Date: 20061017
Docket: T-2175-04
Citation: 2006 FC 1234
Toronto, Ontario, October 17, 2006
PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Hughes
action concerns the infringement and validity of a Canadian Patent relating to
an antimicrobial drug known as levofloxacin. There is only one claim of the Patent
at issue, claim 4. The Defendant has admitted infringement of that claim. Validity
of claim 4 and remedies are the contested issues. For the reasons that follow,
I find that claim 4 is valid and infringed. The Plaintiffs are entitled to
damages and interest. An injunction, with a certain delay and conditions, and
delivery up, is granted.
The Parties
Plaintiff, Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., is a Japanese company to which the
Patent was granted. The Patent names the grantee as Daiichi Seiyaku Co. Ltd.,
but the parties are agreed that this is the same entity as the Plaintiff
Daiichi. Daiichi remains the owner of the Patent.
Plaintiff Janssen-Ortho Inc. is a Canadian company. It is a licensee of
Daiichi under the Patent. It markets and sells levofloxacin products in Canada.
Defendant, Novopharm Limited, is a Canadian-based corporation. Since about
December 2004, it has been marketing and selling levofloxacin products in Canada.
The Patent
Patent at issue is Canadian Patent Number 1,304,080 entitled “Optically
Active Pyridobenzoxazine Derivatives and Intermediates Thereof”. The
application for that Patent was filed in Canada on June 19, 1986 thus the
Patent is to be governed by the provisions of the Patent Act, R.S.C.
1985, c. P-4, pertaining to Patents applied for before October 1, 1989. That
is, the “old” Patent Act.
Patent claims priority from three separate Patent application filed in Japan, the first
on June 20, 1985; the second on October 11, 1985; and the third on January 28,
1986. Named as inventors are Isao Hayakawa, who appeared as a witness at
trial, and six others. The Patent includes 19 claims in all, some claims are
directed to processes, other claims are directed to compounds, other claims are
directed to a salt of a compound, other claims to a compound and salt, and
other claims to a pharmaceutical composition. Only claim 4 is at issue, it
4. S(-)-9-fluoro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-2,3-dihydro-7H-pyrido[1,2,3-de][1,4]benzoxazine-6-carboxylic
Patent was issued and granted to Daiichi on June 23, 1992 and, unless held to
be invalid, will expire on June 23, 2009.
issues for decision by this Court are as follows:
What is
the proper construction of claim 4 of the Patent?
Is claim 4
invalid on the basis of one or more of the following grounds:
having regard to the prior disclosure of Ofloxacin in, for example, Canadian
Patent 1,547,840 (the 840 patent) and a 1983 publication by Daiichi employees
Osada and Ogawa;
having regard to the prior knowledge, including Ofloxacin, the nature of
racemic compounds, the methods for obtaining enantiomers (optical isomers) from
racemic compounds and the Gerster 1982 and 1985 abstracts and posters;
Is claim 4
ambiguous in failing to specify what level of purity, if any, is required;
Has the
patent, in as much as claim 4 is concerned, failed to provide a correct, full
and clear description as required by section 34(1) of the old Patent Act
particularly in respect of the disclosures as to toxicity and solubility?
If Claim 4
is valid, infringement having been admitted, what remedies will the Court
election as to profits;
A permanent
punitive or exemplary damages;
Pre and/or
post judgment interest;
This Court has, in a previous Order,
directed that monetary remedies be the subject of a subsequent hearing.
The Evidence - Witnesses
commend counsel for having done much to define the issues and agree as to much
of the evidence in this case. The pleadings were clear and precise.
Admissions were made in the pleadings as to several matters. Through the
Request to Admit process the parties further agreed as to evidence and, by a
document filed at trial, the issues were further reduced essentially to the
validity of claim 4 of the Patent. An Order providing for separate
determination of the monetary remedies has been previously made. The documents
filed at trial further provided admissions as to all documents save one, the
1982 Gerster poster, and provided that all expert reports be deemed to be read
in and that all persons who provided expert reports and were called as
witnesses be deemed to be qualified as experts, subject to later argument if
needed. This co-operation between counsel and parties is exemplary.
Called as expert witness for the Plaintiff
were in Order of appearance:
Dr. Mark P. Wentland: A
professor of chemistry and organic chemistry at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institution, Troy, N.Y.. He
specializes in quinolones, a class of compounds that includes those at issue.
He was active in quinolones in the 1980’s, a period in which the subject matter
of the Patent was developed. He was actively working as a medicinal chemist in
the quinolone area at the relevant time in the early 1980’s.
Dr. Alexander M.
Klibanov: A professor of Chemistry and Bioengineering at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has researched, lectured and written
extensively in the area of synthesis and evaluation of optically active
compounds. Dr. Klibanov returned as a supplemental witness to address the
Gerster 1982 poster.
Dr. David C. Hooper: A medical
doctor and antimicrobial researcher. A medical doctor, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Harvard
Medical School. He teaches
in the area of antimicrobial agents and infectious diseases and has written
extensively, particularly in the area of quinolones. He is a practising
physician in a clinical hospital in the infectious diseases division and the
infection control unit. He also was working as a physician in the quinolone
area in the early 1980’s.
Dr. Frank A. Bucci: An
ophthalmologist specializing in ocular diseases including surgery of the eye.
He is the director of an eye surgery centre and has done thousands of surgical
and other procedures related to the eye. He has also lectured, given
presentations and written extensively in the area of ophthalmology.
Dr. Charles Chan: A medical
doctor, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto. His main
clinical and research interests are in infectious complications of the lungs.
He has evaluated many compounds for the purpose of listings on the Ontario drug
Dr. George G. Zhanel: Professor
in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases with the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Manitoba. He has
focused on the study of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases,
particularly in respect of antibiotic resistant organisms. A major focus has
been on quinolones.
Dr. Joseph V. Rodricks: A
consultant in toxicology with focus in safety and human health risk assessment
and a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he
teaches courses in toxicology and risk analysis. He has lectured and written
extensively in the area of toxicology.
Dr. Allan S. Myerson: Is the
Provost and Senior Vice President and Philip Danforth Armour Professor of Engineering
at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He
specializes in the area of crystallization and solubility and has written and
taught extensively on the subject.
Dr. Marion B. Stewart: An
economist and vice president of an independent economic research organization.
He has focused on the area of intellectual property, the calculation of damages
and measurement of commercial success. He appeared as a witness, filed a
report, but was not cross-examined.
Dr. Ronald Grossman: A medical
doctor, Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto and Chief of
Medicine, Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga. He
specializes in respiratory infections and the use of antibiotics in treating
such conditions. He has contributed to national Guidelines in that area. He
appeared as a witness, filed a report, but was not cross-examined.
Dr. Paul A. Bartlett: A retired
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. He has
lectured and written extensively in medicinal chemistry and the area of drug
design. He also filed a supplemental report as to the 1982 Gerster poster.
Dr. John J. Partridge: A
consultant to the drug industry, having previously worked in organic chemistry
in the pharmaceutical industry for many years. He testified as to searches
conducted in an endeavour to locate the 1982 Gerster poster.
The evidence of other expert witnesses on
behalf of the Plaintiffs was, by agreement, presented by the filing of their
reports in evidence without calling the witnesses in person. These were:
John C. Jarosz: A
principal of an independent economic analysis firm. He specializes in the area
of economics relating to intellectual property.
Anne Langley: Has a
Masters degree in library science. Head Librarian at the Duke University
Chemical Library.
The Plaintiffs also called three fact
witnesses. They were:
Dr. James B. Kahn: A medical
doctor. He joined Ortho-McNeil, now Janssen-Ortho, in July 1992. He was
responsible for setting up a unit to support the flow of scientific information
respecting FLOXIN, the company’s Ofloxacin product and subsequently LEVAQUIN
the company’s levofloxacin product. He has since that time been closely associated
with that company’s efforts in respect of Ofloxacin and levofloxacin.
Dr. Isao Hayakawa: One of the
named inventors of the patent in suit. He joined Daiichi in 1969 and in 1972
became involved in researching anti-infectives. In 1985 he became the
supervisor of the quinolones group. From 1991 and thereafter he continued in a
progression of more senior positions in Daiichi’s research area. Dr. Hayakawa
continues working at Daiichi full-time as a special research advisor. Dr.
Hayakawa has limited abilities to understand and speak the English language.
His evidence was conducted through the aid of an interpreter. Questions were
put to this witness in English and translated into Japanese. The witness’s
answered in Japanese and the interpreter translated that answer to English.
The transcript records the question as posed in English and the answer as
translated into English. At the request of the Plaintiffs a second interpreter
was provided as a “check” on the first. On occasion the second translator
would indicate to the official court translator that some correction could be
made in the translation. Where the official translator accepted that
indication, the record reflected that agreed upon translation. Where not so
accepted, the translation provided by the official interpreter prevailed.
Jeff Enstrom: Business
Unit Director for Janssen-Ortho in charge of launching the Canadian
levofloxacin product (LEVAQUIN) since June 1997.
The Defendant called several expert
witnesses and one factual witness. Called as expert witnesses were:
Dr. Donald E. Low: A medical
doctor, Head of the Department of Microbiology at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. He is a Professor
at the University
of Toronto
and Director of the Ontario Public Health Laboratories. He specializes in the
area of microbiology and infectious diseases where he has written and taught
Dr. Adam J. Matzger: Associate
Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan. He
specializes in the area of crystallization of organic materials. He has won
awards in that area.
Dr. John Caldwell: Dean of
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Liverpool. He was the founder of
an important journal, CHIRALITY and has written and lectured extensively in the
area of medicinal chemistry and drug chirality.
Dr. Roland Collicott: A senior
consultant to the pharmaceutical industry by providing analytical chemistry and
training services. He specializes in chromatography, HPLC, and particularly in
chiral analysis, chiral separations and polymorphic analysis. He has extensive
experience in the resolution of quinolones.
Dr. Peter G. Wells: A
Professor of Toxicology at the University of Toronto. He
specializes in toxicology, clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology. He has
extensive experience in the areas of toxicology, drug metabolism and animal
Dr. Michael Chong: A
professor of chemistry at the University of Waterloo. He specializes in the
area of asymmetric synthesis of chiral compounds where he has written
extensively. I permitted the Defendant to introduce the evidence of Dr. Chong
so as to address the supplemental reply evidence of Dr. Klibanov and Bartlett,
which I in turn had permitted the Plaintiffs to introduce to address the
Gerster 1982 poster. It was appropriate to allow Dr. Chong’s evidence as other
expert witnesses previously selected to testify for the Defendant did not have
expertise in this area. Dr. Chong confined his evidence to that of replying to
the supplemental evidence of Drs. Klibanov and Bartlett.
Also introduced into evidence by the
Defendant by agreement were reports of experts who were not called as witnesses
in person. They were:
Dr. Jake J. Thiessen: A Professor
in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto. He specializes
in pharmokinetics including the bioavailability of drugs in the body.
Dr. Lea Prevel Katsanis: Chair of
and Professor in the Department of Marketing at Concordia University.
She specializes in pharmaceutical marketing.
The Defendant called one factual witness,
Dr. John Gerster: A retired
scientist who was engaged by the 3M Company’s Riker division, now 3M
Pharmaceuticals, from 1967 until his retirement in 1999. He testified as to
the posting of his paper during a conference held in Toronto in 1982, dealing
with his research in separating the isomers of flumequine.
