When to file - Filing a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)
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Filing a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)
When to file – Filing a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)
You must file a complete T3010 return no later than six months after the end of your fiscal period.
Due dates for the T3010 return
If your fiscal period end is January 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than July 31.
If your fiscal period end is February 28, your T3010 information return is due no later than August 31.
If your fiscal period end is March 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than September 30.
If your fiscal period end is April 30, your T3010 information return is due no later than October 31.
If your fiscal period end is May 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than November 30.
If your fiscal period end is June 30, your T3010 information return is due no later than December 31.
If your fiscal period end is July 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than January 31.
If your fiscal period end is August 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than February 28.
If your fiscal period end is September 30, your T3010 information return is due no later than March 31.
If your fiscal period end is October 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than April 30.
If your fiscal period end is November 30, your T3010 information return is due no later than May 31.
If your fiscal period end is December 31, your T3010 information return is due no later than June 30.
If you do not file your return
We may revoke your charitable status for failure to file.
If your charity's registration is revoked, you:
- can no longer issue official donation receipts
- are no longer exempt from paying income tax
- must give all of your remaining assets to an eligible donee or pay a revocation tax equal to the full value of your assets
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2024-06-20