein were
incomplete and in fact directly contrary to the final results. Dr. Forman also
comments on the significance of the final results of the MPI study.
As mentioned
earlier, Apotex documents No. 28 and 29 are no longer before the Court and the
opinions directly based on such documents will not be considered. The evidence
of Dr. Forman has thus become somewhat irrelevant.
Despite this, the
Court understands that Lilly has chosen not to withdraw this affidavit because
it now wishes to rely on the MPI study to establish the validity of its own
study. It is far from apparent how this evidence can help Lilly contradict
Apotex’ expert findings on this issue. In effect, Dr. Forman did not attach a
copy of the MPI study as an exhibit to his affidavit. He simply attaches a copy
of the protocol of the said study that was obtained from a defendant (Zenith
Gold Line Pharmaceutical) during the discovery. He acknowledged that he had no
direct knowledge of how the study was actually conducted.
Dr. Forman may be
an appropriate witness to put in evidence the various documents he attached as
exhibits. Productions of these documents would simply confirm their existence
and provide information as to how they were obtained. But they would not be
admitted as establishing proof as to their content. In that respect, Dr. Forman
could even have attached a copy of the full MPI study and attest to the fact
that this document had become public when filed as an exhibit during the
American trial. But this is not what he has done.
Attorneys involved
in proceedings are not a proper conduit for providing evidence on substantive
issues or as to the truth of the content of documents filed in proceedings in
which they were involved.
The Court, having
reviewed the affidavit and the cross-examination of Dr. Forman, is not
satisfied that this witness is qualified to comment on the results of the MPI
study and whether or not it confirms the Lilly dog study referred to in the
‘113 Patent.
It is evident in
that respect that Dr. Forman relies on the opinion of Dr. Thisted, Dr. Szot
and Dr. Bauer. It is the Court’s task to evaluate the impact and weight of
those opinions.
Insofar as the
evidence of Dr. Forman is opinion evidence, based on the principles enunciated
by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Mohan, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 9
at para. 17, [1994] S.C.J. No. 36 (QL), namely:
necessity in assisting the trier of fact;
the absence of any exclusionary rule;
a properly qualified expert.
The Court must
conclude that it is inadmissible.
(e) MPI Study
As mentioned, the
MPI Study was commissioned by Zenith Gold Line Pharmaceutical Inc. (a
subsidiary of American generic company, IVAX) who was a defendant in the action
instituted by Lilly in the United States. In the district court’s decision dated
April 14, 2005, the MPI Study is described as having been
conducted for the purpose of that litigation. It appears that the study lasted
6 months and involved a much larger sample of dogs than the Lilly study (the
MPI study likewise involved administering olanzapine and the ‘222 compound to
Dr. Szot, Dr.
Bauer and Dr. Thisted all refer to the MPI study in their affidavits and use it
to some extent to refute Apotex’ allegations in respect of the inadequacy of
the Lilly study referred to in the ‘113 Patent.
Apotex asserts
that these experts’ opinions are not admissible because they are not based on
either personal knowledge or a fact properly established by Lilly by means of,
for example, an affiant having personal knowledge.
It is admitted
that none of the above-mentioned experts were directly involved in carrying out
the MPI study. It appears that they first obtained portions of the study as a
result of their participation in the American litigation concerning olanzapine
In light of the
above, can the Court admit in evidence the portion of the opinions that are
based on the MPI study and, if so, should it give those opinions any weight
given that Lilly refused to produce the full study and all the back-up
documentation requested by Apotex during the cross-examination of those
Apotex’ assertion
appears correct to a large extent; however, it fails to recognize that no expert
opinion is completely devoid of hearsay elements. As noted in the The Law
of Evidence in Canada (Sopinka, Lederman & Bryant, 1992, LexisNexis) at page 142:
Since the expert by definition possesses a special skill or knowledge in
the material area superior to that of the Court, the expertise is founded to a
large extent upon hearsay data. An expert’s opinion will be based on experience
and education received. The latter is naturally comprised of the study and
readings of work of authorities in the field and information and data culled
from numerous sources.
Many of Apotex’
own experts gave opinions on issues, such as the suitability of the dog model, that
are based on published material reporting the views of others as well as studies
and facts that have not been independently established before the Court. Should
the Court reject those opinions because there is no independent evidence as to
how these studies were conducted? Should the Court give no weight to these
opinions because Lilly did not have the opportunity to cross-examine Apotex’
experts on the soundness of these studies or on the grounds that they clearly
did not participate in them?
No, because by its
very nature “an expert’s knowledge is made up of the distilled assertions of
others not before the Court” (para. 12.88 of The Law of Evidence in Canada).
Normally, experts
will rely on studies and opinions that have been published in technical
journals or elsewhere. But the quality of those publications will vary and not
all will have been subject to peer review. Experts also often refer to
documentation distributed at conferences or seminars.
Should the Court
treat differently other knowledge acquired by an expert in the course of his
professional activities if the source of such knowledge is reliable and the
expert has the means to test its accuracy? What if that expert has access to
private studies that have become public through means other than publication
and conferences? What if a particular expert often acts in the context of civil
litigation and is thereby exposed to very relevant public information? Why
should he not be allowed to use this information and the knowledge acquired in
the same way that he would use other information or knowledge that has become
part of his experience and expertise?
As discussed
below, the Court does not believe that Apotex can supply a satisfactory answer
to these questions by referring to the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada
in R. v. Lavallée [1990] 1 S.C.R. 852, [1990] S.C.J. No. 36 (QL) in
light of the fact that the MPI study was not prepared for and on behalf of a
party to the present proceeding. The study is not “inherently suspect”. It was
done at the request of a party adverse in interest to Lilly. It was accepted in
evidence, relied upon and commented upon by a court of law in its judgment. The
soundness and the reliability of the study were clearly evaluated in the
context of a public trial.
Despite the fact
that Lilly has not produced formal evidence establishing that it was not
possible for it to obtain the cooperation of Zenith (the parties were still
before the Court of Appeal at the relevant time), I certainly would have been
tempted to admit this evidence if it had truly been essential to determine
the issues before me.
This is especially
so when one considers that the source of the study was well-known to Apotex. In
fact, Apotex had in its possession the other comparative dog study prepared for
another defendant in the same trial (the Calvert study) and used it in the
cross-examination of Dr. Bauer (filed as exhibit 2). There is no indication
that Apotex did not also have a copy of the MPI study.
However, I have
concluded that this document and the portions of the expert evidence based on
it are not relevant to the determination in respect of the allegations of
invalidity related to anticipation and obviousness contained in the NOA.
In respect of the
allegations made pursuant to section 53 of the Patent Act, they would
not have a determinative impact on my decision because, as indicated, I have
found that Apotex has not met its evidential burden in respect of a fundamental
element of this allegation. More particularly, this burden has not been met in
respect of the wilfulness to mislead as described in the section.
So I leave the
definitive answer to this question to another day and will not consider for the
purpose of my decision the MPI study and the specific opinions based on it
which are listed in the next section.
(f) Impact on Lilly’s experts
At Tab 24 of its
Compendium (Part 2A-Selection Patents), Apotex produced a chart of the various
paragraphs in the affidavit of Drs. Nichols, Bauer, Szot, Thisted and Williams
that should be declared inadmissible because they are based on the hearsay evidence
of Dr. Pullar.
In that respect,
Apotex relies on the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Lavallée,
above, and in particular on Justice Bertha Wilson’s summary of the Court’s
holding in R.
v. Abbey, [1982] 2 S.C.R. 24, and on
the additional reasons of Justice John Sopinka found at pages 898 to 900.
respondent says that in as much as the experts gave their opinions on the basis
of facts that came from the “mouth of Lilly”, the applicant had the obligation
to establish those facts independently. According to Apotex, they have failed
to do so. Therefore, those experts’ opinions are not admissible.
mentioned in the previous section, the Court is satisfied that Dr. Pullar was
an appropriate witness to give evidence in respect of flumezapine and ethyl
flumezapine as well as what is neuroscience team was generally working on. He
is not a proper witness in respect of the development of olanzapine and the
comparative testing referred to in the ‘113 Patent. Also, the MPI study has not
been properly introduced in evidence before the Court.
that basis, the Court will review the various passages of the experts’
affidavits listed in the chart.
Dr. Williams:
reviewed the cross-examination of this witness and all the impugned paragraphs
listed by Apotex, the Court finds that it will disregard the following
paragraphs: paragraph 49, paragraph 65 (but only the following words “until the
scientists at Lilly discovered that the ‘222 compound caused significant
elevation of cholesterol whereas olanzapine did not.” (The rest of the
paragraph is based on Dr. William’s own experience as a clinical psychiatrist
involved with antipsychotics).
as paragraph 43 includes a reference to the ‘222 compound or to olanzapine, the
Court will disregard it. However, it is far from clear that this paragraph
refers to such compounds. Indeed, given that Dr. William specifically refers to
document No. 15 which does not deal with the research of Lilly, it may well be
that Q. 371 of the cross-examination mischaracterized his evidence.
Dr. Thisted:
[196] The Court will not consider Exhibits
C, D and F and the following paragraphs dealing with the MPI study: 29, 31, 32,
36, the last sentence of paragraph 38, paragraph 39 and paragraphs 42 to 49.
The Court finds
that the following paragraphs are not admissible: paragraphs 27, 33, 37, 48 to
52, the portion of paragraph 67 starting with the second sentence, paragraphs
68 (first line), 74, 77 to 86, 90 to 92, 94, 95 and 127. The Court will also
not consider his Exhibits C, D and F.
Ms Schuurmans
With respect to
the affidavit of Nancy Schuurmans, a law clerk employed by the law firm Gowling
Lafleur Henderson LLP (solicitor for Lilly), the Court finds that Exhibit E is
admissible not as proof of its content but simply to establish that such table
was provided to the examiner in the course of the patent prosecution as it
appears in the public file available for examination at the Patent Office.
Dr. Bauer
Having reviewed
the contested paragraphs listed by Apotex and the cross-examination of Dr. Bauer,
the following paragraphs are found inadmissible: paragraphs 33 to 38, 52, 54,
the portion of paragraph 57 starting with the “dog cholesterol breakdown
would suggest …”, paragraph 62 the first sentence, the third sentence
starting with “particular” up to “over the ‘222 compound”, paragraphs 63, 69,
71, 74, 80, 81, 82, 88, 90 to 94, 96 to 98.
