Citation: Rogers Communications Inc. v. Society of Composers,
Authors and Music Publishers of Canada,
2012 SCC 35, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 283
Date: 20120712
Docket: 33922
Communications Inc., Rogers Wireless Partnership, Shaw Cablesystems G.P., Bell
Canada and TELUS Communications Company
of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada
and -
Inc., Cineplex Entertainment LP, Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and
Public Interest Clinic, Apple Canada Inc. and Apple Inc.
Coram: McLachlin C.J. and LeBel, Deschamps, Fish, Abella, Rothstein,
Cromwell, Moldaver and Karakatsanis JJ.
for Judgment:
(paras. 1 to 57)
(paras. 58 to 88)
Rothstein J. (McLachlin C.J. and LeBel,
Deschamps, Fish, Cromwell, Moldaver and Karakatsanis JJ. concurring)
Abella J.
Rogers Communications Inc. v. Society of Composers, Authors
and Music Publishers of Canada, 2012 SCC 35, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 283
Rogers Communications Inc., Rogers
Partnership, Shaw Cablesystems G.P.,
Canada and TELUS
Communications Company Appellants
Society of
Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada Respondent
CMRRA‑SODRAC Inc., Cineplex
Entertainment LP,
Samuelson‑Glushko Canadian
Internet Policy and
Interest Clinic, Apple Canada Inc. and Apple Inc. Interveners
Indexed as: Rogers Communications Inc. v. Society of
Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada
2012 SCC 35
File No.: 33922.
2011: December 6; 2012: July 12.
Present: McLachlin C.J. and LeBel, Deschamps, Fish, Abella,
Rothstein, Cromwell, Moldaver and Karakatsanis JJ.
on appeal from the federal court of appeal
property — Copyright — Right to communicate a work to the public by
telecommunication — Copyright Board certifying tariff for communication rights
in copyrighted music downloaded and streamed from the Internet — Meaning of “to
the public” — Whether a point‑to‑point transmission from the
website of an online music service to an individual customer is a private
communication — Whether streaming of files from the Internet triggered by
individual users constitutes communication to the public of the musical works
contained therein by online music services who make the files available for
streaming — Copyright
Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C‑42, s. 3(1) (f).
Administrative law —
Judicial review — Standard of review — Copyright Board certifying tariff for
communication rights in copyrighted music downloaded and streamed from the
Internet — Whether decision reviewable on standard of reasonableness or
appellants are online music services that offer downloads and on‑demand
streams of files containing musical works. A stream is
a transmission of data that allows the user to listen to or view a work at the
time of the transmission, resulting in a temporary copy of the file on the
user’s hard drive. In 1995, the respondent proposed
tariffs for various uses of musical works over the Internet for the years 1996
to 2006. When the Copyright Board proceeded to establish a tariff for the
communication of musical works over the Internet, it held that a stream of a
copyrighted work of music comes within the creator’s right to communicate to
the public by telecommunication provided by s. 3(1) (f) of the Copyright
Act and a claim for communication royalties was well‑founded. The
Board proceeded to establish a tariff for the communication of musical works
over the Internet for the years 1996 to 2006. The Federal Court of Appeal
dismissed the appellant’s application for judicial review of the Board’s
Held: The appeal
should be allowed in part.
Per McLachlin C.J.
and LeBel, Deschamps, Fish, Rothstein, Cromwell, Moldaver and
Karakatsanis JJ.: In light of the majority decision in Entertainment
Software Association v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of
Canada, 2012 SCC 34, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 231, the question of whether the
online music services engage the exclusive right to “communicate to the public
by telecommunication” by offering downloads to members of the public has now
become moot and the appeal is allowed in respect of downloads. However, the
appeal is dismissed in respect of music streamed from the Internet. A stream of a musical work from the
Internet is not a private transaction outside the scope of the right to
communicate to the public. It matters little for the
purposes of copyright protection whether the members of the public receive the
communication in the same or in different places, at the same or at different
times, or at their own or the sender’s initiative.
transmission of a single copy of a work to a single individual is not a
communication to the public within the meaning of s. 3(1) (f) of the
Copyright Act . However, where there is a series of repeated
transmissions of the same work to different recipients, each transmission
cannot be analyzed in isolation, even if each transmission is initiated at the
request of an individual member of the public. Focusing on transmissions
individually loses sight of the true character of the activity in question.
Copyright protection is not dependant on the technicalities of methods of transmission.
Under a principled approach to copyright protection, it is necessary to
consider the broader context to determine whether a given point‑to‑point
transmission engages the exclusive right to communicate to the public. In the
case of online music services, it is hardly possible to maintain that there is
no intention that the same work ever be transmitted again.
rule that each transmission must be analyzed in isolation because each is
initiated at the request of an individual member of the public would have the
effect of excluding all interactive communications from the scope of the right
to communicate to the public. Nothing in the wording of s. 3(1)(f)
of the Act excludes pull technologies from its scope or restricts
communications to the public to a purely non‑interactive context. Section 3(1) (f)
is technology‑neutral. Although the right to communicate to the public
used to be historically linked to traditional media that operated on a
broadcasting or push model, amending the Copyright Act to grant a
technologically neutral right to communicate to the public by telecommunication
ensured the continued relevance of the right in an evolving technological
environment. The historic relationship does not support reading into the Act
restrictions that are not apparent from or consistent with the language of the
appropriate standard for reviewing the Copyright Board’s decision in this case
is correctness. Normally, the legislature is presumed to have recognized the
superior expertise of an administrative body in respect of issues arising under
its home statute or a closely related statute, and deference warrants applying
a reasonableness standard of review. However,
under the Copyright Act , Parliament has given both the Copyright Board
and courts concurrent jurisdiction at first instance over questions of law such
as the pure question of law that arises in this case. It would be inconsistent
to apply a reasonableness standard on judicial review of a decision by the
Board when the same legal question would be decided de novo if it arose
in the court at first instance. It would be equally inconsistent to apply a
reasonableness standard to a determination of a legal question by the Board on
an appeal from a judicial review but a correctness standard on an appeal from a
decision of a court at first instance on the same legal question. Because the
unusual statutory scheme under the Copyright Act does not give the
Copyright Board a discrete and special administrative
regime, it must be inferred that the legislative intent was not to recognize a
superior expertise of the Board relative to the courts with respect to legal
questions arising under the Copyright Act .
Per Abella J.: The standard of review should be
reasonableness. The Copyright Board, when interpreting its home statute in
setting tariffs for the communication of new forms of digital media, should be
accorded the same deference and be reviewed on the same standard as every other
specialized tribunal in Canada. Since Dunsmuir, this Court has
unwaveringly held that institutionally expert and specialized tribunals are
entitled to a presumption of deference when interpreting their mandate. Applying
a correctness standard of review on the sole basis that a court could
potentially interpret the same statute effectively drains expert tribunals of
the institutional deference they are owed. The majority’s conclusion adds the
new and unrelated exception of shared jurisdiction to the existing and narrow
exceptions to the presumption of home statute deference.
is attributed to a tribunal on the basis that Parliament has delegated decision‑making
to it as an institutionally specialized body that has day to day familiarity
with its enabling statute. The Copyright Board has specialized expertise in
interpreting the provisions of the Copyright Act . The fact of shared
jurisdiction does not undermine this expertise. The Copyright Board does not
simply work out the details of royalty tariffs, it sets policies that
collectively determine the rights of copyright owners and users and plays an
important role in achieving the proper balance between those actors. It also
has highly specialized knowledge about the media technologies used to create
and disseminate copyrighted works, as well as related economic issues. This
specialized knowledge is precisely the kind of institutional expertise that Dunsmuir
concluded was entitled to deference. The fact that a court might in another
case be asked to interpret the same provisions of the Copyright Act does
not detract from the Copyright Board’s particular familiarity and expertise
with the provisions of the Act.
Board’s mandate was to decide whether a particular activity triggers a tariff.
The view that we can extricate a legal question from this context of complex,
interlocking facts and policies considered by the Board in setting a tariff, is
unrealistic. The tribunal’s decision should be reviewed as a whole. Unlike
trial courts, which have no expertise relative to appellate courts when
interpreting a statute, tribunals have particular mandates which give them
specialized expertise in interpreting and applying their home statute to a
given set of facts. Extricating legal questions in the context of judicial
review — referred to as “segmentation” — should be an exceptional practice.
Court has repeatedly held that the application of multiple standards of review
to different aspects of a tribunal’s decision — one for questions of law and
one for questions of fact — should be avoided. As a result, even if an aspect
of the tribunal’s decision would otherwise attract a correctness standard, the
decision as a whole should be reviewed on a deferential standard. Segmenting
the definition of each word or phrase in a statutory provision into discrete
questions of law is a re‑introduction by another name — correctness — of
the unduly interventionist approach championed by the jurisdictional and
preliminary question jurisprudence, jurisprudence which this Court definitively
banished in Dunsmuir and ATA.
