Income tax


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Income tax

Personal, business, corporation, trust, international and non-resident income tax.

Services and information

Personal income tax

File income tax, get the income tax and benefit package, and check the status of your tax refund

Business or professional income

Calculate business or professional income, get industry codes, and report various income types

Corporation income tax

File corporation income tax, find tax rates, and get information about provincial and territorial corporate tax

Trust income tax

File trust income tax, and get information about T3 slips, refunds, and payments

Partnership income

Filing requirements for partnership information returns (T5013 forms)

International and non-resident taxes

File non-resident corporations income tax, file non-residents income tax, get information on tax treaties, country by country reporting

Doing taxes for someone who died

Report the date of death, access tax records as a representative, file final and estate tax returns, settle the estate

Filing a special election or return

Special elections and returns to qualify for tax provisions to eliminate or defer certain taxes

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