Dr. Nichols:
[200] The paragraphs to which Apotex objects
are mostly based on Dr. Nichols’ review of the ‘113 Patent. They are all
admissible for the purpose of determining how a person of ordinary skill in the
art would have construed the patent at the relevant time.
(g) Experts’ qualifications and issues affecting the weight of their opinions
The court has
considered all the objections to the qualifications of the experts raised by
the parties as well their submissions in respect of the weight to be attributed
to their opinions on the various issues dealt with in their affidavits. To do
so, all the passages listed in the parties’ respective memorandum of fact and
law as well as their respective day books were analyzed. In fact, the Court
reviewed essentially all of the cross-examinations.
Ultimately, the
Court found that most of the experts were sufficiently qualified to at least
admit their evidence. It is evident that a substantial portion of the affidavit
of Gerald O.S Oyen (lawyer and patent agent acting as affiant for Apotex) deals
with legal issues on which opinion evidence is not necessary. Thus, on such
issues, the Court has not considered this evidence.
The Court also had
serious concerns in respect of the expertise of Dr. Dordick who comments
on a very broad range of issues in his lengthy affidavit. Dr. Dordick does not
have the characteristics of the ordinary person skilled in the art as defined by
the Court either prior to the claims date or even now. He does not explain on
what basis he is qualified to testify as to the general common knowledge
possessed by ordinary persons skilled in the art at the relevant time or
how such persons would construct or understand the prior art and the ‘113
From 1980 to 1986,
Dr. Dordick was still pursuing graduate studies in biochemistry. It is also
unclear how he acquired his expertise in statistics or on whether or not dogs
are appropriate models for the type of study described in the ‘113 Patent.
The Court finally
decided to admit his evidence but to give it very little weight. In effect, in
addition to the concerns described above, Dr. Dordick has little relevant
expertise with issues related to antipsychotic drugs. He is, in any case, a
professor and scientist. A review of his cross-examination
suggests that he only recently acquired his knowledge in respect of many issues
on which he opines in these proceedings. Although he was able to answer most questions
put to him, some of those answers are quite revealing.
When asked whether
depression relates to EPS, he said “Some form of depression might be, although
in many cases, it’s hard to distinguish that, because these drugs are often
used to treat depression.” This is certainly at odds with accounts of EPS
described in the evidence of the other experts. At other times, he appeared
unable to answer simple questions without having to refer back to some
documentation. For example, he could not remember which of the tests (CAT or CAR)
related to effectiveness. These concepts are central to the issues here.
His objectivity is
also somewhat suspect. At page 5247 of the application record, when asked
whether he had looked up an entry in preparing his affidavit, he answered that
he couldn’t recall but that: “I certainly did not use it in my NOA” [my
Overall, the Court
simply did not find his testimony very credible.
Dr. Nichols, Dr.
McClelland and Dr. Castagnoli are all well qualified and credible. All three
were involved in the field at the relevant time and have either the
characteristics of the person skilled in the art or of a person who would be on
the team described by Lilly. Some of their opinions are conflicting and on the
most important issues, the Court will endeavour to note what evidence it
preferred and why. Often, it will relate to the basis on which they approach an
issue. In that respect, the Court notes that the legal instructions provided to
the witnesses were quite elaborate and it is not evident that the experts were
able to fully understand all of their implications. Thus, the Court
particularly focussed on the reasons they gave for their conclusions.
Dr. Williams was
also found to be a very qualified expert with first-hand experience with
olanzapine and other antipsychotic drugs. He has a medical degree and possesses
extensive experience in a clinical context. He has been working in the field
since the 1970s. He is a credible witness.
While Dr. Mayersohn
is clearly an expert in pharmaceutical sciences, he has comparatively quite less
expertise in respect of neuroleptics and antipsychotics than many other
affiants such as Drs. Nichols, McClelland and Castagnoli. His particular
interests are bioavailability and pharmacokinetic characterization of drugs.
His testimony was given less weight than the three afore-mentioned affiants.
Dr. Jenike is an
accomplished doctor and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. His affidavit
mostly concerns “post art” such as recent findings concerning olanzapine (weight
gain, diabetes, etc.) as well as the suitability of the dog model considering
the information in the IVAX application. (As mentioned elsewhere, the Court
will not consider the evidence based on the IVAX application as it is not very
useful to the issues properly before the Court).
The credibility of
Dr. Jenike as a witness and that of Dr. Nagy (a physiologist) is in question in
light of their respective affidavits. In effect, it is acknowledged that both
of these affidavits substantially overlap. In fact, large portions of them are
word for word identical. As argued by Apotex, this could have been easily been
explained by the fact that they were assisted by Apotex’ lawyers in the
drafting. But when specifically asked during the cross-examination to confirm
how the drafting was done, each witness insisted that they had personally
drafted most of these paragraphs. Dr. Nagy said that he had received assistance
where “legalese” was written and had no explanation for the similarities. As
for Dr. Jenike, he indicated that at least in respect of some paragraphs the
explanation could be that they would both have copied from the same articles.
The Court has considered these explanations and finds that they are lacking.
Dr. Bauer, Dr. Szot
and Dr. Thisted were all properly qualified to opine on the issues raised in
their affidavits and their evidence is credible. However, as noted earlier, a
large portion of their evidence had to be set aside because it was based on
facts or documents that had not been properly put before the Court.
Dr. Klibanov,
affiant for Apotex, is a professor of chemistry and bioengineering at MIT. There
was considerable debate surrounding the weight that should be given to his
opinion. He is a medical chemist with a PhD in organic chemistry and possesses excellent
credentials as his many publications and awards attest. Indeed, there is no
doubt about his professional qualifications. It is his objectivity and
credibility as an independent expert witness that is challenged.
Lilly submits that
the same flaws and problems identified in Janssen-Ortho Inc. v. Novopharm
Ltd. 2006 FC 1234 apply to the evidence of Dr. Klibanov in the present
proceedings. In that recent case, Justice Roger Hughes wrote as follows:
I was troubled by Dr. Klibanov in the manner in
which he gave his evidence, particularly in cross-examination. He was
quarrelsome, dogmatic and sought to accuse cross-examining counsel frequently
of “misrepresenting” what he was saying. Dr. Klibanov’s evidence was sprinkled
with legal buzz words such as “motivated” and “worth a try”. I give less weight
to the evidence of Dr. Klibanov particularly where it conflicts with evidence
of other experts.
Obviously, the
Court must make its own evaluation of the evidence before it. Nevertheless, these
comments of my colleague express my own reaction upon reviewing the affidavit
of Dr. Klibanov before the hearing (and before reading those comments). For
example, he comments on the absence of data at the filing date
(paragraph 34), and the fact that with respect to safety, the claims of the
‘113 Patent themselves do not mention safety or side effects (paragraph
162). There are also references to “motivated” , “hindsight” etc.
A few examples
will suffice to present the Dr. Klibanov’s general demeanour as witness:
You just misstated what I said. I said a person
of ordinary skill in the art - - and since you seem to ignore the statement,
let me emphasize - - with a mind willing to understand…
(Question 190)
Could I finish my answer please Mr. Creber, I
have to say that repeatedly despite my numerous objections, you repeatedly
interrupted me although I have asked you not to, and I extended the courtesy to
you. You turn red; you raise your voice; you lean in my direction. If these are
your cross-examination tactics, Sir, they are not going to work. You can behave
any way you want to behave but please do not interrupt me. It is impolite and
(Question 299)
[Counsel]: My face is not red and I want you to
say under oath whether my face is red or not.
[Dr. Klibanov]: Yes your face is red and I do not
know how you can possibly say that it is not red since I don’t see any mirror
in this room. Maybe you have the ability to see your own face, but the rest of
us do not. Yes, your face is red Sir.
(Question 301)
No, you are wrong. Could you please read to him so that Mr. Know-It-All
will see that. (Question 442)
Apotex’ counsel
argued that Dr. Klibanov’s behaviour can be explained as owing to personal
issues between him and Mr. Creber. This explanation is not plausible when one
considers that Mr. Creber did not act in Janssen-Ortho (above).
Also, Dr. Klibanov
clearly advocated on behalf of Apotex and was reluctant to admit facts that
other experts presented by Apotex had readily admitted.
The Court has not
come to this decision lightly but it must conclude that the evidence of Dr.
Klibanov has little weight compared to other qualified witnesses testifying on
the same issues. As did Justice Hughes, the Court will give his evidence less
weight, particularly when it is in conflict with evidence of other experts.
Dr. Brock is an
expert on toxicology. Although he is qualified to comment on the dog study and
the toxicological testing required at the early stage of drug development, he
is less qualified to comment on the issue of obviousness and anticipation than
Dr. Castagnoli and Dr. McClelland whose evidence will clearly be given more
weight. Some of the issues raised in his affidavit were not described in the
NOA (prolactin levels, quality of the studies of Lilly on the drug flumezapine)
and will not be considered.
There is no need
to comment on the evidence of the other affiants because they were either
credible or their evidence had no particular impact on the issues to be
4) Burden of proof
(a) The section 43 presumption
There is a
dispute over who has the burden of proof and how such burden is affected by the
presumption of law set out at subsection 43(2) of the Patent Act, which
reads as follows:
After the patent is issued, it shall, in the absence of any evidence to
the contrary, be valid and avail the patentee and the legal representatives of
the patentee for the term mentioned in sections 44 and 45 whichever is
The parties
particularly disagree over the impact of this presumption on the burden of
proof which is sometimes referred to as the burden of non-persuasion (Geffen
v. Goodmand Estate, [1991] 2 S.C.R. 353 at
para.96, [1991] S.C.J. No. 53 (QL) per Sopinka J.)
acknowledges that the presumption exists and that it results in an evidential burden which requires it to
produce some evidence capable of supporting its allegation of invalidity. Once
such evidence is adduced, says Apotex, the presumption is spent and falls away.
The burden of proof (non persuasion), according to Apotex, lies and remains at
all times with the applicant to disprove the allegations of invalidity on a
balance of probabilities.
The cases it cites
in support of this position are set out in a long list in its memorandum of
facts and law and supplemented by additional notes used at the hearing.
For its part,
Lilly relies mainly on the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision in Bayer v.
Canada, (2000) 6 C.P.R. (4th)
285, [2000] F.C.J.
