2012 FC 1175
Ottawa, Ontario,
October 9, 2012
Honourable Mr. Justice Rennie
applicant seeks to set aside a decision of the False Creek Harbour Authority (FCHA)
not to renew his lease of a storage locker at the False Creek Fishermen’s
Terminal (Harbour) in Vancouver, British Columbia.
the reasons that follow the application is dismissed. While the FCHA does
constitute a federal board, commission or other tribunal for limited purposes
bearing directly on the discharge of its mandate to operate a public,
commercial fishing harbour, the decision in question was not made in its
capacity as a federal board. The application is thus dismissed on this
threshold jurisdictional point.
any event, even if the decision in issue was that of a “federal board”, the
decision and policy upon which it was based and the process by which the
decision was reached fully complied with the requirements of natural justice
and procedural fairness. The application thus fails on the preliminary
jurisdictional ground, and in the alternative fails on its merits.
FCHA is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated under Part II of the Canada
Corporations Act, RSC 1970, c C-32. The FCHA operates and manages the
Harbour pursuant to the Harbour Authority Lease Agreement (the Lease) signed
with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (the Minister). A requirement of the
Lease is that the FCHA use the leased premises to operate a public commercial
fishing harbour.
applicant, John B. Archer, is the owner of a fishing vessel, the “Daffy”, which
he has moored at the Harbour since 2000. He has leased a gear storage locker
at the Harbour since 2001. In its policy manual governing the administration
of the Harbour (FCHA Policy Manual, Chapter 5, Directive 5.2, “Lockers”), the
FCHA requires that gear storage lockers be reserved for the use of active
commercial fishers.
March 9, 2010, the Harbour Manager of the FCHA notified the applicant by letter
that it appeared that he did not meet the eligibility requirements for
occupying a locker because he had not been active as a commercial fisher over
the past three years. The letter requested a meeting with the applicant to
discuss the issue. The parties agree that the “Daffy” was not used to fish
commercially during that period.
in a letter dated November 5, 2010, the President of the FCHA requested that the
applicant produce documentation to establish that he was an active commercial
fisher. The letter indicated that if the documentation was not provided by
December 1, 2010, the Lease would be terminated effective December 31, 2010.
followed a series of exchanges between the applicant and the FCHA, at times
through their respective counsel. The applicant objected to having to provide
to the FCHA his income tax information, which it had requested to verify
whether the applicant was an active commercial fisher. The applicant also took
the position that he was exempt from the requirement to be an active commercial
fisher pursuant to Bylaw 2(e), granting membership in the FCHA to all those who
were members as of February 3, 2003. The applicant also objected to what he
considered to be the uneven application of Directive 5.2, noting that others
who were no longer actively fishing remained in possession of their lockers.
January 17, 2011, counsel for the FCHA sent an email to the applicant’s counsel
advising that the applicant had not established that he met the eligibility
requirements for a locker and that he must vacate his locker within seven days.
The applicant seeks judicial review of this decision.
issues are:
a. Is
the FCHA a “federal board, commission or other tribunal” for the purposes of
the Federal Courts Act, RSC 1985, c F-7 (the Act)?
b. Is
the FCHA’s decision not to renew the applicant’s locker lease reviewable under
section 18.1 of the Act?
c. What
is the appropriate standard of review?
d. Was
the applicant afforded the requisite degree of procedural fairness by the FCHA
in reaching its decision to revoke the Lease of the locker and was the decision
to do so reasonable?
