General information on staffing at the CRA


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General information on staffing at the CRA

Table of contents

  1. How to apply
  2. Communication during the staffing process
  3. Foreign credentials
  4. Accommodations during assessment
  5. Employment equity
  6. Security status or clearance
  7. Our code and conflict of interest requirements
  8. Veterans Hiring Act
  9. Notices for Federal Public Service employees
  10. Notices for the General Public
  11. Minimum education standards

1. How to apply

We will only accept online applications received by the closing date and time shown on this notice of job opportunity.

If it is impossible for you to apply online or you have technical difficulties submitting your online application, please contact the CRA Job Opportunities Helpdesk before the closing date and time shown on the notice of job opportunity.

2. Communication during the staffing process

All communication methods, including email, are at risk of unauthorized access. However, the security risk associated with using email is minor. Email is an efficient way to communicate (low cost and high speed). For staffing processes, we may decide that email is the most efficient way to communicate with you.

If you wish to receive your results by mail, please inform us. In this case, it will take longer for you to receive your results. However, the timeframes for requesting recourse, if applicable, are calculated from the date of notification.

You are responsible for informing us if special circumstances (such as vacation or sickness) prevent you from accessing your email system or you do not have access to an email system.

Please quote the requisition number on all your correspondence.

3. Foreign credentials

Candidates with foreign education credentials must have their education confirmed by a recognized credential assessment service, please visit the Canadian Information Centre of International Credentials (CICIC) website.

Candidates with foreign accounting designations must have their designation confirmed by one of the recognized professional accounting associations.

4. Accommodations during assessment

Accommodations during assessment are available. If we invite you to be assessed, we will send you more information on how to request accommodation measures throughout this staffing process.

Detailed information about your functional limitations will most likely be required. Any information you provide will be kept confidential.

5. Employment equity

The CRA is committed to employment equity and continues to strive for a diverse and representative workforce. Employment equity is an essential component of the CRA's human resources management practices and an integral part of the way we do business. For more information about employment equity in the CRA and the four designated employment equity groups, please go to:

6. Security status or clearance

An integral part of the Personnel Screening Program requires that all candidates being appointed into the CRA be subject to a reliability check. This includes the verification of reliability, employment history, and police records and could include fingerprinting. The Personnel Screening Program was implemented to protect information that is departmentally sensitive or sensitive to the national interest by ensuring that all persons engaged by CRA meet standards of reliability, trustworthiness and loyalty required by the nature of their duties or tasks.

When attending any tests and/or interview sessions, candidates may be required to complete Personnel Screening forms so that a reliability check can be conducted. When completing the personnel security clearance form, you will be required to provide complete addresses for the places you resided in the last FIVE YEARS, including the year(s) and month(s) for each residence. If you were residing outside of Canada in the last five years, you may experience a delay in obtaining a security status/clearance.

In addition, candidates may be required to provide the original and photocopies of two of the documents listed below. Please note that one must be a photo ID. Photocopying services will not be provided.

Valid Canadian passport
Other passports with a Certificate of Citizenship or Permanent Resident card
Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Valid Canadian driver’s license
Federal Public Service issued ID card

7. How we work - Our code and conflict of interest requirements

CRA employees are dedicated to serving in the public interest and have worked hard to earn the trust of Canadians. The Code of integrity and professional conduct and the Directive on Conflict of Interest and Post-employment outline the expected standards of conduct for CRA employees. We strongly recommend that you take the time to review these important conditions of employment. Please note that a conflict of interest arises whenever an employee’s private interests and/or outside activities impair, or could be perceived to impair, their ability to make decisions with integrity, impartiality, honesty, and in the best interests of the CRA and the Government of Canada.

8. Veterans Hiring Act

As of December 7, 2015, the CRA implemented some of the entitlements found within the Veterans Hiring Act (VHA).

Veterans – medically released for reasons attributable to service

  • You may be eligible for a priority for appointment (known as preferred status in the CRA) at the CRA if you have been medically released from the Canadian Forces (CF) for reasons attributable to service. This means that if you are found to meet the essential qualifications of a job, you must be hired ahead of other qualified persons for this job at the CRA.
  • To learn more, contact the Directorate, Casualty Support Management, Department of National Defence, at 1-800-883-6094.

Veterans – honourably released with at least three years of service

  • You have a preference for appointment after those with preferred status for up to five years after you are honourably released. This means you must be hired ahead of other Canadians, if you have applied and are found qualified for a job open to the public, and if you are not already permanently employed by the CRA or the Federal Public Service.

Members and former members of the Canadian Forces

  • If you are a member or former member of the CF with at least three years of service, and if you are not already permanently employed by the CRA or the Federal Public Service, you have a mobility entitlement which allows you to apply to jobs open to CRA employees and federal public service employees.
    • You can apply to internal jobs regardless of what is in the "Who can apply" section of the job advertisement, but you must meet any employment equity criteria if it is included in that section.

Contact Information

9. Notices for Federal Public Service employees

As a distinct employer of the federal public service, the CRA has its own Human Resources Program. The CRA’s pay scales and employee benefits may differ from those found in the rest of the public service. However, when a public servant who is employed by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat accepts an offer of employment with the CRA, the CRA will recognize their years of service accrued and their leave credits accumulated during their public service career.

10. Notices for the General Public

Thank you for your interest in this staffing process. Please note that we will contact only the candidates selected for further consideration. If you are considered further, we will notify you in writing of the date, time, and location of your testing session.

You will have to pay any expenses connected with this staffing process.

If you do not have Internet access, you can call our general enquiries/reader service telephone lines at 1-800-571-7150 (bilingual service) and 1-800-465-7735 (TTY service for the deaf and those with a hearing disability).

11. Minimum education standards

Please visit the CRA minimum education standards page.

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