No. 464 (QL),
to assert that the effect
of the statutory presumption is to shift the burden of proof (non-persuasion)
on to Apotex who must then establish, on a balance of probabilities, that its
allegation of invalidity is justified. It claims this position finds further
support in the later Court of Appeal case Procter & Gamble
Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. v. Canada, 2004 FCA 393, [2005] 2 F.C.R. 269. Lilly also cited
a series of further cases which, it claims, offer further support for its
Each side relies
on numerous other decisions of this Court which purportedly support their
distinct interpretation and some of which were confirmed by the Federal Court
of Appeal without particular comments on the burden of proof issue. Thus, the
In a recent NOC
proceeding (Bayer AG v. Novopharm Ltd 2006 FC 379, [2006] F.C.J. No. 483
(QL)), Justice Michael Phelan provided an apt description of the burden of
proof issue when he wrote, “The law in this area,
particularly in the context of the statutory presumption of validity, is
somewhat opaque.” Given the frequent disagreements that have arisen over this
subject, it is worth examining the section 43 presumption in some detail.
Recently, in Aventis Pharma Inc. v. Apotex Inc., 2006 FCA 64, [2006] F.C.J. No. 208 (QL), Chief Justice John Richard succinctly summarized
the burden of proof as follows:
The jurisprudence of the
Federal Court of Appeal clearly establishes that the onus of proof in NOC
proceedings rests on the applicant and is considered on a balance of
probabilities, bearing in mind that on allegations of invalidity, there is a
statutory presumption of validity in favor of the patentee.
Justice James W. O’Reilly
recently addressed in detail the burden of proof in NOC proceedings Pfizer
Canada Inc. v. Apotex Inc., 2007 FC 26, [2007] F.C.J. No 36 (QL). The summary he provides at paragraphs 5 to 13 of his
decision is a commendable one and I totally endorse his approach and reasoning.
Further, I do not believe that the decision of the Court of Appeal in Procter
& Gamble (which was apparently not brought to the attention of Justice
O’Reilly) affects the validity of his analysis. In that decision, the Court of
Appeal appeared to affirm the earlier ruling in Bayer (above) regarding
the presumption of validity. It should be noted, however, that the primary focus
of the Court of Appeal in Procter & Gamble was not on the effect of
the presumption but whether the presence of the word “justified” in subsection
6(2) of the Regulations affected the overall civil standard of proof
applicable to the party who had the legal burden of proof.
Like Justice O’Reilly, I do
not believe that Justice Karen Sharlow in Bayer meant to change the law
in any way or even to make a definitive statement in respect of the impact of
the section 43 presumption on the burden of proof (burden of non-persuasion) or
to suggest that the existence of the presumption necessarily altered the
standard of proof to be applied.
It is evident from the
comments of Justice Robert Décary in Diversified Products Corp v.
Tye-Sil Corp., (1991) 35 C.P.R. (3d) 350, [1991] F.C.J. No.124 (QL)(FCA) to whom Justice Sharlow refers in Bayer
that the presumption in his view dealt only with the incidence of proof and not
with the standard of proof.
Moreover, as Justice Ian Binnie
observed in Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation,
2002 SCC 77, [2002] S.C.J. No.78 (QL) at
paragraph 43, the statutory presumption of validity is “rather weakly worded”.
It is a presumption of law which like many others of its kind has resulted in
some difficulty in its application.
In Geffen, Justice
John Sopinka alluded to the fact that text writers and courts are sometime
divided on whether presumptions of law affect only the evidential burden or
both the evidential and the legal burden. He noted that the Supreme Court of
Canada in Circle Firm Enterprises Inc. v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
[1959] S.C.R. 602 and Powell v. Cockburn, [1977] 2 S.C.R. 218,
adopted the view that such presumptions only affect the evidential burden:
Evidence having been led on each issue, the
presumptions disappeared. It fell then to the trier of fact to decide the
issues upon all of the evidence adduced.
In Geffen, Justice
Sopinka found the facts of that case did not require him to make a final
pronouncement on the effect of presumptions on the legal burden. He did,
however, observe that “an evidential burden casts on the burdened the
obligation of going forward with some evidence while the legal burden is
applied against the burdened party if the evidence, after being weighed, fails
to persuade.”
Shortly before the issuance
of these reasons, the Federal Court of Appeal issued its decision in Abbott
Laboratories v. Canada 2007 FCA 153 where it affirmed Justice Michael
Phelan’s application of the presumption. Justice Sharlow, speaking for the
bench, said at para. 9: “In it now beyond debate that an applicant for a
prohibition order under the NOC Regulations bear the burden of
establishing its entitlement to that order.” She further reaffirmed that the
presumption described in s. 43 is “weakly worded” and commented that the
presumption cannot be determinative in NOC proceedings if “the record contains any
evidence that, if accepted, is capable of rebutting the presumption” (emphasis
in original). In my view, this closes the debate and any ambiguity that may
have been existed.
It is worth noting that
during the hearing, after reviewing the Supreme Court of Canada’s decisions for
Circle, Powell and Wellcome Foundation (all cited above), Lilly
noted that, in the event the presumption served only to place an evidential burden
on Apotex, it conceded that the latter had fulfilled that evidential burden in
respect of its allegations that the patent was invalid for anticipation of
However, Lilly argued that
the evidential burden had not been met in respect of the allegation that the
patent is void based on an alleged breach of section 53 of the Patent Act.
I will deal with this issue when reviewing that particular allegation.
(b) Heavy burden of proof
Lilly argued in its
memorandum, based on another passage from Wellcome Foundation (above at
paras. 42-44), that because an attack on the validity of a patent is in fact a
collateral challenge on the Commissioner’s decision to issue the patent, this
question is reviewable on the standard of reasonableness simpliciter.
This would thus place a heavier burden on Apotex.
The Federal Court of Appeal
very recently dealt with this argument in Aventis Pharma, above. It
rejected it on the basis that, by their very nature, NOC proceedings are
summary and do not involve a determination of the validity of the patent. The
Court only determines whether the NOA is justified and whether an order of
prohibition should issue.
Lilly also says that Apotex’s
allegations are not original in the sense that the very same allegations and prior
art (particularly the articles by Chakrabarti and Schauzu) were raised before a
court in the United States where they were rejected after a full trial. That
decision has now been confirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit where it was found that the corresponding American patent was valid. These
precedents, Lilly says, serve to create a heavier burden for Apotex.
This Court is not bound by
the decisions of foreign courts dealing with corresponding patents. In the
words of the Federal Court of Appeal: “Although foreign
patents may be practically identical, foreign law is unlikely to be so and
must, in any case, be proved” (Lubrizal Corp. v. Imperial Oil (1992) 45
C.P.R. (3d) 449). These words are especially
apt in the present matter which can be differentiated from what occurred in the
United States on a number of grounds, including the nature of the proceedings,
the evidence, and the burden of proof.
Before concluding,
it is worth noting that the section 43 presumption applies to the various
elements of the invention. Indeed, in the present case the issuance of the ‘113
Patent raises a presumption that the olanzapine is new, that the advantages described
in the disclosure are inventive and that the disclosure is sufficient to enable
the practice of the invention (i.e. the making of the selected compound that would
have the advantages described in the disclosure). It is also presumed that the
patent is valid in that it contains no misrepresentation within the meaning of
section 53.
5) Anticipation
An invention must be new.
Here, Apotex asserts that the invention as described in the claims of the ‘113
Patent is fully disclosed in the ‘687 Patent and in the Schauzu article. As
mentioned, Apotex initially alleged in its NOA that the claims were anticipated
by “Chakrabarti 1980”; however, it will not be necessary to address this
publication in detail as Apotex called little attention to it at the hearing.
It is here sufficient to note that everybody agrees that olanzapine is not
specifically disclosed in “Chakrabarti 1980” and that this publication is much
more relevant for analysis in the context of obviousness.
General principles
Justice Binnie in Free
World Trust v. Électro Santé Inc. (2000 SCC 66, [2000] S.C.J. No. 67 (QL))
adopted the test set out by Justice James Hugessen in Beloit Canada Ltd.
v. Valmet OY (1986) 8 C.P.R. (3d) 289 at p. 297, [1986]
F.C.J. No. 87 (QL)(FCA), and said at paragraph 26:
The test for anticipation is difficult to meet:
One must, in effect, be able to look at a prior,
single publication and find in it all the information which, for practical
purposes, is needed to produce the claimed invention without the exercise of
any inventive skill. The prior publication must contain so clear a direction
that a skilled person reading and following it would in every case and without
possibility of error be led to the claimed invention.
[248] Justice Binnie, in the same paragraph, also
adopted the following statement made in General Tire & Rubber Co. v.
Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., [1972] R.P.C. 457 (Eng. C.A.), at p. 486:
A signpost, however clear, upon the road to the
patentee’s invention will not suffice. The prior inventor must be clearly shown
to have planted his flag at the precise destination before the patentee.
[249] At paragraph 25, the learned judge also noted:
Anticipation by publication is a difficult
defence to establish because courts recognize that it is all too easy after an
invention has been disclosed to find its antecedents in bits and pieces of
earlier learning. It takes little ingenuity to assemble a dossier of prior art
with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight.
Justice Hughes recently noted
(in Jansen Ortho Inc. v. Novopharm, 2006 FC 1234, [2006] F.C.J. No.
1535) a decision by the House of Lords (Synthon v. Smithkline Beecham [2005]
U.K. H.L. 59) that is also particularly useful insofar as it clarifies that there
are two requirements for anticipation: enablement and disclosure.
In Synthon, the House
of Lords also explains that disclosure can occur in two ways: when the
invention is disclosed specifically in a publication or else when it is
disclosed by something which, if done, will necessarily infringe. In respect of
a publicized description, the Court makes it clear, in my view, that no degree
of experimentation is acceptable. It is for that reason that Justice Hughes
stated in Jansen Ortho (above at paragraph 107):
The Defendant argues that the phrases
“purely by mechanical skill” and “produce the claimed invention without the
exercise of any inventive skill” mean that if an ordinary person skilled in the
art could bring to bear on the publication the understanding of the day and
routine techniques of the day, from which the invention as claimed would
result, there is anticipation. This is not the correct interpretation of the
test for anticipation as set out by the Supreme Court of Canada.
The House of Lords, however, has
also acknowledged that a person skilled in the art is taken to be trying to
understand what the author meant (Kirin-Amgen Inc. & Ors v. Hoechst
Marion Roussel [2004] UKHL 46 at para. 32, [2005] 1 All ER 667). This
applies when construing the patent at issue but also when assessing any prior
art that allegedly would lead to a finding of anticipation or obviousness.
