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This translation was prepared by Tax Interpretations Inc. The CRA did not issue this document in the language in which it now appears, and is not responsible for any errors in its translation that might impact a reader’s understanding of it or the position(s) taken therein. See also the general Disclaimer below.
Q. 12 S. 55(2) application to creditor-proofing
Principal Issues: Analysis of some of the legislative changes to subsection 55(2) and the addition of subsection 55(2.1) in the context of three situations where the purpose of a dividend is to reduce the FMV of the shares of the capital stock of Opco, where the dividend is deductible under subsection 112(1) and where there is no Part IV tax (or where Part IV tax is reimbursed because of a dividend to an individual.
Position: In the three situations described, subsection 55(2) applies.
Reasons: Wording of the proposed legislation issued on July 31, 2015.
Question 12
New provisions of subsection 55(2) and paragraph 55(3)(a)
Section 13 of the "Legislative Proposals Relating to the Income Tax Act and Regulations" dated July 31, 2015 amends subsection 55(2) and paragraph 55(3)(a). In this regard, consider the following situations where an operating company ("Opco") is wholly owned by a holding company ("Holdco"), which is wholly owned by an individual (X) and where no third party is involved in the series of transactions.
Situation 1
The shares held by Holdco in Opco have a fair market value ("FMV") of $1,000,000 and a cost of $1. As part of a corporate reorganization to protect Opco's assets, the purpose of which is to reduce the FMV of the shares held by Holdco in Opco, Opco pays a dividend to Holdco in the amount of $1,000,000 and Holdco lends $1,000,000 to Opco. No dividends paid in the series of transactions are subject to tax under Part IV and Holdco can deduct the dividend under subsection 112(1). No safe income is attributable to the shares held by Holdco in Opco.
Situation 2
The shares held by Holdco in Opco have an FMV of $1,000,000 and a cost of $1,000,000. For the purpose of reducing the FMV of the shares held by Holdco in Opco, Opco pays a dividend to Holdco in the amount of $1,000,000. No dividends paid in the series of transactions are subject to tax under Part IV and Holdco can deduct the dividend under subsection 112(1). The amount of the safe income attributable to the shares held by Holdco in Opco is equal to the amount of the dividend received.
Situation 3
The shares held by Holdco in Opco have an FMV of $1,000,000 and a cost of $1. For the purpose of reducing the FMV of the shares held by Holdco in Opco, Opco pays a dividend to Holdco in the amount of $1,000,000. Following the payment of this dividend, Holdco pays a dividend to X. The dividend paid by Opco to Holdco is subject to Part IV tax, which is refunded to Holdco by reason of the declaration of a dividend by Holdco to X. Holdco can deduct the dividend under subsection 112(1). No safe income is attributable to the shares held by Holdco in Opco.
Questions to the CRA
(a) In situation 1, does the CRA consider that the payment of a dividend in the course of a corporate reorganization to protect Opco's assets is made "for the purpose of reducing the FMV of the shares” of Opco? Do the new subsection 55(2), the new subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) and the new paragraph 55(3)(a) apply to deem the dividend paid by Opco to Holdco to be a capital gain?(b) In situation 2, do new subsection 55(2), new subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) and new paragraphs 55(2.1)(c) and 55(3)(a) apply to deem the dividend paid by Opco to Holdco to be a capital gain?
(c) In situation 3, do new subsection 55(2), new subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) and new paragraph 55(3)(a) apply to deem the dividend paid by Opco to Holdco to be a capital gain?
CRA Response
For the three situations described above, we assume that the shares in the capital of Opco are capital property of Holdco. Furthermore, consistent with the indicated facts regarding these situations, the dividends do not arise from the redemption, acquisition or redemption of shares, by a corporation that issued them, to which subsection 84(2) or (3) applies.
CRA Response to Q. 12(a)
We note that the description of Situation 1 states that the purpose of the dividend is to reduce the FMV of the shares of Opco held by Holdco. Such reduction corresponds to the FMV of the shares of Opco. Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) are satisfied as one of the purposes of the payment of the dividend is to significantly reduce the FMV of a share, as assumed.