Cases Cited
By Rothstein J.
CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada, 2004 SCC 13,
[2004] 1 S.C.R. 339, rev’g 2002 FCA 187, [2002] 4 F.C. 213, rev’g [2000] 2 F.C.
451; not followed: Cartoon
Network v. CSC Holdings, Inc., 536 F.3d 121 (2008); referred to: Entertainment Software Association v. Society of Composers,
Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, 2012 SCC 34, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 231; SOCAN
Statement of Royalties, Public Performance of Musical Works 1996, 1997, 1998
(Tariff 22, Internet) (Re) (1999), 1 C.P.R. (4th) 417; Society of
Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian Assn. of Internet
Providers, 2004 SCC 45, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 427; Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9, [2008]
1 S.C.R. 190; Canada (Canadian Human Rights Commission) v. Canada
(Attorney General), 2011 SCC 53, [2011] 3 S.C.R. 471; Smith v. Alliance
Pipeline Ltd., 2011 SCC 7, [2011] 1 S.C.R. 160;
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta
Teachers’ Association, 2011 SCC 61, [2011] 3 S.C.R. 654; Housen v.
Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235; Doré
v. Barreau du Québec, 2012 SCC 12, [2012] 1 S.C.R.
395; Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Assn.
v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, 2008 FCA 6, [2008] 3
F.C.R. 539, leave to appeal refused [2008] 2 S.C.R. vi; Composers,
Authors and Publishers Assoc. of Canada Ltd. v. CTV Television Network Ltd.,
[1968] S.C.R. 676; Canadian Admiral Corp. v. Rediffusion, Inc.,
[1954] Ex. C.R. 382; Apple Computer Inc. v. Mackintosh Computers Ltd.,
[1987] 1 F.C. 173, aff’d [1988] 1 F.C. 673, aff’d [1990] 2 S.C.R. 209; Robertson
v. Thomson Corp., 2006 SCC 43, [2006] 2 S.C.R. 363; Théberge v. Galerie
d’Art du Petit Champlain inc., 2002 SCC 34, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 336; Compo
Co. v. Blue Crest Music Inc., [1980] 1 S.C.R. 357.
By Abella J.
to: Dunsmuir
v. New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9, [2008] 1 S.C.R. 190; Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v.
Canadian Assn. of Internet Providers, 2004 SCC 45, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 427; Alberta
(Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, 2011 SCC 61, [2011]
3 S.C.R. 654; Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)
v. Khosa, 2009 SCC 12, [2009] 1 S.C.R. 339; Smith v. Alliance
Pipeline Ltd., 2011 SCC 7, [2011] 1 S.C.R. 160; Chamberlain Group Inc. v. Lynx Industries Inc., 2010 FC 1287, 379 F.T.R. 270; Alticor Inc. v. Nutravite
Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2005 FCA 269, 339 N.R. 56; Molson Breweries v. John Labatt Ltd.,
[2000] 3 F.C. 145; Canada (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
v. Canada (Attorney General), 2011 SCC 53, [2011]
3 S.C.R. 471; Doré
v. Barreau du Québec, 2012
SCC 12, [2012] 1 S.C.R. 395; Entertainment Software
Association v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, 2012 SCC 34, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 231; Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235; Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 650; Canadian Broadcasting Corp. v. Canada (Labour
Relations Board), [1995] 1
S.C.R. 157; Law Society of New Brunswick v. Ryan, 2003 SCC 20, [2003] 1 S.C.R. 247; Newfoundland and Labrador Nurses’ Union v.
Newfoundland and Labrador (Treasury Board), 2011 SCC 62, [2011] 3 S.C.R. 708; Toronto (City)
v. C.U.P.E., Local 79, 2003 SCC 63, [2003] 3 S.C.R. 77; Council of Canadians with Disabilities v. VIA Rail Canada Inc., 2007 SCC 15, [2007] 1 S.C.R. 650; Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207
Canada Inc., 2006 SCC 22, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 772; Bell v. Ontario Human
Rights Commission, [1971] S.C.R. 756; Halifax (Regional Municipality) v.
Nova Scotia (Human Rights Commission), 2012 SCC 10, [2012] 1 S.C.R. 364.
Statutes and Regulations Cited
Administrative Tribunals Act, S.B.C.
2004, c. 45.
Canada‑United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 65, ss. 61 , 62 .
Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C. 1985,
c. H‑6, ss. 53(2) (c), (d).
Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C‑42,
ss. 2 “telecommunication”, 3(1)(f).
Ontario Human Rights Code, 1961-62, S.O.
1961-62, c. 93.
Trade‑marks Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T‑13,
s. 6 .
Treaties and Other International
Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 828
U.N.T.S. 221, September 9, 1886; rev. in Berlin November 13,
1908; rev. in Rome June 2, 1928, Arts. 11bis, 20.
North American Free Trade Agreement Between the Government of
Canada, the Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of the
United States of America, Can. T.S. 1994 No. 2,
Art. 1721(2).
WIPO Copyright Treaty, 2186 U.N.T.S.
121, Arts. 1(1), 8.
Authors Cited
Canada. Treasury Board. Copyright Board Canada. Performance
Report for the period ending March 31, 2003 (online:
Ginsburg, Jane C. “The (new?) right of making available to the
public”, in David Vaver and Lionel Bently, eds., Intellectual Property in
the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of William R. Cornish. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Handa, Sunny. Copyright Law in Canada. Markham, Ont.: Butterworths,
McKeown, John S. Fox on Canadian Law of Copyright and Industrial
Designs, 4th ed. Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2003 (loose-leaf updated 2011,
release 6).
Mullan, David J. “Establishing the Standard of Review: The
Struggle for Complexity?” (2004), 17 C.J.A.L.P. 59.
Ricketson, Sam, and Jane C. Ginsburg. International Copyright
and Neighbouring Rights: The Berne Convention and Beyond, vol. I, 2nd
ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Vaver, David. Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents,
Trade-marks, 2nd ed. Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011.
Wilkinson, Margaret Ann. “Copyright, Collectives, and Contracts:
New Math for Educational Institutions and Libraries”, in Michael Geist, ed., From
“Radical Extremism” to “Balanced Copyright”: Canadian Copyright
and the Digital Agenda. Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010, 503.
World Intellectual Property Organization. WIPO Intellectual Property
Handbook: Policy, Law and Use, chapter 5, “International Treaties and
Conventions on Intellectual Property”, No. 489, 2nd ed. Geneva: WIPO, 2004.
from a judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal (Létourneau, Nadon and
Pelletier JJ.A.), 2010 FCA 220, 409 N.R. 102, 323 D.L.R. (4th)
42, 14 Admin. L.R. (5th) 159, 86 C.P.R. (4th) 239, [2010] F.C.J. No. 1087
(QL), 2010 CarswellNat 3112, affirming a decision of the Copyright Board,
www.cb-cda.gc.ca/decisions/2007/20071018-m-e.pdf, (2007), 61 C.P.R. (4th) 353, [2007]
C.B.D. No. 7 (QL), 2007 CarswellNat 3466. Appeal allowed in part.
Gerald L. Kerr‑Wilson, Ariel A. Thomas and Julia Kennedy, for the
Gilles Daigle, D. Lynne
Watt, Paul Spurgeon and Henry Brown, Q.C., for the
Written submissions
only by Casey M. Chisick, Timothy Pinos and Jason
Beitchman, for the intervener CMRRA‑SODRAC Inc.
Written submissions
only by Tim Gilbert, Sana Halwani and Sundeep Chauhan, for
the intervener Cineplex Entertainment LP.
Written submissions
only by Jeremy de Beer and David Fewer, for the intervener the Samuelson‑Glushko
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic.
Written submissions
only by Michael Koch, for the interveners Apple Canada Inc. and Apple
The judgment of McLachlin
C.J. and LeBel, Deschamps, Fish, Rothstein, Cromwell, Moldaver and Karakatsanis
JJ. was delivered by
Rothstein J. —
I. Introduction
Online music services offer permanent downloads,
limited downloads and on-demand streams of files containing musical works. A download is the transmission over the Internet of a file
containing data, such as a sound recording of a musical work, that gives the
user a permanent copy of the file to keep as his or her own. A limited
download allows the copy to be used as long as the user’s subscription is paid
up. A stream is a transmission of data that allows the user to listen to or
view the content transmitted at the time of the transmission, resulting only in
a temporary copy of the file on the user’s hard drive. The Copyright Board was of the opinion that downloads and streams,
among other uses of music that it examined as part of the certification process
of a proposed tariff for the communication of musical works over the Internet,
come within the scope of the exclusive right of copyright holders to
communicate to the public by telecommunication provided by the Copyright Act,
R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42 (the “Act ”). Accordingly, it found that a claim for
communication royalties by the holders of copyright in the communicated works
was well founded, in addition to any reproduction royalties received when a
work is copied through the Internet ((2007), 61 C.P.R. (4th) 353 (“Tariff 22.A
decision”)). On appeal, the Federal Court of Appeal agreed (2010 FCA 220, 409
N.R. 102).