Naturally, there can also be anticipation
by prior use or making (see Justice Sharlow’s decision in Abbott Laboratories
v. Canada 2006 FCA 187, [2006] F.C.J. No. 782 (QL)) and such use
will anticipate whether of not the maker knows that he is practicing or
disclosing the invention.
Likewise, in Synthon,
above, the House of Lords also explains, at paragraph 22, that the planting of
the flag referred to in General Tire (above) does not have to be
conscious but that it must result in the later patent being infringed.
As for enablement or the
ability to perform is concerned, the House of Lords again made it clear that,
contrary to specific disclosure which must be absolutely clear, the person
skilled in the art can correct obvious errors and is allowed to use common
general knowledge and routine skills to achieve the invention:
But once the very
subject matter of the invention has been disclosed by the prior art and the
question is whether it was enabled the person skilled in the art is assumed to
be willing to make trial and error experiments to get it to work. (Synthon,
para. 30)
In the present case,
enablement is not an issue between the parties, Lilly having admitted that a
person skilled in the art possessed all the general knowledge and skills
necessary to make olanzapine and the medicinal composition covered by the claim
of the ‘113 Patent.
With respect to selection
patents, although the general principles referred to otherwise apply, their
application is somewhat modified. A different analysis is required to determine
whether a claim to a selected compound is anticipated by a prior patent that
claims a broad class or genus encompassing the selected member(s).
As noted in 2006 by the
Federal Court of Appeal in Pfizer Canada (above), there has been little
Canadian jurisprudence on the subject of selection patents. But in its two
recent decisions, the Federal Court of Appeal confirmed that this Court must be
guided by the criteria and principles set out by the House of Lords in E.I.
Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Application, [1982] F.S.R. 303 (HL) in
which the Court clearly adopted the findings and the special test set out by
Justice Maughan in I.J. Farbenindustrie (1930), 47 R.P.C. 289 (Ch. D.).
Other cases that are also relevant insofar as they seek to apply the principles
of Farbenindustrie are: Beecham Group Lt. v. Bristol Laboratories
International S.A [1978] 16 R.P.C. 521 (H.L.); Beecham Group Ltd’s (New
Zealand) Application, [1982] 8 F.S.R. 181 (N.Z.C.A.); Rambaxy UK Ltd. V.
Warner-Lambert Co. [2006] EWCA Civ 876 (CA), [2005] EWHC 2142 (Patents).
The parties agree with this
approach but they read these decisions differently.
For Apotex, an invention has
been disclosed when the prior art describes the invention or when what
is claimed in the earlier patent (i.e. the ‘687 Patent) would infringe the
later patent (i.e. the ‘113 Patent). Also, as the discovery of the inherent
properties of a compound is not an invention, the prior publication does not
need to disclose or even recognize the specific advantages (inherent
advantages) of the selected compound(s) in order to anticipate it.
In the respondent’s view,
there is no rule that a selected compound cannot be anticipated by disclosure
of a class which includes that compound. And anticipation by publication does
not require that the selected compound has actually been made.
At the other end of the
spectrum, Lilly submits that a chemical compound is not anticipated until it
has actually been made. A prior patent covering a class of compounds or a genus
that does not identify the selected compound (such as by naming it in a list)
is not anticipatory.
Having reviewed all the
authorities the Court finds that, at this stage at least, the law is somewhere
in between these two positions.
As noted by the Federal Court
of Appeal in Sanofi-Synthelabo (above), Lord Wilberforce in Du Pont
Nemours provided some guidance in determining when a prior publication will
preclude the patenting of a related development in the context of selection
patent. The passage quoted by Justice Noël at paragraph 18 is as follows (the passage
in bold is my emphasis; all underlying is in original):
…, disclosing a prior invention does not amount
to prior publication of a later invention if the former merely points the way
which might lead to the latter. A much quoted and useful passage is that from
the judgment of the Court of Appeal in General Tire & Rubber Co. v.
Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. [1972] R.P.C. 456 and 486. There
Sachs L.J. said:
signpost, however, clear, upon the road to the patentee’s invention will not suffice.
The prior inventor must be clearly shown to have planted his flag at the
precise destination before the patentee.”
metaphors may be dangerous for those in search of precision, but the passage
illustrates the necessity that the alleged prior disclosure must clearly
indicate that use of relevant material (i.e. that ultimately selected) does
result in a product having the advantages predicted for the class. The
point is well put by the New Zealand Court of appeal. Dealing with
semi-synthetic penicillin, the Court (per Cooke J.) said:
such a compound has not been made before, its properties often cannot be
predicted with any confidence; and where that is the case we do not consider
that the invention claimed can fairly or accurately be described as
‘published’, even if a skilled chemist would realize that to make the
compound by routine means would be practicable. A making of the compound
and a discovery of its properties is necessary before the ‘invention’ has
occurred and can be published.” (My emphasis.)
is in line with, but adds a useful precision to that was said by Maugham J.:
“It must be remembered, of course, that the
selected compounds have not been made before, or the patent would fail for want
to novelty.” (I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G.’s Patents, 1 c. p. 321.)
A little further on in Du
Pont Nemours, Lord Wilberforce added:
It is the absence of the discovery of the special
advantages, as well as the fact of non-making, that makes it possible for such
persons to make an invention related to a member of the class.
This, in the opinion of the
learned Lord Justice is what enables a Court to ascertain whether the field is
left open by an originating patent for subsequent researchers (see Du Pont
at page 311). Only compounds that have not been made before and whose
properties cannot be predicted with any confidence (those that require
empirical research in order to discover their special advantages) can be the
subject of a selection. These compounds will not be anticipated by the
publication of a disclosure in general terms of their class or by enumeration
of the members of the class through mere recital of their names.
It is in that context that in
Pfizer Canada Inc. v. Apotex Inc., [1997] F.C.J. No. 1087; 77 C.P.R. (3rd)
547 Chief Justice Richard said at page 556:
The ICI Patent is an originating patent while the Pfizer
Patent is a selection patent.12 Esso Research and Engineering Co.'s Application
[1960] R.P.C. 35 at p. 53.12 The former claims the genus; the second claims the
species. ICI's '263 Patent is directed generally to fungicidal triazoles and
imidazoles. Fluconazole is not specifically described and neither were its
superior and previously unknown efficacy described or known. The ICI Patent did
not include the fluconazole compound. ICI was not the first inventor of this
compound and never made it.
It is not disputed that fluconazole is encompassed within
the broad generic scope of the claims of the ICI Patent and likewise with
respect to the processes, but is not specifically identified therein.
It is with those particular
principles in mind that the Court will determine whether the ‘687 Patent was
anticipatory. The Court will then consider whether the Schauzu article
discloses olanzapine.
(b) Application
(i) Person skilled in the art
Apotex says that the ordinary
person skilled in the art to whom the ‘113 Patent was addressed would have been
a medicinal chemist having a PhD. in organic chemistry and extensive experience
in the use and manufacture of neuroleptic or antipsychotic compounds. Such
skilled person would be up to date in the state of the art and would keep up
with all published developments. Such person would be able to make reasoned
decisions without being inventive. (Affidavit of Dr. McLelland, paragraph 8).
Although none of its experts
discussed specifically this issue in their affidavits, Lilly argues that in its
view the ordinary person skilled in the art would be a person having an
advanced degree in organic chemistry and some experience in neuroleptic or
antipsychotic compounds, their use and manufacture. But such person would not
work alone and would have the support of someone having an advanced degree in
toxicology and board certification and experience with animals (including dog
studies) and a psychiatrist with a medical degree specialized in the treatment
of schizophrenia and with experience in clinical trials and antipsychotic
Although, as mentioned, the U.S.
decision has no binding effect on this Court, it is worth noting that in that
case Dr. Nichols was also acting for Lilly as an expert. In his judgment, the trial
judge indicates that Dr. Nichols described the person skilled in the art to
whom the corresponding U.S. patent would be addressed in pretty much the same
terms as those used by Dr. McClelland.
The Court accepts Dr. McClelland’s
evidence but agrees with Lilly that in most pharmaceutical companies, such
person would be part of a larger team as was the case at Lilly.
(ii) The ‘687 Patent
As mentioned, the compound
known as olanzapine was not one of the numerous examples described in the ‘687
Patent. Although it is part of a large class of most preferred compounds
generally described by reference to several criteria and as such is part of the
genus covered by the claims, it is not specifically disclosed in the ‘687
Apotex has not alleged in the
NOA that olanzapine had been made when the ‘687 Patent issued in 1980. In
answer to a specific query by the Court in that respect, Apotex confirmed that
it had no reason to suggest that olanzapine was made prior to 1982, the year
mentioned in the U.S. decision dealing with the corresponding U.S. patent and
by Dr. Pullar (hearsay).
However, Apotex argues that
the properties of olanzapine including the “so-called advantages” described in
the ‘113 Patent were predicted in the ‘687 Patent and could be ascertained by simple
verification. In this respect, most of the arguments and the evidence relied
upon by the respondent are the same as those presented in respect of its
alternative position on obviousness.
After examining the evidence,
the Court is satisfied that Lilly has established that although crude
indicators such as CAR and CAT tests existed and were available, the side
effects of olanzapine which had not been made could only have been ascertained
through empirical research (this included much more than those tests and
required, in addition to other animal studies, clinical tests on humans.)
On the basis of the principles
and authorities referred to above, the Court concludes that the originating
‘687 Patent definitely left the field open for another inventor (a third party
or the same inventors) to claim olanzapine as a new compound. This originating
patent did not anticipate the claims of the ‘113 Patent.
(iii) Schauzu article
As mentioned, this scientific
paper entitled a “Free-Wilson Study of 4-Piperazinyl-10H-thienobenzodiazepine
Analogues” is a one page article published in 1983 that purports to report on
mathematical calculations made by Dr. Schauzu and his co-author to
assess the strength of binding assays carried out by Dr. Chakrabarti and his team for 12
compounds covered by the ‘687 Patent in the brains of rats. The results of Dr.
Chakrabarti’s tests (binding assays) were published a year before in Document
18 (Chakraparti 1982 article).
Despite its title that refers
specifically to thienobenzodiazepine analogues, the authors use the
expression benzodiazepines throughout the article including the title of the
table of substituted compounds for which the calculations were made.
For example, the article
starts with:
The anti-psychotic activity as well as the
extrapyramidal side effects of the majority of neuroleptics are correlated with
their antidopaminergic ability. Among these series of compounds, our interest
has been directed to benzodiazepines. One of the reasons was that some
prominent benzodiazepines such as diazepam also improve considerably the
prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of oxime antidotes used against
organophosphorus insecticide poisoning.