Is the FCHA a federal
board, commission or other tribunal?
to section 18.1 of the Act, judicial review is only available for
decisions or actions of a “federal board, commission or other tribunal”, which
is defined under section 2 of the Act:
(1) In this Act,
“federal board, commission or
other tribunal” means any body, person or persons having, exercising or
purporting to exercise jurisdiction or powers conferred by or under an Act of
Parliament or by or under an order made pursuant to a prerogative of the
Crown, other than the Tax Court of Canada or any of its judges, any such body
constituted or established by or under a law of a province or any such person
or persons appointed under or in accordance with a law of a province or under
section 96 of the Constitution Act, 1867 ;
2. (1) Les définitions qui
suivent s’appliquent à la présente loi
« office fédéral » Conseil,
bureau, commission ou autre organisme, ou personne ou groupe de personnes,
ayant, exerçant ou censé exercer une compétence ou des pouvoirs prévus par
une loi fédérale ou par une ordonnance prise en vertu d’une prérogative
royale, à l’exclusion de la Cour canadienne de l’impôt et ses juges, d’un
organisme constitué sous le régime d’une loi provinciale ou d’une personne ou
d’un groupe de personnes nommées aux termes d’une loi provinciale ou de
l’article 96 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867.
Anisman v Canada (Border Services Agency), 2010 FCA 52 at paragraph 29,
the Federal Court of Appeal set out a two-stage test for whether a person or
body fits this definition: “First, it must be determined what jurisdiction or
power the body or person seeks to exercise. Second, it must be determined what
is the source or the origin of the jurisdiction or power which the body or
person seeks to exercise.” The Federal Court of Appeal went on to note that
the source or origin of the decision-maker’s authority will be the primary
consideration in determining if it fits the definition.
at its narrowest, the power the FCHA sought to exercise in this instance was
the power to decide whether or not to renew a lease to a gear storage locker,
which is an incidental aspect of its more general authority to operate and
manage the Harbour.
respondent and the FCHA submit that the FCHA derives its authority from the Lease,
which they characterize as a commercial agreement granting property rights to
the FCHA. Therefore, they submit the FCHA was merely exercising its corporate
powers in respect of the property it leases from the Minister. In their
submission, no decision of the FCHA, in respect of any matter, however made and
in respect of any issue, is ever justiciable in the Federal Court. The FCHA is
a tenant in possession, and if the Minister does not like the tenant, he can
revoke the lease. Insofar as the applicant is concerned, his remedies are to
become a member of the Board and seek to change the policies governing the
operation of the Harbour or address his complaint to the Minister about the
conduct of the leaseholder.
applicant argues that the Lease constitutes a sub-delegation of the Minister’s
authority under the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act, RSC 1985, c
F-24 (FRHA).
is “the granting by a delegate to another … of some part of the authority
granted to the delegate by Parliament” (Robert W. Macaulay and James L.H.
Sprague, Practice and Procedure before Administrative Tribunals (loose-leaf)
(Toronto: Carswell, 1988) (2012 update) at 5-20). As the respondent notes,
there is a presumption against sub-delegation in administrative law, as
articulated by the Latin maxim delegatus non potest delegare: a
delegate may not further delegate. Thus, the Minister may not further delegate
the authority granted to him by Parliament under the FRHA without
express or implied authorization. There is no express authorization in the FRHA
for the Minister to delegate his authority and, as such, the question is
whether the FRHA can be interpreted to impliedly authorize a
sub-delegation of the Minister’s authority.
noted in Donald J.M. Brown and John M. Evans, Judicial Review of
Administrative Action in Canada, vol 3 (Toronto: Canvasback Publishing,
2009) at 13-17, the issue is essentially a matter of construction of the
legislation. The salient question is whether the provisions of the FRHA
and associated regulations (Fishing and Recreational Harbours Regulations
(SOR/78-767)) (Regulations), by necessary implication, authorize the
Minister to delegate the authority granted to him to manage the Harbour.
4 of the FRHA grants the Minister authority over the scheduled harbours
listed in the Regulations, one of which is the False Creek Harbour:
Harbours under control of
4. The use, management and
maintenance of every scheduled harbour, the enforcement of regulations
relating thereto and the collection of charges for the use of every scheduled
harbour are under the control and administration of the Minister.
