Changes to your business and Canada Revenue Agency program accounts


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Changes to your business and Canada Revenue Agency program accounts

All electronic authorization requests by representatives for individual and business clients will not be activated until the representative has been verified. Business owners may be contacted by the CRA to verify the representative's authorization request.

Protect your My Business Account

Monitor your My Business Account for any suspicious activity, which can include unsolicited changes to banking, mailing address, unauthorized appointment or changes of representatives or benefit applications made on your behalf.

Business owners who suspect their account has been compromised can report it to the CRA or call to talk to an agent on our Business Enquiries line at 1-800-959-5525 (between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday), 1-866-841-1876 for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut or if they are outside of Canada and the U.S., at 613-940-8497 (between 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, EST).

What to do for common types of business changes: how to make updates online, inform the CRA of changes, and other related actions you should take.

Update your information

It is very important to keep your business information complete, accurate and up-to-date with the CRA. Otherwise, you might not get important reminders or information. In some cases, you might not get your refunds, rebates, or other disbursements.

Your social insurance number; your security

Regardless of the business structure, operation type or program, owners, partners, or directors should have their name and social insurance number (SIN) on file with the CRA. This is because the CRA can only give information to the specific individuals listed for the business number. The CRA can't accept changes to the information related to a business number without the consent of these individuals. The CRA also can't add representatives without the individuals' authority and consent. In fact, the SIN is necessary to access My Business Account.

Using both SIN and name provides greater security because it identifies specific individuals with certainty and accuracy. Plus, it prevents confusion when exchanging information with individuals with the same or similar names.

For more information, go to Access to corporate tax information and Representative authorization.

Administrative changes

Growing your business

Changes to business operations

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