The sole issue in this appeal is the meaning of
the phrase “to the public” in s. 3(1) (f) of the Act . The online music
services brought this appeal on the basis that their uses of music do not
engage the right to communicate to the public by telecommunication in s. 3(1) (f)
because they do not come within the scope of the phrase “to the public”. The
issue of whether downloads can be “communication[s]” within the meaning
of s. 3(1) (f) was left to be determined in the companion case Entertainment
Software Association v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of
Canada, 2012 SCC 34, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 231 (“ESA”). In ESA, a
majority of this Court determined that musical works are not “communicated” by
telecommunication when they are downloaded. This conclusion affects
this appeal. The question of whether the online music services engage the
exclusive right to “communicate . . . to the public by telecommunication” by
offering downloads to members of the public has now become moot.
However, the ESA did not contest the Board’s conclusion that a stream
constitutes a “communication” within the meaning of s. 3(1) (f) of the Act .
As a result, the remaining issue here is whether, based on CCH Canadian Ltd.
v. Law Society of Upper Canada, 2004 SCC 13, [2004] 1 S.C.R. 339 (“CCH”),
such communication of protected works nevertheless does not engage the
exclusive right to communicate to the public because a point-to-point
transmission from the website of an online music service to any individual
customer is a private communication.
II. Facts and Procedural History
The appellants, Rogers Communications Inc.,
Rogers Wireless Partnership, Shaw Cablesystems G.P., Bell Canada and Telus
Communications Company, offer online music services. Online music services
provide catalogues of digital audio files that consumers can browse at their
convenience. A consumer may select a song or an album and download or stream
the digital audio file containing the musical work to his or her computer or
mobile phone, or both.
The respondent, Society of Composers, Authors,
and Music Publishers of Canada (“SOCAN”), is a collective society of composers,
authors and publishers of music. It administers the right to perform in public
and the right to communicate to the public by telecommunication the works
covered by its members’ copyrights. It files proposed tariffs with the Board
and collects licence royalties, as set in tariffs certified by the Board, on
behalf of its members.
The issue in the present appeal is now whether
streaming of files from the Internet triggered by individual users constitutes
communication “to the public” of the musical works contained therein by online
music services who make the files available to the users for streaming.
These proceedings involve proposed tariffs first
filed by SOCAN in 1995 for various uses of musical works constituting, in
SOCAN’s view, communication of musical works to the public over the Internet.
There were objections to the filed proposals. In 1996, the Board decided to
deal with legal issues separately from the determination of the actual
tariffs. The first step was to “determine which activities on the Internet, if
any, constitute a protected use [of SOCAN’s repertoire of music] targeted in
the tariff” (SOCAN Statement of Royalties, Public Performance of Music Works
1996, 1997, 1998 (Tariff 22, Internet) (Re) (1999), 1 C.P.R. (4th) 417 (“Tariff
22 decision”), at p. 424). Issued on October 27, 1999, the Board termed this
its Phase I decision, dealing with legal and jurisdictional issues. Some of
its determinations are directly relevant to this appeal. The Tariff 22
decision was ultimately appealed to this Court, albeit on different issues.
However, in Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v.
Canadian Assn. of Internet Providers, 2004 SCC 45, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 427 (“SOCAN
v. CAIP”), at para. 30, Binnie J. noted the Board’s interpretation of the
phrase “to the public”, which was that a communication may be to the public
when it is made to individual members of the public, regardless of whether they
receive it at the same or at different times (Tariff 22 decision, at p. 435).
He found that this particular issue was “no longer contested.”
After this Court’s decision in SOCAN v. CAIP,
the Board proceeded to Phase II of the process to establish a tariff for the
communication of musical works over the Internet for the years 1996 to 2006.
In these proceedings, the appellants argued both before the Board and
subsequently on judicial review, that a point-to-point transmission of a
musical work is not a communication “to the public”. This argument is in large
part based on CCH and on the finding in that case that fax transmissions
of copyrighted works by the Great Library at Osgoode Hall to its patrons were
private communications.
The Board rejected this argument in its decision
issued on October 18, 2007. The Tariff 22.A decision reiterates the Board’s
earlier-stated view that communications to individual members of the public
through downloads or streams requested by them at different times are
communications “to the public”. Accordingly, finding SOCAN’s claim to be valid
in law, the Board proceeded to establish the tariffs it considered
The appellants’ application for judicial review
was unanimously dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal. Pelletier J.A.,
writing for the court, considered that the application should be reviewed on
the standard of reasonableness and found the Board’s determination of what
constitutes a “communication to the public” under the Act to be reasonable.
III. Analysis
A. Standard of Review
The appropriate standard for reviewing the
Board’s determinations on points of law was considered by Binnie J. in SOCAN
v. CAIP. In concluding that the correctness standard must apply, he wrote,
at para. 49:
There is neither a preclusive clause nor
a statutory right of appeal from decisions of the Copyright Board. While the
Chair of the Board must be a current or retired judge, the Board may hold a
hearing without any legally trained member present. The Copyright Act is
an act of general application which usually is dealt with before courts rather
than tribunals. The questions at issue in this appeal are legal questions.
[Emphasis added.]
Since that decision, this Court has
substantially revised the appropriate approach to judicial review. Dunsmuir v. New
Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9, [2008] 1 S.C.R. 190, made clear that an administrative body interpreting and applying its
home statute should normally be accorded deference on judicial review. See also Canada
(Canadian Human Rights Commission) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2011 SCC 53, [2011] 3 S.C.R. 471 (“Canada (CHRC)”), at para.
16, and Smith v. Alliance Pipeline Ltd., 2011 SCC 7, [2011] 1 S.C.R. 160, at para. 26. In Alberta
(Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, 2011 SCC 61, [2011] 3 S.C.R. 654 (“ATA”), at para. 39, the
Court held that “[w]hen considering a decision of an administrative tribunal
interpreting or applying its home statute, it should be presumed that the
appropriate standard of review is reasonableness.” By setting up a specialized
tribunal to determine certain issues the legislature is presumed to have
recognized superior expertise in that body in respect of issues arising under
its home statute or a closely related statute, warranting judicial review for
As stated by Binnie J. in SOCAN v. CAIP,
the core of the Board’s mandate is “the working out of the details of an
appropriate royalty tariff” (para. 49). Nevertheless, in order to carry out
this mandate, the Board is routinely called upon to ascertain rights underlying
any proposed tariff. In this, it is construing the Act , its home statute.
However, as Binnie J. noted in SOCAN v. CAIP,
the Act is a statute that will also be brought before the courts for
interpretation at first instance in proceedings for copyright infringement.
The court will examine the same legal issues the Board may be required to
address in carrying out its mandate. On appeal, questions of law decided by
the courts in these proceedings would be reviewed for correctness: Housen
v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235, at para. 8.
It would be inconsistent for the court to review
a legal question on judicial review of a decision of the Board on a deferential
standard and decide exactly the same legal question de novo if it arose
in an infringement action in the court at first instance. It would be equally
inconsistent if on appeal from a judicial review, the appeal court were to
approach a legal question decided by the Board on a deferential standard, but
adopt a correctness standard on an appeal from a decision of a court at first
instance on the same legal question.
Because of the unusual statutory scheme under
which the Board and the court may each have to consider the same legal question
at first instance, it must be inferred that the legislative intent was not to
recognize superior expertise of the Board relative to the court with respect to
such legal questions. This concurrent jurisdiction of the Board and the court
at first instance in interpreting the Copyright Act rebuts the
presumption of reasonableness review of the Board’s decisions on questions of
law under its home statute. This is consistent with Dunsmuir,
which directed that “[a] discrete and special administrative regime
in which the decision maker has special expertise” was a “facto[r that] will
lead to the conclusion that the decision maker should be given deference and a
reasonableness test applied” (para. 55 (emphasis added)). Because of the
jurisdiction at first instance that it shares with the courts, the Board cannot
be said to operate in such a “discrete . . . administrative regime”.
Therefore, I cannot agree with Abella J. that the fact that courts routinely
carry out the same interpretive tasks as the board at first instance “does not
detract from the Board’s particular familiarity and expertise with the
provisions of the Copyright Act ” (para. 68). In these circumstances,
courts must be assumed to have the same familiarity and expertise with the
statute as the board. Accordingly, I am of the opinion that in SOCAN v.
CAIP, Binnie J. determined in a satisfactory manner that the standard of
correctness should be the appropriate standard of review on questions of law
arising on judicial review from the Copyright Board (Dunsmuir, at para.
I must also respectfully disagree with
Abella J.’s characterization, at para. 62, of the holding in ATA as
meaning that the “exceptions to the presumption of home statute deference are .