Plaintiffs resisted the calling of Dr. Gerster on the basis that they had not
been provided adequate discovery and that there was a breach of an undertaking
on discovery. I invited Plaintiffs counsel to indicate such undertaking.
There was none. As to inadequate discovery, I found that the Plaintiffs were
well aware of the Defendant’s position that the 1982 paper was posted at the Toronto conference.
A review of the Plaintiffs’ expert reports demonstrates that the Plaintiffs
were fully aware of the fact that the Defendant asserted the posting of the1982
paper. Dr. Gerster’s evidence dealt with that matter. Several of the
Plaintiffs expert witnesses addressed that poster paper. Discovery relates to
facts, not the evidence by which it may be proven. There is no provision in
the Federal Courts Rules for examination of a factual witness, by way of
discovery, before trial. The Plaintiffs themselves could have called Dr.
Gerster as a witness and, if he did not attend voluntarily, used letters
rogatory to compel that evidence. Dr. Gerster in cross-examination was asked
why he declined to speak with the Plaintiffs’ lawyers. He answered that he
felt uncomfortable doing that as he had never been a witness before. Having
observed Dr. Gerster, I accept completely his credibility and testimony. I
have every sympathy with any reluctance he may have had in testifying. The
Plaintiffs had a battery of lawyers in the courtroom, six gowned and several
Canadian and foreign lawyers, in the audience. It would be intimidating to a person
unaccustomed to being in Court or dealing with lawyers. I gave the Plaintiffs
an opportunity to receive a “will say” of Dr. Gerster’s proposed evidence from
the Defendant before he testified and an opportunity to amend and expand upon
their expert evidence if so advised, which they did by supplementary evidence
of Drs. Klibanov and Bartlett.
addition, each of the Plaintiffs and Defendant introduced into evidence
excerpts of the examination for discovery of the other, including transcripts
and documents.
to the factual witnesses, I have already addressed Dr. Gerster. Dr. Hayakawa
had the disadvantage of giving his evidence though an interpreter which may
have caused some discrepancies. I found his evidence, on the whole, to be
credible except where he was confronted with documents authored by others at
Daiichi, which contained statements that may have been construed as
unfavourable to Daiichi. When so confronted he distanced himself from these
statements, claiming them to be written by others, such as his superiors, and
not reflecting his views. I am troubled by this. Thus, when considering such
documents, I will prefer what the documents say to Dr. Hayakawa’s testimony.
These documents were, after all, written at or about the relevant time by
persons involved with the events in circumstances before any litigious
significance as to the events or their interpretation, had arisen. No issue arises
as to any other factual witness.
to the expert witnesses, no challenge was raised as to the qualifications of
any of them as being person qualified to testify as experts, and I find them
all to be so qualified. The differences in their opinions were largely those
of degree. I find particular assistance from Dr. Wentland, a quinolone chemist
working in the area at the relevant time. I have found the Defendant’s
witnesses Drs. Low, Caldwell, Collicott, Wells and Chong to be particularly
candid and forthcoming. I was troubled by Dr. Klibanov in the manner in which
he gave his evidence, particularly in cross-examination. He was quarrelsome,
dogmatic and sought to accuse cross-examining counsel frequently of
“misrepresenting” what he was saying. Dr. Klibanov’s evidence was sprinkled
with legal buzz words such as “motivated” and “worth a try”. I give less
weight to the evidence of Dr. Klibanov particularly where it conflicts with
evidence of other experts. Dr. Bartlett was largely candid and forthcoming
although I detected that he has become highly skilled as a witness and could
avoid giving answers and deflect questions where he perceived that difficulty
may arise. I have not mentioned the other experts, particularly the medical
doctors, by name, however I have found them all to be credible.
Patent in general deals with a particular type of antimicrobial compound,
levofloxacin. It falls within a general class of such compounds known as
treatment of infections by antimicrobial substances, has been common for a long
time. Many such substances, such as penicillin, were derived from materials
which occurred naturally. As matters progressed, antimicrobial compounds were
developed artificially.
must be given to the risks of toxicity in the administration of antimicrobial
substances. Much evidence was presented at trial as to the measurement of antimicrobial
activity and of toxicity and the balancing of antimicrobial activity on the one
hand and toxic effects on the other in administering various dosage levels of
these substances. A drug must be effective, it must also be safe.
effectiveness of an antimicrobial drug is measured in several ways. The drug
can be subjected to an MIC test. That test is conducted in vitro, that
is, in glass in a laboratory and measures the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)
of a drug that is needed to kill a stated percentage of the microbes being
examined. Hence a subscript MIC50 means that a stated concentration
of the drug was needed to kill fifty percent of the microbes. The smaller the
concentration number, the more effective the drug.
measuring antimicrobial activity, attention is paid to whether a compound is
Gram positive or Gram negative. These expressions arise from a test developed
long ago in which microbes were divided into two classes depending upon the
colour of the stain they produced under certain circumstances. It was found
that antimicrobial compounds could, in a rough way, be considered as those
which dealt with one class or the other. The most desirable were those that
could deal with both classes.
toxicity of a drug is measured in several ways. A quantity can be administered
to animals such as mice or rats to a point where effects such as convulsions
are observed, or death of the animal occurs. Measurements such as LD50
are provided which indicate the minimum Lethal Dose required to kill fifty
percent of the animals tested. The higher the required dose, the less toxic is
the drug in question. Measurements of toxicity are highly variable and depend,
among other things, on the strain and sex of the animals tested, the rate at
which the drug is administered, and whether administration is oral or by
factors are of interest: one is solubility. A more soluble drug is desirable
as a greater concentration can be provided in liquid form to facilitate
injection. Solubility is measured by determining how much of the drug will go
into solution in a solvent, usually water, at a given temperature, usually room
temperature, until the solution is saturated. A debate as to the time required
to achieve saturation arose; Daiichi often used 30 minutes in their tests. Expert
evidence suggested four hours. Some evidence indicated that several days may be
the early 1960’s quinolones emerged as a laboratory-developed drug. A
sub-class, which incorporated fluorine into the molecular structure was known
as fluroquinolones. Levofloxacin is a fluroquinolone.
drugs are said to operate by attaching themselves to substances called gyrases
that are found with or associated with the DNA of the microbes to be killed or
at least prevented from reproducing. The molecular structure of the quinolone
compounds is such that it fits at
certain locations on the gyrase so as to do
its work. The nature of the fit is debated. It may be as rigid as a lock and
key or somewhat more flexible, called an inducted fit, as in a rubber spoon in
a bowl of Jell-O. The more flexible approach would allow changes in the
molecular structure to be made, which would affect the degree to which the
quinolone works. A simple change may, therefore, not result in a simple
mathematical increase or decrease in effectiveness. One always has to try it
quinolones entering the market in the 1970’s were seen essentially to be
limited to treatment of urinary tract infections, a Gram negative infection.
Subsequently, newer quinolones such as Norofloxacin came to market which had
broader activity to deal with microbes that were Gram positive. Among the most
successful was Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) which continues to this day to be used in
the treatment of several types of infections.
research in the quinolone area led to a drug known as Ofloxacin (Oflo).
Ofloxacin was discovered by Daiichi researchers, including Dr. Hayakawa, in
about June 1980. A scientific paper by Daiichi employees, Osada and Ogawa, was
published in March 1983. It described Ofloxacin in terms of its (±) structure.
An application for a patent pertaining to Ofloxacin was filed in Japan September 2,
1980 and a corresponding application was filed in Canada on September
2, 1981. The Canadian application matured to Patent number 1,167,480 (the ’480
patent) issued on May 22, 1984.
formula for Ofloxacin can be written as follows:
It can be seen that this differs from claim
4 of the Patent at issue only in that claim 4 adds “S(-)-” at the beginning.
molecular structure of Ofloxacin can be depicted as:

as of the early 1980’s would have realized that Ofloxacin has what is known as
a chiral centre at the point where the CH3 (methane) joins the ring
structure at the lower right hand corner of the structure shown above.
Ofloxacin is thus known as a racemic compound or as it is sometimes called, a
racemate. At this point it is necessary to discuss the concept of racemic
Racemic Compounds
compounds although often written out as a series of letters, number and symbols
or depicted on a flat sheet of paper, do not exist that way in reality. They
are three dimensional structures. Some compounds only assume one three
dimensional shape, others such as those that are racemic, do not.
compounds, also called racemates, exist as comprising the same atoms in the
same sequence, but bent at joints called chiral centres so as to assume what
has been called left handed (levo) or right handed (dextro) configurations.
Levo is sometimes simply depicted as (-) and dextro as (+). The left handed
configuration is the mirror image of the right.
racemate is said to contain an equal number of left and right handed
configurations of the molecule. This concept is sometimes depicted (±)
although that is unnecessary when a competent chemist would be able to detect a
chiral centre.
that a compound is racemic is to know that, if there is only one chiral centre
as there is in this case of Ofloxacin, there is a left hand and a right hand
version of the molecule. Each version can be detected optically by a device
such as a polarimeter. That device will detect which of the two configurations
turns light to the left (levo or -) and which turns light to the right (dextro
or +). Depending on the prevailing conditions different researchers may detect
the molecules differently.
detected left and right molecules, called enantiomers or optical isomers, one
can go further however, and identify which of the two configurations is that
which produces the left or right. For illustrational purposes, the
configuration where the molecule attached at the chiral centres come “out of”
the page is illustrated by a solid wedge and where they go “into” the page is
illustrated by a dotted wedge. These configurations are designated as S and
R. Once the left or right compound has been identified and isolated, it can be
subjected to techniques such as X-ray diffraction whereby a determination as to
whether the – is S or R or the + is R or S. For instance a designation S(-)
means that the molecule attached at the chiral centre comes out of the page and
exhibits left handed optical rotation. Once a substance is designated as S or
R, it is unnecessary to add (-) or (+) in order to identify the structure of
the compound as being a particular enantiomer although (-) or (+) will give
added information.
put matters into the context of the facts of this case, Ofloxacin was a known
compound. A competent chemist would readily detect that it had a chiral centre
and thus was a racemate.
levofloxacin was isolated it was seen that one configuration produced optically
detected left handed enantiomers levo or (-); the other, of course, was dextro
or (+). When the levo or (-) configuration was analysed further it was
confirmed that it existed in the S configuration. Thus the levo configuration
could be written:
S Ofloxacin
S(-) Ofloxacin
to the isolation of levofloxacin it was known that Ofloxacin had a (+) and a
(-) component but until levofloxacin was isolated and examined it was not known
whether the (+) was R or S or the (-) was R or S. Thus, there could be
products to exist any of:
R(+) Ofloxacin
together with
S(-) Ofloxacin
R(-) Ofloxacin
together with
S(+) Ofloxacin
What was determined to exist in reality
R(+) Ofloxacin
together with
S(-) Ofloxacin
These are shown with solid or dotted
wedges at the lower right of the depiction where CH3 joins the ring
structure as:


racemate contains equal quantities of (+) and (-) thus may be written as (±)
but often this symbol is omitted as unnecessary. As the two components
(enantiomers) are separated and one or the other is isolated, the process of
isolation will mean that any given sample will have an excess of one enantiomer
over the other. This is sometimes called enantiomeric excess (ee) and is a
measure of the purity of the sample. Thus if a sample (100%) contains 95% of
the (-) enantiomer and 5% of the (+) enantiomer the enantiomeric excess of the
(-) enantiomer over the (+) enantiomer is 90% (95 – 5 = 90). The earliest
example of separation of enantiomers is said to be an exercise conducted by
Louis Pasteur in the mid 1800’s when he detected by a simple optical microscope
of the day, that tartaric acid comprised two crystal forms which displayed
light differently. He separated them manually with the aid of tweezers.
