Income Tax Severed Letters - 2006-04-28


2006 Ruling 2005-0141531R3 F - Butterfly

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55 47

Principal Issues: Butterfly

Position: Favourable ruligs given.

Reasons: Meets the requirement of the Act.

2006 Ruling 2005-0149101R3 - Amending trust indenture and subdividing units

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248(1) "disposition" 105(1)

Principal Issues: (1) Will the amending of the unit trust's indenture result, for purposes of the Act, in (i) a disposition by the trust of its property, or (ii) a disposition by a beneficiary of a capital interest in the trust? (2) Will the subdivision of the trust units result, for purposes of the Act, in a disposition by a beneficiary of a capital interest in the trust? (3) Will the subdivision of the trust units result, for purposes of subsection 105(1) of the Act, in a benefit to unitholders of the trust?

Position: (1) No. (2) Generally, no. (3) Generally, no

Reasons: (1)(i) There is no resettlement of the trust; the amendments do not involve an addition to, or retraction of, existing powers under the trust indenture. (1)(ii) The amending of the trust indenture will not affect the beneficial rights, give rise to a right to proceeds or a payment in respect of the capital interests, or involve the redemption or cancellation of the capital interests. (2) The subdivision of trust units will only change the number of units used to describe each beneficiary's capital interest and not change any of the beneficial rights of those interests, except where the trust indenture's prohibition against the issuance of fractional units causes the cancellation of part of a beneficiary's capital interest. (3) Where the subdivision of units results in the cancellation of part of a beneficiary's capital interest, the trust is required to pay a cash amount determined by reference to the trading value of the trust's issued units.

2006 Ruling 2006-0167911R3 - trust amendment

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Principal Issues: Whether proposed modification of the trust deed will result in a resettlement of the mutual fund trust, and thereby result in a disposition by the trust of its property and/or a disposition by the unitholders of their trust units.

Position: no

Reasons: the modification is very minor & in accordance with the terms of the Amended trust deed; also the ownership interests of the unitholders remain unchanged.

Technical Interpretation - External

26 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0163341E5 F - Frais de séjour, allocations de repas

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6(1) 6(6)
duties could be temporary where a single non-renewable contract for 3 years

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'il peut y avoir un avantage imposable, pour les employés XXXXXXXXXX lorsque l'employeur leur verse, quand un employé accepte un nouvel emploi dans une autre ville, une indemnité pour frais de déplacement?

Raisons: Aucune. Question de fait. Imposable ou non imposable selon les faits particuliers d'un cas donné.

25 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0142431E5 - Charitable Organizations and Split Receipts

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248(31) 248(32)

Principal Issues:
Calculating the "eligible amount" of a tax receipt for a "Texas Hold'um" poker fund raising tournament in accordance with, proposed subsection 248(31) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act").

The methodology used is consistent with the approach taken in Income Tax Technical
News No. 26, dated December 24, 2002, and proposed subsection 248(31) of the Act.

In calculating the "eligible amount" of a tax receipt issued for a fund raising event, such as a "Texas Hold'um" poker tournament for the purposes of proposed subsection 248(31), the amount of the "advantage" allocated to each participant will include the total prize money divided by the number of participants and an amount equal to what a participant would pay to play in a similar "Texas Hold'um" poker tournament that is not sponsored by a charity.

21 April 2006 External T.I. 2006-0171251E5 - Unrecovered WSIB Advances

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Principal Issues: Whether the mere existence of an employee loan from unrecovered WSIB advances constitute undue hardship that would allow employer to reduce withholdings without prior authority from the Agency.

Position: While the Agency has discretion to grant such an approval under subsection 15(1.1), we have to consider the specifics of each individual case to do so.

Reasons: As stated above.

20 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0154531E5 - Application of Subsection 80.4(1)

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6(1)(a) 6(23) 80.4(1) 80.4(1.1)

Principal Issues:
Does subsection 80.4(1) of the Income Tax Act apply to deem a benefit to employees under the group housing benefit plan?

Question of Fact. Subsection 80.4(1) applies however, the deemed benefit calculated is nil.

The employee is receiving the loan because of or as a consequence of their current employment however, the employee is paying interest at the federal prescribed rate.

18 April 2006 External T.I. 2006-0173181E5 - replacement property

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Principal Issues: Whether a recreational vehicle park that is acquired to replace a motel, would be considered to be a replacement property for purposes of the replacement property rules.

Position: For a property to be considered a replacement property, among other things, it must be acquired for a use that is the same as or similar to the use to which the former property was put [paragraph 44(5)(a.1)]. It must also be acquired for use in a business that is the same as or similar to the business in which the former property was used [paragraph 44(5)(b)]. It is a question of fact whether an RV park is a property that can be put to a use that is the same as or similar to the use of a motel, or whether the business of operating an RV park is the same as or similar to the business of operating a motel.

Reasons: previous rulings documents

18 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0149591E5 - Right to Receive Income

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54 248(1)

Principal Issues: Does our interpretation in document A (see below), that the consideration from the sale of an interest in revenue generated from certain contracts was capital in nature, contradict our interpretations in documents B, C, and D (see below), that a right to receive income, in and by itself, would not be considered capital property.