. . constitutional questions and questions of law of central importance to the
legal system and outside the adjudicator’s specialized expertise”. Dunsmuir had recognized that questions which fall within the
categories of constitutional questions and questions of general law that are
both of central importance to the legal system as a whole and outside the
adjudicator’s specialized area of expertise were to be reviewed on a
correctness standard (paras. 58 and 60). ATA simply reinforced the
direction in Dunsmuir that issues that fall under the category of
interpretation of the home statute or closely related statutes normally attract
a deferential standard of review (ATA, at para. 39; Dunsmuir, at
para. 54). My colleague’s approach would in effect mean that the
reasonableness standard applies to all interpretations of home
statutes. Yet, ATA and Dunsmuir allow for the exceptional other
case to rebut the presumption of reasonableness review for questions involving
the interpretation of the home statute.
My colleague refers to pre-Dunsmuir
decisions for the proposition that shared jurisdiction at first instance does
not prevent reasonableness review of a tribunal’s decision under its home
statute. However, such precedents will only be helpful where they “determin[e]
in a satisfactory manner the degree of deference to be accorded with regard to
a particular category of question” (Dunsmuir, at para. 62).
The recent examples raised by Justice Abella
where reasonableness review was applied all involved bodies with exclusive
primary jurisdiction under their home statute, constituting “discrete . . .
administrative regime[s]”. Canada (CHRC) concerned the Canadian
Human Rights Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6 , which does not create shared primary
jurisdiction between the administrative tribunal and the courts. In these
circumstances, the Court simply found that the standard applicable on the facts
of that case was the reasonableness standard and confirmed the presumptive rule
that “if the issue relates to the interpretation and application of its own
statute, . . . the standard of reasonableness will generally apply”
(para. 24 (emphasis added)). Doré v. Barreau du Québec, 2012 SCC 12, [2012]
1 S.C.R. 395, involved the judicial review of a decision of a disciplinary body
under a professional Code of ethics of advocates, R.R.Q. 1981, c.
B-1, applicable to lawyers. There was no question of the constitutionality of
the provision in the Code of ethics. The question, rather, was whether
the adjudicator, making his fact-specific determination in the circumstances of
that case, had “act[ed] consistently with the values underlying the grant of
discretion, including Charter values” (Doré, at para. 24). In
any case, the adjudicator was operating as part of a discrete administrative
regime with exclusive jurisdiction over disciplinary matters under the Code
of ethics.
I wish to be clear that the statutory scheme
under which both a tribunal and a court may decide the same legal question at
first instance is quite unlike the scheme under which the vast majority of
judicial reviews arises. Concurrent jurisdiction at first instance seems to
appear only under intellectual property statutes where Parliament has preserved
dual jurisdiction between the tribunals and the courts. However, I leave the
determination of the appropriate standard of review of a tribunal decision under
other intellectual property statutes for a case in which it arises. Nothing in
these reasons should be taken as departing from Dunsmuir and its progeny
as to the presumptively deferential approach to the review of questions of law
decided by tribunals involving their home statute or statutes closely connected
to their function.
It should be equally clear that the
Board’s application of the correct legal principles to the facts of a
particular matter should be treated with deference, as are the decisions of
this nature by trial judges on appellate review. However, I cannot agree with
Abella J. that the question arising in this appeal is a question of mixed fact
and law (para. 74). The issue in this case has been argued by the parties as a
pure question of law. The Court is asked to determine whether a point-to-point
transmission can ever constitute a communication “to the public” within
the meaning of s. 3(1) (f) of the Copyright Act (A.F., at para.
2). This is not a “questio[n] of mixed fact and law [that] involve[s] applying
a legal standard to a set of facts” (Housen v. Nikolaisen, at para. 26);
it is an extricable question of law.
B. Can a Point-to-Point Transmission Effected at the Request
of the Recipient Be a Communication “to the Public”?
(1) Arguments of the Parties and Relevant
Legislative Provisions
Before this Court, the appellants maintain that
a point-to-point communication by telecommunication of a discrete copy of a
musical work is not a communication to the public, regardless of whether
another copy of the same work is transmitted to a different customer at a different
time. They argue that “the [Federal Court of Appeal’s] decision is directly
contrary to . . . CCH”, where “all three Courts concluded that the Great
Library’s facsimile service did not infringe the right to communicate to the
public by telecommunication — based on analyzing whether each
transmission was a communication to the public” (A.F., at paras. 8 and 45
(emphasis in original)). The appellants further support their position by
reference to the legislative history of s. 3(1) (f) of the Act and
U.S. authorities. SOCAN views the decisions of the Board and of the F.C.A. as
correct and consistent with relevant international copyright conventions.
The legal question in this appeal involves the
interpretation of s. 3 of the Act . The right to communicate to the public by
telecommunication is set out in s. 3(1) (f) of the Act :
3. (1) For the purposes of this Act , “copyright”, in relation to a
work, means the sole right . . .
. . .
(f) in
the case of any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, to communicate
the work to the public by telecommunication,
. . .
to authorize any such acts.
Section 2 broadly defines “telecommunication” as
“any transmission of signs, signals, writing, images or sounds or intelligence
of any nature by wire, radio, visual, optical or other electromagnetic
system”. There is no dispute in this appeal that the communications in issue
are “telecommunications” within the meaning of the Copyright Act .
(2) The Precedent in CCH: Interpreting “to
the Public”
The words “to the public” within the meaning of
s. 3(1) (f) of the Act were considered in CCH. The Great Library
offered the service of faxing reported judgments and excerpts of other legal
materials to individual lawyers at the lawyer’s request. The publishers holding
copyrights in the transmitted works argued that the fax transmissions of copies
of their works to individual lawyers were communications to the public by
telecommunication by the Great Library. Contrasting this situation with
telecommunications in the context of subscription or pay-per-view television,
at trial, Gibson J. found no communication to the public since “the
telecommunications, by facsimile, emanated from a single point and were each
intended to be received at a single point” ([2000] 2 F.C. 451 (T.D.), at para.
The conclusion was affirmed on appeal by the
Federal Court of Appeal (2002 FCA 187, [2002] 4 F.C. 213) and this Court. This
Court, as did the F.C.A., held that “transmission of a single copy to a single
individual is not a communication to the public”: CCH (SCC), at para.
78; CCH (FCA), at paras. 101 and 253. Both sets of reasons in the
Federal Court rely on the ordinary meaning of the phrase “to the public”, as
well as the definition of “public” in Art. 1721(2) of the North American
Free Trade Agreement, Can. T.S. 1994 No. 2 (“NAFTA”), to conclude that “to
be ‘to the public’ a communication must be targeted at an aggregation of
individuals, which is more than a single person but not necessarily the
whole public at large” (Linden J.A., at para. 100 (emphasis added)). This
Court agreed with the F.C.A.’s conclusion (para. 78).
However, this Court expressly limited its ruling
to the facts in CCH. McLachlin C.J. wrote:
fax transmission of a single copy to a single individual is not a communication
to the public. This said, a series of repeated fax transmissions of the
same work to numerous different recipients might constitute communication
to the public in infringement of copyright. However, there was no evidence
of this type of transmission having occurred in this case.
the evidence in this case, the fax transmissions were not communications to the
public. [Emphasis added; paras. 78-79.]
(3) A Disagreement Based on Perspective
Both parties in this appeal rely on CCH
in support of their respective positions. They disagree, however, on the
meaning of the caveat in CCH that “a series of repeated fax
transmissions of the same work to numerous different recipients might
constitute communication to the public in infringement of copyright”. The appellants
argue that all three courts in CCH ruled that each transmission must be
analyzed on its own, as a separate transaction, regardless of whether another
communication of the same work to a different customer may occur at a later
point in time. They submit that a “series of repeated fax transmissions of the
same work to numerous different recipients might constitute communication to
the public in infringement of copyright” only where the series of transmissions
to multiple users originate from a single act by the sender. They
provide the example of multiple fax transmissions occurring successively as a
result of a decision by the sender to fax to multiple recipients (“a broadcast
fax” (A.F., at para. 70)). This is distinguishable in their view from discrete
point-to-point transmissions which result from multiple unrelated acts by the
sender. In SOCAN’s view, there is no requirement in CCH that the series
of transmissions originate from a single act of the sender.
The disagreement is based on perspective. Where
the appellants argue that we must consider the recipient of each
transmission, SOCAN and the decisions below focused on the sender’s
activities in communicating a given work over time.
(4) Transmissions Must Be Looked at in Context
In my respectful view, the appellants’
proposition is untenable. Such a rule would produce arbitrary results. For
example, where a copyright-protected work is sent to 100 randomly selected
members of the general public by way of a single e-mail with multiple recipients,
on the appellants’ approach, this would constitute a communication “to the
public”. However, under the same approach, the sender could avoid infringing
copyright simply by executing the same task through sending separate e-mails to
each of the 100 recipients. If the nature of the activity in both cases is the
same, albeit accomplished through different technical means, there is no
justification for distinguishing between the two for copyright purposes.