In accordance with these assumptions, Holdco has a right to a deduction under subsection 112(1). Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(a) are satisfied in Situation 1
Under the assumptions, there is no safe income attributable to the shares of Opco held by Holdco. Thus the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(c) are satisfied in Situation 1.
Under proposed subsection 55(2.1), the conditions for applying proposed subsection 55(2) would be present in Situation 1. Proposed paragraph 55(3)(a) would not apply as the dividend paid does not constitute a dividend which was received on a redemption, acquisition or redemption of shares, by a corporation that issued them, to which subsection 84(2) or (3) applies.
Furthermore, in accordance with the assumptions in Situation 1, there is no Part IV tax. Consequently, the $1,000,000 dividend is deemed not to be received by Holdco and is deemed to be a gain of Holdco from capital property.
CRA Response to Q. 12(b)
We note that the description of Situation 2 states that the purpose of the dividend is to reduce the FMV of the shares of Opco held by Holdco. Such reduction corresponds to the FMV of the shares of Opco. Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) are satisfied as one of the purposes of the payment of the dividend is to significantly reduce the FMV of a share, as assumed.
In accordance with these assumptions, Holdco has a right to a deduction under subsection 112(1). Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(a) are satisfied in Situation 1.
Under the assumptions, the safe income attributable to the shares of Opco held by Holdco is equal to the amount of the dividend received. Given the cost of the cost of the shares of Opco held by Holdco, we find this assumption surprising. By way of example, the cost could reflect the accumulated safe income before an acquisition of shares by Holdco and, if Opco had not increased in value since that time, the safe income would be nil after such acquisition of shares by Holdco. However, accepting the assumptions stipulated for Situation 2, the question to be addressed is whether the safe income could be reasonably considered to contribute to the capital gain that could be realized on a disposition at FMV, immediately before the dividend, of the share on which the dividend was received. In Situation 2, this would not be the case since no capital gain would be realized on a disposition at FMV of such a share (having a FMV equal to its ACB). Thus the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(c) are satisfied in this situation.
Furthermore, in accordance with the assumptions in Situation 2, there is no Part IV tax. Consequently, the $1,000,000 dividend is deemed not to be received by Holdco and is deemed to be a gain of Holdco from capital property.
Given that the dividend received is deemed to be a gain rather than proceeds of disposition, the ACB of the shares of Opco held by Holdco is not taken into account in determining the gain from capital property at the moment of the application of proposed subsection 55(2). This ACB will be used in the calculation of capital gain or loss on a future disposition of the shares.
CRA Response to Q. 12(c)
We note that the description of Situation 3 states that the purpose of the dividend is to reduce the FMV of the shares of Opco held by Holdco. Such reduction corresponds to the FMV of the shares of Opco. Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed subparagraph 55(2.1)(b)(ii) are satisfied as one of the purposes of the payment of the dividend is to significantly reduce the FMV of a share, as assumed.
In accordance with these assumptions, Holdco has a right to a deduction under subsection 112(1). Accordingly, the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(a) are satisfied in Situation 3.
Under the assumptions, there is no safe income attributable to the shares of Opco held by Holdco. Thus the indicated conditions in proposed paragraph 55(2.1)(c) are satisfied in Situation 3.
Under proposed subsection 55(2.1), the conditions for applying proposed subsection 55(2) would be present in Situation 3. Proposed paragraph 55(3)(a) would not apply as the dividend paid does not constitute a dividend which was received on a redemption, acquisition or redemption of shares, by a corporation that issued them, to which subsection 84(2) or (3) applies.
Furthermore, under the assumptions in Situation 3, Holdco is subject to Part IV tax. However, the Part IV tax is refunded on the payment of a dividend to X. If the dividend is paid by Holdco to X as part of the same series, the amount of the dividend received by Holdco will not be excluded from the application of proposed subsection 55(2) because the Part IV tax is refunded as a consequence of the payment of a dividend by Holdco. Consequently, in accordance with the text of proposed subsection 55(2), the dividend of $1,000,000 is deemed not to be a dividend received by Holdco and is deemed to be a gain of Holdco from the disposition of capital property.
Sylvie Labarre
October 9, 2015
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