(My emphasis)
[281] In
its NOA, Apotex alleges that the Schauzu article discloses both 4-Methyl-piperazinyl
and 4-Methyl piperidinyl substituted antipsychotic compounds of
the formula illustrated as follows in the article :

[282] It
is undisputed that the formula above shows only one nitrogen atom (NMe) in the
upper ring. It would thus disclose a piperidinyl. But Apotex says that a
person skilled in the art would know that in fact the authors meant to include a
second nitrogen atom where the upper ring attaches to the tricyclic structure
principally because of the numbering inside the ring (2-5). This second N would
have simply been omitted by mistake. With two nitrogen atoms, the upper ring
would be a piperazinyl as the title of the article indicates.
[283] According
to Lilly’s experts, either the formula in Schauzu is taken as it is with only
one nitrogen (and this could not include olanzapine) or all of the “mistakes”
in the formula illustrated compared to the formula in its referenced source
should be corrected.
[284] Before
assessing the evidence and determining whether it is clear that a person
skilled in the art would have construed the article as disclosing precisely
olanzapine, it is useful to look at the formula in Chakraparti 1982 to
understand Lilly’s position:

[285] Lilly
says that the basic formula of the substituted compounds in Schauzu should
normally have been identical to the one in Chakraparti 1982 above.
[286] From
this, one can see that the structure illustrated in Shauzu contains two
(i) it is missing
the second N (nitrogen) that would normally appear where such atom would be in
(ii) it is also
missing an F at position 7 (fluorine halogen substituent) on the benzene ring.
[287] Returning
to the main issue of how the relevant person skilled in the art would have
construed Schauzu, the Court faces many unanswered questions.
[288] For
example, it is not clear at all that a person skilled in the art would be
required to use special common general knowledge not possessed by any
experienced chemist in order to construe Schauzu in the manner suggested by
Apotex’s experts.
[289] In
that respect, the Court notes the uncontradicted evidence of Dr. Klibanov that
an experienced chemist would know the IUPAC numbering system even if other
numbering and nomenclature systems are also used.
Also, it appears that experienced chemists would also know that the
illustration of formulas and structures at the relevant time were not as
reliable as it is today.
[290] If
this is so, the evidence put forth by Mr. Nichols that two of the most
reputable cataloguing services (Belstein and Chemical Abstracts Services)
catalogued the 12 compounds in Schauzu as piperidinyls, becomes quite
compelling. It is in fact the only contemporaneous evidence of how an
experienced chemist would then have construed this piece of prior art (the
extracts produced were published around 1986).
[291] It
is evident that the personnel working for those publications
probably do not have the characteristics of the person skilled in the art but
this would not matter if the knowledge required to construe Schauzu is not
particular to such person.
[292] On
the other hand, if as suggested by Dr. McClelland, the person skilled in the
art (para. 8 of his affidavit) would have read the Chakraparti 1982 article and
know the information contained therein, there is no explanation as to why such
knowledge (see para. 54 above) would not prompt the skilled person to correct
all the mistakes in the formula illustrated in Schauzu. It is quite clear that
if he or she did so, all the compounds would contain halogen substituents and
could not disclose olanzapine.
[293] The
Court also notes that the text in Schauzu added to the confusion. Even Dr. McClelland
who clearly spent quite some time in reviewing the article mistakenly describes
at paragraph 63 of his affidavit its title (a Free-Wilson Study of
4-Piperazinyl1-10H-thienodiazepine Analogues).
[294] Having
carefully considered all the evidence, the Court is not satisfied that the
authors of Schauzu have “clearly planted their flag” at olanzapine in their
table I (compound 11).
Having considered the whole of the evidence very carefully, the
Court finds that Schauzu does not meet the strict test applicable to
anticipation. It does not anticipate olanzapine.
6) Obviousness
(a) General principles
In Apotex Inc v. Sanofi-Synthelabo,
2006 FCA 421, [2006] F.C.J. 1945, the Federal Court of Appeal reiterated
The test for obviousness is the one
set out in Beloit, at 294:
38 The test for obviousness is not to ask what
competent inventors did or would have done to solve the problem.
Inventors are by definition inventive. The classical touchstone for
obviousness is the technician skilled in the art but having no scintilla of
inventiveness or imagination; a paragon of deduction and dexterity, wholly
devoid of intuition; a triumph of the left hemisphere over the right. The
question to be asked is whether this mythical creature (the man in the Clapham
omnibus of patent law) would, in the light of the state of the art and of
common general knowledge as at the claimed date of invention, have come
directly and without difficulty to the solution taught by the patent. It
is a very difficult test to satisfy.
[297] In Beloit, above, at page 295 Justice
Hugessen also warned against the use of hindsight:
Every invention is obvious after it
has been made, and to no one more so than an expert in the field. Where the
expert has been hired for the purpose of testifying, his infallible hindsight
is even more suspect. It is so easy, once the teaching of a patent is known,
to say, “I could have done that”: before the assertion can be given any weight,
one must have a satisfactory answer to the question. “why didn’t you?”
[Emphasis added.]
In that respect, it
is particularly important to note that the ordinary skilled person in can rely
on the state of the art and matters of common general knowledge (with respect
to the distinction between those concepts, see for example Steel Co. Of Canada
Ltd. v. Sivaco Wire and Nail Co. (1973) 11 C.P.R. (2d) 153 at p. 186-187, Beloit
Technologies v. Valmet Paper Machinery [1997] R.P.C. 489 (Eng. CA). But as
noted by the Supreme Court of Canada at paragraph 71 of Whirlpool Corp. v.
Camco Inc. 2000 SCC 67, [2000] S.C.R. 1067, such ordinary person does not
have the“in-house knowledge“ of the patentee.
The problem of ex post facto analysis was
also well explained by the Supreme Court of Canada in Farbwerke
Hoechst AG Vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning v. Halocarbon [1979] 2
S.C.R. 929:
Very few inventions are unexpected discoveries. Practically all
research work is done by looking in directions where the “state of the
art” points. On that basis and with
hindsight, it could be said in most cases that there was no inventive ingenuity
in the new development because every one would then see the previous
accomplishments pointed the way.
It is trite law that
obviousness is distinct from anticipation in that it can entail assembling a
mosaic of prior publications.
An invention
is obvious only if the solution to the problem is very plain and crystal clear.
In Canada, the test for obviousness is not whether a solution is “worth a try”,
but whether an invention would have arisen without any serious thought,
experimentation or research (See,
for example, Bayer Aktiengesellschaft v. Apotex Inc., (1995) 60 C.P.R.
(3d) 58, para.81-82, [1995] O.J. No. 141 (QL)).
As noted by the Supreme Court
of Canada in Farbwerke Hoechst, above (quoting an earlier
decision), “a patient searcher is as much entitled to the benefit of a monopoly
as someone who hits upon an invention by some lucky chance or inspiration.”
As mentioned, whether the
properties of a selected compound encompassed in a class claimed in an
originating patent are predictable is relevant to the novelty analysis. However,
there is no doubt that the inventiveness of a selection patent lies in those
special properties that must be stated in the disclosure (Pfizer (2006
FCA) above).
To determine whether a
compound not made has unexpected properties, one must determine whether these
properties could be ascertained through simple verification or if empirical
investigation was required. In Pfizer (FCA) above, at paragraphs 21 to
24 the Court explained the difference between these two concepts:
[21] It is
important at the outset to establish that empirical research for the purpose of
making a selection from a class is not verification. Lord Wilberforce in Beecham
(supra at paragraph 4) noted that the selection of some from a larger number of
possible components and the exploration of their appropriateness by empirical
investigation is a different thing from verification and leads to different
results (at page 568).
[22] The empirical
investigation leading to an invention protected by a selection patent must
involve “at the least the discovery that the selected members possess qualities
hitherto undiscovered, particularly to themselves and not attributable to them
by virtue of the fact of their belonging to a class specified by an earlier
invention” (see Dreyfus and other Applications (1945), 62 R.P.C. 125 at
page 133 per Evershed J.).
[23] In Pope
Alliance Corporation and Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mills, Limited,
[1929] A.C. 269 (H.L.) Viscount Dunedin at pages 250-251 noted that “invention
is merely finding out something which has not been found out by other people.”
An inventor is entitled to a patent where he can show that his efforts led to a
discovery of certain knowledge central to his invention. It is no answer that
others by experiment might have also found it (see also T.A. Blanco White,
Patents for Inventors and the Protection of Industrial Designs,¸5th
edition: (London: Stevens & Sons, 1983) at page 99).
[24] On the other
hand, verification means confirming predicted or predictable qualities of known
compounds; i.e. components that have already been discovered and made. No one
can claim a selection patent merely for ascertaining the properties of a known
substance (see SmithKline Beecham Parma Inc. v. Apoetx Inc. (2002), 21
C.P.R. (4th ) 129 (F.C.A. ) at paragraph 21).
In that respect, it is also
appropriate to refer to what Lord Diplock said at page 579 in Beecham
Group Ltd. v Bristol Laboratories International S.A. [1978] R.P.C. 521 at
The evidence in the
instant case is overwhelming that it is not yet possible to predict in advance
what, if any, special therapeutic advantages will be possessed by a penicillin
made to a particular formula. The only way to find out is to make it and
discover what its therapeutic characteristics are by conducting extensive tests
upon it in vitro and in vivo.
Finally, as noted by the
House of Lords in Du Pont de Nemours, above, at page 310, the size of
the class and the particular field described in the originating patent (here
the ‘687 Patent) are part of the elements to be considered in determining
whether a selection was obvious.
The Court will now proceed to
apply those basic principles to the facts of this case.
(b) Application
Apotex says that
the Court only needs to determine whether a person skilled in the art looking
for a good neuroleptic or for an alternative atypical
antipsychotic would have been led directly and without difficulty to
olanzapine. The Court does not need to be satisfied that the advantages
described in the ‘113 Patent were also obvious because they are simply inherent
properties of olanzapine. Also, these advantages could be ascertained by simple
verification because all the tests used by Lilly were known.
In any event,
Apotex says that if a compound is obvious for one purpose, any additional
benefit gained is an irrelevant bonus (Hallen v. Brabantia (U.K. Ltd.)
1991 R.T.C. 195, IVAX Pharmaceutical (U.K. Ltd.) v. Chugai Seiyaku Kabushiki
Kaisha [2006] EWHC 756 (PAT) CHD at para. 65(v)). Finally, it
submits that even if the person skilled in the art had many equally obvious
choices, all courses of action that present themselves without the exercise of
inventiveness are obvious (IVAX, above at para. 65(i)).