Arriving at Levofloxacin
is in the business of discovering, marketing and licensing drugs to others. It
has over a thousand employees engaged in drug research. In June 1980, Daiichi
researchers, including Dr. Hayakawa, discovered the compound Ofloxacin which
was subsequently the subject of patents in Japan, Canada and
elsewhere. Ofloxacin was the first compound in the quinolone class developed
by Daiichi that proved to have the necessary qualities to be marketed as an
antimicrobial drug. It enabled Daiichi to enter into the market and compete
with other quinalones such as Ciprofloxacin marketed by Bayer.
having arrived at Ofloxacin sought to expand the scope of possible derivatives.
The purpose was, as stated in its business plan for the first half year 1981,
“for patent protection”. The stated theme of the research was to seek optical
resolution of Ofloxacin (called DL-8280), research metabolism and other related
work. Patent protection meant that Daiichi wanted to secure patent protection
from compounds related to Ofloxacin in order to maintain a competitive
advantage and ward off competitors.
1981 Daiichi researchers endeavoured to isolate the optical isomers of Ofloxacin.
Some success was achieved in isolating the (+) form but further work was needed
to obtain an isolate of the (-) form. A report dated August, presumably 1981,
indicates that a Mr. Ebata, through repeated recrystalization through four
rounds, obtained 200 mg of material which contained the (-) form in a 5:1 ratio
over the (+) form, that is about 83% (-). This was not the (-) form of Ofloxacin
as a further molecule had been attached to the compound to aid the process of
isolation. The evidence is that it would have been routine to remove that
molecule so as to obtain the (-) enantiomer of Ofloxacin.
is no clear evidence as to what was done with this product. Dr. Hayakawa says
that, knowing his personality, he would have instructed that the product be
further refined if at all possible and, since there is no record that a further
refined product was obtained, then he assumes that it could not be obtained and
the project was abandoned. Dr. Collicott says that 200 mg of product of this
purity would have been sufficient to conduct some microbial and other tests.
Dr. Bartlett describes this activity as a failure. There simply is no clear
record as to what happened at this time.
about November 1982, Daiichi reports it was able to obtain some of the (+) form
of optical isomers from Ofloxacin but indicated that the matter was under
further study.
report concerning the period of research at Daiichi from August 1983 to March
1984 indicates that Daiichi had obtained some commercial Pirkle type chiral
HPCL columns to assist in their endeavour to isolate the optical isomers of Ofloxacin.
One such column was that known as BAKERBOND. Daiichi also prepared its own
version of such a column. The report indicates that further investigation was
April 1985, Daiichi reported that since Hoechst and J&J who were licensees
of Daiichi in respect of Ofloxacin, had requested data on the optical isomers,
presumably because government regulatory bodies were pressuring them, Daiichi
would attempt to reach a conclusion as early as possible. I take this to be
the motivation that spurred on the final push by Daiichi to isolate the
enantiomers. Two methods were tried, the HPLC column, called Process A in the
Patent, and, an enzymatic process, called Process B in the Patent. Using the
HPLC columns that it had previously acquired, Daiichi was successful in
obtaining (-) and (+) optical isomers of 100% optical purity. Code number
DR-3355 was assigned to the (-) form and DR-3354 to the (+) form. This was the
first isolation of a substantially pure substance. However, it was not
ascertained at this time whether the (-) was an S or R configuration or the (+)
was R or S. Further, at that time, no testing as to antimicrobial activity or
toxicity or solubility had been conducted. Thus, while the (-) form was
isolated it was not determined that it was S(-) as claimed in claim 4 at that
time nor, were any of its properties ascertained.
May 1985 Daiichi report indicates that up to 10 mg of (+) and (-) had been
obtained by the HPLC method in April and that tests indicated that the (-) form
DR-3355 showed almost double the antimicrobial activity of Ofloxacin DL-8280.
This is the first test as to antimicrobial activity. An Interim Report of May
1985 describes the isolation of the (-) and (+) forms and determination of
activity as a “really big finding”.
June 1985 the first of the Japanese Patent Applications, this one directed to
the HPLC method, Process A, was filed.
June and July 1985, work continued on the enzymatic process for separation,
called Process B. In August 1985, Daiichi reported “astonishing separation”.
In October 1985 the second of the Japanese Patent Applications was filed and
was directed to this enzymatic process. No tests had yet been conducted as to
determine the S or R configuration, nor had any toxicity or solubility tests
been conducted.
a report dealing with the period from August to October 1985, Daiichi shows
that it had conducted initial screen toxicity tests on mice. A chart appears
giving the same information as that that now appears in Table 3 of the 080
patent except that the LD50 values are not given. In the same
report a solubility of 22500 mg/ml or 10 times as much as Ofloxacin is
reported, just as set out in Table 4 of the Patent. The LD50 value
for Ofloxacin of 203 (or 208 as there may have been a misprint) appears to have
been simply an accepted number at Daiichi. The LD50 value of 244
(243.8) mg/kg for the (+) and (-) optical isomers is first reported January
December 1985, Daiichi reports that last month (November) an X-ray diffraction
analysis had been conducted on the (-) optical isomer and that the absolute
configuration of S had been determined.
January 1986 the third of the Japanese Patent Applications was filed. It is the
first to disclose the S configuration.
can been seen through this course of development that the final element of
claim 4, determination of the S configuration, had been made by December 1985.
I find therefore, that December 1985 is the relevant date of invention for
consideration of issues as to inventive ingenuity and obviousness with respect
to claim 4.
The Gerster Papers
in poster form authored by Dr. John Gerster, one in 1982 and one in 1985, both
relating to processes for obtaining a quinolone drug known as flumequine, are
significant to the arguments of the parties. The fact of publication and
availability of the 1985 poster paper is not at issue. It is admitted that the
1985 paper was the subject of a poster presentation at a convention in the fall
of 1985. That convention was attended by scientist interested in the area of
drugs such as quinolones. Dr. Hayakawa admitted that he attended that
convention, made notes from the poster as presented and returned to Japan where he
adapted the process to produce levofloxacin. He said that this process went
well. This process is a version of what the Patent describes as Process C and
is set out in the third of the Japanese patent applications filed on January
28, 1986.
1982 poster differs from the 1985 poster only in that the 1982 paper is
directed to flumequine itself whereas the 1985 paper is directed to a
flumequine derivative.
is the publication of the 1982 paper in poster form that is in contention. Dr.
Gerster’s evidence, which I accept completely, was that there was a convention
of drug scientists such as himself, held in Toronto in June
1982. Prior to or at the convention attendees were given a book which
contained a list of attendees and abstracts of papers presented including
abstracts of those presented in poster format. Exhibit D-97 was a copy of a
portion of that material which included an abstract of Dr. Gerster’s poster. A
copy of the poster itself may have been sent by Dr. Gerster to the chairman of
the conference prior to the opening of that conference, but the evidence on
this point is unclear as to whether the poster or the abstract was sent. At
the convention, Dr. Gerster attached a full copy of his poster to a four by
eight fact board in an area where those attending would pass by and could
examine the poster and speak to Dr. Gerster. Dr. Gerster could not remember if
anyone had actually requested a copy of the poster but said he would have
provided a copy, if asked. There is no evidence that any person was ever
provided with a copy of the poster or examined the paper as posted.
Hayakawa testified that in the fall of 1985 he attended a conference and
examined Dr. Gerster’s 1985 poster and made notes from it. He testified that
the 1985 poster made reference to the 1982 poster which Dr. Hayakawa had never
seen. He asked Daiichi’s New York office to endeavour to
obtain a copy of the 1982 Gerster poster but apparently they were unsuccessful
in doing so.
expert evidence of Dr. Partridge, a consultant to the drug industry and a
person who had worked for many years in that industry and Ms Langley, Head Librarian
at Duke University Chemical Library, is that the 1982 Gerster poster could not
be located by means of any available searching facility whether using 1985 or
2006 techniques. The Defendants’ evidence, through Dr. Collicott is that the
1982 abstract, but not the poster, was available at the British Library.
1982 poster deals with flumequine, not Ofloxacin, not levofloxacin. While the
scientific experts argued as to how closely relevant flumequine may have been
to levofloxacin, it is clear that the 1982 poster makes no specific disclosure
as to levofloxacin. To that extent therefore, the 1982 poster does not
“anticipate” levofloxacin since in order to anticipate it must disclose
levofloxacin itself, as will be discussed more fully in these Reasons. Thus
the 1982 paper can only be relevant to the issue of obviousness. The law
respecting the availability of printed publications pertaining to issues of
novelty (anticipation) is different from the law respecting invention or
order to be relevant to the issue of invention or obviousness, the 1982 poster
must be something which, on the evidence, was available to a person skilled in
the art or could reasonably be assumed to have knowledge of in 1985 (Mahurkar
v. Vas-Cath Canada Ltd. (1988), 18 C.P.R. (3d) 417 at 432-36 (F.C.), aff’d
32 C.P.R. (3d) 409 (F.C.A.)). There was no evidence that anyone other than Dr.
Gerster, perhaps the chair of the conference and a few of Dr. Gerster’s
colleagues at Riker (3M) saw or had access to the 1982 poster. The evidence
satisfies me that the poster was not published by way of distribution and could
not have been found using a reasonably diligent search as of 1985. A public
display for three hours at a scientific meeting does not mean that the poster
has entered into the body of prior art of which a person skilled in the art
could be said to possess or of which they could make themselves aware through a
reasonably diligent search.
I find that Dr. Gerster’s 1982 poster does not comprise part of a body of prior
art that was known to or could in any reasonable way have been found by a
person skilled in the art as of 1985. It is not relevant in respect of either
anticipation or obviousness.
respect to the other paper, Dr. Gerster’s 1985 poster cannot be used for the
purposes of anticipation since it was not published before two years before the
filing of the Canadian patent application (section 28(1)(b) of the “old” Patent
Act). However, to the extent that the invention as claimed in claim 4 was
not made until after Dr. Hayakawa reviewed the poster copy of the 1985 paper,
it can be used to address the issue of invention or obviousness.
