Principales Questions: (1) Whether a particular variation of a trust deed by a Court judgment will (a) result in a disposition of all the assets of the trust and/or (b) cause a partial disposition of any part of the existing beneficiaries’ interest in the trust? (2) Whether the exercise by the trustees of their power to add new beneficiaries will (a) result in a disposition of all the assets of the trust and/or (b) cause a partial disposition of any part of the existing beneficiaries’ interest in the trust?
Position Adoptée: (1)(a) No, provided that the variation does not terminate the trust for private law purposes. (1)(b) No. (2)(a) No. (2)(b) Yes, disposition by the existing beneficiaries but no deemed proceeds of disposition under paragraph 69(1)(b).
Raisons: (1)(a). Prior position. No disposition of the trust’s assets as long as the changes do not result in a fundamental change to the beneficiaries’ rights or to the terms of the trust. (1)(b) In this particular situation, the variation does not add any beneficiary nor otherwise reduce the existing beneficiary’s rights. (2)(a) Prior position. No disposition of the trust’s assets where the trustees exercise a power granted to them in the trust deed. (2)(b) Prior position. The addition of a new beneficiary to a discretionary trust by the exercise of a power to add such beneficiary in the trust deed results in a disposition, by the existing beneficiaries, of a portion of their interest in the trust. However, provided the existing beneficiaries do not direct to whom the interest is transferred, they would not be deemed to have received proceeds of disposition under paragraph 69(1)(b). This is also true for the trustee/beneficiary who, in this particular situation, is not considered to have control over the decision to add a new beneficiary.