The Court is not
convinced that all these principles apply in Canada and in any event, in this
particular case. Particularly, the approach proposed in
respect of multiple obvious choices sounds very much like the “worth a try”
theory that, as mentioned, is not part of Canadian patent law.
The experts all
agree that the vast majority of candidates selected for drug development fail.
Even Dr. Klibanov agreed and he quantified this phenomenon at 99.9%. This appears
to be especially true in a field of antipsychotics where relatively little was
known as to how these drugs actually worked and why they caused EPS or blood
toxicity like clozapine.
In such a context,
despite Apotex’s assurances to the contrary, its theory that olanzapine was one
of several obvious compounds comes even closer to the “worth a try” theory.
However, even if
the Court were to assume that these concepts apply, it is not satisfied that it
has been established that olanzapine was one of many equally obvious
The Court has
examined very closely the evidence of Apotex’s experts in light of Apotex’s
original arguments (memorandum) as well as the outline on obviousness used at
the hearing. The Court cannot conclude either that an ordinary person skilled
in the art would have been led directly and without difficulty to olanzapine.
Apotex’s position
was not helped by the number of experts it presented. In effect, Drs
McClelland, Castagnoli and Klibanov all come to olanzapine but in somewhat
different ways. This seems counter-intuitive to the test which requires a very
plain and crystal clear solution.
They all explain
how they get to include olanzapine in their distinct short list of candidates
or back-up candidates for drug development by referring to the prior art. But the
Court has the distinct impression that they all used hindsight.
Dr. McClelland
using the ‘687 Patent and Document 16 (Chakraparti 1980) to come to a
combination of 12 compounds (which includes olanzapine) that “would have
excellent antipsychotic activity with minimal EPS”. But of those 12 compounds,
he recognizes that only 6 (not olanzapine) were actually made, tested and
specifically referred to in these publications. Dr. McClelland also
acknowledges that based on the result in Document 16, one would expect that
olanzapine would have somewhat less activity than the other methyl
compound listed, i.e. flumezapine.
Dr. McClelland
provides no satisfactory explanation as to how a person skilled in the art
would know that olanzapine would perform on the CAT test as well as his other
candidates actually tested (Document 16). There is no indication that such
information was ever made public before the claims date.
Most experts
agreed that to crudely assess the potential of a neuroleptic in respect of EPS,
one needed to perform such CAT test.
Dr. McClelland’s
reliance on the reference to “high therapeutic index” in the ‘687 Patent is not
convincing. It is undisputed that the only atypical drug ever used then was
clozapine. Drs McClelland and Castagnoli both acknowledged that, at the
relevant time, a person skilled in the art would know that atypical
antipsychotics are rare. In that context, how could such person construe the
‘687 Patent as promising that the large class of compounds it covered were
expected to produce minimal EPS.
As mentioned earlier,
there appears to be different definitions of therapeutic index depending on the
context. The Court finds that the interpretation of Dr. Nichols is the most
credible in this particular case.
The Court
concludes that it is not clear at all that a skilled worker would have expected
or predicted on the basis of the ‘687 Patent that olanzapine would produce
minimal EPS as suggested by Dr. McClelland.
According to Dr.
Castagnoli, out of the hundreds of thousands of possible structured compounds
claimed in the ‘687 Patent, Document 16 makes it clear that only 8 compounds
(6, 8, 9 12, 17, 22, 28 and 29) are of high interest, all of which are close
structural analogues of olanzapine. Of these, in Dr. Castagnoli’s opinion,
olanzapine was the clearest choice as a backup candidate drug for
flumezapine (compound 9) which is the 7-fluo analogue of olanzapine. This,
because Document 21 (authored by Sullivan at Lilly) published in 1985 teaches
away from flumezapine and other halogen substituted compounds.
This article
discloses that a thiomethyl metabolite was identified after flumezapine was
ingested by dogs. The authors discuss two pathways through which this
metabolite may be formed, one of which could involve issues of toxicity.
It is worth noting
that Dr. McClelland does not mention this publication or the fact that it would
teach away from halogen substituted compounds even though this document was
particularly referred to in the NOA and would clearly support the choice of a
non-substituted compound such olanzapine, if as suggested above, it does
teaches away from halogen substituted compounds.
Dr. Nichols and
Dr. Szot in their reply affidavits point out that this article does not state
that flumezapine is toxic or that the formation of a thiolmethyl metabolite is
by itself an indication of toxicity. In that respect, it is noted that even
commonly used drugs such as Tylenol produce such a metabolite. The issue of
toxicity is thus directly related to the identification of the pathway involved
in its formation.
It is quite
apparent from the cross -examination Dr. Castagnoli that he agrees that
Document 21 was in no way conclusive. It raised an issue that is still not well
understood and that he considers cutting edge science.
As his curriculum
vitae indicates, Dr. Castagnoli has done special research and has a special
interest in the identification of metabolic pathways. There is no evidence that
this special interest and knowledge would be shared by an ordinary person
skilled in the art at the relevant time.
The Court also
suspects that Dr. Catagnoli was influenced by his knowledge of the actual fate
of flumezapine when he reviewed Document 21 and came to his conclusion.
He was also particularly focussed on what the Lilly team
was actually thinking.
In fact, the
activities of Lilly’s research team reported in Document 25 (Chakraparti 1989)
appear to directly contradict Dr. Castagnoli’s assumption in respect of Lilly’s
thinking. After 1985, the team continued to show a definite preference for
halogen substituted compounds.
In respect of
Document 21, the Court finds the evidence of Dr. Szot at paragraphs 6 to 13 of
his reply affidavit particularly credible.
Having rejected
Apotex’s position in respect of the obviousness of olanzapine itself, the Court
must complete its review of obviousness by considering the special properties
of olanzapine as described in the ‘113 Patent. As mentioned, this is
principally where the inventiveness of the selection lies. In that context, the
Court will also evaluate Apotex’s assertion that the properties of olanzapine
were predictable and ascertainable by simple verification.
Again, it is
useful to mention that here, the Court must consider the advantages described
in the disclosure. It is not concerned with the issue of whether or not as a
fact olanzapine does deliver today the overall better profile described in the
‘113 Patent.
The first step is
therefore to consider what the patent says. At the end of the hearing, the
Court was left with the impression that the parties had no disagreement in
respect of the construction of the patent. Both appeared to agree
that olanzapine was described as an antipsychotic that, in clinical situation,
had overall a better profile than prior known antipsychotic agents (including
the compounds encompassed in the ‘687 Patent) because:
(i) of its high level of activity in humans
(better than expectations based on animal tests);
(ii) minimal EPS;
(iii) low and transient elevation of liver enzyme
and CPK;
(iv) lower elevation of prolactin level than
other currently used neuroleptic drugs;
(v) no alteration of white blood cell count;
(vi) no increase of cholesterol level in dogs
(thus, less risk of cholesterol in humans).
During a telephone
conference with the parties above, it became apparent that this was not so in
respect of cholesterol. In further correspondence dated April 2, 2007, Apotex
asserted “that the ‘113 Patent promises that olanzapine would not raise
cholesterol to a clinically significant extent in humans”. In that respect, the
respondent relies particularly on the wording of the first paragraph on page 6
of the ‘113 Patent. It also refers to paragraph 34 of Dr. Klibanov’s affidavit
which in fact deals with the comparison between the ‘222 compound and
olanzapine rather than the distinct issue of the representation made in respect
of olanzapine itself.
In fact, when Drs
McClelland and Castagnoli were asked to take the patent at face value during
their cross-examinations, they both appeared to understand the patent to say
that olanzapine did not raise cholesterol in dogs.
Be it as it may,
there is no need for the Court to finally determine this issue. In effect, even
if the Court adopts, for the purpose of this case only, the construction
proposed by Apotex, it would not conclude that its allegation of obviousness is
That said, what
evidence can the court consider here?
When asked how the
Court should use the post-art listed in the NOA and used by its experts in
reaching their opinions in respect of the obviousness of the advantages
disclosed in the patent, Apotex said that while obviousness is determined on
the basis of the state of the art as of the claims date, there is no rule of
evidence that prima facie excludes post-art in this analysis. It added
that “as with any evidence within a case, the post-art must be probative of a
question at issue; in this case, the state of the art at the relevant time” (Abbott
Laboratories Ltd. v. Nu-Pharm Inc. (1998), 83 C.P.R. (3d) 441 paras. 4 to
17) and Merck-Frosst Canada Inc. V. Canada (Minister of National Health and
Welfare (1998), 84 C.P.R. (3d) 492 at para. 32; (2000), aff’d 8 C.P.R. (4th)
48 at para. 8 (FCA)).
While the Court
accepts this premise, it appears to have little application here. Certainly, it
could not justify consideration of the knowledge of the properties of
olanzapine acquired after the claims date. Having reviewed the said post art,
the Court is satisfied that it is not relevant to the issues to be determined
under obviousness.
As mentioned, most
experts agreed that it was and still is rare to find an antipsychotic drug that
would have minimal EPS, let alone one that has sufficient
activity to treat a serious disease such as
schizophrenia while avoiding the blood disorder caused by clozapine and the hepatoxicity
of flumezapine.
Dr. Williams, a
particularly credible witness in respect of the side effects of antipsychotics,
says that at the relevant time , it was generally believed that all antipsychotics
would normally result in elevated prolactin level. Also, Dr. Williams indicates that until the publication of the ‘113 Patent, it
was not known that antipsychotics could raise cholesterol.
Finally, the Court
notes that Dr. Castagnoli confirmed during his cross-examination that if all
things were equal between the ‘222 compound and olanzapine (there is no
evidence that the ‘222 compound has in any way a better profile than
olanzapine), the difference in cholesterol shown in those female dogs would be
sufficient for him or a person skilled in the art to prefer olanzapine over the
‘222 compound.
There is little
evidence of value from Apotex’s experts on whether the advantages described in
the ‘113 Patent would be considered substantial by a person skilled in the art.
In effect, most of these experts’ comments are tainted by their knowledge or
consideration of information not available to the person skilled in the art at
the relevant time (such as the association between olanzapine and weight gain,
potential association with diabetes, higher triglycerides level etc.) Even the Zyprexa
product monograph was not available to the person skilled in the art at the
relevant time and should not be considered.
Was the discovery
of this better side effect profile of olanzapine a simple matter of verification?