Japanese Patent
Japanese Patent Applications were filed in respect of levofloxacin. They were:
No. 134712/85 filed June 20, 1985;
No. 226499/85 filed October 11, 1985; and
No. 16496/96 filed January 28, 1986.
these, the first describes levofloxacin on as a (-) enantiomer of Ofloxacin and
describes a process for making it as what is now called Process A. There is
data as to antimicrobial activity, but no data as to toxicity or solubility.
second still describes levofloxacin only as a (-) enantiomer of Ofloxacin and
describes another process for making it as what is now called Process B. There
is no further data as to antimicrobial activity and still no data as to toxicity
or solubility.
third filed January 28, 1986, is the first to describe levofloxacin as being
the S(-) enantiomer of Ofloxacin. No further data as to antimicrobial activity
is presented and still no data as to toxicity or solubility.
application for the Canadian Patent was filed on June 19, 1986. It claims
“priority” from each of the three Japanese Patent Applications. For the
purposes of this action that claim to priority is relevant only in that, if no
earlier date of invention is proved, then the date of filing the relevant
Japanese application is considered to be the invention date provided that the
application describes the invention as claimed. The S(-) configuration was
first disclosed in the third Japanese Patent Application, filed January 28,
1986. This is about one month after the December 1985 date that I have found
on the evidence to be the date of invention.
toxicity and solubility data found in the Canadian patent cannot be found in
any of the Japanese Applications. Evidence given at trial indicates that the
toxicity data as to levofloxacin came from tests conducted at Daiichi in
mid-October 1985. The solubility data was apparently determined by someone at
Daiichi in September 1985.
Subsequent Developments
as to Levofloxacin
initial response to the development of levofloxacin (then called DR-3355) was
rather lukewarm. In 1987 a proposal made to a development promotion meeting
(Exhibit 87, Tab 23) stated that it was difficult to say that DR-3355 was a
development candidate that was sufficiently satisfactory with regard to
antimicrobial activity and antimicrobial spectrum, however, given market
conditions as to its Ofloxacin product (called TARIVID in Japan) levofloxacin
should be further developed so as to clearly distinguish the two. This
development policy proposed that levofloxacin was a bit weak to be positioned
as a true post-Tarivid drug but that the participants would strive to come up
with talking points that could distinguish it from Tarivid.
appears that shortly after Daiichi had filed its Japanese patent applications
at least four competitor groups announced that they had used identical methods
to derive the same enantiomer (Exhibit 87, Tab 28, page 276). There was some
discussion at trial as to conflict proceedings in the Canadian Patent Office,
but no evidence on that subject was lead.
appears that Ofloxacin (called FLOXIN in North America) enjoyed
limited success as an antimicrobial drug. Such success as it had was limited
to the treatment of urinary and cervical infections. According to the evidence
of Dr. Kahn, the Johnson & Johnson organization sought to improve its
penetration into the quinolone market by introducing levofloxacin (LEVAQUIN)
targeting, in particular, respiratory infections where it found better
Commercial Success of
Plaintiffs provided much evidence as to the sales and marketing of its levofloxacin
product known in North America as LEVAQUIN. All of this evidence dealt with
activities after the filing of the application for the Patent and, in fact,
after the Patent was issued and granted in 1992.
of commercial success is said to be an aid in determining whether what has been
claimed as an invention is truly inventive. However, this evidence is, at
best, secondary and is to be treated with caution as many factors having
nothing to do with inventiveness such as marketing skills, marketing power,
lack of any alternatives, pricing and more can contribute to commercial success
(Creations 2000 Inc. v. Canper Industrial Products Ltd. (1988), 22 C.P.R.
(3d) 389 at 404 (F.C.); aff’d (1991), 34 C.P.R. (3d) 178 at 183 (F.C.A.)).
entered the Canadian market on in about June 1997. Shortly before, it had
entered markets in Japan and the United States. The marketing
efforts were targeted particularly in providing the drug for use in treating
respiratory conditions such as “community acquired” and “hospital acquired”
pneumonia. The particular infections treated by levofloxacin are those caused
by the organism s. pneumonia (strep pneumonia), which is not mentioned
in the Patent. There is no doubt that, in this area, levofloxacin has achieved
a measure of commercial success. The same may be said for the use of
levofloxacin in treating infections of the eye including surgical treatment of
the eye. Dr. Low, one of the Defendant’s expert witnesses, volunteered during
cross-examination at page 2173:
“I accept that the drug works great for
strep pneumo”
evidence of the Janssen-Ortho executive, Dr. Khan, who developed the marketing
plan for levofloxacin, stresses that Janssen-Ortho had been marketing Ofloxacin,
which had achieved some success as an antimicrobial in urinary infections, but
had been unable to achieve wider success with that drug. He developed a plan
whereby levofloxacin was marketed with an emphasis on its ability to treat
respiratory infections. Thus the two could continue on the market, perhaps one
or the other could be used to treat the other infections but the particular use
of Ofloxacin below the belt and levofloxacin above the belt was emphasised and
is not the dominant drug used in treating infections, ciprofloxacin continues
to be important as are other non-quinolone drugs. In some areas levofloxacin
has been displaced by “later generation” quinolones. That having been said, I
find that levofloxacin has achieved significant commercial success particularly
in the treatment of s. pneumonia type infections, a type of infection
not mentioned in the Patent. All such success was well after the Patent was
issued and of little assistance in determining whether there was an exercise of
“inventive ingenuity” as of December, 1985.
Previous Litigation
parties have previously been engaged in litigation in Canada involving
this Patent. That litigation was pursuant to the Patented Medicines (Notice
of Compliance) Regulations (S.O.R./93-133) [Regulations]. In that
litigation, the Court found that Novopharm’s allegation that the relevant
claims of the patent were invalid was “justified” pursuant to section 6(2) of
those Regulations. In that case, Janssen-Ortho Inc v. Novopharm Ltd.
(2005), 35 C.P.R. (4th) 353, 2004 FC 1631), Justice Mosley of this
Court held, at paragraph 29 of his Reasons, that the discovery of the beneficial
properties of the S(-) optical isomer (of Ofloxacin) was the object and
usefulness of this Patent. He found, at paragraph 85, that Novopharm had
established, on a balance of probabilities, that a technician skilled in the
art would have come directly and without difficulty to the solution taught by
the patent simply by conducting known, routine experiments with racemic Ofloxacin.
Accordingly, at paragraph 87, he found the Patent to be invalid for
obviousness, that is, that Janssen had not demonstrated on a balance of
probabilities that Novopharm’s allegation of invalidity on this ground was not
justified. The Federal Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal on the ground of
mootness as the Notice of Compliance had already been issued (2005), 40 C.P.R.
(4th) 1, 2005 FCA 6. Leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada
was dismissed, [2005] 1 S.C.R. 776, 2005 S.C.C.A No. 189. Those findings do
not constitute res judicata in this case (Novartis AG v. Apotex Inc.
(2002), 22 C.P.R. (4th) 450 at para. 9(F.C.A.), 2002 FCA 440).
and a party related to Janssen-Ortho were engaged in litigation in the United
States Courts against a corporation known as Mylan (Ortho-McNeil
Pharmaceutical Inc. et al. v. Mylan Laboratories Inc. et al., 348 F. Supp.
2d 713 (N.D.W.V. 2004). This litigation involved United States Patent No. 5,053,407
which Patent is, for purposes relevant here, identical in its wording to the Canadian
Patent. Claim 2 of the United States Patent is for practical purposes,
identical to claim 4 of the Canadian Patent. The United States Court found that
Claim 2 of the United States Patent refers to a compound comprised of an
optically active and substantially pure quantity of levofloxacin (page 30 of
the original Reasons issued by the Court). At page 80 the Court found that a
person of ordinary skill in the art would have an advanced degree (though not
necessarily a doctorate) in chemistry or a related discipline, which included
the study of stereochemistry. That person would also have had either (a)
substantial laboratory or clinical experience in pharmaceutical research and
development or (b) substantial familiarity with principles of pharmacology and
pharmaceutical synthesis. The Court concluded at pages 105-106 that the
Defendant, Mylan, had not proven, by clear and convincing evidence, that the United
patent was obvious. The other attacks on validity made by Mylan also failed.
The appeal from this decision was dismissed in a “non-precedential” decision of
the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, [2006] US App. LEXIS
7689 (Lexis)). These decisions of the United States Courts are, of course, not
binding upon this Court.
this Court is faced with the task of assessing the evidence before it in light
of Canadian law, without the constraint of any earlier binding decision.
Construction of the
Patent and Claim 4
of the Patent is a task to be undertaken by the Court. In respect of a patent
governed by the “old” Patent Act, it is to be done as the date of issue,
June 23, 1992, and on the basis that the addressee is a person skilled in the
art, taking into consideration the knowledge that such a person is expected to
possess as of the date of the issuing of the patent. The Court must construe
the claim before turning to issues of infringement or validity. This task is
one for the Court alone, although it may be assisted by expert evidence as to
the meaning of certain terms and as to the knowledge that a person skilled in
the art is expected to possess as of that time (Whirlpool Inc. v. Camco Inc.,
[2000] 2 S.C.R. 1067 at para. 43 et seq [Whirlpool]; Burton Parsons
Chemicals Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Inc., [1976] 1 S.C.R. 555 at
563; Western Electric Co. v. Baldwin International Radio of Canada, [1934]
S.C.R. 570 at 572).
will first review the specification.
i) The
specification begins at page 1 with a description of the field of the
Field of the Invention
This invention relates to
optically active pyridobenzoxazine derivatives and a process for preparing the
same and to novel intermediates useful for preparing such derivatives. More
particularly, it relates to optically active compounds of Ofloxacin and its
analogs, a process for preparing the same and intermediates useful for
preparing the same.
on the same page, the background to the invention is set out:
Background of the Invention
Ofloxacin …is known to be an
excellent synthetic antimicrobial agent as disclosed in Japanese Patent
Application ….
Ofloxacin has an asymmetric
carbon atom at the 3-position thereof and is obtained as racemate …by known
processes. The present inventors obtained optically active compounds of the
racemic Ofloxacin and found that the S(-)-compound possesses an antimicrobial activity
of about 2 times higher than that of the (±)-compound as determined in mice by
intravenous administration. On the other hand, the present inventors found
that that R(+)-compound exhibits an antimicrobial activity of only about 1/10
to 1/100 times that of the (±)-compound, whereas it possesses an acute toxicity
substantially equal to that of the (±)-compound. That is, the S(-)-form of Ofloxacin
has been found to have very desirable properties, i.e., increased antimicrobial
activity and reduced toxicity, and is expected to be a very useful
pharmaceutical agents as compared with the (±)-compound. Further, both the
R(+)- and S(-)-compounds of Ofloxacin in the free form has markedly high
water-solubility as compared with (±)-compound and as compared with free
compounds of this type, and can be used as injectable preparations. These
advantages will be apparent from the experimental data shown hereinafter.
the background states that the left handed version (called the S(-) version) is
twice as active in an antimicrobial sense as the racemic mixture, and has
weaker toxicity than the racemic version. The right handed or R(+) version has
a tenth to a hundredth less activity than, and is about as toxic as, the
racemic mixture. Each of the R(+) and S(-) versions are more soluble than the
racemic version.
summary of the invention commences at page 2 of the Patent. It begins with a
description of a particular compound, designated as (X), which is useful as an
intermediate, that is, a starting compound from which isomers of Ofloxacin,
particularly the S(-) form, can be prepared. The summary concludes at page 4
with three stated objects of the invention:
An object of this invention is
to provide optically active Ofloxacin and its analogs.
Another object of this
invention is to provide a novel intermediate represented by the above-described
formula (X) which is useful for synthesizing optically active Ofloxacin and
other pyridobenzoxazine derivatives.
