Income Tax Severed Letters - 2012-06-08


2012 Ruling 2011-0429961R3 - Hydrocarbon & Immovable property: Canada-UK Treaty

Unedited CRA Tags
248(1), 116(1), 116(3), 116(5.02), 116(6) & (6.1), Article 13 of the Canada-UK Tax Treaty, paragraphs 4, 5, 8 and subparagraphs (7)(b)

Principal Issues: (1) Do the Forco2 shares that are held by Forco1 and Forco4 principally derive their value from immovable property or hydrocarbon properties for the purpose of the Canada-UK Tax Treaty? (2) Will a disposition of the shares of Forco2 be exempt from tax under Article 13 of the Canada-UK Tax Treaty? (3) Are the shares of Forco2 "excluded property" as defined in subsection 116(6) of the Act?

Position: (1) No. (2) Yes. (3) Provided that purchaser (Forco3) provides notice to the Minister pursuant to s.116(5.02).

Reasons: (1) All of the value of Forco2 shares is derived from the Canco shares. While Canco does have both hydrocarbon and real properties, the majority of Canco's value is derived from it's storage business as an ongoing concern, the real property of Canco is actively used in its business operations, and the hydrocarbon properties do not make up a substantial portion of Canco's value. (2) Since Forco2 has no significant assets other than its direct ownership in Canco and the value or the greater part of the value of the Canco shares is not derived from hydrocarbon and immovable properties, any gain from Forco2 shares will be exempt from tax under the Act under Article 13(8) by virtue of Article 13(7)(b) of the Tax Treaty. (3) In the case of a transfer between related parties treaty-protected property will be treaty-exempt property for the purposes of s.116(6.1) and therefore be excluded property only if the purchaser of such property provides notice to the Minister pursuant to s.116(5.02) of the Act.

Technical Interpretation - External

24 May 2012 External T.I. 2011-0429991E5 - Price Adjustment Clause

Unedited CRA Tags
69(1), 86(2), 152(4)

Principal Issues: 1) Does a price adjustment clause provided in the statutes of a corporation or in a purchase and sale agreement expire for the purposes of subsection 152(4)? 2) In the event where the valuation method used is not fair and reasonable, would that make the PAC non-operating for purposes of the Act and therefore prohibit the CRA from adjusting the redemption value of the preferred shares? 3) In the case where a bona fide error was made when evaluating the common shares of the capital stock of a corporation which is discovered many years later, will the value of the preferred shares of the capital stock of the corporation be automatically adjusted up to their FMV?

Position: 1), 2) and 3): General comments provided.

Reasons: Question of fact.


7 October 2011 APFF Roundtable, 2010-0371941C6 F - Application de l'article 80 - fusion/liquidation

Unedited CRA Tags
80, 87(2.1), 88(1.1), 88(1.2), 111(4), 111(5)
NCL of acquired subsidiary preserved for debt forgiveness purposes on amalgamation but lost (if business ceased) on wind-up
fiction in s. 80(13) is insufficient to preserve non-capital losses of a subsidiary from a business that ceased following an AOC where subsidiary wound-up and parent has forgiven amount

Principales Questions: Application de l'article 80 suite à une fusion d’une société mère et de sa filiale (visée par les paragraphes 87(1) et 87(2.1)) ou liquidation d’une filiale (visée par les paragraphes 88(1), 88(1.1) et 88(1.2)) dans sa société mère, lorsqu'il y a eu une acquisition de contrôle.

Position Adoptée: Voir ci-dessous.

Raisons: Voir ci-dessous.