Income Tax Severed Letters - 2009-05-22


2009 Ruling 2007-0261171R3 - Post butterfly transaction

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Principal Issues: Whether paragraph 55(3.1)(c) will apply as a result of the proposed series of transactions, which are to be undertaken subsequent to sequential butterflies that were implemented in XXXXXXXXXX 2006.

Position: No.

Reasons: The taxpayer has represented that the proposed transactions are not part of the series of transactions that included the previous butterflies. Based on our interpretation of the law and related case law, we did not disagree with this position.

2009 Ruling 2008-0268321R3 - Split-up butterfly

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Principal Issues: Whether the acquisition of control of the distributing corporation by a group is part of the series of transactions that include the subsequent distribution and whether the acquisition of shares by a member of that group was in contemplation of the subsequent distribution.

Position: In light of the facts and provided that the conditions of subsection 55(3.1) are met, 55(3)(b) applies to the intercorporate dividends resulting from the butterfly.

2009 Ruling 2008-0299721R3 - Supplemental ruling

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Principal Issues: Extension of time and changes to Ruling

Position: Extension granted and Ruling modified

Reasons: Changes do not affect validity of rulings given

2008 Ruling 2008-0304041R3 - Supplementary ruling

Principal Issues: Amendments to ruling 2007-025168.

Position: Granted.

Reasons: No impact on issued rulings.

2008 Ruling 2007-0259371R3 - DSU - SIGNING BONUS

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Principal Issues: Can a signing bonus be deferred into a plan governed by Regulation 6801(d)?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The signing bonus being paid is subject to a minimum one-year vesting period. If the employee leaves prior to the vesting date, he or she forfeits the bonus. Therefore, the signing bonus is conditional on the performance of employment services.

2008 Ruling 2008-0289761R3 - Loss consolidation

Principal Issues: Standard loss consolidation ruling without significant provincial allocation issues.

Technical Interpretation - External

19 May 2009 External T.I. 2009-0313841E5 - Eligible expenditures- home renovation tax credit

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January 27, 2009 federal budget

Principal Issues: Do hot tub [spas] qualify for the HRTC?

Position: Depends on the type of hot tub [spa].

Reasons: Eligible expenditures for the home renovation tax credit include only expenditures that relate to a renovation or an alteration of an eligible dwelling (including land) that is enduring in nature and integral to the dwelling. The 'plug and play' type is not enduring in nature. The heavier variety that is hard wired directly to the electrical panel and permanently placed in position is considered enduring in nature and integral to the dwelling.

XXXXXXXXXX 2009-031384
George A. Robertson, CMA
May 19, 2009

19 May 2009 External T.I. 2009-0316501E5 - Home Renovation Tax Credit custom window covering

Principal Issues: Are custom window coverings eligible for the proposed home renovation tax credit?

Position: Any window covering, including blinds, shutters and shades, that is directly attached to the window frame and whose removal would alter the nature of the dwelling, will qualify for the HRTC. However, draperies or curtains would generally not be considered to be fixtures and therefore will not qualify for the HRTC.

Reasons: 2009 federal budget

12 May 2009 External T.I. 2008-0293561E5 - Income from Participating Loan

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20(1)(c); 12(1); 12(9); Regulation 7000(1)

Principal Issues: (a) Income inclusion of participating payments received by a lender
(b) Characterization of payments received

Position: (a) Generally, a Canadian lender/investor must recognize the amount as accrued or received pursuant to 12(1)(c), 12(3) or 12(4), as the case may be. Additionally, where the debt obligation is a prescribed debt obligation described in Regulation 7000(1), an amount determined in prescribed manner is deemed by virtue of 12(9) to accrue to the taxpayer as interest on the prescribed debt obligation.
(b) Any financing arrangement which calls for a participation payment but which does not specify a limiting percentage rate which reflects commercial interest rates may be a distribution of profits to the source of financing. The appropriate tax treatment by the recipient of a participation payment can only be determined upon an examination of all of the facts of a particular arrangement

Reasons: (a) Operation of the Act
(b) Department's position

12 May 2009 External T.I. 2009-0313021E5 - Non-resident Dependent

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Principal Issues: Whether a single parent is entitled to claim the wholly dependent person credit for a non-resident child who has not yet immigrated to Canada.