Focusing on each individual transmission loses
sight of the true character of the communication activity in question and makes
copyright protection dependant on technicalities of the alleged infringer’s
chosen method of operation. Such an approach does not allow for principled
copyright protection. Instead, it is necessary to consider the broader context
to determine whether a given point-to-point transmission engages the exclusive
right to communicate to the public. This is the only way to ensure that form
does not prevail over substance.
Sharlow J.A. addressed this issue in Canadian
Wireless Telecommunications Assn. v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music
Publishers of Canada, 2008 FCA 6, [2008] 3 F.C.R. 539, leave to appeal
refused, [2008] 2 S.C.R. vi (“CWTA”), holding that a person offering
members of the public the opportunity to download ringtones for their mobile
phones thereby communicates the musical works contained in the ringtones to the
public. She wrote that this approach
consistent with the language of [s. 3(1) (f) of the Act ] and its
context. It also accords with common sense. If a wireless carrier were to
transmit a particular ringtone simultaneously to all customers who have
requested it, that transmission would be a communication to the public. It
would be illogical to reach a different result simply because the transmissions
are done one by one, and thus at different times. [para. 43]
(5) The Appellants’ Interpretation Would Exclude
All On-Demand Transmissions
In oral argument, counsel for the appellants
seemed to go somewhat beyond the mere technicality of the transmissions by
looking at the intention of the sender in accomplishing a given
transmission. In the case of a “blas[t]” communication, he pointed out that
the sender has “take[n] it upon [himself] to send [the work] out” (Transcript,
at p. 24). By contrast, in the case of a one-to-one transmission, at least
that from an online music service to a customer at the customer’s request, or
from the Great Library in CCH to a patron, he argued that there is no
intention that the same work ever be transmitted again “because it is entirely
at the request of the consuming public” (p. 26). In the appellants’ view, this
would justify differential treatment of the point-to-point transmission and the
“blas[t]” communication.
With respect, this proposition too must be
rejected, for the same reason that focusing the analysis on the recipient of a
transmission rather than on the overall context of the communication produces
results inconsistent with the true character of the communication. The facts
of this case underscore the point. The Board found that “[d]ownloads are
‘targeted at an aggregation of individuals’” and are “offered to anyone with
the appropriate device who is willing to comply with the terms” (para. 97). It
is hardly possible to maintain that “there is no intention that the same work
ever be transmitted again”.
In addition, the appellants’ proposed rule that
each transmission be analyzed in isolation because each is initiated at the
request of individual members of the public would have the effect of excluding
all interactive communications from the scope of the copyright holder’s
exclusive rights to communicate to the public and to authorize such
communications. A stream is often effectuated at the request of the
recipient. On-demand television allows viewers to request and view the desired
program at the time of their choosing. By definition, on-demand communications
— relating to the so-called “pull” technologies — are initiated at the request
of the user, independently of any other user, and each individual transmission
happens in a point-to-point manner. None of these telecommunications would be
considered as being made “to the public” simply because the actual
transmission occurs at the initiative and discretion of the consumer to accept
the invitation to the public to access the content.
Nothing in the wording of s. 3(1) (f) of
the Act implies such a limitation. A communication is not restricted to a
purely non-interactive context.
(6) Section 3(1) (f) Is Not Limited to
Traditional “Push” Technologies; It Is Technology-Neutral
The right to communicate to the public is
historically linked to traditional media that operated on a broadcasting, or
“push”, model. As pointed out by the appellants, the predecessor to s. 3(1) (f)
guaranteed copyright holders an exclusive right to communicate literary,
dramatic, musical or artistic works by radio-communication. The
predecessor section was introduced in 1931, implementing Article 11bis
of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works,
828 U.N.T.S. 221 (Rome Revision of 1928): J. S. McKeown, Fox on Canadian Law
of Copyright and Industrial Designs, (4th ed. (loose-leaf), at p. 21-86); Composers,
Authors and Publishers Assoc. of Canada Ltd. v. CTV Television Network Ltd.,
[1968] S.C.R. 676, at p. 681. Radio-communications were understood to include
transmissions by microwave over the airwaves: Canadian Admiral Corp. v.
Rediffusion, Inc., [1954] Ex. C.R. 382. As such, the radio-communication
right extended to radio and traditional over-the-air television broadcasting,
notably leaving transmissions by cable outside of copyright protection.
This technology-specific communication right was
amended to the technologically neutral right to “communicate . . . to
the public by telecommunication” to reflect the obligations entered into by
Canada under NAFTA (Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation
Act, S.C. 1988, c. 65, ss. 61 and 62 ). The change from radio-communication
to telecommunication meant that Canadian cable companies which
previously escaped any payment of royalties under the “radio-communication”
right, were now caught by the Act : S. Handa, Copyright Law in Canada
(2002), at p. 320.
The historic relationship between the right to
communicate to the public and broadcasting-type, “push” technologies, and the
1988 amendment in particular, is evidence that the Act has evolved to ensure
its continued relevance in an evolving technological environment. The historic
relationship does not support reading into the Act restrictions which are not
apparent from and are even inconsistent with the neutral language of the Act
In addition, this Court has long recognized in
the context of the reproduction right that, where possible, the Act should be
interpreted to extend to technologies that were not or could not have been
contemplated at the time of its drafting: Apple Computer Inc. v. Mackintosh
Computers Ltd., [1987] 1 F.C. 173 (T.D.), aff’d [1988] 1 F.C. 673 (C.A.),
aff’d [1990] 2 S.C.R. 209. That the Act was to apply to new technologies was
recently reaffirmed in Robertson v. Thomson Corp., 2006 SCC 43, [2006] 2
S.C.R. 363, at para. 49, per LeBel and Fish JJ.:
neutrality is reflected in s. 3(1) of the Copyright Act which describes
a right to produce or reproduce a work “in any material form whatever”.
Media neutrality means that the Copyright Act should continue to apply
in different media, including more technologically advanced ones. . . . [I]t
exists to protect the rights of authors and others as technology evolves.
Although the words “in any material
form whatever” qualify the right to “produce or reproduce the work” in s. 3(1) ,
the same principle should guide the application of the neutral wording of the
right to “communicate . . . to the public by telecommunication”. The broad
definition of “telecommunication” was adopted precisely to provide for a
communication right “not dependent on the form of technology” (SOCAN v. CAIP,
at para. 90).
Ultimately, in determining the extent of
copyright, regard must be had for the fact that “[t]he Copyright Act is
usually presented as a balance between promoting the public interest in the
encouragement and dissemination of works of the arts and intellect and
obtaining a just reward for the creator” (Théberge v. Galerie d’Art
du Petit Champlain inc., 2002 SCC 34, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 336, at para. 30). This balance is not appropriately struck where the existence
of copyright protection depends merely on the business model that the alleged
infringer chooses to adopt rather than the underlying communication activity.
Whether a business chooses to convey copyright protected content in a
traditional, “broadcasting” type fashion, or opts for newer approaches based on
consumer choice and convenience, the end result is the same. The copyrighted
work has been made available to an aggregation of individuals of the general
(7) Developments at the International Level Are
Consistent in Encompassing On-Demand Communications to the Public in Copyright
Developments at the international level are
consistent with this conclusion. Article 11bis of the Berne
Convention, of which Canada is a party, sets out certain communication
rights in literary and artistic works:
and Related Rights]
(1) Authors of literary and artistic
works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing:
(i) the
broadcasting of their works or the communication thereof to the public by
any other means of wireless diffusion of signs, sounds or images;
(ii) any
communication to the public by wire or by rebroadcasting of the
broadcast of the work, when this communication is made by an organization
other than the original one;
(iii) the
public communication by loudspeaker or any other analogous instrument
transmitting, by signs, sounds or images, the broadcast of the work.
As stated earlier, s. 3(1) (f) is based
on Article 11bis of the Berne Convention.
The advent of on-demand technologies, and the
Internet in particular, led to questions as to whether such new
telecommunication technologies were encompassed in the communication right
existing under the Berne regime. While it was possible to interpret the
relevant articles as extending to on-demand transmissions over the Internet,
there was ambiguity: S. Ricketson and J. C. Ginsburg, International
Copyright and Neighbouring Rights: The Berne Convention and Beyond (2nd ed.
2006), vol. I, at para. 12.48. For example, the word “broadcasting” used in
Article 11bis(1) “may well imply widely sending a communication
simultaneously to many recipients” (para. 12.49).
