Income Tax Severed Letters - 2025-03-05


2022 Ruling 2021-0911791R3 F - Single-wing butterfly - Investment company

Unedited CRA Tags
55(2), 55(3)(b), 55(3.1)

Principal Issues: Does the paragraph 55(3)(b) exception apply to the Proposed Transactions such that the dividends resulting in the Proposed Transactions are not re-characterized under subsection 55(2)?

Position: Yes, favourable rulings given.

Reasons: The proposed transaction meets the statutory requirements of paragraph 55(3)(b).

Technical Interpretation - External

22 January 2025 External T.I. 2023-0980641E5 - Noncash honorariums provided Indigenous individual

Unedited CRA Tags
Income Tax Act, 9(1); 81(1)(a); 153(1)(g), Income Tax Regulations, 200(1); 237(2), Indian Act: 87

Principal Issues: 1. Are the honorariums and non-cash items provided to Indigenous individuals taxable?
2. What are the reporting requirements for the person providing the honorariums and non-cash items?

Position: 1. Question of fact: Yes, if they are for services performed off-reserve; No if they are windfalls, gifts or for services performed on-reserve.
2. If they are payments for services, the amounts in excess of $500 annually should be reported on a T4A or T1204 slip.

Reasons: 1. See response.
2. See response.

23 April 2024 External T.I. 2024-1004511E5 - AITC and fuel production

Unedited CRA Tags
127(9) “investment tax credit”, “qualified property”, “qualified resource property”, “specified percentage”, 127(11), 248(1) “Canadian field processing”, Reg. 4600
Words and Phrases
Tenneco and Repsol followed re meaning of “processing"

Principal Issues: Whether the cost of new buildings and equipment used in the production of fuel for sale would be eligible for the Atlantic Investment Tax Credit.

Position: Depends on the particular facts and circumstances.

Reasons: See below.