A still another object of this
invention is to provide a novel process for preparing optically active Ofloxacin
and its analogs by the use of the above-described intermediate.
page 4 a detailed description of the invention begins with a formula,
designated as VI representing Ofloxacin and its analogs. Three different
processes for the preparation of “optically active” Ofloxacin are set out,
Process A, Process B and Process C. At page 19 it is stated that Process C is
particularly preferred.
2, 3, and 4 are presented starting at page 19. Table 2 addresses antimicrobial
activity. Table 3 addresses toxicity and in Table 4 solubility of each of the
racemate, the R(+) and S(-) versions of Ofloxacin, is compared.
specific examples follow. Examples 6, 7, 11 and 16 are particularly pertinent
to claim 4. Also included is Example 17, which the parties agree is irrelevant
to the issues in this case.
Supplementary Disclosure is provided at pages 48 to 53. It relates to the use
of the compounds as antibacterial medicines. A number of specific uses are set
out. Examples of the compounds as formulated are provided. It is to be noted
that such disclosure is not contained in the related United States Patent
5,053,407. Otherwise the specification of the United States and Canadian
patents is essentially the same. Further claims included in the Canadian
Patent are supported by the Supplementary Disclosure, but they are not at issue
Canadian Patent ends with nineteen claims. Claims 1, 3, 5, 10 and 11 are
directed to a process for making a compound. Claims 2, 4 and 6 are directed to
certain compounds. Claim 2 is directed to a class of compounds. Claims 4 and
6 are directed to specific compounds. Claims 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 19 are
directed to salts of the compounds of claim 2. Claim 17 is directed to a
hydrate of the compounds of claim 2 and its salts. Claim 18 is directed to a
pharmaceutical composition containing the compounds of claim 2.
ii) Construction
of Claim 4
has been discussed, construction of the claim at issue must precede
considerations of validity and infringement although the latter is unnecessary,
infringement having been admitted. On a plain reading, claim 4 is simplicity
itself. As previously set out it reads:
4. S(-)-9-fluoro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-2,3-dihydro-7H-pyrido[1,2,3-de][1,4]benzoxazine-6-carboxylic
which can be shortened to:
S(-) Ofloxacin
or even to:
Pfizer Canada Inc. v. Canada (Minister of Health), (2006), 46
C.P.R. (4th) 244 at 251-264, 2005 FC 1725, I wrote extensively as to
the principles of construction of a claim, an exercise that will not be
repeated here. The Court is to construe claim 4 as of the date that the “old” Patent
Act was granted, June 23, 1992. Construction is an objective exercise, to
be pursued through the eyes of an ordinary person skilled in the art as of that
date in the context of the next of the specification, giving a purposive construction
to the claim with that background.
ordinary person skilled in the art in this case can be ascertained from the
language of the specification of the Patent. The Field of the Invention on
page 1 describes the invention as relating to optically active
pyridobenzoxazine derivatives, particularly optically active compounds of Ofloxacin.
The Background on the same page describes Ofloxacin as an excellent synthetic
antimicrobial agent. Care must be taken in describing a person skilled in the
art as there could be danger in defining such a person so narrowly that few, if
any, would qualify. Conversely, if the net is cast too broadly, a danger
exists in bringing in those unfamiliar with the field. The Court must take a
fair and generous view as to what sort of person comprises a person skilled in
the art. That person is the ordinary person skilled in the art, not the least
qualified or slowest witted. It must not be too astute or technical in its
inclusion or exclusion of any group of persons. Further, with respect to
evidence as to the understanding of such person, the Federal Court of Appeal
has said that a witness on the subject need not be that very person, so long as
they are in a position to provide appropriate evidence as to what such a person
would have known and understood at the relevant time (Halford v. Seed Hawk
Inc., 2006 FCA 275 at para. 17). I find that the ordinary person skilled
in the art would be a person with at least a first level university education,
and at least a few years of experience concerned with chemical compounds and
deriving optically active compounds therefrom particularly in the area of
compounds having medicinal uses.
evidence shows that, by June 1992, ordinary persons skilled in the art would
have been aware that Ofloxacin was a racemic compound that techniques existed
for the separation of such compounds into their optical isomers (enantiomers)
and that some variation in the properties between one or other of the isomers
and the racemic compound might be expected. In this regard, a Report prepared
by Oya and Abe, Daiichi employees, in April 1984, expresses in the introduction,
the understanding that an ordinary person skilled in the art would be expected
to have as of April 1984 and certainly by June 1992.
Compounds which have been used
in the form of a racemate are found in medicines. With progress in the
technology of optical resolution, new information can be obtained regarding
various biological properties such as drug efficacy and toxicity with respect
to stereoisomers. It seems to be very important to understand individual
stereoisomers from the standpoint of chemical properties as well as biological
properties. In order to satisfy such demands, isolation, analysis and
resolution methods for stereoisomers have become the basic technologies.
The classic methods of
performing optical resolution include mechanical separation methods such as
natural fractional crystallization and preferential crystallization and methods
using the differences in the physico-chemical properties of diastereomers, and
biochemical methods using enzymes. Recently numerous reports have been
reported on liquid chromatography, especially isolation and analysis and
optical resolution of stereoisomers using high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). In particular, the number of reports regarding amino
acids was the highest and several examples of applications to medicines have
been reported. For example, in the case of thalidomide, the R(+) form was
found to be non-teratogenic, while the S(-) form was found to cause birth
defects. In the case of chloroquine used as an anti-rheumatic drug,
differences in drug efficacy and toxicity have been reported between the (+)
form and the (-) form.
The separation of
stereoisomers by HPLC is particularly advantageous in the field of medicines in
order to obtain information regarding metabolism, drug efficacy and toxicity.
It is also possible to simultaneously fractionate antipodes. If the
stereoisomers are successfully separated, the application range is assumed to
be very broad.
this background, the specification of the Patent is to be read. It states at
pages 1 and 2:
“This invention relates to
optically active pyridobenzoxazine derivatives…. More particularly, it relates
to optically active compounds of Ofloxacin…”.
“Ofloxacin…is obtained as a
racemate…. The present inventors have obtained optically active compounds of
the racemic Ofloxacin and found that the S(-) compounds possesses an
antimicrobial activity of about 2 times higher than that of the (±) compound
and an acute toxicity (LD50) weaker than that of the (±) compound…the S(-) form
of Ofloxacin has been found to have very desirable properties i.e., increased
antimicrobial activity and reduced toxicity, and is expected to be a very
useful pharmaceutical agents, as compared with the (±) compound. Further with
the R(+) and S(-) compound in the free form have markedly high water-solubility
as compared with the (±) compound…”
At page 2, under Summary of the
Invention, there is stated:
“As a result of investigations with the
purpose of preparing especially S(-)- form having higher activity among the two
isomers of Ofloxacin…”
the examples that follow, S(-) Ofloxacin is prepared. The purity of the
material prepared is not explicitly set out in the examples nor elsewhere in
the Patent. Using Example 6 it has been calculated that the resulting product
contains about 95% S(-) and 5% R(+) or 90 percent enantiomeric excess of S(-).
to the construction of claim 4: S(-) Ofloxacin is what is clearly stated. It is
different from that which is in racemic (±) Ofloxacin. Claim 4 addresses that
which has been obtained from the racemic compound or through a process
beginning not with Ofloxacin, but rather an intermediate compound. Purity is
not stipulated, nor does it need to be. The S(-) compound is something which
has been produced by techniques expected to give reasonably pure S(-) compound.
We are told that the S(-) compound is expected to be a useful antimicrobial
agent having greater antimicrobial properties than the racemic mixture while
being less toxic and markedly more soluble.
claim 4 is properly construed as:
S(-) Ofloxacin, different from that
contained in the racemate, obtained in a reasonably pure state.
claim does not address medical properties or uses, nor does it need to. Where
the compound is new, it is sufficient that its utility is set out in the
specification it need not be included in the claim. (Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser (2001), 12 C.P.R. (4th)
204 (F.C.) at para. 26, aff’d (2006), 21 C.P.R. (4th) 1 (F.C.A.) at paras. 41 to 46,
aff’d, [2004] 1 S.C.R. 902; Aventis Pharma Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (2006), 43 C.P.R.
(4th) 161 (F.C.) at para. 82, aff’d (2006), 46 C.P.R. (4th)
401 (F.C.A.))
this construction in mind, the issues as to validity must be addressed. They
are those of anticipation, obviousness and ambiguity. It must be kept in mind
that section 45 of the “old” Patent Act provides that a patent is
presumed to be valid in the absence of evidence to the contrary. The onus is on
the Defendant to lead such evidence and persuade the Court on the balance of
probability that claim 4 is invalid.
Anticipation and
2 of the Patent Act, supra, defines an invention in terms of that
which is “new and useful”. The Supreme Court of Canada has reminded us that “inventive
ingenuity” has also been an essential requirement for a valid patent. (Commissioner
of Patents v. Farbwerke Hoechst A/G, [1964] S.C.R. 49 at 51).
Supreme Court of Canada has recently said that to be valid, a claimed invention
must be new, that is, not previously disclosed, whether or not it was
inventive; it must be useful; and it must possess inventive ingenuity. (Biolyse
Pharma Corp. v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., [2005] 1 S.C.R. 533 at
para. 1, 2005 SCC 26). The patent monopoly should be purchased with the hard
coinage of new, ingenious, useful and unobvious disclosure (Apotex Inc.
v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd., [2002] 4 S.C.R. 153 at para. 37, 2002 SCC 77).
The requirement that a patent claim which is “novel” has sometimes been
considered by the courts in terms of its antithesis was the claimed invention
“anticipated”. Similarly, the requirement of inventive ingenuity has sometimes
been considered by the courts as being of its antithesis “obviousness”.
[100] As the
Federal Court of Appeal stated in Imperial Tobacco Ltd. v. Rothmans Benson
& Hedges Inc. (1993), 47 C.P.R. (3d) 188 at 198, [1993]
F.C.J. No. 135 (QL), anticipation and obviousness are both questions of fact
but each must be approached differently. Anticipation means that your claimed
invention, whether or not it was inventive, was already known to the public,
thus cannot be the subject of a monopoly subsequently given to any one person.
Obviousness means that while the claimed invention may not have been presumably
known, it is nonetheless not something that a person can monopolize since it is
something that a person skilled in the art would have been expected to come up
with in any event.
[101] Turning first
to the issue of novelty or anticipation, the Defendant says that the prior
disclosure of Ofloxacin anticipates what is claimed in claim 4.
[102] Ofloxacin is
described in Daiichi’s Canadian Patent 1,167,840 (the ’840 patent) issued May
22, 1984 as well as in a publication by Daiichi personnel Osada and Ogawa of
March 1983
a scientific journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Of these, the
abstract in the Daiichi publication is more cryptic and pertinent:
Ofloxacin (DL-8280); (±)-9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-7H-pyriodo[1,2,3-de][1,4]benzoxazine-6-carboxylic
acid) showed a broader spectrum and a greater potency of antimycoplasmal
activity than did pipemidic acid, norfloxacin, tetracyclines, and lincomycin,
but was inferior to erythromycin. Its mycoplasmacidal potency against clinical
isolates of Mycoplasma
pneumoniae was also greater than that of other quinolones and tetracyclines.
