Request for the Canada Revenue Agency to update records
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Request for the Canada Revenue Agency to update records
Complete the information below concerning the deceased.
Name of deceased : __________________________________________
Deceased's social insurance number : _____ _____ _____
The deceased's date of birth : Year ___ Month ___ Day ___
The deceased's date of death : Year ___ Month ___ Day ___
Deceased's address : __________________________________________
Complete the applicable information below concerning the
surviving spouse or common-law partner.
Name of surviving spouse or common-law partner : _____________________________________
Surviving spouse's or common-law partner's social insurance number : _____ _____ _____
Signature of surviving spouse or common-law partner: ____________________ Date : ____________
Your name : __________________________________________
Your telephone number : _________________
Your address : __________________________________________
Your relationship to the deceased Footnote 1 :__________________________________________
- Footnote 1tb1
In addition to any personal relationship you may have had with the deceased, please specify whether you are the executor, administrator, or liquidator, or if you are acting in some other capacity.
Mail this form to the deceased’s tax centre. You can find the mailing addresses of our tax centres,
at Tax centres.
Personal information is collected under the Income Tax Act to administer tax, benefits, and related programs. It may also be used for any purpose related to the administration or enforcement of the Act such as audit, compliance and the payment of debts owed to the Crown. It may be shared or verified with other federal, provincial/territorial government institutions to the extent authorized by law. Failure to provide this information may result in interest payable, penalties, or other actions. Under the Privacy Act, individuals have the right to access their personal information and request corrections if there are errors or omissions. Refer to Info Source, Personal Information Bank CRA PPU 005.
Privacy statement
The information you provide through this survey is collected under the authority of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA) for the purpose of measuring the performance of and continually improving the website. Your participation is voluntary.
Please do not include sensitive personal information in the message box, such as your name, address, Social Insurance Number, personal finances, medical or work history or any other information by which you or anyone else can be identified by your comments or views.
Any personal information collected will be administered in accordance with the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, the Privacy Act and other applicable privacy laws governing the protection of personal information under the control of the Department of Employment and Social Development. Survey responses will not be attributed to individuals.
If you wish to obtain information related to this survey, you may submit a request to the Department of Employment and Social Development pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Instructions for making a request are provided in the publication InfoSource, copies of which are located in local Service Canada Centres.
You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution’s handling of your personal information at: How to file a complaint.
When making a request, please refer to the name of this survey: Report a Problem or Mistake on This Page.
- Date modified:
- 2014-11-27