Ports relevant du ministre
4. Le ministre a toute autorité
en ce qui concerne l’usage, la gestion et l’entretien des ports inscrits, de
même que pour le contrôle d’application des règlements afférents et pour la
perception des droits relatifs à leur usage.
8 of the FRHA permits the Minister to, among other things, lease any
scheduled harbour to any person:
Leases, licences and agreements
for use of scheduled harbours
8. The Minister may, subject to
the regulations,
(a) lease any scheduled harbour
or any part thereof to any person;
(b) grant a licence to any
person for the use of any scheduled harbour or any part thereof; and
(c) enter into an agreement
with the government of any province or any agency thereof for the occupancy
and use of any scheduled harbour or any part thereof.
Baux, permis et accords
8. Sous réserve des règlements,
le ministre peut, pour tout ou partie d’un port inscrit :
a) consentir un bail;
b) délivrer un permis
c) conclure, avec le
gouvernement ou un organisme d’une province, un accord d’occupation et
import of section 8 is that Parliament in fact gave the Minister a number of
options by which his authority to delegate could be exercised: by lease, by
licence or by agreement.
authority to lease a scheduled harbour is limited by section 6 of the Regulations,
which provides:
6. No lease or licence of a
harbour or any part of a harbour shall be granted except on terms and
conditions that ensure access by the public to the harbour.
6. Un bail ou un permis ne
doivent être consentis à l’égard d’un port ou d’une partie d’un port que si
leurs modalités assurent l’accès du public au port.
the Minister is not permitted to simply lease a harbour to an individual for
his or her private enjoyment, nor can the Minister lease it to a corporation to
run in whatever manner it chooses. Rather, any lessee of a harbour must
operate it in a way that ensures access to the public. In my view, these
provisions, when read together, imply authorization for the Minister to
sub-delegate his authority over the use, management and maintenance of a
harbour to its lessee. The lessee is, in effect, authorized to operate and
manage all aspects of the harbour as if the Minister had retained control over
it. Indeed, the wording of the Lease mirrors, almost precisely, the authority
granted to the Minister by Parliament under section 4 of the FRHA:
6. The [FCHA] shall use the Leased Area and the
Leased Equipment for the purpose of operating, maintaining and managing a
public commercial fishing harbour at False Creek.
FCHA, for its part, contends that it is, by virtue of the Lease, an
independent, not-for-profit corporation, operating at arms’ length from the
government. The government does not exercise any control or direction over the
operation or use of the Harbour, nor does it appoint the harbour management.
The FCHA, as a tenant in possession, has de facto and de jure
control over all aspects of the Harbour.
result of the submissions of the respondent and the FCHA, namely, that the
Minister cannot delegate his authority under the FHRA, is that the
Minister is legally required to control and administer the use, management and
maintenance of every scheduled harbour, something they readily concede that he
is not doing. They note that the FCHA exercises all aspects of the Minister’s
authority, including moorage, moorage rates, collection of fees and tariffs,
operation and maintenance of docks and related infrastructure. The respondent
also concedes that the Minister exercises no residual authority or discretion
over the Harbour operations. In essence, the argument devolves to the
proposition that, while the Minister, for all practical purposes, has divested
all aspects of his statutory responsibility for the management and operation of
the Harbour to the FCHA, it is not a delegation because the instrument used to
effect the delegation, a lease, is not a formal instrument of delegation.
respondent and intervener thus ask the Court to overlook or ignore the hiatus
or divergence between what they say the Minister cannot do, which is to
delegate, and what he is in fact doing, which is to delegate. The Court
prefers an interpretation which is consistent with the legislation and,
importantly, an interpretation which provides a legal foundation for what is in
fact transpiring. As the Court of Appeal notes in Anisman,
administrative law principles are engaged by the source of the power, but also
by consideration of the public character of the decision and the nature of the
rights involved. The formalism urged by the respondent in characterizing
whether public law remedies are triggered has long been discarded.
