Your business or activity has permanently stopped operating


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Your business or activity has permanently stopped operating

If you are no longer making remittances to this account and would like to have it permanently closed, press "3" at the prompt "Please choose one of the following three options to report your nil remittance."

Use this option if you want to tell the CRA that you have a nil remittance to report and your business or activity ceased during the year or has permanently stopped. If the closure is temporary, do not use this option.

If your business or activity ceases during the year, you have to remit your non-resident tax deductions (if applicable) so that the CRA receives them no later than 7 days after the day your business or activity ends. You must also file an NR4 information return within 30 days of ending your business or stopping your activity.

The system will ask you to enter the date your business or activity has stopped operating. Enter four digits for the year, two digits for the month and two digits for the day. The date entered cannot be prior to last year or later than the day you call. If the date is not known, the system will ask you to enter the current date.


If in March 2016 you want to report that you ceased operating on February 4, 2016, you would enter 2016 02 04.

Near the end of your call, you will be asked to confirm that the information you have given is correct.

  • If you press "1" for "yes," the system will give you a confirmation number. Write it down and keep it with your paper remittance voucher.
  • If you press "0" for "no," your account will not be updated. Try again later or send the CRA a paper reply. Otherwise, a payment will be expected.

Once you receive your confirmation number your non-resident account will be updated at once.

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