In 1996, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, 2186
U.N.T.S. 121 (“WCT”), was entered into. The WCT is a special agreement
within the meaning of Art. 20 of the Berne Convention, which
stipulates that “[t]he Governments of the countries of the [Berne] Union
reserve the right to enter into special agreements among themselves, in so far
as such agreements grant to authors more extensive rights than those granted by
the Convention, or contain other provisions not contrary to this Convention”
(see Art. 1(1) of the WCT).
Article 8 of the WCT reads:
[Right of Communication to the Public]
Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 11(1)(ii), 11bis(1)(i)
and (ii), 11ter(1)(ii), 14(1)(ii) and 14bis(1) of the Berne
Convention, authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive
right of authorizing any communication to the public of their works, by wire or
wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works
in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a place
and at a time individually chosen by them.
Ricketson and Ginsburg comment on the meaning
and legislative history of Art. 8 in these terms:
WCT’s principal innovation is its specification that the right of
communication to the public includes a right of “making available to the public
of [literary and artistic] works in such a way that members of the public may
access those works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them”. This
right targets on-demand transmissions (whether by wire or wireless means), for
it makes clear that the members of the public may be separated both in space
and in time. [Emphasis added; para. 12.57.]
The WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook:
Policy, Law and Use, chapter 5, “International Treaties and Conventions on
Intellectual Property”, No. 489 (2nd ed. 2004), comments that the “WCT . . . clarifies
that that right also covers transmissions in interactive systems”
(para. 5.226 (emphasis added)).
In the end, “[t]he core concept of ‘making
available’ . . . can fairly be called neither a reaffirmation nor a novelty,
for it resolves an ambiguity as to whether the old communication to the public
rights accommodated or excluded ‘pull technologies’” (J. C. Ginsburg, “The
(new?) right of making available to the public”, in D. Vaver and L. Bently,
eds., Intellectual Property in the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of
William R. Cornish (2004), 234, at p. 246).
Canada has signed, but not yet ratified or
legislatively adopted the WCT. Therefore, the WCT is not binding in this
country. The WCT is only cited to demonstrate that the broad interpretation of
s. 3(1) (f) of the Act , recognizing that a communication “to the public”
subject to copyright protection may occur through point-to-point transmissions
at the user’s request, is not out of step with Art. 8 of the WCT and international
thinking on the issue.
(8) American Jurisprudence
The appellants’
remaining argument is based on American jurisprudence. This argument must also
be dismissed. They mainly rely on the decision of the Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit in Cartoon Network v. CSC Holdings, Inc., 536 F.3d 121
(2008), in which it was held that the potential audience of each
point-to-point transmission must be considered to determine whether a given
transmission is “to the public”. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals found in
that case that the transmissions were not “to the public”.
This case is of no
assistance to the appellants. The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
relied on the specific language of the U.S. “transmit clause”. It held that
the language of the clause itself directs considering who is “capable of
receiving” a particular “transmission” or “performance”, and not of the
potential audience of a particular “work” (p. 134). Quite to the contrary, our
Copyright Act speaks more broadly of “communicat[ing a] work to
the public”. This Court has recognized in the past important differences both
in wording and in policy between Canadian and American copyright legislation.
It has warned that “United States court decisions, even where the factual
situations are similar, must be scrutinized very carefully” (see Compo Co.
v. Blue Crest Music Inc., [1980] 1 S.C.R. 357, at p. 367). The
difference in statutory wording between the relevant provisions of the American
legislation and of the Canadian Copyright Act is sufficient to render
the U.S. decisions of no assistance in the interpretive exercise engaged here.
(9) Summary
These considerations
are sufficient to dispose of the appellants’ argument that a point-to-point
transmission is necessarily a private transaction outside of the scope of the
exclusive right to communicate to the public. To quote Sharlow J.A., at para. 35
of CWTA,
in determining whether paragraph 3(1) (f)
applies to the transmission of a musical work in the form of a digital audio
file, it is not enough to ask whether there is a one-to-one communication, or a
one-to-one communication requested by the recipient. The answer to either of
those questions would not necessarily be determinative because a series of
transmissions of the same musical work to numerous different recipients may be
a communication to the public if the recipients comprise the public, or a
significant segment of the public.
(SCC) determined that a “series of repeated . . . transmissions of the same
work to numerous different recipients” may constitute a communication “to the
public” within the meaning of s. 3(1) (f) of the Act (para. 78).
Where such a series of point-to-point communications of the same work to an
aggregation of individuals is found to exist, it matters little for the
purposes of copyright protection whether the members of the public receive the
communication in the same or in different places, at the same or at different
times or at their own or the sender’s initiative.
IV. Application to the Facts — Whether Online Music Services
“Communicate to the Public”
Although they occur between the online music
provider and the individual consumer in a point-to-point fashion, the
transmissions of musical works in this case, where they constitute
“communications”, can be nothing other than communications “to the public”.
Online music services provide catalogues of
musical works. It is open to any customer willing to pay the purchase price to
download or stream the works on offer. The works in the catalogues could as a
result be transmitted to large segments of the public — if not the public at
large. Through the commercial activities of the online music services, the
works in question have the potential of being put in the possession of an
aggregation of customers. Indeed, the appellants’ business model is premised
on the expectation of multiple sales of any given musical work. Achieving the
highest possible number of online sales is the very raison d’être of
online music services. The number of actual transmissions depends only on the
commercial success of a given work. The necessary implication of this business
model is that there will be a “series of repeated . . . transmissions of the
same work to numerous different recipients” (CCH (SCC), at para. 78).
The conclusion that a communication “to the public” occurs is consistent with
reality. As Professor Vaver explains,
[i]f the content is intentionally made available
to anyone who wants to access it, it is treated as communicated “to the public”
even if users access the work at different times and places.
Vaver, Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents, Trade-marks (2nd
ed. 2011), at p. 173)
These facts are distinguishable from those in CCH
and the holding in that case does not assist the appellants. The publishers
alleging infringement in CCH had presented no evidence that the Great
Library was communicating the same works in a serial fashion or that the Great
Library had made the works generally available at any lawyer’s request. The
Great Library’s employees examined and accordingly accepted or refused every
request on its own merits, thus retaining control over access to the works.
Following the online music services’ business
model, musical works are indiscriminately made available to anyone with
Internet access to the online music service’s website. This means that the
customers requesting the streams are not members of a narrow group, such as a
family or a circle of friends. Simply, they are “the public”. In these
circumstances, the transmission of any file containing a musical work, starting
with the first, from the online service’s website to the customer’s computer,
at the customer’s request, constitutes “communicat[ing] the work to the public
by telecommunication”.
V. Conclusion
The appeal is allowed in respect of downloads
for the reasons set out by the majority in Entertainment Software Association
v. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada and
dismissed in respect of music streamed from the Internet in accordance with
these reasons. In view of the divided result, each party should bear its own
The following are the reasons
delivered by
Abella J. — I agree with Justice Rothstein that in the case of streams only,
not downloads, we ought not to disturb the Copyright Board’s conclusion that a
point-to-point communication from an online service provider, effected at the
request of a customer, can be a communication “to the public”. The focus of
these concurring reasons, however, is on the standard of review.
In my respectful view, the majority’s conclusion
about how to approach the standard of review overcomplicates what should be a
straightforward application of the reasonableness standard. The Board, when
interpreting its home statute in setting tariffs for the communication of new
forms of digital media, should be accorded the same deference and be reviewed on
the same standard as every other specialized tribunal in Canada.
Since Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick, [2008] 1
S.C.R. 190, this Court has unwaveringly held that institutionally expert and
specialized tribunals are entitled to a presumption of deference when interpreting
their home statute. Applying a correctness standard of review on the sole
basis that a court might interpret the same statute, in my view, takes us back
to the pre-Dunsmuir focus on relative expertise between courts and
tribunals and the view that courts prevail whenever it comes to questions of
law. This effectively drains expert tribunals of the deference and respect
they are owed, as is reflected in the language of Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of
Canada v. Canadian Assn. of Internet Providers, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 427 (SOCAN v. CAIP),
which the majority’s reasons rely on to conclude that the Board’s legal
determinations should be reviewed on a correctness standard:
Copyright Act is an act of general application which usually is dealt
with before courts rather than tribunals. The questions at issue in this
appeal are legal questions. . . . [T]he Board’s ruling . . . addresses a point
of general legal significance far beyond the working out of the details of an
appropriate royalty tariff, which lies within the core of the Board’s mandate.
[Emphasis added; para. 49.]
This Court recently held in Alberta
(Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta Teachers’ Association,
[2011] 3 S.C.R. 654 (ATA), that deference on judicial review is presumed
any time a tribunal interprets its home statute:
the situation is exceptional, and we have not seen
such a situation since Dunsmuir, the interpretation by the tribunal of
“its own statute or statutes closely connected to its function, with which it
will have particular familiarity” should be presumed to be a question of
statutory interpretation subject to deference on judicial review. [Emphasis
added; para. 34.]
