We do not guarantee the accuracy of this copy of the CRA website.
- CRA Website (new)
- All about your tax return
- Doing taxes for someone who died
- Find a free tax clinic in your area
- Individual tax filing assistance
- Information has been moved
- Persons with disabilities, their caregivers, and the CRA
- Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
- Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
- RRSPs and related plans
- The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
- Volunteer at a free tax clinic
- What is a registered disability savings plan (RDSP)
- What to do when someone has died
- Accessing your benefits and credits – Learn about your taxes
- After sending us your tax return – Learn about your taxes
- Air travellers security charge
- Anti-avoidance rules for RRSPs and RRIFs
- Article – Tax resources and financial literacy
- Authorizing a representative – Overview
- Automated telephone message — for individuals who may be required to pay their tax by quarterly instalments
- Common tax terms – Learn about your taxes
- Completing a basic tax return – Learn about your taxes
- Contact a Canada Revenue Agency coordinator
- Contact a Canada Revenue Agency coordinator - Community organizations
- Contact the Educators program
- Do you end up having to pay income tax when you file your tax return every year?
- Due dates and payment dates - Personal income tax
- First Home Savings Account (FHSA)
- Free tax clinics host’s identification number
- Get your taxes done at a free tax clinic
- Grant for hosting free tax clinics
- GST/HST for Individuals
- Homeowners
- Host a free tax clinic
- Indexation adjustment for personal income tax and benefit amounts
- Indexation adjustment for personal income tax and benefit amounts
- Interests, penalties and interest rates
- Learn about your taxes - Educator toolkit
- Lesson plans – Learn about your taxes
- Moving
- Multimedia gallery – Learn about your taxes
- Northern residents
- Pension income splitting
- Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP) – information for individuals
- Preparing to do your taxes – Learn about your taxes
- Prescribed Interest Rates for Leasing Rules
- Purpose of taxes – Learn about your taxes
- Reference material for community organizations
- Reference material for CVITP volunteers
- Registered savings plans
- Responsible Citizenship and Canada's Tax System
- Saving for the future
- Spouse or common-law partner
- Starting to work – Learn about your taxes
- Statistics: Free tax clinics
- Student worksheets
- Students
- Tax 101
- Tax clinic basics
- Tax rates and income brackets for individuals
- Tax software and EFILE for the CVITP
- Taxes when you retire or turn 65 years old
- Teaching Taxes
- Update your CRA information: Change your name
- Using My Account – Learn about your taxes
- What are the average exchange rates?
- What are the average exchange rates?
- Why we need taxes