An LLC manager with a carry holds two classes of shares, coopered-up Brent Kern schemes do not work, and s. 55(5)(f) designations are optional
6 July 2014 - 9:49pm
Stephanie Dewey has summarized the first eight CRA responses at the 2014 STEP CRA Roundtable (with the other 10 still to come). Some highlights:
- Q. 3 Where a subsidiary LLC has a 3rd-party manager whose equity interest has a carry and an entitlement to a 2% "income allocation" amount, with all other distributions being split between Canco and the manager on a pro rata basis, in applying draft s. 93.3 CRA likely would consider that the manager has a special deemed class of shares to which the carry and quasi-fee interest are attached, and that there is a second ordinary deemed class which is held on a pro rata basis by Canco and the manager.
- Q. 5 CRA does not consider that a Brent Kern (or Pallen) style scheme to strip corporate surplus by exploiting the s. 75(2) attribution rule will work even if the Sommerer problem with the scheme is fixed.
- Q. 7 In light inter alia of Nassau Walnut, CRA’s practice is to only apply s. 55(2) to the excess of a dividend over safe income on hand, so that a s. 55(5)(f) designation appears to be optional.
Summaries of Stephanie Dewey, "2014 STEP Canada Roundtable – Part 1," Tax Topics (Wolters Kluwer CCH), No. 2208, July 3, 2014, pp. 1-6 under 2014 STEP Conference.