Who needs to file - Filing a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)
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Filing a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)
Who needs to file
The Income Tax Act requires that all registered charities must file a T3010 Registered Charity Information Return every year to remain compliant.
This applies:
- If your charity was inactive
You must still file a complete T3010 return and explain why you were inactive in Section C: Question C2.
A charity is inactive if, during the entire fiscal period, it did not use any of its resources to carry out its charitable activities or to further its charitable purposes.
If you do not file your return, you risk losing your charitable status. If you remain inactive, we may review your file to see if you still qualify for registration.
- If your charity is no longer operating
You must still file a complete T3010 return.
If you do not plan to resume your charitable activities, you should ask for voluntary revocation of your registration. Once revocation is granted, you will no longer have to file a T3010 return for any future fiscal period.
For more information, go to Request voluntary revocation.
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2024-06-20