[103] This, says
the Defendant, tells a person skilled in the art that Ofloxacin is a (±)
racemate and is useful as an antimicrobial medicine. Relying on evidence such
as that of Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Collicott, the Defendant says that the ordinary
person skilled in the art, upon reading this publication would know that one or
other of the optical isomers of the racemates would have greater activity than
the racemate. The Defendant says that the ordinary person skilled in the art
would, as of the early 1980’s, have had common place apparatus and techniques
available to separate the isomers from the racemates.
[104] Neither the
’840 patent nor the publication contain any direction that the optical isomers
of Ofloxacin would be more active than the racemate nor do either instruct the
reader as to how to effect such separation or to produce an optical isomer.
[105] The Supreme
Court of Canada in Free World Trust v. Électro Santé Inc., [2000] 2
S.C.R. 1024, 2000 SCC 66 outlined the test for anticipation is in Canada. The Court
said at paragraph 26:
… The legal question is
whether the Solov’eva article contains sufficient information to enable a
person of ordinary skill and knowledge in the field to understand, without
access to the two patents, “the nature of the invention and carry it into
practical use without the aid of inventive genius but purely by mechanical
skill”…. In other words, was the information given by Solov’eva for [the] purpose
of practical utility, equal to that given in the patents in suit”?: …as was
memorably put in General Tire & Rubber Co. v. Firestone Tyre & Rubber
Co., [1972] R.P.C. 457 (C.A.) at p. 486:
A signpost, however clear,
upon the road to the patentee’s invention will not suffice. The prior inventor
must be clearly shown to have planted his flag at the precise destination
before the patentee.
The test for anticipation is
difficult to meet:
One must, in effect, be able
to look at a prior, single publication and find in it all the information
which, for practical purposes, is needed to produce the claimed invention
without the exercise of any inventive skill. The prior publication must contain
so clear a direction that a skilled person reading and following it would in
every case and without possibility of error be led to the claimed invention. [Beloit
Canada Ltd. v. Valmet OY (1986), 8 C.P.R. (3d) 289 (F.C.A.), per Hugessen J.A.,
at p. 297].
[106] The House of
Lords in Synthon v. SmithKline Beecham PLC’s Patent, [2005] UKHL 59
para. 19 (Lexis), [2006] 1 All. E.R. 685, [2006] RPC 10 has put
the matter succinctly: there are two requirements for anticipation, enablement
and disclosure.
[107] The Defendant
argues that the phrases “purely by mechanical skill” and “produce the claimed
invention without the exercise of any inventive skill” mean that if an ordinary
person skilled in the art could bring to bear on the publication the
understanding of the day and routine techniques of the day, from which the
invention as claimed would result, there is anticipation. This is not the
correct interpretation of the test for anticipation as set out by the Supreme
Court of Canada.
[108] The Supreme
Court test requires that the “flag” be planted at the point of the claimed
invention and that the direction as to how to arrive at that point must be so
clear such that an ordinary person skilled in the art would in every case,
without possibility of error, be led to that point. No such flag is planted and
no such direction is given in either the ’840 patent or the Daiichi
publication. There is no anticipation of what is claimed in claim 4 of the
[109] Inventive
ingenuity is not defined in the Patent Act. Obviousness has only been
defined recently in the post-October 1, 1996 version of the Patent Act,
section 28.3 (1993, c. 15, s.33) as being “subject matter that would not
have been obvious [at the relevant date] to a person skilled in the art… having
regard to information disclosed … in such a manner that [it] became available
to the public.” This definition is not different from the law as it was
generally understood previously.
[110] Obviousness
is a measure of whether the invention, as claimed, possesses sufficient
inventive ingenuity so as to merit the grant of a monopoly. It is to be determined
by the Court on the evidence before it, on an objective and principled basis.
As Hoffman L.J. said in Société Technique de Pulverisation Step v. Emson Europe
Ltd., [1993] RPC 513 at 519 (Eng. C.A.)(Lexis), the question is that
of fact and degree which must be answered in accordance with the general policy
of the Patent Act to reward and encourage inventors without inhibiting
improvements of existing technology by others.
[111] The classic
test for obviousness as established by the Federal Court of Appeal is that of Beloit
Canada Ltd. v. Valmet OY (1986), 8 C.P.R. (3d) 289 at 294 [Beloit]:
The classical touchstone for
obviousness is the technician skilled in the art but having no scintilla of
inventiveness or imagination; a paragon of deduction and dexterity, wholly
devoid of intuition; a triumph of the left hemisphere over the right. The
question to be asked is whether this mythical creature (the man in the Clapham
omnibus of patent law) would, in the light of the state of the art and of
common general knowledge as at the claimed date of invention, have come
directly and without difficulty to the solution taught by the patent. It is a
very difficult test to satisfy.
[112] This
definition comes perilously close to that for anticipation as set out by the
Supreme Court of Canada if it is to be interpreted that the person skilled in
the art has “no scintilla of inventiveness or imagination” and that being led
“directly and without difficulty” to “the solution taught by the patent” means
that there must be only one way so as to inevitably arrive at the invention and
that the “invention taught’ is different from the claim as properly construed.
There would be no point in considering obviousness if it is, in effect, little
different than a consideration of anticipation.
[113] A
determination of obviousness on a principled and objective basis requires that
the Court take into consideration a number of factors. These factors may vary
in number and importance dependant upon the circumstances of the case. The
Court is not a scientific body, thus it must take the facts of the case, the
opinions of the experts and the circumstances as presented into consideration
and come up with a weighed decision (Molnlycke AB v. Procter & Gamble
Ltd., [1992] FSR 549 (Ch.) (Lexis), [1994] RPC 49 (Ch.) at 442
ff). The factors to be considered as of the date of the invention which can be
considered as December 1985, include:
1. What
is the invention as claimed? The claim or claims at issue, as construed
by the Court is what are at issue. The “invention” as generally expressed in
the patent or by the inventors is not the issue, it is the claim
as properly construed.
Who is the person skilled in the art to whom the patent is
addressed? To that extent the uninventive and unimaginative person postulated
in the Beloit quotation
has been supplanted by the Supreme Court of Canada in Whirlpool at
para.74. The Court said that while such a person is deemed to be uninventive as
part of his future personality he or she is thought to be reasonably diligent in
keeping up with advances in the field to which the patent relates. The common
knowledge of skilled workers undergoes continuous evolution and growth.
What body of knowledge and information would the ordinary person
skilled in the art be expected to have, or to be reasonably able to obtain, as
of the date of the alleged invention? Not all knowledge is found in print form,
much is simply commonly known and passed from person to person. Just as one
might learn to cook at mother’s elbow, it is not all in the recipe book.
Similarly, not all knowledge that has been written down, perhaps fleetingly,
becomes part of the knowledge that an ordinary person skilled in the art is
expected to know or find.
What is the climate in the relevant field at the time the
alleged invention was made? The general state of the art includes not only
knowledge and information but also attitudes, trends, prejudices and
What motivation existed at the time the alleged invention was
made to solve a recognized problem? There may have been a general motivation
such that everybody in the particular area was looking for a solution. The more
unique and personal the motivation was, apart from any general motivation, the
more one might be expected to be inventive. If motivation came from an outside
source, and common place thought and techniques can come up with a solution,
the less one is expected to have exercised inventive ingenuity. The United
States Supreme Court is expected to consider the issue of motivation shortly in
KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc., U.S. No. 04-1350 review granted 6/26/06,
scheduled to be heard November 28, 2006.
What effort and time was involved? Were the efforts randomized or
focused? In this regard phrases such as “worth a try” and “directly and without
difficulty” and “routine testing” have been used by the courts. It is not
useful to use such phrases as they tend to work their way into expressions of
law or statements of expert witnesses. Sachs L.J. deprecated the coining of such
phrases in General Tire & Rubber Company v. Firestone Tyre & Rubber
Company Limited, [1972] R.P.C. 195 at pages 211-12. The length of time and
expense involved in the efforts are not, in themselves, useful considerations
as an invention may be the result of a lucky hit, or be simply the uninventive
application of routine, of time consuming and expensive techniques.
Of secondary importance are factors arising
after the time that the alleged invention is made since, after all, the Court
is to be concerned with “inventive ingenuity” exercised at the time of making
the invention. These secondary factors include:
7. Commercial
success. Was the subject of the invention quickly and anxiously received by
relevant consumers? This may reflect a fact that many persons were motivated to
fill the commercial market. This may also reflect things other than inventive
ingenuity such as marketing skills, market power and features other than the
Subsequently recognized advantages. The inventors may have perceived
only certain advantages, yet later those inventors or others may determine that
other, previously unrecognized advantages lay in the alleged invention. This
factor is of limited usefulness in considering inventive ingenuity as of the
date of the invention. The recognition of later advantages, if unexpected, may
themselves be the subject of a patent. To the extent that the United States
Courts in cases such as Re Zenitz 33 F. 2d 924 have placed weight
upon subsequently discovered advantages that is not the law here. Little, if
any, weight should be put on this factor.
9. Meritorious
awards, if in fact directed to the alleged invention may be recognition that
the appropriate community of persons skilled in the art believed that activity
to be something of merit.
The most dangerous of all the factors and
one to be avoided or applied only with the greatest of care is:
Hindsight. It is far too easy to see how the alleged invention could have
been arrived at, even easily, once it has been done. As some cases say,
simplicity does not negate invention. However, if the number of decisions to be
made in arriving at the solution were few, and commonplace, hindsight may
merely confirm that no inventive ingenuity was required so as to arrive at the
solution. If the points for decision were many and choices abundant, there may
be inventiveness in making the proper decisions and choices.
Applying the Factors to
this Case
[114] Therefore, to
apply these factors to the evidence in this case:
Invention as claimed: Claim 4 has been construed as:
S(-) Ofloxacin,
different from that contained in the racemate, obtained in a reasonably pure
claim does not address the compound’s properties or uses.
2. Person
skilled in the art has already been discussed. While fictionally such
person is unimaginative and uninventive, that person is reasonably diligent in
keeping up with developments in the area. That person continuously evolves and
grows. That person is not the lowest common denominator of the group, but the
ordinary or average person.
3. Body of
This body would include the knowledge as to the existence of Ofloxacin as a
racemate useful as an antimicrobial compound with acceptable toxicity. The
person skilled in the art would know that Ofloxacin is racemic and, I find on
the evidence, that each of the optical isomers which comprise the racemate
would be expected by such a person to possess properties different from the
racemate, but that the degree of difference would be unknown and whether each of
the properties would differ to the same degree in the same direction would be
unknown. One would have to make it and try it out. I find that the evidence
including that of Drs. Wentland, Klibanov, Hooper, Caldwell, Low and Collicott,
is that the properties of the individual optical isomers would not be
predictable and that each of the properties of antimicrobial activity and
toxicity may vary differently; they are not linked. One could not know until
one derived the optical isomer and tried it and, whether it would have enhanced
properties in one or more areas, or detrimental properties that would outweigh
the enhancements. This was particularly true as of 1985.
The body of knowledge
would also include, as of 1985, means for resolving the racemate, that is,
separating the optical isomers from the racemate. Columns such as Pirkle
columns or chiral HPLC columns, essentially tubes filled with fine silica sand
and charged with selected materials such as proteinaceous material, could be
used, on a small or analytical scale, to effect some separation or resolution.