respondent also argues that the FCHA is not a board because Parliament took
care to distinguish, as it did in respect of ports as opposed to harbour,
that port authorities were agents of the Crown, their authority being derived
from the Canada Marine Act (SC
1998, c 10). However, there is no support for the proposition that an express
legislative designation of agency is a necessary pre-condition to a finding
that a body is a federal board. Thus, the fact that port authorities are
expressly deemed agents of the Crown and are federal boards does not necessarily
mean that harbour authorities, because they are not agents of the Crown, cannot
in some respects be linked directly to the discharge of the Minister’s
statutory mandate. As noted, a functional analysis is required, one which
focuses on the nature of the decision, the context in which it is taken, and
its consequences for the parties.
addition, section 6 of the Regulations recognizes that there is a core
public element to the harbour operations. Moreover, the respondent’s position
that the FCHA, as the holder of a lease, has the unrestrained powers of a
private person, does not sit comfortably with the Regulations. The
purpose and effect of this regulation is not negated simply by the choice of a
commercial instrument to achieve a public purpose.
I find that the FRHA does impliedly authorize the Minister to delegate
his authority over the use, management and maintenance of the Harbour, and I
further find that the Minister has delegated that authority to the FCHA. I am
supported in this conclusion by the guidance from Brown and Evans that
delegation is more easily found to be implied in the case of Ministerial
powers, as opposed to legislative or adjudicative powers. The authority
delegated by the Minister in this case is not to pass laws or adjudicate
disputes, but rather to manage and operate harbours, which is, in the main, an administrative
and Evans
also emphasize that administrative necessity often requires a finding of
implied authorization to sub-delegate. This proposition is directly applicable
in this case: it would be impractical to require the Minister to personally
manage the operations of all harbours, and therefore he has delegated that
authority to local bodies capable of responding to the needs of each individual
harbour. As noted, Parliament provided three vehicles by which management and
operation of the harbour could be delegated. These considerations further
support the conclusion that the Lease constitutes a sub-delegation of the
Minister’s authority to the FCHA.
leaving this issue, I want to address two decisions said to support the
first is an Order of this Court by Justice Tremblay-Lamer, Salt Spring
Aquafarms Ltd v Salt Spring Harbour Authority (5 July 2005), 05-T-24
(FCTD), dismissing a motion for an extension of time to commence an application
for judicial review.
was a motion in writing. It is not evident what arguments were made, let alone
whether sub-delegation was in issue. It is also worth noting that while the
Court of Appeal upheld the Order dismissing the request for an extension of
time, on appeal, it expressly refrained from deciding whether the harbour
authority was a federal board, commission or other tribunal: Salt Spring
Aquafarms Ltd v Salt Spring Harbour Authority, 2006 FCA 20.
second decision relied on by the respondent and the FCHA is from the Nova
Scotia Court of Appeal (NSCA) in Smith v Harbour Authority of Port Hood,
[1998] NSJ No 248 (CA), in which Chipman JA stated at paragraphs 24-25:
I disagree with the respondent’s
submission that this case raised Constitutional issues in the Small Claims Court.
It was simply a matter of contract, as the adjudicator found.
Nor do I accept the respondent’s
submission that the lease was a delegation of powers from the federal
government to the appellant. It was simply a commercial transaction whereby the
Minister, pursuant to the powers granted in s. 8 of the Act, leased property to
the appellant. The Minister delegated no power to make laws. All that was
conferred was a property right…
NSCA was considering a dispute between the harbour authority as a tenant, and
the plaintiff, who stood in a contractual relationship. The fact that the
harbour authority was not delegated the power to make laws is not determinative;
the question is whether the authority vested in the Minister to administer the
management of harbours was delegated to harbour authorities. Moreover, the
nature and extent of the harbour authority’s authority to regulate all aspects
of the harbour was not argued before the NSCA.