Position: No

Reasons: The parent does not support the child in the self-contained domestic establishment.

11 May 2009 External T.I. 2009-0307941E5 - Back to Back Loans provisions

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118.1(16) 118.1(17)
s. 118.1(17) applies to each of multiple NAL donors even if loan-back is to only one donor

Principal Issues: Guidance requested with respect to back to back loans provisions

Position: General comments provided

8 May 2009 External T.I. 2008-0273721E5 - Settlement for alleged human rights violation

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5(1) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether general damages paid by an employer for an alleged human rights violation are taxable.

Position: A portion of the settlement is likely non-taxable, however, the determination of the amount is a question of fact..

Reasons: Where a complaint involving a human rights violation by an employer is settled out of court, a reasonable amount in respect of general damages would not be included in the employee's income from employment. Any amount in excess of a reasonable amount would be included in the employee's income under subsections 5(1) or 6(3). Determination of a reasonable amount is influenced by the maximum amount that can be awarded under the applicable human rights legislation and the evidence presented in the case. Accordingly, a review of comparable cases heard at the XXXXXXXXXX is required.

XXXXXXXXXX 2008-027372
S. Fron
May 8, 2009

4 May 2009 External T.I. 2008-0284691E5 - Specified leasing property - exempt property

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Reg. 1100(1.13)(a)

Principal Issues: Does a Ground Source Heat Pump ("GSHP") system, when designed for residential use, meet the definition of an exempt property pursuant to paragraph 1100(1.13)(a) of the Income Tax Regulations?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The internal distribution system would be exempt property pursuant to Regulation 1100(1.13)(a)(vi) and, when designed for use by a self contained domestic establishment, the in-ground piping and heat exchanger main component parts of a GSHP system, would be exempt property pursuant to Regulation 1100(1.13)(a)(ii). Therefore the specified leasing property CCA restriction would not apply to the GSHP system described by the taxpayer.

26 March 2009 External T.I. 2008-0276471E5 - RPP forfeitures

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8506(2); 153

Principal Issues: Does constructive payment and receipt of an amount occur when a forfeiture in an RPP is allocated to an employer and the employer asks the administrator to use the amount as directed by the employer? How does this position apply given subsection 8506(2) of the Regulations?

Position: When the administrator is going to make a payment to the employer and instead uses the funds as directed by the employer then constructive receipt will occur. This position has no effect on the application of the Regulation. It assumes that an amount has already been allocated to the employer under the Regulation.

Reasons: There is a constructive receipt and payment. The position takes into consideration the application of subsection 8506(2).

26 March 2009 External T.I. 2008-0271871E5 - RPP forfeitures

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8506(2); 153

Principal Issues: Does constructive payment and receipt of an amount occur when a forfeiture in an RPP is allocated to an employer and the employer asks the administrator to use the amount as directed by the employer? How does this position apply given subsection 8506(2) of the Regulations?

Position: When the administrator is going to make a payment to the employer and instead uses the funds as directed by the employer then constructive receipt will occur. This position has no effect on the application of the Regulation. It assumes that an amount has already been allocated to the employer under the Regulation.

Reasons: There is a constructive receipt and payment. The position takes into consideration the application of subsection 8506(2).

18 March 2009 External T.I. 2007-0257001E5 - pension split of spousal RRIF payments

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118(7); 60.03

Principal Issues: Can amounts received by an annuitant out of a spousal RRIF that are subject to the attribution rules be included as eligible pension income under subsection 118(7) of the Act?

Position: No

Reasons: While the amounts are included in the income of the spouse, the amounts are not received by the spouse for purposes of section 60.03 of the Act.