This knowledge was, as of 1985, still in its infancy and not yet considered as
a mainstream or common technique.
Later in 1985, Gerster’s
poster was available. I find, as confirmed by Dr. Hayakawa’s evidence, that it
would be seen as an appropriate model to be used in an endeavour to resolve
racemates of the kind at issue here. I put little weight on Dr. Klibanov’s
evidence in this area and considerable weight on the very pragmatic evidence of
Dr. Chong who said that where there is published something that is reasonably
close to what you are working with it is logical that it would be considered.
This 1985 paper is particularly relevant since Dr. Hayakawa saw it and copied
it down with a view to trying out for himself the procedure disclosed before he
determined that the (-) enantiomer of Ofloxacin had the S configuration. The claimed
invention is S(-) Ofloxacin, therefore the 1985 Gerster paper must be included
in the prior art in the consideration as to whether Dr. Hayakawa exercised
“inventive ingenuity”. However, the application of techniques such as
Gerster’s were not mainstream or commonplace. Hayakawa was the first to have recognized
its utility and used it to his advantage. There is no evidence to suggest that
Gerster or anyone else at the time applied that technique to Ofloxacin.
4. Climate in
the relevant field. The climate is best expressed though the
evidence of Drs Wentland and Caldwell. Dr. Wentland, working in the quinolone
field at the time, was that the prevalent attitude was that in seeking to adapt
or modify compounds newly disclosed by others, most efforts would be directed
toward adding, removing or substituting some of the molecular elements of a
compound. That is, to create analogues. Dr. Wentland said that, at the time,
little attention would be given to enantiomers. Dr. Caldwell’s evidence was
that there was an awareness of chirality and that there was some interest in
obtaining enantiomers and exploring their properties. This is an overstatement
as to the climate in 1985. I find an article written by Dr. Caldwell and
published in 2001 entitled “Do Single Enantiomers have Something Special to
Offer” put to him in cross-examination (Exhibit P129) gives the most
accurate insight as to what was going on at the time. He said in that article
in part:
Early studies confirmed that
the pharmacological properties of single enantiomers could differ markedly from
those of the racemates…(1904) … Despite these early insight, research into enantiomers
languished somewhat until the 1980’s, when technological advances made the
separation of enantiomers on an industrial scale commercially viable… As a
result researchers and regulatory authorities have increasingly recognized the
importance of assessing the constitution of stereoselective pharmokinetics to
therapeutic outcomes and there was a renewal of interest in stereochemistry in
drug action.
“The last 20 years have seen a
gradual evolution in pharmacologist’s view of the therapeutic potential offered
by single enantiomers of chiral drugs and a growing sophistication in the role
that the two isomers may play in determining therapeutic outcomes.”
of 1985, there was a growing interest in examining the enantiomers of chiral
compounds but that interest was still in its infancy. The general climate was
still one of seeking analogues by molecular substitution, addition and
deletion. Chirality was only on the cusp of coming into serious contention.
5. Motivation. The
evidence shows that in 1981 after Ofloxacin had been discovered at Daiichi,
there was interest expressed at Daiichi, among other things, in obtaining its
optical isomers. The interest at that time seems to have been motivated by an
anxiety to protect, by patent, any area surrounding Ofloxacin that a competitor
may with to exploit. There is no evidence that, at least before 1985, any
competitor chose to do so. Efforts to obtain the optical isomers were made and
some (-) isomer was obtained, probably enough to do some antimicrobial
testing. However, the results were apparently seen as too impure (5:1) and not
worth pursuing at the time. Early in 1985 motivation was renewed when Daiichi
licensees, Hoerst and Johnson & Johnson were apparently being pressed by
regulatory health authorise in their countries to provide enantiomeric data.
Renewed attempts using what we now know as Process A and B provided some (-)
enantiomer. When Dr. Hayakawa saw the Gerster poster later in 1985 he adopted
that process, it ran well, and Daiichi got further (-) enantiomer which it then
analysed and found to be the S configuration. Only Daiichi was motivated to
pursue all these matters.
In September 1985
Daiichi had tested the solubility of the (-) and (+) enantiomers and compared
it with the (±) racemate. In October 1985 toxicity data was established.
Daiichi’s motivation is
clear. It had Ofloxacin, initially it wanted to protect the range of patent
monopoly. Later, it wanted to support its licensees in providing data for
their government authorities.
There appears to be no
motivation exhibited by any outside persons to explore Ofloxacin enantiomers.
Competitors, on the evidence in this Court, showed no interest. There appears
to have been no interest in the scientific or academic community in this
pursuit. Without Daiichi there may well never have been levofloxacin.
6. Efforts. The
evidence is that very small quantities of (-) enantiomers could be produced in
an impure form, using commercially available HPLC columns. The small amount
and low purity apparently discouraged Daiichi from further pursuits. However,
the enzymatic method of Process B applied early in 1985 gave satisfactory
results as did Process C, the Gerster derived process, late in 1985. The
efforts were challenging. Known methods were applied with success in obtaining
at least some recognizable quantities of (-) enantiomer, however, only Daiichi
appears to have been willing to expend the necessary effort to see the matter
through to a successful conclusion.
As to subsequent events:
7. Commercial
As discussed elsewhere in these Reasons, levofloxacin has achieved reasonable
commercial success. At least some of this success can be attributed to market
strategy. Little weight is given to this consideration.
8. Subsequently
recognized advantages. Levofloxacin has achieved good acceptance in combating
microbes associated with strep pneumonia and in treating infections of the
eye. Neither of these uses are specifically suggested in the patent. No
weight is given to these subsequent uses.
9. Meritorious
Dr. Hayakawa has received two prestigious awards, one from the Japanese
scientific community, the other from the emperor of Japan. Both are
linked, at least in part, to his efforts respecting levofloxacin. Some weight
is given to these awards
10. Hindsight. The most dangerous
area. One can say, with hindsight that Ofloxacin was known to be chiral, that
there were techniques and apparatus available in the early 1980’s to obtain
enantiomers and, once obtained one could determine if the (-) enantiomer was S
or R and determine properties such as antimicrobial activity, toxicity and
solubility. However, as of 1985, only Daiichi did that. Others were pursuing
other avenues, other fluroquinolones, analogues of other fluroquinolones and
other antimicrobial compounds entirely. There was no scientific interest in
pursuing at the time what became levofloxacin.
[115] Therefore,
taking all these factors into consideration, the claimed invention is
one of the enantiomers of Ofloxacin, a known compound, the S(-) enantiomer in a
reasonably pure form. The separation of racemic compounds into their
enantiomers was known, but was a matter of lesser significance in the medicinal
chemical world of the early to mid 1980’s. Known techniques and devices for
separation of racemic compounds into their enantiomers could only produce
minute quantities of impure material, scarcely enough to interest anyone in
activity. Only Daiichi was motivated to pursue the matter. Once pressed, it
found ways, including a Gerster modification, to produce enough (-) enantiomer
to identify it as the S configuration and to determine that it exceeded
Ofloxacin as an antibiotic and was at least as good in respect of toxicity;
solubility was greater. With some marketing effort, levofloxacin found a
respectable place in the marketplace. Not the greatest invention, not
“eureka”, but of sufficient “inventive ingenuity” to merit valid patent
protection as set out in claim 4.
[116] I appreciate
that this finding is different than that arrived at by my brother, Mosley, J.
in the earlier NOC proceeding between these parties. He did not have the
benefit of the extensive evidence that I now have before me, nor of seeing and
hearing the witnesses in person. The test that he applied was whether the
allegation that claim 4 was invalid on the basis of obviousness was
“justified”. Here I must make a finding of validity or otherwise on the basis
of “balance of probabilities” on the evidence before me. These determinations
are not easy, each involve the weighing of evidence before the Court. The
standard of “justification” is somewhat different than that of validity, on the
balance of probabilities, on the evidence led. I find that the Defendant has
failed to establish that claim 4 is invalid on the basis of obviousness or lack
of inventive ingenuity.
Ambiguity and
[117] The Defendant
raises two further attacks on the validity of the patent and, in particular,
claim 4. First, the Defendant says that claim 4 is ambiguous in failing to specify
which level of purity, if any, is required by the claim.
[118] Secondly, the
Defendant attacks the validity of the patent on the basis that the toxicity and
solubility data, as set out at page 21 and 22 and Table 3, including LD50
values, and Table 4, fails to provide a correct full and clear description as
required by section 34(1) of the “old” Patent Act.
[119] As to the
first of these attacks on validity, ambiguity: claim 4, as properly construed,
does not require any explanation or parameter respecting purity. Claim 4 is
directed to S(-) Ofloxacin, not being that contained in the racemate, derived
in a reasonably pure state. The ordinary person skilled in the art would know
that it is not the S(-) as found bound up in the racemic material. Such a person
would also know that the compound is reasonably pure so as to its job for
instance as an antimicrobial agent. No specific number or range, or other
definition is required.
[120] With respect
to the second issue, sufficiency, section 34(1), supra, states:
34(1) An applicant shall in the
specification of his invention
(a) correctly and fully describe the
invention and its operation or use as contemplated by the inventor;
(b) set out clearly the various steps
in a process, or the method of constructing, making, compounding or using a
machine, manufacture or composition of matter, in such full, clear, concise
and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art or science to
which it appertains, or with which it is most closely connected, to make,
construct, compound or use it;
(c) in the case of a machine, explain
the principle thereof and the best mode in which he has contemplated the
application of that principle;
(d) in the case of a process, explain
the necessary sequence, if any, of the various steps, so as to distinguish
the invention from other inventions; and
(e) particularly indicate and
distinctly claim the part, improvement or combination that he claims as his
34(1) Dans le
memoire descriptif, le demandeur
(a) decrit
d'une facon exacte et complete l'invention et son application ou
exploitation, telles que les a concues l'inventeur;
(b) expose
clairement les diverses phases d'un procede, ou le mode de construction, de
confection, de composition ou d'utilisation d'une machine, d'un objet
manufacture ou d'un compose de matieres, dans des termes complets, clairs,
concis et exacts qui permettent a toute personne versee dans l'art ou la
science dont releve l'invention, ou dans l'art ou la science qui s'en
rapproche le plus, de confectionner, construire, composer ou utiliser l'objet
de l'invention;
(c) s'il
s'agit d'une machine, en explique le principe et la meilleure maniere dont il
a concu l'application de ce principe;
(d) s'il
s'agit d'un procede, explique la suite necessaire, le cas echeant, des
diverses phases du procede, de facon a distinguer l'invention d'autres
(e) indique
particulierement et revendique distinctement la partie, le perfectionnement
ou la combinaison qu'il reclame comme son invention
[121] This provision
is to be contrasted with section 53(1) and (2) of the “old” Patent Act
which specifically provides for invalidity if the specification of a patent
contains a wilfully made addition or omission for the purpose of misleading.
It says:
53(1) A patent is void if any material
allegation in the petition of the applicant in respect of the patent is
untrue, or if the specification and drawings contain more or less than is
necessary for obtaining the end for which they purport to be made, and the
omission or addition is wilfully made for the purpose of misleading.