Apotex’s position in that respect is based on the evidence that the tests and
the overall research process followed by the inventor were known as opposed to
new science. As noted in the section titled General Principles, the difference
between verification and empirical research does not depend on whether the
inventor had to design a new test to discover the properties of the selected
In answer to a
question in respect of Document 25 (Chakraparti 1989) Dr.
Castagnoli described the drug discovery process as involving a set of complex
testing that goes well beyond the tests disclosed in Document 25. In his view,
all of the testing referred to in the publications listed in the NOA would only
help in determining whether compounds were of pharmacological interest. As
mentioned earlier, little was known as to exactly how such drugs worked and why
they cause severe toxicities such as blood disorder, liver enzymes or EPS.
While Dr.
McClelland specifically mentioned that “as time has evolved (and this is of
course post-1990), a greater understanding of what is giving rise to both the
antipsychotic effect and the extra pyramidal symptoms still is emerging and
there is still debate over what it is. As time goes on, I think that the
medicinal chemist might be able to start designing compounds knowing that they
will have one effect and not the other”.
Finally, it is
evident that despite its intimate knowledge of what was taught by the ‘687
Patent and Documents 16, 17, 18 among other things, the Lilly team could not
predict that ethylflumezapine would cause blood toxicity or that flumezapine
would cause some EPS at less than the effective dose, and an increase in liver
enzymes (hepatoxicity).
Overall, the research
that lead to the discovery of these advantages of olanzapine is similar to what
was described in Beecham above, in respect of the new penicillin.
The Court
concludes that the discovery of the special advantages of olanzapine required empirical
research and was inventive.
Also, having
considered the evidence as a whole, the Court has no doubt that the overall side
effect profile described in the ‘113 Patent constitutes a substantial advantage
of the selected compound over the other members of the ‘687 Patent as well as
other known antipsychotic agents.
Secondary indicia
[352] A patentee may refer to so-called
secondary indicia in order to support a position that its invention was not
obvious. Such secondary factors have been described on other occasions by this
Court. For instance, Justice Elizabeth Heneghan recently summarized the law in
this as area as follows in CertainTeed Corporation
v. Canada 2006 FC 436, [2006] F.C.J. No.
42] In
Pfizer Canada Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (1997), 77 C.P.R. (3d) 547 (F.C.T.D.)
at 555, the Federal Court listed a number of factors to be considered in
assessing a patent for obviousness. A patent will not be considered obvious if:
1. it is novel
and superior to what was available until then;
2. it was since
used widely and in preference to alternative devices;
3. competitors as
well as experts in the field had never thought of the
4. amazement
accompanied its first publication; and
5. commercial
While none of
these factors taken in isolation may necessarily be determinative on the issue
of obviousness, one can look
at their cumulative effect.
[43] The
idea that commercial success supports the presumption of inventiveness was
discussed in Windsurfing International Inc. v. Trilantic Corporation
(1985), 8 C.P.R. (3d) 241 (F.C.A.) Although this is not determinative of the
issue of obviousness, the
Court concluded that if people working in an industry have recognized a problem
but failed to invent a solution for it, this is evidence of unobviousness.
Lilly says that it
has produced sufficient evidence to show that there is, in this case, secondary
indicia to support that its invention is not obvious: commercial success
(i.e. major sales); satisfaction of a long felt need; professional acclaim
(olanzapine won awards) copying (Apotex and various other generics in the U.S.
have been trying to produce it).
Apotex responds
that the commercial success to which Lilly attests is primarily as a result of
heavy marketing and “significant” off-label usage.
The Court does not
find that it is necessary to rely on such indicia to conclude that the
allegation of obviousness is not justified.
That said, the
Court notes that Lilly has established to its satisfaction that there was
indeed a long felt need for the development of an alternative atypical antipsychotic
drug. Although the information disclosed in the
‘687 Patent and the other prior art referred to in the NOA had been available
for quite some time, it took more than 10 years to select a suitable drug among
the members of the 687 genus.
Also, except for
olanzapine, all the members of the large class claimed in the ‘687 Patent have
now been in the public domain for more than 10 years. There is no evidence that
any such compound has been found to have all the properties described in the
‘113 Patent, especially the ‘222 compound, which according to Apotex and
particularly Dr. Klibanov was the most promising member of that genus.
Apotex submitted
many valid arguments that diminish the impact of the commercial success of
olanzapine. However, even if one accepts those arguments it is still evident
that the overall profile of the drug was an essential element of its success.
(7) Double Patenting
In Pharmascience Inc. v.
Sanofi- Aventis Canada Inc., 2006 FCA 229, [2006] F.C.J. No. 980 (QL), the
Federal Court of Appeal explained double-patenting as follows:
"Double patenting" refers to certain judge made
rules that have been devised to prevent the "evergreening" of
patents. Evergreening is the undue extension of the statutory monopoly in a
particular patent by means of a series of patents with obvious or uninventive
additions (Whirlpool Corp. v. Camco Inc., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 1067, at
paragraph 37).
The jurisprudence has so far identified two categories of
double patenting. In the first category, "same invention patenting",
two patents are the same or have an identical or conterminous claim. The second
category, "obviousness double patenting", is somewhat broader. In
obviousness double patenting, the claims of the patents are not identical or
conterminous, but the later patent has claims that are not patentably distinct
from the other patent, or involve no novelty or ingenuity.
Apotex asserts that the ‘113 Patent
is invalid on the ground of double patenting. It submits that as against the
‘687 Patent both forms of double patenting apply. However, for the rest of the
argument Apotex relies on obviousness double patenting and it relies on the
same art and arguments that were raised in respect of obviousness.
At paragraph 69, Justice
Sharlow in Pharmascience noted that the classic example of obviousness
double patenting is Commissioner of Patents v. Farbwerke Hoechst
Aktien-Gesellschaft Vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning, [1964] S.C.R. 49.
The issue of double-patenting
was recently argued in Sanofi-Synthelabo (above). In that case, the
Court of Appeal briefly dismissed the argument as follows (para. 46):
The short answer to this argument is
that in this case, the relevant art relied upon for double patenting is the
same as that which has been canvassed in the analysis pertaining to
anticipation and obviousness. Since, based on that analysis, the ‘875
Patent and the ‘777 Patent claim different and distinct compounds, there cannot
be “double patenting”.
As I have concluded in my
analysis of Apotex’ argument that the prior art cited in the NOA and referred
to in the various expert affidavits before me do not anticipate or make
olanzapine and its advantages for the treatment of schizophrenia obvious, the
Court concludes that there cannot be double patenting.
In reaching this conclusion,
the Court considered and rejected Apotex’s argument that the reasoning of the
Court of Appeal Sanofi-Synthelabo above, does not apply here because
that case must be distinguished on its facts. Despite the evident differences
between these two matters, there is no reason not to adopt a similar reasoning
Section 53
Apotex says that Lilly
purposely withheld relevant prior art from the examiner and that the
information conveyed to the examiner in respect of the comparative dog study
(see page 5 line 25 of the ‘113 Patent) was misleading for various reasons that
relate to the suitability of the dog model, the quality of the study and its
statistical significance.
Apotex virtually
conceded that it has no direct evidence of Lilly’s intention to mislead the Commissioner
of Patents, but it argues that such intent can be inferred on the basis that
evidence in this case shows that Lilly’s information was, in fact, misleading.
Section 53 of the
Patent Act reads as follows:
53. (1) A patent is void if any material allegation in
the petition of the applicant in respect of the patent is untrue, or if the
specification and drawings contain more or less than is necessary for
obtaining the end for which they purport to be made, and the omission or
addition is wilfully made for the purpose of misleading.
(2) Where it appears to a
court that the omission or addition referred to in subsection (1) was an
involuntary error and it is proved that the patentee is entitled to the
remainder of his patent, the court shall render a judgment in accordance with
the facts, and shall determine the costs, and the patent shall be held valid
for that part of the invention described to which the patentee is so found to
be entitled.
of judgment
(3) Two office copies of the
judgment rendered under subsection (1) shall be furnished to the Patent
Office by the patentee, one of which shall be registered and remain of record
in the Office and the other attached to the patent and made a part of it by a
reference thereto.
53. (1) Le brevet est nul si la pétition du demandeur,
relative à ce brevet, contient quelque allégation importante qui n’est pas
conforme à la vérité, ou si le mémoire descriptif et les dessins contiennent
plus ou moins qu’il n’est nécessaire pour démontrer ce qu’ils sont censés
démontrer, et si l’omission ou l’addition est volontairement faite pour
induire en erreur.
(2) S’il apparaît
au tribunal que pareille omission ou addition est le résultat d’une erreur
involontaire, et s’il est prouvé que le breveté a droit au reste de son
brevet, le tribunal rend jugement selon les faits et statue sur les frais. Le
brevet est réputé valide quant à la partie de l’invention décrite à laquelle
le breveté est reconnu avoir droit.
Copies du jugement
(3) Le breveté
transmet au Bureau des brevets deux copies authentiques de ce jugement. Une
copie en est enregistrée et conservée dans les archives du Bureau, et l’autre
est jointe au brevet et y est incorporée au moyen d’un renvoi
There is little case
law dealing with this section of the Act. In the Wellcome case,
Justice Binnie simply noted at para. 94 that those alleging a misstatement
would have to establish that it was “material” and “willfully made for the
purpose of misleading”.
Lilly relies on
the decision of this Court in Bourgault Industries Inc. v. Flexi-Coil (1998)
80 C.P.R. (3d) 1, [1998] F.C.J. No. 264). Although this case is a useful
illustration of how the Court usually deals with s. 53 allegations, it did not
involve a selection patent where (as mentioned before) it is clear that the
advantage (or disadvantage to be avoided) must be specified in the disclosure
of the patent. There is no doubt in the court’s mind that the examiner and Lilly
were prosecuting this application as a selection patent.
The statement
made by Lilly in respect of its dog study was thus material in this case for
they were clearly used to describe the disadvantage avoided by the selected
Lilly submits that
the dog study was not a description or representation of the advantage (disadvantage
avoided), but rather evidence to show such advantage existed. The Court cannot
accept this argument. Lilly could indeed have used words alone to describe the
advantages of its selected compound, for instance by saying that it offered a lower
risk of a rise in cholesterol levels in humans. But they chose to refer to the
study itself to describe this advantage.
In regard to the
prior art allegedly withheld from the examiner, the Court notes first that
Apotex has not established that there is an obligation in Canadian law to
produce all prior Art known to an applicant.