16 March 2009 External T.I. 2008-0301431E5 - RRSP Qualified Investments - Shares

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204; 4900(1); 89(1)

Principal Issues: Are shares of a particular corporation a qualified investment for a trust governed by an RRSP?

Position: Question of fact. Provided general comments.

Reasons: In the context of a technical interpretation, we cannot comment whether shares of a particular corporation are a qualified investment.

9 March 2009 External T.I. 2008-0299941E5 - Unfunded Supplemental Plan - 118(8)(f)

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60.03; 118(7); 118(8)

Principal Issues: Is a pension paid from a provincial supplemental pension plan eligible for pension income splitting purposes?

Position: Question of fact. Based on the facts, no.

Reasons: A pension paid from the provincial supplemental pension plan would appear to be an unfunded supplemental plan as defined in paragraph 118(8)(f) of the Act. Accordingly, pensions paid from the plan would not be "pension income" or "qualified pension income" as defined in subsection 118(7) and therefore would not be "eligible pension income" for purposes of the pension income splitting legislation in section 60.03 of the Act.

18 February 2009 External T.I. 2008-0304051E5 - TFSA - Mutual Fund being a Prohibited Investment

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207.01(1) 207.0 132(6) Reg. 4900(1)(d)

Principal Issues: Whether a mutual fund trust is considered a prohibited investment pursuant to subsection 207.01(1), if the holder of the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), either alone or with other non-arm's length parties, has a 10% or more fair market value interest in the trust.

Position: Yes, the investment would be considered a prohibited investment pursuant to subsection 207.01(1).

Reasons: Mutual fund trusts are generally qualified investments for TFSAs, but they are considered to be prohibited investments if the holder of the TFSA, either alone or with other non-arm's length parties, have a 10% or more fair market value interest in the trust.

2 February 2009 External T.I. 2008-0279251E5 - Determination of stock option benefit

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7(1)(a); 7(2); 8(12); 110(1)(d)

Principal Issues: 1. Should a stock option benefit be determined at the time an employee exercises the stock option or when the shares are fully paid for?
2. Is there any difference if we assume that the shares were transferred into a trust for the benefit of the employee?

1. The stock option benefit under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act should be determined at the time the shares are "acquired" by the employee using the fair market value of the shares at the time of acquisition.
2. If it is determined that a trust arrangement exists whereby the shares acquired under the agreement are held for the employee until certain conditions are met, the provisions of subsection 7(2) of the Act will apply and the employee will be considered to have acquired the shares at the time the trust acquired the shares.

Whether shares have been acquired by an employee is a question of fact turning on whether title passes or the incidents of title, such as possession, use and risk pass. The existence of a trust is also a question of fact and is determined under trust law.

22 January 2009 External T.I. 2008-0299661E5 - superficial loss

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251.1(1); 40(2)(g)(i)

Principal Issues: Are trusts governed by RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs affiliated with the beneficiary or holder of the plans for the purposes of the superficial loss rules?

Position: Yes

Reasons: wording of the law.

6 November 2008 External T.I. 2008-0293061E5 - Australian Pension Transfer to Canada

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Principal Issues: Can a lump sum payment made out of an Australian pension plan be transferred to an RRSP on a tax-deferred basis?

Position: Yes, provided the payment is in respect of non-resident services.

Reasons: Clearly provided for by paragraph 60(j)


10 October 2008 Roundtable, 2008-0284411C6 F - Règles d'attribution et revenu de pension

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118(7); 74.1(1)

Principales Questions: Un revenu de rente qui est attribué en vertu du paragraphe 74.1(1) à un contribuable âgé de 66 ans est-il un revenu de pension au sens de cette expression au paragraphe 118(7)?

Position Adoptée: Non

Raisons: Le revenu provenant de la rente est imposé en vertu du paragraphe 74.1(1) et n'est pas une revenu décrit au sous-alinéa a)(vi) de la définition de revenu de pension au paragraphe 118(7).