The existing exceptions to the presumption of
home statute deference are, as noted in ATA, constitutional questions
and questions of law of central importance to the legal system and outside the
adjudicator’s specialized expertise (ATA, at para. 30; Dunsmuir,
at paras. 58 and 60). The Court in ATA also questioned the continued
existence of another exception: the problematic category of true questions of
jurisdiction or vires (paras. 33-34).
In concluding that the Copyright Board’s
concurrent jurisdiction with all federal and provincial courts in Canada
warrants a correctness standard of review, the majority’s reasons have added a
new exception — shared
jurisdiction with courts. This is not even hinted at in Dunsmuir. Nor
is anything about this new category obviously analogous to the other exceptions
to the presumption of home statute deference, which are essentially legal
questions beyond the quotidian work of a tribunal. Nor is it obvious to me
why shared jurisdiction should be seen to displace Parliament’s
attributed intention that a tribunal’s specialized expertise entitles it to be
reviewed with restraint. It appears to spring full panoplied from a different
We attribute expertise to a tribunal on the
basis that Parliament has delegated decision making to it as an institutionally
specialized body. Dunsmuir recognized the reality that “in many
instances, those working day to day in the implementation of frequently complex
administrative schemes have or will develop a considerable degree of expertise
or field sensitivity to the imperatives and nuances of the legislative regime”:
at para. 49, citing David J. Mullan, “Establishing the Standard of Review: The
Struggle for Complexity?” (2004), 17 C.J.A.L.P. 59, at p. 93. This idea
was reinforced by this Court in Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v.
Khosa, [2009] 1 S.C.R. 339, where the majority held that express or implied
statutory direction was not required before granting deference to a tribunal — deference flowed instead from the
tribunal’s “day to day” statutory familiarity (para. 25).
The Board has
specialized expertise in interpreting the provisions of the Copyright Act,
R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42 . The fact of shared jurisdiction
does not undermine this expertise, the basis for institutional deference. The Board does not simply “wor[k]
out . . . the details of an appropriate royalty tariff”, despite what is
suggested in SOCAN v. CAIP, at para. 49. It sets policies that
collectively determine the rights of copyright owners and users, and plays an
important role in achieving the proper balance between those actors: Margaret
Ann Wilkinson, “Copyright, Collectives, and Contracts: New Math for Educational
Institutions and Libraries”, in Michael Geist, ed., From “Radical Extremism”
to “Balanced Copyright” (2010), 503, at p. 514.
The Board has highly
specialized knowledge about the media technologies used to create and
disseminate copyrighted works, such as the Internet, digital radio, satellite
communications, as well as related economic issues: Copyright
Board Canada, Performance Report for the period ending 31 March 2003 (online),
at Section II: Departmental Context — Organization, Mandate and Strategic Outcomes. This specialized
knowledge is precisely the kind of institutional expertise that Dunsmuir
concluded was entitled to deference.
In the case before us,
the Board is tasked with determining whether downloading a musical work
constitutes a “communicat[ion] . . . to the public” within s. 3(1) (f) of
the Copyright Act . This question involves examining many facets,
including how music is accessed (e.g., through a stream versus a download),
recent changes and trends in the way that users and consumers access music, and
how all of this impacts on the ability of copyright owners to obtain
compensation for their work.
In exercising its
mandate, the Board must interpret the meaning of several provisions in the Copyright
Act , including the exclusive rights of copyright owners listed in s. 3(1) .
The fact that a court might in another case be asked to
interpret the same provisions of the Copyright Act does not detract from
the Board’s particular familiarity and expertise with the provisions of the Copyright
Act . Nor does it make this legislation any less of a home statute to the
Board. The Act may
sometimes be home to other judicial actors as part of their varied adjudicative
functions, but their occasional occupancy should not deprive the Board of the
deference it is entitled to as the permanent resident whose only task is to
interpret and apply the Act .
The majority bases its conclusion that shared
jurisdiction attracts a correctness standard on the possibility of inconsistent
results stemming from a more deferential standard of review for the Board’s
interpretation of the Act . But this Court in Smith v. Alliance
Pipeline Ltd., [2011] 1 S.C.R. 160, considered — and rejected —
concerns over the possibility of multiple interpretations flowing from
deference. Justice Fish noted that even prior to Dunsmuir, the standard
of reasonableness was based on the idea that multiple valid interpretations of
a statutory provision were inevitable, and ought not to be disturbed unless the
tribunal’s decision was not rationally supported (paras. 38-39).
The majority’s reasons also suggest that
concurrent jurisdiction between tribunals and courts is rare, and therefore no
threat to the integrity of the “home statute” presumption. Yet tribunals often
share jurisdiction with courts in interpreting and applying the same statutory
provisions. Both the Trade-marks Opposition Board and the Federal Court, for
example, interpret and apply s. 6 of the Trade-marks Act, R.S.C. 1985,
c. T-13 , to determine whether a trade-mark is “confusing”. The Board applies
s. 6 in the context of opposition proceedings seeking to block registration of
a trade-mark, while the Federal Court applies s. 6 in the context of actions
for infringement or claims seeking the expungement of a registered trade-mark
on the basis that it is invalid: see Chamberlain Group Inc. v. Lynx
Industries Inc., 2010 FC 1287, 379 F.T.R. 270; Alticor Inc. v. Nutravite
Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2005 FCA 269, 339 N.R. 56.
Notwithstanding this shared jurisdiction, the
Trade-marks Opposition Board’s decisions are nevertheless reviewed on a
reasonableness standard, as Rothstein J.A. concluded for the majority in Molson
Breweries v. John Labatt Ltd., [2000] 3 F.C. 145 (C.A.):
regard to the Registrar’s expertise . . . I am of
the opinion that decisions of the Registrar, whether of fact, law or
discretion, within his area of expertise, are to be reviewed on a standard
of reasonableness simpliciter . . . [unless] additional evidence is adduced
in the Trial Division that would have materially affected the Registrar’s
findings of fact . . . . [Emphasis added; para. 51.]
And in Canada (Canadian Human Rights
Commission) v. Canada (Attorney General), [2011] 3 S.C.R. 471, this Court
applied a reasonableness standard to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s
conclusion that the terms “compensate . . . for any expenses incurred by the
victim” in s. 53(2) (c) and (d) of the Canadian Human Rights
Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6 , gave it the authority to award costs. Justices
LeBel and Cromwell, for the Court, noted that even though the issue of “costs”
could arise before other adjudicative bodies, including the courts, this
was not an automatic reason to apply a correctness standard. Instead, the
Court found that the question was within the Tribunal’s expertise, and
therefore reviewable on a reasonableness standard of review:
There is no doubt that the human rights
tribunals are often called upon to address issues of very broad import. But,
the same questions may arise before other adjudicative bodies, particularly the
courts. . . .
. . if the issue relates to the interpretation and application of its own
statute, is within its expertise and does not raise issues of general legal
importance, the standard of reasonableness will generally apply and the
Tribunal will be entitled to deference. [Emphasis added; paras. 23-24.]
There are other examples of the application of a
reasonableness standard notwithstanding shared jurisdiction between tribunals
and courts. Most recently, in Doré v. Barreau du Québec, [2012] 1
S.C.R. 395, this Court applied a reasonableness standard in determining whether
a disciplinary board properly applied the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms ’ guarantee of freedom of expression in disciplining a lawyer under
Quebec’s Code of ethics of advocates, R.R.Q. 1981, c. B-1. The fact
that “freedom of expression” is concurrently interpreted by the courts did not
in any way detract from the deference given to the discipline board in applying
the Charter . If concurrent jurisdiction with the courts in interpreting
and applying something as legally transcendent as the Charter does not
affect the deference to which tribunals are entitled in interpreting their own
mandate, surely it is hard to justify carving out copyright law for unique
judicial “protection”.
Even if shared jurisdiction is accepted as
a justification for reviewing the Board’s legal determinations on a standard of
correctness, the Board’s
mandate was to decide whether a particular activity —
downloading a musical work — is the type of activity captured by the
phrase “communicate . . . to the public” in s. 3(1) (f) of the Copyright
Act , thereby triggering a tariff. This is a question of mixed fact and law
which, according to Dunsmuir, attracts deference. The view that we can extricate a legal definition of “communicate .
. . to the public” under s. 3(1) (f), from the context of the complex and
interlocking facts and policies considered by the Board in setting a tariff,
strikes me as unrealistic. The
majority, however, sees two extricable legal questions: the definition of
“communicate” and the definition of “to the public”: see also the companion
appeal, Entertainment Software Association v. Society of Composers, Authors
and Music Publishers of Canada, [2012] 2 S.C.R. 231.
“Extricating” legal
issues from a question of mixed fact and law is an appellate review concept
that was developed in Housen v. Nikolaisen, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235. In the
context of judicial review, however, extricating legal issues — sometimes referred to as “segmentation” —
presents several problems. Unlike trial courts, which have no expertise
relative to appellate courts when interpreting a statute, most tribunals are
granted particular mandates, giving them specialized expertise in interpreting
and applying their home statute to a particular set of facts.