18(1)(a) jurisdiction is not contingent on the legislation expressly conferring
the specific power or function: Gestion Complexe Cousineau (1989) Inc. v
Canada (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), [1995] 2
FC 694
(CA). The law of judicial review of administrative action has long outgrown
the formalism of the past. Arguments similar to those advanced here, have been
rejected. In Gestion Complex, it was argued that the Minister’s decision
to lease property was, like here, a purely commercial transaction and thus
beyond the scope of review. After tracing the legislative history of section 18(1)(a)
and section 2 of the Act, and noting that the purpose of the provision
was to provide ready and effective access to justice and to ensure
accountability of federal instrumentalities, Décary JA wrote:
With respect, that would be to take an outmoded view
of supervision of the operations of government. The "legality" of
acts done by the government, which is the very subject of judicial review, does
not depend solely on whether such acts comply with the stated requirements of
legislation and regulations. For example, when the Minister makes a call for
tenders he is establishing a procedural framework which brings into play the
principle of reasonable or legitimate expectation recognized by this Court in Bendahmane
v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1989] 3 F.C. 16 (C.A.). See also Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada, Local 8 v. Canada (Minister of Agriculture) (1994), 174 N.R. 37 (F.C.A.).
This liberal approach to the wording of paragraph
18(1)(a) is not new
to this Court.
It is readily understandable, if one only considers
the litigant's viewpoint and takes account of the tendency shown by Parliament
itself to make government increasingly accountable for its actions. In the
absence of any express provision, one would hardly expect a bidder's right to
apply to this Court to vary depending on whether the call for tenders was
required by regulations (as in Assaly) or, as in the case at bar, was
left to the Minister's initiative.
analogy to the case at hand is direct and apt. To characterize the FCHA as
something other than a federal board simply by reason that the instrument of
delegation was a lease would allow for a triumph of formalism over substance. However,
as the Court of Appeal makes clear and as will be discussed below, a finding
that an entity is a federal board does not mean that all decisions of the FCHA
are made in that capacity.
Is the FCHA’s decision
not to renew the applicant’s locker lease reviewable under section 18.1 of the Act?
finding that the FCHA is a federal board, commission or tribunal does not mean
that all its decisions or actions are justiciable. Stratas JA explained this
distinction in Air Canada v Toronto Port
2011 FCA 347, at paragraph 52:
Every significant federal tribunal has public powers
of decision-making. But alongside these are express or implied powers to act in
certain private ways, such as renting and managing premises, hiring support
staff, and so on. In a technical sense, each of these powers finds its ultimate
source in a federal statute. But, as the governing cases cited below
demonstrate, many exercises of those powers cannot be reviewable. For example,
suppose that a well-known federal tribunal terminates its contract with a
company to supply janitorial services for its premises. In doing so, it is not
exercising a power central to the administrative mandate given to it by
Parliament. Rather, it is acting like any other business. The tribunal’s power
in that case is best characterized as a private power, not a public power.
Absent some exceptional circumstance, the janitorial company’s recourse lies in
an action for breach of contract, not an application for judicial review of the
tribunal’s decision to terminate the contract.
the relevant question at this stage is whether the decision not to renew the
locker lease was part of the FCHA’s public power, or whether it was acting in
its private, commercial capacity. In Toronto Port Authority, the Court
of Appeal observed that the answer to this question requires a weighing of all
the circumstances. Applying those factors to this case, I find that the FCHA’s
power is a private, commercial power, and therefore not subject to judicial
The character of the
matter for which review is sought
matter in this case is the decision to whom to rent gear storage lockers at the
Harbour. The FCHA characterizes this as a private commercial matter, while the
applicant frames it as closely linked to the FCHA’s statutory mandate to
operate a public commercial fishing harbour.
answer to this question is rooted in the evidence. It was undisputed that having
the use of or access to a locker was not necessary to the carrying on of
business as a commercial fisher. It was a convenience, but it was conceded
that other fishers, both at False Creek and elsewhere, actively fish without
the benefit of a locker. This fact, that the locker is not integral to the
mandate of providing moorage for fishers is critical in the determination that
the decision is not part of the public mandate of the FCHA.
noted by Stratas JA in White Bear First Nations v Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Development), 2012 FCA 224, para 40, it is
important to consider the decision itself apart from its effect:
is not to say that the effects of the decision do not enter the analysis.