Position: No.

Reasons: The facts in the document A supported the conclusion that the sale of an interest in revenue generated from certain contracts was capital in nature.

6 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0157461E5 F - Frais de déplacement - actionnaire

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9(1) 18(1)a) 18(1)h) 67
expenses of corporate investor to attend shareholders’ meeting were non-deductible

Principales Questions: Déductibilité des dépenses encourues par un actionnaire

Position Adoptée: Non déductible

Raisons: Selon nous, les dépenses constituent des frais personnels visés par l'alinéa 18(1)h) de la Loi. Conformément aux positions énoncées par l'ARC dans le passé et au libellé de la loi,

3 April 2006 External T.I. 2005-0164621E5 - min tax allocation among trusts in yr of wind-up

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Principal Issues: 1. Does subsection 127.53(2) apply to require the basic exemption for the short taxation year of the trust ending on the distribution of the trust assets to be shared with other trusts created by contributions of the same contributor?
2. If the basic exemption for the short taxation year of the trust ending on the distribution of the trust assets is required to be shared with other trusts having a common contributor, would the trustee able to amend the allocation submitted with the testamentary trust returns for their taxation year ending on April 25, 2006 (assuming that the original allocation filed with those returns did not contemplate that the trust in question would be wound up in 2006), to allow a portion of the basic exemption to allocated to the short taxation year for the trust that is winding up?
3. Assuming that the basic exemption for the short taxation year of the trust ending on the distribution of the trust assets is not required to be shared among the other 2006 taxation years of the trusts with a common contributor, is the basic exemption for that taxation year prorated because of its short taxation year?
4 Would our response be different if the testamentary trust wound up in 2007 instead of 2006?

Position: 1. Yes. 2. Yes, provided the relevant returns are not statute barred. 3. No. 4. Essentially, no.

Reasons: 1. The allocation of the $40,000 basic exemption required by subsection 127.53(2) is required for each taxation year ending in a particular calendar year. See 104(23)(b) and 249(1) and (2) for comments on the naming conventions used for taxation years.
2. Informal consultations with IPPRD. In addition, this position is consistent with the revisions permitted to the basic exemption allocation among associated corporations as set out in ¶30 of IT-73R6.
3. There is no provision in the Act which would require the basic exemption described in subsection 127.53(1) to be prorated for the trust's short taxation year.
4. If the trust were wound up in 2007 such that it had one taxation year ending in 2006 and one ending in 2007, the basic exemption for 2006 would be allocated among the 3 taxation years ending in 2006 and the basic exemption for 2007 would be allocated among the 3 taxation years ending in 2007.

30 March 2006 External T.I. 2004-0105471E5 - affiliation of unadministered estate with others

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251 107(6)

Principal Issues: 1. Is the deceased person affiliated with the estate?
2. After the death of a taxpayer, is the deceased person affiliated with his or her spouse or common-law partner? 3. Who is the majority-interest beneficiary in an unadministered estate?

Position: 1.No
2. No 3.Question of Fact.

Reasons: 1. The deceased person is not entitled to any of the assets of the estate and as such is not a beneficiary of the estate.
2. Consistent with the position stated in paragraph 6 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-419R2, Meaning of Arm's Length, it is our position that a spouse or common-law partner is not related to his or her former spouse after the marriage is dissolved by divorce or the death.

30 March 2006 External T.I. 2006-0174831E5 - transfer to and from a bare trust

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104(1) 248(1) -(b)(v) disposition

Principal Issues: 1. Can paragraph (b)(v) of the definition of "disposition" apply if the bare trust has only one beneficiary?
2. Does a disposition arise when a bare trustee distributes the property back to the settlor\beneficiary who contributed the property to the trust?

Position: 1.Yes 2. No

Reasons: 1. Subsection 33(2) of the Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985 (5th supp.) c. 27, provides that words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. Thus, when a bare trust only has one beneficiary, the reference to "all the beneficiaries" in 104(1) and (b)(v) of the definition of "disposition" would refer to the sole beneficiary.
2. Although paragraph (b)(v) of the definition of "disposition" would apply, paragraph (e) of the definition of "disposition" would presumably also apply in that the transfer back to the settlor would be a transfer which did not involve a change of beneficial ownership. Since paragraph (e) of the definition of "disposition" in 248(1) is not one of the provisions for which a bare trust is recognized as a trust under 104(1), then the exceptions in (e) of the definition of "disposition" in 248(1) under which the disposition would be recognized would not apply.

20 March 2006 External T.I. 2006-0175661E5 - entitlement to CPP death benefit

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Principal Issues: No Tax related question
ITA REFERENCE: 56(1)(a.1)
HAA: 4012-2-56(1)(a.1)


19 April 2006 Roundtable, 2005-0158771C6 - Question 14 2005 TEI Conference

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Principal Issues: Position of CRA regarding the use of field vehicles for travel between the employee's home and place of business..

Position: The CRA's current position is that getting to work is a personal responsibility, so the employee should bear the cost.

Reasons: Consistent with longstanding position based on jurisprudence and tax policy.