In Dunsmuir, while Bastarache and LeBel
JJ. for the majority did not define “mixed fact and law” questions, they did
discuss the issue of “separat[ing]” legal and factual issues at paras. 51-53:
the question is one of fact, discretion or policy, deference will usually apply
automatically. We believe that the same standard must apply to the review
of questions where the legal and factual issues are intertwined with and cannot
be readily separated. [Emphasis added; citations omitted; para. 53.]
This statement was recently affirmed by this
Court in Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, [2010] 2
S.C.R. 650, at para. 65. In that decision, the Chief Justice held that the
B.C. Utilities Commission’s conclusion that consultation with First Nations was
not required for the approval of an Energy Purchase Agreement was a question of
mixed fact and law (at para. 78). She declined to classify the Commission’s
decision within the scheme of the Administrative Tribunals Act, S.B.C.
2004, c. 45, as a “constitutional question” or question of law on the one hand,
or a finding of fact on the other. Instead, citing Dunsmuir, she
held that the mixed question “falls between the legislated standards and thus
attracts the common law standard of ‘reasonableness’” (para. 78).
Moreover, this Court has repeatedly held that
the application of multiple standards of review to different aspects of a
tribunal’s decision — one for
questions of law and one for questions of fact — should be avoided, urging instead that the tribunal’s decision be
reviewed as a whole. As Iacobucci J. explained for the majority in Canadian Broadcasting Corp. v. Canada
(Labour Relations Board),
[1995] 1 S.C.R. 157 (CBC v. Canada):
the [Canada Labour Relations Board] may have to be correct in an isolated
interpretation of external legislation, the standard of review of the decision
as a whole, if that decision is otherwise within its jurisdiction, will be one
of patent unreasonableness. Of course, the correctness of the
interpretation of the external statute may affect the overall reasonableness
of the decision. Whether this is the case will depend on the impact of the
statutory provision on the outcome of the decision as a whole. [Emphasis added;
para. 49.]
And in Law Society of New Brunswick v.
Ryan, [2003] 1 S.C.R. 247, at para. 56, Iacobucci J. confirmed that what
should be reviewed are the “reasons, taken as a whole” (see also Newfoundland and Labrador Nurses’ Union
v. Newfoundland and Labrador (Treasury Board), [2011] 3 S.C.R. 708, at
para. 14).
In other words, even if
an aspect of the tribunal’s decision would otherwise attract a correctness
standard, the decision “as a whole” should be reviewed on a deferential
standard. As suggested by Iacobucci J. in CBC v. Canada (at para. 49
(emphasis added)), even when the tribunal incorrectly interprets an external
statute, that would merely “affect the overall reasonableness of the
decision”, as opposed to being a completely extricable error of law.
There are several other
directives from this Court to the effect that the application of more than one
standard of review to a tribunal’s decision is an exceptional practice. In Toronto
(City) v. C.U.P.E., Local 79, [2003] 3 S.C.R. 77, LeBel J. warned:
This Court has recognized on a number of
occasions that it may, in certain circumstances, be appropriate to apply
different standards of deference to different decisions taken by an
administrative adjudicator in a single case. This case provides an example of
one type of situation where this may be the proper approach. It involves a
fundamental legal question falling outside the arbitrator’s area of expertise.
This legal question, though foundational to the decision as a whole, is easily
differentiated from a second question on which the arbitrator was entitled to
deference: the determination of whether there was just cause . . . .
as I have noted above, the fact that the question adjudicated by the arbitrator
in this case can be separated into two distinct issues, one of which is
reviewable on a correctness standard, should not be taken to mean that this
will often be the case. Such cases are rare; the various strands that go
into a decision are more likely to be inextricably intertwined, particularly in
a complex field such as labour relations, such that the reviewing court should
view the adjudicator’s decision as an integrated whole. [Emphasis added;
citations omitted; paras. 75-76.]
This view was endorsed in Council of
Canadians with Disabilities v. VIA Rail Canada Inc., [2007] 1 S.C.R. 650,
where the majority said:
The Agency is responsible for
interpreting its own legislation, including what that statutory responsibility
includes. The Agency made a decision with many component parts, each of
which fell squarely and inextricably within its expertise and mandate. It was
therefore entitled to a single, deferential standard of review.
[Emphasis added; para. 100.]
And in Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207 Canada Inc.,
[2006] 1 S.C.R. 772, the Trade-marks Opposition Board concluded that use of the
name “Barbie’s” for a small Montreal restaurant chain would not create
confusion in the marketplace with the Mattel doll of the same name. On
judicial review and at this Court, Mattel argued that the Board wrongly
interpreted a provision of the Trade-marks Act defining “confusion”.
Binnie J. for the majority refused to extricate a definitional legal question
from the mixed question of whether the word “Barbie” created “confusion” in the
marketplace. Concluding that the factual and legal issues were intertwined, he
applied a deferential standard:
determination of the likelihood of confusion requires an expertise that is
possessed by the Board (which performs such assessments day in and day out) in
greater measure than is typical of judges. This calls for some judicial
deference to the Board’s determination . . . .
. . .
While the appellant frames
its argument as a challenge to the correctness of the interpretation given to
s. 6 . . . I think that in reality . . . its challenge is directed to the
relative weight to be given to the s. 6(5) enumerated and unenumerated
factors. The legal issue is not neatly extricable from its factual context,
but calls for an interpretation within the expertise of the Board.
[Emphasis added; paras. 36 and 39.]
Binnie J., rightly in
my view, was reluctant to extricate a pure question of statutory interpretation
from the Board’s overall conclusion that the name “Barbie” did not create
“confusion”. The case before us raises the identical issue of reviewing
statutory interpretation.
Prof. David Mullan, persuasively in my view, has
also warned against segmentation. In his view, “[o]ver-willingness” to see a
question as a “court” question rather than a “tribunal” question (i.e.,
jurisdictional questions, questions of law or statutory interpretation), “can
lead to excessive and wrong-headed intervention” (p. 74):
In my
view, it is quite inappropriate to place much, if any store in the context of a
judicial review application on the fact that the tribunal might be resolving a
“pure question of law” which will have “precedential value”. To see that as an
indicator of a need for correctness review would be to undercut seriously
the philosophy of deference that prevails in judicial review . . . .
. . .
To the extent that segmentation
frequently involves the extraction of overarching legal principles, it will
have a tendency to promote correctness review or greater intervention.
[Emphasis added; pp. 77 and 79.]
The Board was not
tasked with definitively or even separately defining the terms
“communicat[ion]” and “to the public” in its decision about whether s. 3(1) (f)
applied to downloading music. It is not clear to me that Parliament intended
this phrase to be defined categorically at all, as opposed to contextually
depending on the facts of each case.
Segmenting the definition of each word or
phrase in a statutory provision into discrete questions of law is a
re-introduction by another name — correctness — of
the unduly interventionist approach championed by the jurisdictional and
preliminary question jurisprudence, jurisprudence which this Court definitively
banished in ATA. When that jurisprudence was in full flight, in Bell
v. Ontario Human Rights Commission, [1971] S.C.R. 756 (Bell (1971)),
this Court held that the Ontario Human Rights Commission exceeded its
jurisdiction when it defined the term “self-contained dwelling unit” within the
Ontario Human Rights Code, 1961-62, S.O. 1961-62, c. 93, to include a
boarding house. In Halifax (Regional Municipality) v. Nova Scotia (Human
Rights Commission), [2012] 1 S.C.R. 364, this Court overturned Bell
(1971) on the basis that it represented an unduly interventionist approach
on the part of the reviewing courts:
judicial intervention . . . allows for judicial imposition of a “correctness”
standard with respect to legal questions that, had they been decided by the
tribunal, might be entitled to deference . . . . [para. 36]
The Copyright Board’s conclusion that a music
download is a “communicat[ion] . . . to the public” was a decision entirely
within its mandate and specialized expertise, involving a complex tapestry of
technology, fact, and broadcast law and policy. Pulling a single legal thread
from this textured piece and declaring it to be the determinative strand for
deciding how the whole piece is to be assessed strikes me, with great respect,
as an anomalous jurisprudential relapse.
allowed in part.
for the appellants: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, Ottawa.
for the respondent: Gowling Lafleur Henderson, Ottawa.
for the intervener CMRRA‑SODRAC Inc.: Cassels Brock &
Blackwell, Toronto.
for the intervener Cineplex Entertainment LP: Gilbert’s, Toronto.
for the intervener the Samuelson‑Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and
Public Interest Clinic: University of Ottawa, Ottawa.
Solicitors for the
interveners Apple Canada Inc. and Apple Inc.: Goodmans, Toronto.