They can: they may be relevant to the assessment of the correctness or
reasonableness of the decision. But it is the decision itself that is being
neither the decision, nor its consequence, have a public character. While the
applicant would prefer to have a locker, it is not, on the clear evidence
before the Court, essential to the operation of a commercial fishery.
I find it important to note that the objective in renting out storage lockers
is to attract commercial fishers to use the Harbour. Fishers have informed the
FCHA that they would be more likely to use the Harbour if they could use a
storage locker. Therefore, this decision can be characterized as commercial in
the sense that the FCHA is trying to attract greater business to its Harbour to
ensure its financial viability. However, given my finding that it is not
integral to the operation of a commercial fishery, it has no public character
and is beyond judicial review.
The extent to which the decision
is founded in and shaped by law as opposed to private discretion
factor clearly militates against finding the decision to be an exercise of the
FCHA’s public power. The decision of how to allocate storage lockers is not
founded in or shaped by law. The only statutory constraint on the FCHA’s
operation of the Harbour is that it do so in a way that ensures access to the
public, pursuant to section 6 of the Regulations.
decision does not arise as a result of that provision; rather, it was a
private, commercial decision on the part of the FCHA to rent out storage
lockers to active commercial fishers. As already discussed, the FCHA made this
decision for a commercial purpose: to attract more commercial fishers to use
the Harbour. There is no argument that access by commercial fishers to the
Harbour was contingent upon having a locker. The FRHA and Regulations
do not shape or constrain the way in which this decision is made; it is
dictated by the FCHA’s private determination of how best to operate its
business and ensure financial viability.
on the application of these factors, therefore, the FCHA’s decision to
terminate the Lease was not an exercise of its public power. The other factors
articulated in Toronto Port Authority, (the body’s relationship to other
statutory schemes, the suitability of public law remedies, the existence of
compulsory power, and whether the conduct has attained a serious public
dimension) are either not relevant or do not alter the conclusion dictated by
the factors already discussed.
this conclusion is sufficient to dismiss the application, I will nonetheless
consider the alternative ground on the assumption the FCHA’s policy in respect
to storage lockers and its decision to revoke the applicant’s lease are
reviewable by the Court. In this regard, I find that the decision of the FCHA
was reasonable and in reaching it the FCHA complied with the duty of fairness.
In consequence, even if the FCHA were a federal board in the exercise of the
decision to terminate the lease, the application would fail in any event.
basis for disposition
Was the applicant
afforded the requisite degree of procedural fairness by the FCHA in reaching
its decision to revoke the Lease of the locker and was the decision to do so
parties have not submitted a previous decision that identifies the appropriate
standard of review for this matter, which means that the Court must undertake
the contextual analysis articulated by the Supreme Court of Canada in Dunsmuir
v New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9, [2008] 1 S.C.R. 190 at paragraph 64:
The analysis must be contextual. As mentioned
above, it is dependent on the application of a number of relevant factors,
including: (1) the presence or absence of a privative clause; (2) the purpose
of the tribunal as determined by interpretation of enabling legislation; (3)
the nature of the question at issue, and; (4) the expertise of the tribunal.
In many cases, it will not be necessary to consider all of the factors, as some
of them may be determinative in the application of the reasonableness standard
in a specific case.