In fact,
according to the evidence of Lilly affiant Kevin Murphy which is accepted by
the Court, the reality in practice is that such an obligation does not exist. Moreover,
according to Rule 29 of the Patent Rules, it is the examiner that
defines through its request(s) to the applicant what should be disclosed to him
or her.
In this case, the
examiner requested the art cited in the prosecution of the U.S. Patent and
found in Europe. Eli Lilly clearly complied with such request. By
producing the front page of the corresponding U.S. patent, Lilly disclosed the “Chakrabarti
1980” and the European search report which listed the ‘687 Patent as the Canadian
corresponding patent to the U.K. Patent referred to specifically by Lilly in
its application. There is no evidence that
prior to the institution of the action in the U.S. where this art was cited,
Lilly knew or should necessarily have known of the “Schauzu article” and other
pieces of prior art submitted by Apotex that were simply put in evidence
through the affidavit of a Ms. Ellis, a clerk at Goodmans.
On the basis of
such a record, the Court need not even ask the question of whether an intention
to deceive can be inferred. Apotex has clearly not met its evidential burden
(as described above), meaning the presumption of validity has not been
In respect of the
comparative dog study, Apotex has provided little credible evidence to support
its allegations. Its experts clearly speculated on the basis of facts that are
not before the Court. For example, there is no evidence in respect of
randomization, food intake, estrus or the health of the dogs involved
There is no
evidence that Lilly knew at the relevant time that the dog was not a proper
model; that its study was flawed or the data obtained insignificant.
In fact, the Court
accepts the evidence of Drs. Szot and Bauer that the dog which is a cholesterol
resistant animal was a recognized model at the time for this type of study. In
that respect, it is worth noting that Apotex’s expert did not say or opine that
another specific specie was a more recognized and suitable animal model.
That said, it
does not mean that the results obtained in the dog study will apply to humans
or even that the then recognized model was in fact a valid model. Even if the
dog was not a recognized model or not a de facto valid model in this
case, Lilly certainly appeared to believe that it was so, given that there is
clear evidence that it did use such studies to test other compounds such as
flumezapine and ethyl flumezapine as well as other compounds reported in Chakraparti
1989 (document 25).
Lilly even
terminated the development of ethyl flumezapine on the basis of the dog study
alone. As the expression goes, it clearly put its money where its mouth was. All
this, well before the discovery of olanzapine.
As mentioned, there
is no direct evidence of knowledge or of an intention to mislead on the part of
Lilly. On the basis of the evidential record produced by Apotex, it is also
clear that the Court cannot infer an intention to deceive. As mentioned before,
this is an essential element to establish the validity of Apotex’s allegation
made pursuant to this section. Therefore, the Court is not satisfied that
Apotex has met its evidential burden and that the presumption of validity is
In any event, after
considering all of the evidence, the Court finds that this allegation is not
9) Conclusion
Lilly has established that
the various legal allegations in the NOA are not justified. Accordingly, the
applications for an order of prohibition are granted.
The parties have now
submitted extensive representations on costs and as mentioned, the Court will deal
with this issue in a separate order.
1. The applications for an order of prohibition are granted.
2. The matter of costs will be dealt with in a separate order.
“Johanne Gauthier”
APPENDIX A: List of Experts and Other Affiants
For Apotex
Daniel A. Bloch, PhD (Apotex statistics
Dr. Bloch is a
professor at Stanford University in the Department of Health Research and
Policy, Division of Biostatistics. He is extremely accomplished as a scholar
and a statistician and has presented at many eminent places. Since 1987, he has
been a consultant on an ad hoc basis to pharmaceutical and biotechnical firms.
William J. Brock, PhD (Apotex expert on
Dr. Brock serves
on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Toxicology. He has worked
as a toxicologist and consultant for the medical, chemical and pharmaceutical
industries, and has experience in study design and has published. He has
published extensively in these areas. At present, he is an assistant professor
at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Neal Castagnoli, PhD (Apotex expert on
toxicology and neurochemistry)
Dr. Castagnoli is
a professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech. He is a very accomplished researcher
and scholar. He has advised important public agencies and has received major
funding from the NIH. He has also been funded by NATO, disease institutes and
the tobacco industry. He is an expert in biochemical toxicology and
Jonathon S. Dordick, PhD (Apotex chemical
and biological engineering expert)
Dr. Dordick is a
professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering in the Department of Biology
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, New York. He has co-founded drug
discovery companies and sat on the scientific advisory boards of various drug
and chemical companies. He also acts as a consultant for various pharma and
chemical companies. He appears to have been a graduate student of another
Apotex expert, Dr. Klibanov. Overall, his CV and qualifications are not as
accomplished as the other experts in this case.
Megan Ellis (Clerk for Goodmans)
Ms. Ellis affixes
the Notices of Allegation (dated December 16, 2004 and March 21, 2005)
and Apotex’ documents 1 to 63.
Michael Jenike, PhD (Apotex expert in
Dr. Jenike is an
accomplished doctor and a professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Alexander M. Klibanov, PhD (Apotex expert
on medicinal chemistry and drug formulation)
Dr. Klibanov is a
professor of Chemistry and Bioengineering at MIT. He is very well-credentialed
with many publications and awards, and he belongs to a number of prestigious
Michael Mayersohn, PhD (Apotex expert in
pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutics)
Dr. Mayersohn is a
professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Arizona. His
interests are in the oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic characterization
of drugs and metabolites in animals and humans. Pharmacokinetics is the study
of how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes and excretes drugs. He has
not achieved the prestigious accomplishments of some of the other affiants, but
he is a long-time professor and well-published in his field.
Robert McClelland, PhD (Apotex expert in
chemistry and medicinal chemistry)
Dr. McClelland is
a professor in the chemistry department at University of Toronto. He has very
impressive credentials. He is considered an international expert in biological
chemistry and physical organic chemistry and has won major awards. His
expertise is in the area of nucleophilic substitution (which involves halogen
atoms changing place in a carbon-halogen bonds) and in the syntheses of new
analogs. He has researched the syntheses of new drugs created for testing in
clinical trials.
Timothy R. Nagy, PhD (Apotex expert
on Nutrition Science)
Dr. Nagy is an
associate professor at the University of Alabama where he is Director of the
Division of Physiology and Metabolism in the Department of Nutrition Sciences.
He is well-published, and has often presented on the relationship of body
composition to disease states in both animal models and humans. He is currently
studying the way in which atypical drugs (including olanzapine) induce weight
gain and insulin resistance using an animal model.
Gerald O.S. Oyen (Lawyer and Patent agent
in support of Apotex)
Mr. Oyen is a
partner in the Vancouver firm of Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutula. He has
practiced patent and IP law since 1967 and has been a patent agent since 1968.
For Eli Lilly
John E. Bauer, PhD (Eli Lilly expert on
small animals and animal nutrition, cholesterol)
John Bauer is a
professor of Small Animal Clinical Sciences at Texas A&M University. He
holds a special Professorship of Clinical Nutrition in small animals. He
studies cholesterol and serum lipids metabolism in dogs, cats, etc. He has been
funded by NIH, is well-published and given many presentations on cholesterol
metabolism in companion species such as dogs. His research has also made him
knowledgeable about cholesterol in human health.
Robert Burk, PhD (Eli Lilly expert on
Dr. Burk is a
chemist who teaches at Carleton University. He is currently the Director of the
College of Natural Sciences.
Dr. Carlo J. Di Fonzo (Eli Lilly Associate
VP of Regulatory Affairs)
Dr. Di Fionzo is
involved with regulatory filings of drugs approved by Health Canada. He is
responsible for providing updates about potential health concerns with Lilly’s
David S. Forman (American Attorney for Eli
Dr. Forman and his
firm represented Lilly in the US litigation involving Lilly’s olanzapine
Dr. Mark Goldberg (Eli Lilly clinical
Dr. Goldberg is a
medical doctor employed by Eli Lilly. He was in charge of the olanzapine
clinical trials that were conducted in 1986-1987. His affidavit deals only with
the issue of whether or not these trials were “public”.
Kevin Murphy (Patent Agent in support of
Eli Lilly)
Mr. Murphy is a
patent agent with the Montreal office of Ogilvy Renault. He has written
articles on Canadian patents and he specializes in the area of chemical,
pharmaceutical and related patents.
Rama Chandran Nair, PdD (Eli Lilly expert
on epidemiology and biostatistics)
Dr. Nair did not
file an affidavit in chief. He is a professor at the University of Ottawa where
he is acting chairman of the Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine.
He also serves as a consultant to the Ontario Ministry of Health on drug
quality and therapeutics.
David E. Nichols, PhD (Eli Lilly expert on
Chemistry and Pharmacology)
Dr. Nichols is a
prof in medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Purdue. He is a
specialist in how drugs affect the brain and has recent interest in
schizophrenia. He is an expert in drug molecules and drug design. He is
co-founder of a small company that now has clinical trials in schizophrenia. He
states Olanzapine is within his field.
Ian Alexander Pullar, PhD (Eli Lilly
Mr. Pullar is a
retired researcher who worked with Lilly for 30 years. He is also co-author of
several prior art publications referred to in the NOA.
Nancy Schuurmans (Law Clerk at Gowlings on
behalf of Eli Lilly)
Ms. Shuurmans
introduces the NOA submitted by Apotex as well as several exhibits. She
provides an account as to why two separate files were necessary in this matter.
Robert J. Szot, PhD (Eli Lilly expert on
Dr. Szot has
decades of experience in testing various drugs to determine their toxicity and
therapeutic levels. He obtained a degree in toxicology from Harvard, and has
worked with numerous pharma companies. Since 1996, he has worked as a
consultant advising companies on drug development toxicology.
Ronald Thisted, PhD (Eli Lilly expert on
statistics, design and analysis of clinical studies)
Dr. Thisted is
Chairman of Health Studies at the University of Chicago. He is also a professor
in both Statistics and Anesthesia and Critical Care. He teaches medical
students and others about the design and analysis of clinical studies. Dr.
Thisted is extremely accomplished, belonging to prestigious science
associations and publishing in famous journals like New England Journal of
Medicine and Lancet.
Dr. Richard Williams (Eli Lilly expert on
psychiatry and schizophrenia)
Dr. Williams is a
clinical professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of British
Columbia. He has a medical degree and is also director of the schizophrenia
program at a Victoria hospital. He is well-published in the field of psychiatry
and schizophrenia, has received awards, and belongs to a number of professional
and learned societies.