What’s new this filing season - CVITP


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What’s new this filing season - CVITP

Find out about the latest program updates for the 2025 filing season. Program related updates include:

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Virtual clinics

The CRA will continue to support virtual clinics for the 2025 filing season.

Organizations can continue to choose to also serve individuals residing in northern communities (prescribed zones) within Canada and communicate this information in their clinic posting(s) on Canada.ca.

For more information on how to prepare tax returns virtually, refer to Procedures for tax preparation.


Important dates for the upcoming filing season

EFILE transmission services are open for transmission on February 24, 2025.

In March 2023, EFILE reached the end of A1234 formatted numbers and a new format, AA123, was introduced. Both of these formats can be used to EFILE tax returns as follows:

  • A1234 formatted EFILE numbers can be used to transmit all tax years: for example, current year + seven prior years
  • AA123 formatted EFILE numbers can only be used to transmit tax returns for the 2020 and later tax years

For more information on the new formatted EFILE numbers, refer to Registering to use EFILE.

Important note

It is no longer possible to electronically transmit tax returns for 2016 and the years prior.

For more information on EFILE, refer to CRA electronic services - EFILE.


ReFILE transmission services are open for transmission on February 24, 2025.

For more information on ReFILE, refer to CRA electronic services - ReFILE.

Volunteer Identification Number

Any volunteer approved to participate in the CVITP will be assigned a Volunteer Identification Number (VIN) and retain it for the duration of their participation in the program.

The VIN is a unique and permanent, eight-digit identification number needed when completing the CVITP and ITAVP registration web form.

Returning volunteers will be required to enter their VIN when registering for the program. For more information about the VIN, refer to Register to volunteer.

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