FCHA submits that the factors enumerated above support the conclusion that the
decision must be reviewed on a standard of reasonableness: while there is no
privative clause, the purpose of the FCHA (a broad mandate to operate a public
commercial fishing harbour), the nature of the question (a matter of policy and
discretion), and the expertise of the FCHA in interpreting and applying its
bylaws and policies all militate in favour of a reasonableness standard of review.
I agree with this assessment and therefore the decision can only be set aside
if it falls outside the range of possible, acceptable outcomes in light of the
facts and the law: Dunsmuir at para 47.
applicant has also alleged various breaches of procedural fairness which would
attract a correctness standard of review. There is no disagreement between the
parties on this issue. However, as discussed below, the allegation that
procedural fairness was breached is without merit.
the assumption therefore, that this was the exercise of a public power, the
applicant’s arguments that the FCHA erred in its decision cannot succeed. In
Directive 5.2, the FCHA established a policy reserving storage lockers for
active commercial fishers. This was undoubtedly within its discretion in
operating the Harbour. The applicant has admitted that he has never used his
vessel moored at the Harbour to fish commercially. The applicant would
evidently prefer that the FCHA interpret “active commercial fishers” to include
those like him that own a fish quota and lease it out to others, or those whose
right to fish has temporarily been suspended by reason of Department of
Fisheries and Oceans conservation measures. The Directive, on its face, seems
reasonable given the mandate accorded to FCHA by the Minister. Moreover, the
applicant has not presented any credible arguments for why the FCHA’s
interpretation of this term is unreasonable.
applicant also argues that the policy restricting lockers to active commercial
fishers is inconsistent with the FCHA bylaws, which accord membership to
anyone, like him, who was a member as of February 3, 2003. The applicant
suggests that membership and locker occupancy are interdependent and therefore
the locker policy has deprived him of the benefit of membership.
review of the FCHA bylaws does not bear this argument out: Bylaw 2 grants membership
to those who, among other things, own or operate a fishing vessel moored in the
Harbour; lease a locker; or have been a member since February 3, 2003. The
applicant will continue to be entitled to membership even without leasing a
locker by virtue of the latter basis for membership (the ‘grandfather’
provision). However, as the FCHA submits, the only benefit of membership is
not the use of a locker, but rather the right to vote. There is nothing in the
bylaws granting members privileged access to lockers. Indeed, the evidence
indicates that many other commercial fishers do not have lockers. For these
reasons, the argument that the Directive is unreasonable fails.
applicant has also made several submissions on alleged breaches of procedural
fairness all of which are without merit. The duty of fairness owed by the FCHA
in this context is minimal and was amply discharged by providing the applicant
the opportunity to prove that he was an active commercial fisher and therefore
entitled to continue leasing a locker. The FCHA provided him with written
notice and several opportunities to present evidence, including a meeting. The
applicant did not provide such proof and, indeed, could not have done so, since
by his own account he is not an active commercial fisher. The FCHA reasonably
sought proof of income from fishing. When the applicant objected to disclosure
of his tax returns on the basis of confidentiality, counsel made reasonable
efforts to ensure protection of his personal information.
the applicant objected to the decision on the basis that not all inactive
fishers who had lockers were having their contracts terminated. The individual
cases, and the reasons of the FCHA in respect of its application of the
Directive to other individual fishers, formed a great part of the
cross-examinations. To the extent that it is pertinent, the FCHA had
reasonable responses to explain both its policy and its application to the
other individuals similarly situated. There was no evidence that the applicant
was targeted or singled out for improper, irrelevant, or ulterior motives.
conclusion, the decision to terminate the Lease was reasonable, as was the
policy directive on which it was predicated. The process by which the decision
to terminate the Lease was procedurally fair, when assessed against the
standard of correctness. The application is therefore dismissed.
COURT’S JUDGMENT is that the application for judicial review be
and is hereby dismissed. The applicant may make submissions on costs within ten
(10) days of the date of this decision. The respondent shall reply five (5)
days thereafter.
"Donald J. Rennie"