(2) Where it appears to a court that the
omission or addition referred to in subsection (1) was an involuntary error
and it is proved that the patentee is entitled to the remainder of his
patent, the court shall render a judgment in accordance with the facts, and
shall determine the costs, and the patent shall be held valid for that part
of the invention described to which the patentee is so found to be entitled.
53(1) Le brevet est nul si la
petition du demandeur, relative a ce brevet, contient quelque allegation
importante qui n'est pas conforme a la verite, ou si le memoire descriptif et
les dessins contiennent plus ou moins qu'il n'est necessaire pour demontrer
ce qu'ils sont censes demontrer, et si l'omission ou l'addition est
volontairement faite pour induire en erreur.
(2) S'il apparait au
tribunal que pareille omission ou addition est le resultat d'une erreur
involontaire, et s'il est prouve que le brevete a droit au reste de son
brevet, le tribunal rend jugement selon les faits et statue sur les frais. Le
brevet est repute valide quant a la partie de l'invention decrite a laquelle
le brevete est reconnu avoir droit.
The Defendant specifically stated at trial that
it is not making a case under section 53 but only under section 34(1).
[122] There is no
provision, in section 34(1) for sanctions if a patent fails to describe the
invention correctly, fully and, clearly. However, the Courts have said, for
instance, the Supreme Court of Canada in Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd. v. Canada
(Commissioner of Patents), [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1623 at 1637-38, [1989] S.C.J.
No. 72 at para. 27 (QL) [Pioneer Hi-Bred], that a patent must
disclose everything that is essential for the invention to function properly.
To be complete a patent must meet two conditions, first it must describe the
invention and define the way that it is produced or built, failing which it is
ambiguous. Secondly, the patent must define the nature of the invention and
how to put it into operation failing which the patent is invalid for
[123] As to
sufficiency, I have no doubt, having listened to the experts, that the data
presented in the Patent as to toxicity and solubility, is scant. The toxicity
table was recognized by the experts as being that as found in a preliminary
screen used to assess whether further development of a drug candidate is
warranted. It is not a full toxicity analyses. The LD50 data
presented in the patent, the experts agree, was clearly not derived from Table
3. No basis for those figures is given in the Patent, no confidence interval
(a range often given to indicate that the LD50 is a statistically
derived number and has some level of variability) is presented. The LD50
number for Ofloxacin given in the Patent as 203 mg/kg (which all parties agree
is a typographical error and should be 208 mg/kg) is clearly at odds with the
LD50 number for Ofloxacin of 380 mg/kg presented at page 11 of the ’840
patent. Experts for all parties are in agreement that several factors such as
age, weight and sex of the animals, possibly rate of injection and many others,
can affect the LD50 values. There was no consensus as to whether
208 or 380 was the right number or why the discrepancy existed.
[124] With respect
to the solubility data, that data is again scant. Insufficient information as
to the conditions under which the solubility of each of the (-), the (+) and
the (±) were tested is given. The experts, Drs. Myerson and Matzger debated
whether the figures were accurate and whether unstated conditions such as
whether one or the other of the substances was hydrated or hemi-hydrated or
underwent a change during the solution testing affected the results.
[125] There was
debate as to whether, in fact, levofloxacin was more, or less, toxic than Ofloxacin
or about the same. Janssen-Ortho or its affiliates apparently represented to
government authorities that it was about the same. Debate also arose as to the
true solubility of levofloxacin as compared to Ofloxacin. It could be
calculated at about nine times more or even down to about five times more than Ofloxacin.
[126] I find that
the paucity of toxicity and solubility data, and the discrepancies raised do
not affect the validity of the Patent. What the Patent asserts, at the end of
the day, is set out at page 2. The S(-) form of Ofloxacin has increased
antimicrobial activity, reduced toxicity and markedly high water solubility, giving
it an expectation to be a very useful pharmaceutical agent. This statement is
correct. To even find this distribution of attributes, namely, more of the
beneficial properties and at least no more of the detrimental, was itself remarkable.
[127] While one
would have hoped for more and better data than that presented in the Patent. There
is presently no mechanism in the Patent Office for compelling an Applicant to
submit further data or to substantiate the data presented in the patent. One
might expect that a certain amount of persuasion might be exercised from time
to time however there is no statutory or regulatory basis to compel the
provision of such data. There exists, as stated in Pioneer Hi-Bred the
possibility of invalidation, however, I find that the data presented in the
Patent is not, in this case, so insufficient as to warrant invalidation.
[128] Having found
that the attacks on the validity of claim 4 fail, and the Defendant having
admitted infringement, remedies must be considered. The Plaintiffs have asked,
in their Statement of Claim, for declarations as to infringement, an
injunction, delivery up or destruction, a declaration as to validity, damages
or an accounting of profits as they may elect, aggravated, punitive and
exemplary damages, pre and post judgment interest, costs and other relief. At
trial the Plaintiffs dropped their claim for aggravated, punitive and exemplary
[129] A declaration
that claim 4 of the Patent is valid and has been infringed will be given.
[130] An Order of
the Court dated May 3, 2005 provided that this trial consider issues regarding
validity and infringement of the Patent, and the issue of a permanent
injunction with the determination of monetary remedies for infringement to be
determined separately. This leaves open the question as to the Plaintiffs
entitlement to an election of profits. The quantum of any such profits is a
monetary remedy, but not the issue of entitlement.
[131] The “old” Patent
Act, section 55(1) provides that the patentee, Daiichi, and persons
claiming under the patentee, Janssen-Ortho, are entitled to all damages sustained
by them by reason of the infringement. Section 57 given the Court the power,
in its discretion to order an injunction and an account of profits. Normally
an order for delivery up or destruction of offending goods would follow an
award of an injunction. As part of the normal function of a superior court of
record, this Court may order pre and post judgment interest at rates and on
terms as it may determine, and costs.
[132] I have
reviewed the consideration of remedies recently in Merck & Co. v. Apotex
Inc., 2006 FC 524 at paras. 224-41 [Merck] and the Federal Court of
Appeal has given its judgment in respect of that decision on October 10, 2006,
2006 FCA 324 revising to some extent the remedies given in that case. The
award of profits is an equitable remedy, in Merck I disentitled
successful plaintiffs from such an award because of certain conduct of that
plaintiff. It is, however, necessary for a party seeking an equitable remedy,
such as profits, to show some basis for the exercise of equity. Here the
Plaintiffs have made no showing whatsoever. I have no reason, other than the
Plaintiffs’ success, for making such an award. Accordingly, I will not award
the election of profits.
[133] As to an
injunction that remedy normally follows a finding that a valid patent has been
infringed. While this action has gone on for a much lesser time than the Merck,
supra, action, here only about two years, it must be considered that this
Court has in other proceedings refused to prohibit the granting of an NOC to
the Defendant so that the Defendant had entered the market and commenced to
sell its levofloxacin products. The English Court of Appeal in Minnesota
Mining & Manufacturing Co. v. Johnson & Johnson Ltd., [1976]
RPC 671 at 676 et seq reviewed the importance of the exercise of discretion in
awarding a permanent injunction. Accordingly, an injunction will be granted,
but to take effect only after thirty days from the date of issuing of these
Reasons that is the period of time allowed for filing an appeal.. In that time
the Defendant’s may continue to sell or otherwise dispose of its levofloxacin
products already in its possession, custody or control, but only in the normal
course of business and provided that all monies received in respect thereof are
accounted for and held in a separate trust fund to be paid to the Plaintiffs or
as they may direct by December 31, 2006. These monies are to be taken into
consideration, by way of set off or otherwise, when a final calculation as to
damages is made.
[134] With respect
to delivery up or destruction of levofloxacin products, the Defendant may elect
to destroy the product that it has on hand at the end of the thirty day period
referred to above, or to deliver up that remaining product to the Plaintiffs,
as they may direct. Delivery up should be made within the Greater Toronto area
where the Defendant carries on business. If delivery up is to be made outside
that area, the Plaintiffs should bear the cost.
[135] Pre-judgment
interest is allowed in respect of any monetary award of damages. It should not
be compounded. The rate of such interest should be calculated separately for
each year since the infringing activity began at the average annual bank rate
established by the Bank of Canada as the minimum rate at which it makes short
term advances to the banks listed in Schedule I of the Bank Act, R.S.C.
1985, c. B-1.
[136] Post-judgment
interest, not compounded, follows the establishment of the quantum of damages
at the rate of five percent (5%) established by the Interest Act, R.S.C
1985, c. I-15, s.4.
[137] I reserve as
to costs and ask that the parties, within ten (10) days from the delivery of
these Reasons to provide written submissions as to costs. These submissions
should address those matters set out in Rule 400(3) of this Court, including
experts, number of counsel, disbursements, any offer to settle and any other
matter relevant to an award of costs. Those submissions should not exceed ten
(10) pages.
For the Reasons set out herein, following
the trial of a portion of this action held in Toronto, Ontario
from the 5th day of September, 2006 until the 4th day of
October, 2006, this Judgment is issued as of the date of these Reasons:
4 of Canadian Letters Patent No 1,304, 080 is valid and has been infringed by
the Defendant Novopharm Limited by its sale, offering for sale and other
dealing in levofloxacin containing products in Canada;
injunction shall issue to take effect after the expiry of thirty (30) days from
the date of issue of these Reasons prohibiting the Defendant and all those over
whom it exercises control, from selling, offering for sale or otherwise dealing
in levofloxacin containing products in Canada; provided, however, that from the
date of issue of these Reasons until the expiry of said thirty (30) days, the
Defendant may continue to sell or dispose of such product as it already has in
its possession, custody or control as of the date of issue of this Judgement,
in the normal course of business provided that all monies received by it in
respect thereof shall be accounted for and held in a separate trust account to
be paid to the Plaintiffs, or as they may direct, before December 31, 2006;
Defendant may, at its election, do one of the following in respect of
levofloxacin containing products in its possession, custody or control as of
the date of issue of this Judgment:
a. Sell them in
the normal course of business in accordance with paragraph 2 above, provided
that all unsold product at the end of the thirty (30) day period shall be
treated in the manner provided in one of b) or c) below;
b. Destroy them
and provide an appropriate affidavit of a responsible officer of the Defendant
to that effect; or
c. Deliver them
up to the Plaintiffs at a place and manner as the Plaintiffs may direct
provided that if such delivery is to take place outside of the Greater Toronto
area it shall be at Plaintiffs’ expense;
Plaintiffs are entitled to receive from the Defendant all damages sustained by
them by reason of the activities of the Defendant which infringe claim 4 of the
Patent. A separate trial, preceded by discovery if requested, shall be held as
to the quantum of damages and interest as awarded herein. Any monies paid as
set out in paragraph 2 above shall be taken into consideration by way of set
off or otherwise, in the final calculation of damages.
Plaintiffs are entitled to pre-judgment interest on the award of damages, not
compounded, at a rate to be calculated separately for each year since
infringing activity began at the average annual bank rate established by the
Bank of Canada as the minimum rate at which it makes short term advances to the
banks listed in Schedule 1 of the Bank Act, RSC 1985, c. B-1;
Plaintiffs are entitled to post judgment interest, not compounded, at the rate
of five percent (5%) per annum. This interest shall commence upon the final assessment
of the monetary damage amount, prior to that, pre-judgment interest shall
parties shall make submissions as to costs within ten (10) days hereof in the
manner set out in the Reasons.
“Roger T. Hughes”