News of Note

CRA rules that conversion of U.S.-dollar into Canadian-dollar debt occurs on a rollover basis

CRA has ruled (see also 2008-0300161R3) respecting the exchange (subsequent to the addition of an exchange right) of old non-interest bearing U.S.-dollar debt for new debt with a Canadian-dollar principal (presumably equal to the equivalent of the old debt’s U.S.-dollar principal at the time of the exchange).  CRA considered that s. 51.1 (which requires that the new and old debt have the same principal amounts) accords rollover treatment to the creditor, and that s. 39(2) (or s. 80 – see s. 80(2)(k)) does not generate income to the debtor (see also 9532285).  This is favourable, as more generally the principal amount of a U.S.-dollar obligation should be expressed in Canadian dollars based on the historical rather than current exchange rate - see Imperial Oil.

CRA also ruled on ATR-66-style "debt slide" transactions.  CRA contemporaneously released an interpretation indicating that the "cancellation ... [of ATR-66] does not represent a change in the CRA's view as to whether the general anti-avoidance rule would apply to the transaction described therein."

Neal Armstrong.  Summaries of 2014 Ruling 2013-0514191R3 under ss. 51.1 and 80.01(4) and summary of 4 April 2014 T.I. 2014-0522501E5 under s. 80.01(4).

CRA does not accommodate using attribution rules to split income from a professional corporation with the spouse

S. 74.5(11) denies the application of the attribution rules if it may reasonably be concluded that "one of the main reasons" for the relevant property transfer was to reduce tax on the income derived from the property.

A professional who was incorporating a professional practice would first jointly incorporate the corporation with his spouse, with his spouse then gifting her shares to him. After noting his submission that the sole reason for the gift of the shares from his spouse was a regulatory requirement that professional corporations be solely owned by professionals, CRA stated that it was possible that s. 74.5(11) would apply to deny attribution of dividend income on the gifted shares back to the spouse.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of 24 March 2014 T.I. 2014-0519661E5 under s. 74.5(11).

2253787 Ontario – Tax Court of Canada finds that a purchase on behalf of a grey marketer cannot be done on an agency basis

A grey marketer acquired Canadian iPhones for export to Hong Kong, which was a prohibited market. It was denied input tax credits for HST incurred by buyers (whom it reimbursed) in acquiring the phones for it from Canadian Apple stores. Bocock J managed to conclude that because its intended use of the phones was contrary to Apple’s sale terms, the grey marketer lacked the "legal capacity" to purchase the phones – so that the buyers could not be considered to have purchased the phones as its agents.

If the buyers were not agents, that meant that they bought the phones on their own account, also for illicit resale.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 2253787 Ontario Inc. v. The Queen, 2014 TCC 121 under Input Tax Credit Information (GST/HST) Regulations, s. 3(c).

CRA finds that a foreign JV company is not a specified debtor of the indirect Canadian JV partner

A Luxembourg subsidiary (Finco) of a Canadian holding company (Canco2) will be lending money to Forco3 on a pro rata basis with the other unrelated shareholder (Forco2) of Forco3. The loans by the two Forco3 shareholders are in "equivalent" amounts, so that there may be an implication that their shareholdings in Forco3 are equal.

As Canco2 does not have a greater than 50% indirect interest in Forco3, Forco3 does not qualify as a CFA of Canco2 for purposes of the upstream loan rules. Accordingly, those rules will not apply to the loans made by Finco to Forco3 only if Forco3 deals at arm’s length with Canco2.

Essentially all the significant decisions respecting Forco3 are made by the two shareholders jointly, so that it might be argued that they are acting in concert and therefore do not deal at arm’s length with Forco3 (see Windsor Plastics [high-water mark of "acting-in-concert"], Petro-Canada cf. McMullen, Lanester). Nonetheless, CRA was willing to accept a representation that Forco3 dealt at arm’s length with Canco2, so that the upstream loan rules did not apply.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 2014 Ruling 2013-0510551R3 under s. 90(15) – specified debtor.

Income Tax Severed Letters 7 May 2014

This morning's release of 14 severed letters from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate is now available for your viewing.

Saturday is a “holiday”

S. 26 of the Interpretation Act extends a statutory deadline otherwise falling on a "holiday," which is defined to include a "non-juridical day."  CRA accepts that Saturday is a "holiday."

Summaries of TPM-05R – Requests for Contemporaneous Documentation  28 March 2014 under s. 247(4), Statutory Interpretation – Interpretation Act s. 26, and s. 28.

Mejhoo v. Harben Barker – English Court of Appeal finds that a “general” accountant was not negligent for failing to send a client to a specialist on non-domiciled tax schemes

A firm of English accountants was found not to be negligent in failing to point out to a UK-resident client who was selling shares of his UK private company that he should consult with a "non-dom" specialist to see if there were any schemes which could exploit his Iranian domicile to avoid UK capital gains tax.  In the context of this sale, there would have been no reason for a "competent general accountant" to realize that there would be any advantage to seeking out such specialized advice.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Mehjoo v. Harben Barker, [2014] BTC 17, [2014] EWCA Civ 358 under General Concepts – Negligence and Fiduciary Duty.

CRA finds that a significant number of NPOs are pursuing profit contrary to its guidelines

CRA has completed its three-year review of randomly selected NPOs.  It found that "a significant portion would fall into a higher category of risk, which includes organizations earning profits that were not incidental or not related to their non-profit objectives; organizations with disproportionately large reserves, surpluses, or retained earnings; and organizations where income is payable or made available for the personal benefit of a proprietor, member, or shareholder."  For the time being, CRA it is using targeted outreach and educational activities to advise NPOs of their obligations rather than actively reassessing non-compliant NPOs.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Non-Profit Organization Risk Identification Project Report 17 February 2014 under s. 149(1)(l).

Quinco Financial – Federal Court of Appeal confirms that a retroactive amendment to the GST credit note rules is not “for greater certainty”

The Tax Court confirmed that there was a legislative oversight in the wording of the GST credit note rules, so that Quinco Financial received full input tax credits for the GST on its original purchases notwithstanding that it subsequently received credit notes for $2.3M of those ITC claims.  In affirming this decision, Pelletier JA stated that "absent words allowing us to address situations of abuse or windfall, where the provisions are precisely-worded, clear and unambiguous, they must be given their plain effect."

As is its wont, Finance introduced subsequently to the Tax Court dispute a "for greater certainty" amendment to s. 225(3.1) (in Bill C-31, now in second reading) to reverse this approach, retroactive back to 1996.  The outrageous, if continually repeated, becomes routine.

Although its ITCs were claimed after 1996, Quinco Financial may still be sitting pretty following the passage of Bill C-31 as the dispute will be res judicata.

Neal Armstrong.  Summaries of The Queen v. Quinco Financial Inc., 2014 FCA 108, under Statutory Interpretation – Ordinary Meaning and ETA, s. 232.

A capital distribution by Intrepid Mines will be treated similarly for Canadian and Australian purposes

Intrepid Mines, an Australian company listed on the ASX and TSX, is proposing to distribute approximately 87% of its assets in cash as a capital distribution.  It is anticipated that the Australian Taxation Office will publish a "class" ruling on its website indicating that the distribution will be treated as a basis reduction rather than a dividend for Australian purposes for those shareholders who do not hold their shares as revenue assets.  Essentially the same treatment is anticipated for Canadian income tax purposes for most Canadian shareholders based on the distribution’s treatment as a return of capital for Australian corporate purposes.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Intrepid Mines Explanatory Memorandum under Spin-Offs & Distributions – Foreign capital distributions.
